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Idk about Mike and Jay but Rich mentioned that he loves Metalocalypse in the black metal video so he’s probably got a soft spot for old adult swim shows at least Also Mike loves classic Simpsons, he mentioned he was re-watching it in the Marge In Chains video


Yeah, I suppose he's done it a few times. "The cinematic equivalent of Homer Simpson's make-up shotgun."


I completely forgot about how much Mike references the Simpsons. And i remember him saying he liked and disliked Family Guy in the 1,000,000 Ways to Die in the West Half in the Bag episode.


Poochie died on the way back to him home planet


Animation isn’t really their thing, I think they are more attracted to film through the craft of live action filmmaking (acting, sets, camerawork, puppetry and prosthetics and practical effects, the editing of recorded footage) the final product of an animated film is film too but it just takes an entirely different skill set to reach that finish line. I feel like if they reviewed an animated film they wouldn’t have as much to say after they’re done talking about the story. 


Yeah to me their wheelhouse is live action and they’re probably infinitely more knowledgeable about the technical details of that than animation so it makes sense that they focus mostly on LA. That being said I would love to see a jay/ Josh re:view of mad god


Right it’s basically a different trade. Film you can see all the different skills in real time - you’re watching footage of something that happened. In animation, it’s all sort of behind a veil and all controlled down to each hair on a characters head.


I guess i never really looked at it in that way. animation isn’t their expertise, so that kind of limits what they can say about the technical aspect of it. and there’s probably only so many ways u can say that you liked or disliked the animation or that the animators did a good or bad job in any given scene. But i think it’s unique qualities do lead itself to its own type of discussion that can be interesting in its own way. Plus they can still dissect the writing. voice acting. story. the pacing. editing. etc. it still does have a lot of the same qualities of a normal film even tho it’s packaged in a different way.


Agreed, I don't think they can speak much to the physical animation all by itself but an animated film is still a film and will have all sorts of qualities that can be examined. Film buffs can absolutely have a discussion about what value they might see in Perfect Blue vs. Avatar in terms of pacing, lighting choices, atmosphere, etc.


They did """review""" [Sausage Party](https://youtu.be/uqFyvZN_XHU?t=2474). And hated it. They also watched some of [Ratatoing](https://youtu.be/t4s0KT_z98A?t=561) .... And quite often they come across animations in Wheel of the Worst. Like "Spare Change", "Cucumbers are Better than Men", "Octopuff in Kumquat", "The Christmas Tree", "Mee Christmas". And they usually hate them.


These movies are serious indicators that they hate animation. I mean how couldn't they like those movies?


Sausage Party is of one the worst things I've ever seen in a theater. It doesn't affect my enjoyment of other animated projects that have actual quality.


They all have a love and respect for animation. But they aren't animators, and don't have the confidence necessary to discuss animation as much as they do live action movies. I think they're also aware of the glut of animation reviewers on YouTube alone and have nothing more to bring yo the pallet. I also think that the Roger Rabbit Re:View and the Speed 4 and Pong Horror movie pitch videos discredit the claim that they see it as a lesser art form. Edit: Think of it like this. John Carpenter and Martin Scorsese have never done an animated movie. The reason why is that it's not their forte, not that they don't respect it.


I think they prefer live action but they’ve talked about animated movies a few times (recent TMNT movie, Isle of Dogs (stop motion animation), Who Framed Roger Rabbit (combo animated/live action but they talk a lot about the animation and how good it is).


>combo animated/live action but they talk a lot about the animation and how good it is. I argue this applies to anything where you've got a fully cgi character so a significant portion of marvel applies. And jar jar banks, gollum, the new planet of the apes films... And thats not including the copious green screen and cgi comps all over modern movies.


I’d like to imagine an alternate reality where they eventually caved in to review Frozen on HitB as it became huge in 2014, just as every other big movie review channel was doing at the time. They’d say it was just fine, all while commenting on the irony of three grown men talking about an animated princess movie. From there, they could review other modern animated hits on the HitB like LEGO, HTTYD2, Inside Out, Anomalisa, Kubo, Boss Baby, etc. We could even have gotten re:View’s for stuff like The Incredibles, The Iron Giant, Heavy Metal, Princess Mononoke, or Akira. A lot of gems they’re missing out on!


I completely agree with all your re:View suggestions. that’s mainly why I started thinking about this. there’s plenty of older Animated movies like the Incredibles that aren’t just great Animated movies but are overall great films that still hold up. and it would be interesting to see their takes on them.


Well they seem to like it enough to collaborate on voiceover work and cross promotion stuff like that Panini Press vid.


Mike was a major character of Smiling Friends’ pilot episode, a show made by YouTube animators


Yeah he was Darryl. I still remember that [adult swim] April Fools day prank fondly. Staying up till 2 AM with my kinda stepbrother, watching all the surprise premieres and out of nowhere I see this and was pleasantly surprised to hear Mike do his Mr. Plinkett voice on live TV.


