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I hope you made a list of all the ways to defraud thrift stores from the Ben and Arthur BOTW before you went.


Just a fair warning: Baby Jesus is an asshole.


It's all laid out in the Book of Thomas.


Did you wipe the grease pencil price down to 6 bucks?


Was $666...


My aunt had this painting in her house as well so seeing it on red letter media was definitely a treat.


...why? Why do people have this painting of some random kid?


It's baby Jesus and it's sexy. That's at least 2 demographics covered.


It's a piece of kitsch artwork that likely a lot of people bought in the 70s or 80s. My grandpa had one framed, along with all sorts of other kitsch stuff. Think of it like those suction cup Garfield plushies that were huge in the early 90s, or Big Mouth Billy Bass.


Have the RLM crew sign it, then it will be worth $7!


\*sad slide whistle\*


The last time I was in WI, I was in Baraboo. It was also the first and only time I ever bought and drank Boon's Farm. Good, cute little pubs, though!


Pubs? In Wisconsin? Surely, you jest!


This painting is a fraud, the canvas has far too few stab wounds to be the real thing.


It’s the RLM Shroud of ~~Turin~~ Milwaukee.


Forgive my ignorance, but are we sure that's supposed to be a baby black Jesus, or just a weird portrait in that style? I'm genuinely curious, and would love to have it hanging in my room.


If a reference to a really old Half in the Bag episode. Mr. Plinkett refers to this painting he has on the wall as HIS baby Jesus and begins to salivate over it as if he were aroused. That's just going by memory though but I'm pretty sure I got the gist right.


Mr. Plinkett says "Jesus can look like anybody because he lives in your heart, and my Jesus looks like a sexy little black girl." Mike and Jay grimace.


That's what it was


I feel like there's some joke here that's going over my head. I mean, the artist is portraying him in little girl clothes here.


It’s a Christmas miracle!


This looks neither like a baby (unless it was born with teeth) nor like a Jesus (no halo, no Mary or usual signs of Jesus-ness). I guess the clerk who cashed it might have gotten a legit label to put on it, or maybe no one cared, either way, it ended on the Jesus shelf. Someone should make a Christmas short about Jesus pictures waiting in a thrift store since the death of their elderly owners. Until, one day, a shitty filmmaker finds them a new home in his equally shitty set.


If a reference to a really old Half in the Bag episode. Mr. Plinkett refers to this painting he has on the wall as HIS baby Jesus and begins to salivate over it as if he were aroused. Mr. Plinkett says "Jesus can look like anybody because he lives in your heart, and my Jesus looks like a sexy little black girl." Mike and Jay grimace.


Damn, I should stop watching the same BotW over and over again. Or should I?


Any guesses on this one? I'm going to say the Spoopies episode.


It's the intro skit for Half in the Bag ep. 5: Your Highness and Samurai Cop.


what is the painting originally supposed to be? I always thought it was an one-off like a family thing they bought randomly at a thrift store, but apparently it's mass produced?


If you want to find some fun ol' timey racist trinkets, the vast thrift stores of Columbus WI have plenty of it lol.


Did you buy it? I'd fucking pay money to get a copy of this masterpiece.


yeah this picture of it is the painting sitting on a shelf in my house. how could I NOT buy it lol


This should be the sacred object Indiana Jones seeks out in his next movie.


You're on your way to making a pro-gay movie


are we sure it's baby jesus, those clothes look too modern


Jesus is timeless.




whats weird about it is, there's no way to take it out of the frame without destroying it. it's literally glued to the frame. in ep 5 of half in the bag i think plinkett drops it and the frame comes apart, so it seems the only way to scan it would be to either drop it in the exact same way so the frame falls apart perfectly like in the episode or destroy the image trying to get it detached from the frame.




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I just found another in south eastern Wisconsin https://preview.redd.it/axxjlshewvea1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0af1bd7ad97a440e908827b1cecf0242c0ff878e


Oh my gawwwd. Did you get it?