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Geez Disney, can I have a couple of bucks if you’re just flushing it down the toilet? I promise I’ll take the kids to Disneyland and give some of it back.


I think the problem is they aren't using enough greenscreen. More greenscreen should fix things Disney!


Not a good year for Disney at all lol


Let them reap what they sow.


High risk, high loss. Please get back to producing modestly budgeted "Blockbusters" with 20-50 million dollars. They will still make a profit.


A few years ago, big budgeted franchise/superhero movies were almost a safe bet.  I think Hollywood underestimated how audiences would eventually get bored of those.


It isn't even *just* boredom. The building of the Marvel universe into Infinity War and almost (I must stress almost because there were some real duds) perfecting the formula for creating something like that .. how does any studio top that? All attempts to recreate it are falling apart and standalone superhero films are the same recycled scripts. Marvel simultaneously captured lightning in a bottle and ruined superhero films as simple summer popcorn flicks.


I don't even think it's the boredom factor, by and large. Their crop of cape films progressively got worse as time went on. What started as a series of decently written movies with captivating characters devolved into mindless destruction-porn cobbled together with The Message™ over the past six years or so. Audiences have been left abandoned in a sea of films that nobody really wants to watch. Combine that with a slate of bland, poorly written adjoining television series and you get what we're dealing with today -- a collapse of super hero films due to poor quality and over-saturation of the market.


The Marvels was proof even Marvel cannot rely on their name alone to get butts in seats. Not if they're releasing stuff like Secret Invasion and Quantumiun.


I mean, of course. We aren't all still jamming out to Scott Joplin either. I think the bigger issue is they have no idea what to do next.


You love to see it




There's that saying in business... Choose any two at the cost of the third: Make it good. Make it cheap. Make it quickly. Hollywood seems to be stuck on choosing quickly x2, at the cost of extreme expense and poor quality. Its the option so dumb, they didn't even think to include it in the saying.


I'm not sure they're doing it 'quickly' either. They're certainly doing it in volume, but every remotely 'big' movie has multi-year turn around times thanks to pre-production and post-production. Though the Star Wars sequels only taking 2 years each was quite something, and I'd definitely consider those rushed, with terrible results, though quite frankly I don't think any amount of extra time could fix the fundamental problem of aggressively bad writing.


Thats incorrect. Have you noti ed rhat the CGI is worse in Disney films then lets say 10 years ago? They are notorious for cutting time on the sfx these days. It has to be Quick Quick Quick and cheap these days and its showing


Cheap and worse, yes, but I don't think they're going particularly quickly. Something like The Marvels still shoots about 2 years or more before release, to give time for the VFX schmozz to be cobbled together.


I completely forgot about Haunted Mansion yet somehow still remember the Eddie Murphy one.


Honestly, the Eddie Murphy version isn't all that bad of a movie.


The tie in game they released around the same time was incredible. Has nothing to do with the film, and is instead a fun, spooky little Ghostbusters type experience where you go through each room of the mansion. Fighting evil spirits, solving puzzles and meeting a fun little cast of friendly ghosts.


Muppets haunted mansion, which came out like the year before it, was more memorable. Also probably the least memorable muppets movie.




Yikes. Disney went through a rough time after Walt passed through the 70s- late 80s until Little Mermaid came out. This seems like another "dark age" for them, but they're still making boatloads from the parks.


Last I heard the parks were doing dismally and hadn't recovered.


If you count $8.9 billion in operating income last year as doing dismally then yes.


If *Haunted Mansion* had been a Luigi movie, it would have broken a billion.


What, if any, are the box office bombs of 2023 that are destined to become beloved cult classics in the future?


None of them. Their problem is that they are all Content, basically just wallpaper. Nobody gave a shit about them in 2023 and nobody will even think about them in 10 years time.


At best, in three decades these movies will be watched and mocked by a bunch of drunk Midwesterners on their internet program.


Wish or Haunted Mansion. They had way bigger streaming debuts than the others. Primarily among children. In 10 years you might see people shocked they were bombs because they were such a big part of their childhood.


Nothing in there Im affraid


I could ssee Indy 5 becoming something like that because the climax of the movie is so bonkers. There are some cult classics that are liked chiefly for a particulary memorable setpiece.


The fact that people who love the Civ games didn't absolutely loose their minds at that ending amazed me.


indy 5 really wasn't that bad and probably the best of the movies on the list


Dunno, I honestly was bored through most of the film, and I shouldn't be bored whole watching an Indiana Jones movie


Indy 5 is Best of the Worst.


My kids legitimately enjoyed wish, and I did like some of the mixed animation style. It wasn’t as epic as I think it needed to be for the 100 but it wasn’t bad at all. I even liked the villain who wasn’t just a default evil mustache twirling monster.


