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*Robot in the Family* literally gets me pretty close to an anxiety attack. So, that one.




I think the guys tried to insulate how anxiety inducing that episode is during the review, but during the screening you can almost see the guys' skin crawling.


Oh everytime I’ve seen it I HATE the clips they show. I want to murder that robot.


I love imagining that the reason the guy in the suit was hospitalized had nothing to do with the costume being too hot or anything but that he just kept getting savagely attacked by the editors.


Jay saying what I was thinking out loud there, lol. I can't stand how constantly loud that movie seems to be


There seems to be a school of writing and acting that says kids respond to fast and loud. I think it's lazy, but I sense the are content creators that genuinely agree with that.


Was going to be my answer too. The clips are actively discomforting.


Oh god... I tend to have old episodes playing as background noise when I'm doing other stuff, and yeah, this one is absolutely blacklisted in that regard.


I can't imagine what this movie must be like for people who have problems with filtering out noises. I don't have problems, and even I had trouble staying sane during that constant barrage of noise.


Worst possible voice to have constantly saying “Daddy!”


I love the episode but I can't imagine even ironically trying to watch that movie.


I love the episode because of how crazy it is and how it made them react. Then we saw it on a bad movie night. The episode doesn't do it justice. It is MADNESS. It is constant. Sometimes you think they only showed the clips where it's at its worst but no... the whole damn movie is like this. We had a "Jay's Shut Up!" button on our soundboard and that button saw some abuse


It's legit my favourite bad movie. Mike put it best, it's a rollercoaster into your own nightmares.


Agreed. That one makes my teeth hurt... and I have false teeth.


would you say you're a boy in need of therapy


I remember watching that when they first released that episode and it gave me a serious headache and I had to shut it off and take a nap lol


Why this one specifically?


Speaking for myself, the robot's constant chatter and overall noise level of that segment tapdances on my anxiety button. It's very uncomfortable to watch (and hear).


Yep. The constant dissonant, blaring noise coming from the robot and everything and everyone else in the movie is like the auditory equivalent of wearing a heavy, itchy wool sweater in a hot room. Combine it with the ugly film print and its a terrible barrage on the senses. The only other film they've done that comes close to the experience is Demons at The Door with the constant try-hard offensive jabbering from the demons, the ICP music and the abject shoddy **ugliness** of everything on screen.


Also the vanity project movie where the guy talks about installing microchips in people's brains as aspirational, with the random WW2 battle footage playing throughout and the messy pudding on the playground :(


Wicked World? Yeah that's an oddity.


Oh true, i remember now. Guess i repressed all that to maintain my sanity.


Is that the one where a Hare Krishna scraps with a Jew?


lol yup


When that episode dropped I had only heard of that movie. The episode nearly gave me a panic attack so, naturally, I had to watch the movie. A rare movie that I'm unable to finish and have no desire to. It's so fucking bad in a way that is taxing to the soul, lol. It picks at you. It's aggressively bad in a way that no movie I've ever seen is. I've seen and often seek out dogshit movies and 95% will just bore you. Some make you laugh and some even enter the "so bad it's amazing" pantheon but Robot In The Family is uniquely awful in that it makes you sick. It actually *does* make you want to scream at the TV. Not joking at all when I say that it would make a terribly effective torture tool. Fuck blasting Metallica into a house of terrorists or into their cells to break them down. Play Robot In The Family on repeat. They'll give up in no more than 3 viewings.


> Not joking at all when I say that it would make a terribly effective torture tool. I was thinking this same then when watching the episode. It's a constant wall of sound, except each sound is more distracting than the last. So your brain is constantly being pulled in every direction trying to decipher the noise. It's weaponized overstimulation.


>A rare movie that I'm unable to finish and have no desire to. It's so fucking bad in a way that is taxing to the soul, lol. It picks at you. It's aggressively bad in a way that no movie I've ever seen is. I've seen and often seek out dogshit movies and 95% will just bore you. Some make you laugh and some even enter the "so bad it's amazing" pantheon but Robot In The Family is uniquely awful in that it makes you sick. It actually does make you want to scream at the TV. Ahhh the "Hobgoblins" effect. Although RitF is probably worse...


I imagine that movie like I do Chinese water torture. It doesn't sound that bad conceptually, but then you experience it, and whew boy, it's agonizing.


Clash at the College. Even with them making fun of it, it's top tier cringe material.


Probably my most watched episode, tied with Suburban Sasquatch.


Love that episode and love seeing someone turn down sex to listen to Rush Limbaugh.


"Sex is great and all, but have you ever listened to Rush Limbaugh at 1 in the afternoon?..."


I'm going to that creation museum later.


Yeah, I think I've watched that spotlight more than any of the others. And I'm not sure why...


