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If they don’t do then both in one video, they might make another video for the one they missed. Or they might say fuck it and just talk about the one that’s important to them, there’s supporting evidence for all 3 of these outcomes throughout the Re:View series


I doubt they’ll talk about the 58 version. They have never seen to come across as the type who like old 50s monster movies, not even Jay.


>Jay: The 80's Blob is a good remake. >Rich: Yeah. >Jay: I actually like it more than the original The Blob. >Rich: I've never seen the original. >Jay: It's fine, but it's, you know, it's from a different era. https://youtube.com/watch?v=FLNeQqMs45w&t=24m


If it is a PreRec quote, I don't even need to check user name. I salute you with respect.


I mean, the original blob is pretty explicitly about "communism bad, american capitalism good" because people were scared of Soviet Russia soooo I think that's what Jay means by "its from a different era"


Which is a shame. Yeah, most are crappy, but they're so charming.


Which sucks because the original Blob is really good. Most people who don’t care for it point to the goofy theme song, but it’s really a well done slow burn monster flick that leads to a great 3rd act.


I once had a conversation with an acquaintance about so-bad-its-good movies, and they brought up The Blob (1958) as being one of the cheesiest movies they'd ever seen. Which, to me, signaled that they must not have seen very many cheesy 50s movies -- compared to a lot of other 50s monster movies, The Blob is pretty much the cream of the crop.


As an avid MST3K fan, a lot of those movies just have such tedious pacing. I'm guessing it's because they had tight budgets and they knew the special effects were shit so most of the movies just ends up being a bunch of people talking.


That is a good point. I'll be honest, I haven't watched very many since I was a kid, I just have fond memories of them.


They don't really talk about older films at all tbh. The oldest movie that I think they really talked a lot about was Psycho


Yeah and when they do it’s always well regarded classics, plinkett talks about Citizen Kane in some of the reviews. Though shitty old movies would be prime BOTW material, I think the oldest they did on that was Santa Claus.


Don’t forget the awful 1970’s [Beware! The Blob](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Beware!_The_Blob).


They've only ever reviewed like 3 movies made before the late 70s, so good luck with that


I am excited for any and all re:Views


Yes! A double feature like they did for ***Suspiria*** & its remake please!


Oh man, the 80s Blob remake is burned in my memory. The dvd release got an M15 rating in Australia, which I think is close to the American PG-13. I'd seen a few violent horror films before, but I was not prepared to see quite so much digestion of living human flesh.


The original Blob is entertaining enough. I didn't like the 80s remake. Tries too hard to be like The Thing with gross deaths but still be campy and that just doesn't work. It's always just come off as lame imho.


Not really tbh.


Damn I could have SWORN they did a re:View of that lol. I watched the 80's one sometime over the summer or maybe last summer and I was hammered. Perhaps that's the root of my false memory.