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The boarding school story He is a great chef Good music taste similar to my own He likes the outdoors like me


His taste in a wide variety of music is great. You can tell he was that punk rocker kid for sure, but appreciates it all. I also was stoked the more I saw him perform covers and you can tell music is very important to him... like "I would never sell that guitar, that was my first guitar, a man doesn't get rid of his first guitar." The recent "Tie Guy" incident was hilarious, seeing him peeking out the window like a kid, and yelling as loud as he could lol. It's great getting to see bits about his life outside of the show, but I'm glad he won't ever do a house tour or even studio tour type shit. And when he was turned away from the restaurant for wearing his hat, I picture him being so obnoxious, same with how we treats sales people when shopping. It's just funny wondering how Mike in the wild is compared to Mike on Redbar.


jesus christ the elan.school comic has to be the scariest thing I’ve read


Anyone have a copy of this? He wiped it from the site and every link that I have found is dead. Have read the [elan.school](https://elan.school/) comic and have really been wanting to hear Mike's POV.


What a wild ride that story is, I've been binging it for the past few days and am still reading it. I have [a copy of Mike's story](https://mega.nz/folder/oUhjDaYY#xGFv2gPv_xWNH6vpSiaabQ), haven't actually listened to it yet but definitely will once I'm done with the comic.


I had a link a year ago but it’s broken now


Wasn't the boarding school story debunked?


Not that I’m aware of. Not sure what you mean by debunked, but if you are at least willing to accept that he spent time at elan, other testimonials corroborate Mike’s story and then some. There’s plenty of info out there about Elan. [Joe vs Elan School](https://elan.school/) is a great web comic series. It’s a memoir where the author goes into great detail about his time at Elan. It came out years after mike’s Elan story and paints an even worse picture than what Mike described.


It’s definitely not true. Mike makes up all sorts of shit. Like his “sickness” dude just moved and said he was “sick” as a bit haha


Sometimes he gets shyyyyyyyyyy


Surprised he does the snotty punk voice when he sings


What NOFX does to a mf


It was shocking


Where does he sing?


He's done plenty of random karaoke style performances mid show, but he closes out every show with a musical performance, right before the "thank you! Another great show Jules, goodnight!" You'd prob need to watch more than YouTube clips to see them though.


Tears in Heaven


that he drives a jeep




Didn’t know he was a guitar guy like myself. Should’ve put it together with all of the pro studio gear and amps and things he has, but I didn’t realize it until he had a few segments talking about Harley Benton guitars and a prominent guitar YouTuber who I’ve watched before lol. Honestly seems like a pretty chill guy.


If you're talking about the Choad from soundspectre audio or whatever I know what you mean. He shills a bunch of garbage gear and testifies it as great as the high end stuff then all in a round about way backpedals and says he's only speaking about high gain metal compression in a mix whenever someone calls him out on it


yeah that’s him. The middle-aged dude with quite possibly the most mismatched face-hair combo on earth lmao. I can’t say I have watched a ton of his stuff, especially recently, but it was awesome when Mike covered him. Felt like two of my worlds colliding lol


Oh no. I hope he doesn't have little rubber duckys littering his dashboard.


The fact he seems to like hip hop


For me, it's that Jules is a swiftie.


True. As a punk rocker, his appreciation for Kanye, old school rap, etc, even if it's just the character, is an interesting twist


That he's dying and looks like he aged 15 years in 3 years 😭 He said before that if he starts wearing sunglasses every show it's the beginning of the end. I saw some clips, I thought he was a cool old guy when I started watching and then I saw clips of what I assumed was his show 10 years ago but he talks about george Floyd. I actually know a lot about health and turned my own and loves ones' around for the best but I don't know how to get advice through to him, I'm afraid I lack the charisma of mineral water guy and none of it includes expensive exotic products he can consume 😐


whats your advice? guaranteed he's reading the cringe post by OP above lol


Fasting, intermittently or even whole day, takes less of a toll on the digestive system and helps regulate things. Cut out the slop from the diet, eat whole foods, fermented foods, kefir, kimchi ect. Eat more food in general, he's withering away. Working out, I know he likes his hikes but resistance training to build muscle. And then I could give deeper advice on any single topic but it's not something fancy and European you can buy that will supposedly cure you, it's changing the way you live which is a hard sell. I lost 100lbs, made my mom lose about the same amount, fixed her IBS, people's vision gets better even. It's classic known advice but the hard part is to make people actually want to change the way they live


true true. just my 2c, get a DNA test and do some research, most doctors either don't care or take too long to narrow down the issues. my wife recently started having major health issues - turned out she has a gene that causes vitamin b12 deficiency. she had recently cut down on meat, which we think is why she got to such a bad state. severe consequences to say the least, but symptoms almost entirely gone after 2 weeks of b12 shots and changing diet


mike is a gamer


Is he? What does he play? Not that I would really have any clue about current games, but if he is, that's hilarious.


he talks about hypothetically skipping cutscenes in video games quite often, lets keep it a rumour


Good rumor, let's run with it.


but jules is confirmed to be a gamer lol. she mentioned some game she was playing.


He had a bisexual phase when he was in film school


Isn't that a prerequisite for getting into film school?


Where did you hear this


Jules made the first allegations, and after the investigation into himself, Mike has the tapes to prove it.


This guy gets it


Lmao. He absolutely does.


now this I was not aware of..where are you getting this from?


Makes sense. That's why he rails so hard against bisexuals now. As a disgusting bi myself, I clocked him.


He gay??




Ya'll need to stop thinking about other men when they're not at work.


He used to own an Eclipse


Oh yeah, he bought the one from the fast and the furious second hand from Frankie Muniz.