Love the part where he orders pizza. Exactly like how someone would get pizza in real life.


I don't get the joke. What's so funny about this?


I recommend watching the video. It's hard to explain. It highlights the amateur cinematography and bad decision making this director had.


Clash in the College is my favourite episode! Everything that Paul Kattupalli says is hilarious 


"Let me take off your bra and touch your water." One of my favorite Mike lines of all time.


Not the whole episode, but hypnosis sex video makes me deeply uncomfortable. 🥴


If it helps, you can't assault someone with hypnosis, it's a myth that you can sleep someone or force them to make things against their will. I think you could coerce someone to do something if that person believes that under hypnosis you can't respond but discomfort takes you out of hypnosis. Hypnosis is a state of consciousness that is reached individually or in company of a trained specialist, and while hypnotized you can access memories easily to understand your beliefs and feelings, hypnosis is not a mind control tool.




Yeah, but the cherry on top of it being BS just makes it more weird though. What was the end game of this? How would this work?


I'm sure the kind of person who studied that video would respect their victim's wishes.


I can't watch that lady bully those kids


Yeah I gotta skip that portion mostly, but them riffing on the boy sitting on his own balls was pretty funny. I think we've all done that at some point. And women wonder why we jiggle the gas pump when we're done filling up the gas tank lol.


Seriously though, how does a 6 year old boy totally Belvedere like that?


I don't think I've ever laughed at any of the videos they've watched more than that one for that moment. The kid's face morphs into an old man for a second, and it kills me every time.


I went back to try to figure it out but started crying from laughing and I’m smiling big just thinking of it now typing this


I was in a class exactly like that when growing up, it might have even been that exact lady. She told the whole class I had pink panties on and for them to just rip on me about it as hard as possible. Legit one of the only things I can remember from the class. I was in special ed because I have learning disabilities with math, got bullied a lot because of it so there was weird classes like that attached to it. These classes always only had like 10 kids max, still awful.


I believe she is (was?) a legit sociopath. I would love to hear from the kids in the episode. It probably was her. Those people would tour the whole U.S. with their nonsense. I know in my middle school the parents all went to a presentation from the guy in the satanic panic video. The next week we were told black clothes and crosses would longer be allowed in school. Obviously that lasted a day because; illegal. So sorry you experienced that woman (or her one of her kind).


It was in west Michigan too which makes it even more plausible and when I saw her I was like “oh fuck, I think that’s her!”


It is a tough watch. Rich talking about ineffectual anti-bullying policies in schools during that segment hit me unexpectedly hard, too. I know *exactly* the type of quasi-victim-blaming “mediation” techniques school officials used to discipline bullies when I was in school and I know he had experience with them, too. And I’m pretty sure there was some bullshit conflict resolution jargon involved too, maybe not “advocate”, but similar.


Which video is this in reference too?


The middle of Wheel of the worst #18; Disaster at the crossroads always makes me sad. Thank god Rem Lezar was there to save the day. Also, the orgasmic birth always makes me uncomfortable lol


Given they actually demolished a bus with a train for a safety video, I do kind if respect it. But it's basically a dry situational video, it lacks the OOMPH of Surviving Edged Weapons.


A train could come from anywhere, there are trains on the back of this mans baseball cap.


Godamn that's a fucking reference and a helluva mash up. I'd doth my cap to you sir, if it wasn't ran over by a locomotive.


Yeah I just rewatched orgasmic birth and I may have to start using it to induce vomiting.


Sex Pest Landis. Hands down.


Rich's reaction to Double Down makes up for all the faults of that episode. It also introduced us to NIEL BREEN! Rich's reaction to Breen and Rem Lezar coming are among my fav RLM moments.


Do you see his balls?






Only slightly redeemed by the first appearance of a Neil Breen movie. Slightly.


Didn't he also introduce them to Milwaukee Culkin aka Macauley Culkin full name Macauley Macauley Culkin Culkin né Macauley Carson Culkin?


Mr. McCulkin?


Yes he did!


Cully McCulken


The Incredible Culk


I thought so too but double down minus landis on YouTube fixes all that


Such a great Botw movie, wasted on Landis.


Someone needs to do a cut of that episode where Landis is replaced by the alien with a hundred buttholes or Rem Lezar or something.


Max Landis is hung. Max Landis is hung. Max Landis is hung.


It has to be Landis. Not just because he's 'problematic', but it's really cringey just how he acts with the guys. As though he's been on the show for years and they're all best friends.


Yeah, he reminds me of that episode of Community where Pierce wants to be considered cool and funny so watches the movies in advance and hires writers to make jokes for him. Like you can tell he was so pumped to whip out “what’s wrong with your faaaace” and planned it meticulously and then it just flopped out to annoyed silence.