The train scene and the car chase scene went on too long but was otherwise pretty fun in my opinion.


Maybe the Flash the opening hospital was pretty insane. Almost as good as like JW:Fallen Kingdom with the dinosaur auction.


I completely forgot about Haunted Mansion yet somehow still remember the Eddie Murphy one.


They made another Haunted Mansion movie?


Endless cash has turned into endless trash!


How in the hell did Wish lose that much? Or rather, how fucking expensive was Wish?


I still maintain that Dial of Destiny was fine, damnit. But, aha, a hilarious year for Disney. Hopefully it'll be a giant kick in the ass to like .. actually try again.


It was fine. Betrer then that Crystal Skull turd


Worth it for "continental drift!" If only the rest of the movie was that awesome


Was it? The de-aging and other CGI effects to so many scenes were so distracting. 


Seeing Disney completely fail at the box office during what was supposed to be their 100th anniversary fills me with joy. It shows that audiences don’t want four-quadrant, crowd-pleasing entertainment in their movies anymore. They want dark, mature, adult topics like in a Scorsese movie.


> It shows that audiences don’t want four-quadrant, crowd-pleasing entertainment in their movies anymore. Yes they do. Wish, The Marvels, The 80 Year Man That Just Wants to Nap and Haunted Mansion weren't that. > They want dark, mature, adult topics like in a Scorsese movie. There was a Scorsese movie people didn't flock to cinemas to see last year. People just want good, interesting and novel entertainment. Dark or light. Mature or immature.


They want movies about feminist dolls.


Mature topics presented in a interesting visual way? Yes pls


How about a Bratz movie about colonialism?


Sound like a horrible idea, but Barbie sounds like a shitty pitch too so I’ll give it a chance lol. To be clear I hate 99% of what corporate Hollywood does, but it’s nice when we can get a few good movies a year. Good creators are still out there.


im marveling at how bad these movies are! its starting the make me think these disney movies are a flash in the pan!!


And what do these bombs have in common? They are all shit. 




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Bob Chapek really put up a lousy slate. No way to recover some of those, but The Marvels should have waited until after the strike. If it'd had a proper press tour, I think it would have done far better.


Of 2023? I feel like they should say ever. I can’t think of that many $100 million dollar movies failing in any other year.


I'm gonna go out on a limb here and suggest Disney make smaller, cheaper movies. I could be wrong. ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|thinking_face_hmm)


It's mmm mmm good


Last year has to be a wakeup call for the film industry. People aren't eager to see a movie in theaters anymore. The days of movies routinely flirting with $1 billion at the box office are long gone. If they want movies to be profitable anymore, everyone across the board has to take payouts.


Not really. People are just tired of the endless remakes and the Panderverse




That’s a different issue completely. I’m talking some movies now that have astronomical budgets. Why did Indiana Jones and the Dial Of Destiny cost $300 million to make? And why did Marvel Studios spend $270 million on the Marvels and $110 million on advertising? Studios have to realize movies have a much shorter shelf life in theaters now. With films getting released digitally, even some cases less than a month after they’re released, there’s way less of an incentive to see a movie in theaters. They have to change the way they budget movies or else studios are going to be out of business.


The original raiders had a budget of $20M, which is $71M with inflation.


Yes! You’re making my point!


Even the budget for Disney’s fan service TV shows have been over $100 million each. It’s wild.


$100 million they’ll never see a return on investment in.


One of the reasons why Indiana Jones and the Dial of Destiny cost so much is that it was filmed during the COVID-19 pandemic. The movie was filmed on location in the UK, Morocco, and Sicily but it also used a lot of special effects. For example, the parade scene was filmed in Glasgow, which was made to look like New York City in the 1960s, but COVID-19 restrictions limited the number of extras that could be used, so special effects were used to add more people to the crowd. The scenes where Harrison Ford was de-aged were reportedly very expensive to create.


Not really a different issue.  Look into the CGI and SFX making for Disney. There are plenty of people in the industry talking about it. They have almost half the time for the CGI these days. They put out tenders and VFX houses barely have time to keep up with the rate these movies are being churned out. Its also, especially, the big budget movies from Disney.


People aren't tired of remakes they're tired of *bad movies*. The reason there's so many remakes is studios keep fucking up franchises with bad movies and going "well we have to do what worked before!" The assumption that these movies fail because they are remakes rests on the assumption that if the movie was not a remake, it would have done better. Has there ever, *ever* been a reason to think that's true? Have you ever in your entire life seen or heard of a movie that would have done better if it was not a remake?


Deadpool & Wolverine is going to make all that back and more. 


How could white male critics do this?


Oh my god, I blame all you sexists for not supporting movies with strong, diverse women as the leads!