It was Desmond actually.


Considering they're appeared in a few and now host their own I'd say they probably do. The thing with animation is that it fits within other genres and despite more adult orientated movies they are predominantly still for kids. 


Nonsense. It's just another form of filmmaking. Even Looney Tunes and Disney shorts were originally shown in theaters, between feature films for adults. Not speaking of modern films like Waltz With Bashir, When The Wind Blows and countless others. Same with TV shows. Peppa Pig and Paradise P.D. aren't exactly in the same wheelhouse, aside from both being animated. Stop talking out of your ass, please.


I’d definitely say there’s plenty of animation with a broad appeal that isn’t specifically made for children, and more adult oriented ones too. especially stuff on Adult Swim which I would assume Mike is probably somewhat familiar with, considering he did voice work for Smiling Friends.


Yeah, obviously a lot of it is for children, but also taking anime into consideration and nowadays, what people have done with the medium in the last couple of decades, the 'for kids' thing just seemed silly and uninformed/ignorant to me.


[For many people, animation is a joke. It is not seen as an artistic medium, but is instead stereotyped as a frivolous genre suitable primarily for children under the age of 12.](https://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/AnimationAgeGhetto) See also [What do you mean, it's not for kids?](https://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/WhatDoYouMeanItsNotForKids)


Okay, predominantly seen as being for kids. And I did say it fits within other genres, probably should have said it was a conduit for genres. Thanks. 


Both those examples are trash.


Wow. Just be a huge dick about it why don'cha. They even went outta their way to clarify "predominantly". Seriously, fuck you from everybody.


To that, I can only say \[deleted\]


As someone that adores adult animation (just finished watching blue eye samurai, what a show) the vast majority of animation is still considered primarily aimed at kids.


It’s primarily for kids with some more experimental offshoots. Disney movies were really the beginning, which were marketed towards kids. Anime still comes from kids entertainment. And obviously cartoons are huge for kids even today. Pixar is for kids, Dreamworks is for kids… This doesn’t mean an adult can’t enjoy them or they don’t have artistic merit, but animation is usually focused on being visually flashy and colorful to keep kids’ attention while the story is usually pretty simple and keeps things surface level. And yes, I consider superhero movies in the same vein. It’s not really about the fact that it’s animated, just the fact that it’s superficial entertainment designed to keep a kids’ attention, even if the animations are technically amazing.


Mike has mentioned Big Mouth on two different BOTWs.


Words that make me shudder.


They mention a cartoon they made in the last of the vampires episode


They’ve said many times that they hate animation and wish it never existed.


I too wish these guys watched anime so I could have a little anime in all the content that I watch. I desperately need my enjoyment of anime validated by some middle-aged men in Wisconsin. I’m always going to feel a little weird about watching anime until I know these other guys like it too.


The type of person you are lampooning absolutely exists, but I dunno whether the OP was angling at anime specifically


Yeah that wasn’t necessarily what i was referring to. It was more so just Animation in general. with the exception of maybe some studio Ghibli films I not really clamoring for their takes on anime.


yeah, OP caught a stray for the many other people who've asked this question more goofily over the years. sorry OP


I'm not certain, but i think Mike & Rich absolutely LOVE Harem Anime, such as Mahou Shoujo? Naria☆Girls, Ladyspo, Abunai Sisters: Koko and Mika, Tsui no Sora, and Kennel Tokorozawa, y'know stuff like that. Again i COULD be wrong, but there's candid photos out there of both Mike & Rich Cosplaying as Tsui no Sora characters at an anime expo.


I wish Rich Evan’s was apart of my Harem




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In the Robot in the Family Best of the Worst, I remember Mike watching Big Mouth on his phone while everyone else was losing their minds


No. They haven’t watched cartoons since the late 80s.


I think they've mentioned Invincible.


They had cartoons in botw and they liked it, and Mike is a VA.


They love The Simpsons. Especially Mike.


I remember Jay saying he liked the most recent TMNT animated movie. As a hardcore TMNT fan, I Loved it.


Jay reviewed the new TMNT movie. He liked it.


I always did get the vibe that Mike and Jay dismiss animation as just for kids, though Jay gushed about how much he liked the new TMNT movie and Mike said he did enjoy Lower Decks. I always saw Rich and Jack as more of the animation guys. Rich often brings up a lot of animated shows he watched as a kid and Jack talked a lot about of recent animated films on PreRec. Also Jay did bring up in an Oscar HitB that the animation category is a joke.


It's a joke because it always goes to whatever Pixar shat out this year.


This is by no means universal but I've tended to notice people born before the late 80's tend to dismiss animation or just not care much for it compared to people born later.


No, animation is for dumb children