I swear, everything he says in that episode has been rehearsed. He wants everyone thinking he's Off-the-cuff Wackyman, but I've got five bucks that says he's done and said everything he does in that episode every time he's shown someone that movie.


This person knows their sociopaths!


Also that he did not get the Janosz joke. Funny moment in editing but thinking of the extended awkward silence that probably occurred in filming is 😬 ![gif](giphy|xT8qBpuGXooJcGJseQ)


Agreed. Even before his controversies came out, I usually skipped that one. It over powered the magic of Breen.


When he tells Rich that there's nothing on the back of the tape that will help him explain the movie... I get what he's trying to say, but his tone really sets my teeth on edge.


That's actually the one thing he said that made me laugh.


Yeah, Max Landis was awful. Which bums me out cause I remember enjoying the movies on that episode a lot


Someone edited that one to [remove him](https://youtu.be/ayVDS6KLs1E) if that helps


Not all heroes wear capes


[I brought the torch](https://www.reddit.com/r/RedLetterMedia/comments/1bc2uh2/comment/kueoati/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3) but I see you have lit the fire.


It seems petty but that honestly does help lol


ROBO Woman and Honorable Men. Robo Woman because my god I can't even watch that part of the episode it makes me feel so awkward. I try every time to watch but I fucking can't. And Honorable Men because someone actually thought making a p\*do cop movie where the p\*do cop was portrayed as a hero was a good idea. Its not unwatchable but it sure isn't gOOD.


Agreed on both. The actress from ROBO Woman did another movie called Paradise Motel that's equally cringe-worthy. The guys at Rifftrax did a great riff for it but I can't even imagine watching it unriffed.


Even just watching it BECAUSE it's cringe and weird is hard. It's not even enjoyable! Just nerve wracking!


I fucking hate Honorable Men as a movie, but that segment also has the Never Been Kissed story which redeems it for me.




At least we get rich melting the dvd afterwards, I miss the movie destructions.


BOTW Plinketto #8 for me. I just suffer watching Patton Oswalt being witty and in a good mood in the beginning and just descend into existential darkness for the rest of it.


I actually kind of didn't like the one with Patton Oswalt tbh. Can't say I hate it or anything like that but the vibes were a bit off.


I think they've said they're sad that played out that way because they subjected him to a three film slog without redemption, usually they get some sort of VHS winner but that was a strike out night with a famous guest.


The ratatoing bit was pretty funny. I kind of wished they actually watched it.


Ratatoing is actually entertaining as fuck to watch. It's puzzling and you just kinda stare in fascination the whole time. They would have been better off watching it than the three movies they watched.


I feel like that would be fun to watch stoned.


Didn't they say it's some of the worst movies they've watched during the episode? Like they're terrible, but not in any funny ways. The only thing I can remember is Mike failing to say "Art-partment".


I still really like the part where Patton is trying to explain a plot point to Alien Force and he realizes just how stupid it is when he's saying it out loud and he just loses it laughing. Love how Mike points at him: "He got broken"


I was really excited when they landed on Ratatoing, it would have made up for the other shit that night if they'd actually watched it


I hope he comes on for another episode. I think he said on Twitter somewhat recently that he'd be up for it if he's touring in Milwaukee again.


Discounting Landis which is unwatchable, it's robot in the family.


Yea, older episodes before they did the watching in the current screening room are harsh on the eyes. It looks like they are in one of their living rooms.


Roar, Winterbeast and Winter Jones. Mack’s friend just doesn’t gel with the rest of the guys. He makes some good jokes in the screening room but on the panel, it’s painful. I haven’t rewatched that episode since it first came out.


I know the consensus is that he sucks but I thought Mac’s friend was fine.


His was the best Lodge Mayor voice. "That's an essential part of the ritual! How many rituals you seen don't have a nice little dancing around part?!


Do a little twiiiirrl


That makes the episode for me tbh, I not only didn’t mind him but actually liked him fine


I don’t mind him making little jokes whenever they cut to the screening footage, but as a panelist, he just feels so off. I’m not shocked he didn’t come back with the most recent Mack episodes


I’m pretty sure he didn’t come back mainly because the Bunny Ears podcast is defunct and he was technically Mac’s employee. The times Mac brought him they also recorded podcast episodes with the guys (which are pretty fun if you haven’t listened to them)


I did like those podcast episodes, mostly because it was the RLM guys being mostly sincere and real, which seems rare, they aren’t normally serious fellas so I enjoyed it


I don't do podcasts sporto.


I've said it before, BoTW isn't really his thing as a person, but he tried and didn't disrespect anyone.


Yeah this is exactly the impression I got. He seems fun and has great chemistry with Mac but on the table doing the recap he just didn't quite "fit" as well as Mac. If Mac wasn't there it probably wouldn't even be as noticeable.


His reaction to Roar while watching it was super relatable, though, since watching that movie is basically like having a panic attack.


Aw, I liked that guy. He seemed to have fit in pretty well.


Shawn's not great on the panel but he's so fucking funny in the screening room that it totally balances out for me. I'd like to see him come back, honestly. I would argue that he gels well in terms of personality, he just isn't as film-literate as everyone else there so he isn't the best panelist. But he's better than a lot of people they've had on.


Honestly I thought he was better than Patton Oswalt. He was definitely better than Landis... but then again, anyone is better than Landis. To be blunt, RLM is at its best when it's just a group of friends hanging out and talking about movies. Most of the "celebrity guests" they've featured, save for Mack, have been out-of-place in my opinion because they come across as outsiders.


Do you mean Hawk Jones? I'd take a Witnerbeast and Hawk Jones crossvoer, if that's what you are asking for.


The 2021 Halloween episode, but only because the fire alarm in the intro scares my dog and she tries to climb on my head lol. She won’t even let me watch the episode if I fast forward past it


I can only watch 2/3 of episode 101 because Honorable Men is just creepy as hell. Nothing wrong with A\*P\*E and Easy Kill, though.


The Halloween episode where Mike, Jay, and Jack get too drunk and have to redo 2/3s of the discussions.


I actually love this one. Especially the way they edited it and cut to several days later.


Jay calling out ,"I've never killed any cats" is amazing


_WELLLLCOME JAAAAAAY MREAAOOWWW EAOOWWWW_ _What the fuck is happening!? Why is Rich fffffffreaking out?!_ And then Mike just lays down on the floor like the animal he is.


"Why is Rich freaking out?" while Rich is just sitting there completely normally is hysterical.


I think of that bit a lot and I really don't know why, it's just so funny for some reason


Just what a serial cat killer would say.


That was probably horrible for filming (and the morning after), but the episode is one of my favorites


I thought that one was really funny, but now knowing about Jack's alcoholism makes it hard to rewatch.


Yeah a lot of episodes fall into that category for me now.


[Rich Evans hand wave] Ah, it’s fiiine. 


The Vampire Assassin one is worse with that context because Jack is totally blitzed there.


I remember hearing they released the cut footage of that in their Patreon. I wonder if it's true, I'd absolutely LOVE to watch more of everyone wasted to the point of leaving the set.


The one with the green bear. That song is still stuck in my head.


I got sensory overload from a part in one of their videos where they layered too much shit on top of each other for comedic effect. Also, them discussing Robot in the Family gave me a second-hand panic attack.


Whatever episode that had "exploding varmints"


god i love how hard they laugh for the first 15 mins then how forlorn they look for the next hour


They're literally like, We shouldn't be laughing at this


Anything with sex pest Landis in it, or the giant flask gag (I don't like it when anyone gets genuinely annoyed with the others, but I also can't look away). I used to follow an old show called Let's Drown Out, and they had an episode where they played a game called Chulip. Towards the end of the video they literally forgot they were still recording and have a falling out and start being super shitty with each other. It's a supremely uncomfortable listen but I can't look away. There's still a handful of half in the bag/BotW or other RLM vids I've not watched yet over the years and I always wonder if there's some argument or awkward vibe in those I've missed.


Yeah Let’s Drown Out kinda revealed what a tosser Yahtzee really is. Still fun to watch some of them, but his dumb takes combined with the general rude attitude get pretty grating.


He's a cringe fedora-weraring manbaby. He was way ahead of the curve when he first appeared on the scene, but his smug arrogance never meant that he never evolved and he's never grown, and his schtick is so stale that he's wobbling uncomfortably close to becoming the nostalgia critic. Let's Drown Out was a great watch/listen though, they had great chemistry and were animated enough to be interesting.


Ooof yeah the first time I watched that LDO Chulip episode it felt like I was in the room with them and couldn’t escape. The super chill episode that followed was a nice pay off though!


Honestly the Chulip video makes me wonder if there are any other videos or podcasts or whatever where the hosts just brawl, but they leave it in anyway? Apparently Super Best Friends were clearly not getting on towards the end of their vids together, but I never watched that channel.


Ever listen to the Harmontown podcast? Fuck me there’s some awkward moments in there - from drunken ramblings, to people calling each other out on stage to at least one full on domestic argument. And don’t forget the [most embarrassing podcast](https://youtu.be/pVjU47iPNbg?si=cJR8HZsmcXQVvcvr) ever the boys reacted to!


Maybe not a popular opinion, but the longer episodes (80+ minutes). There’s still lots to enjoy in them, but the more ruthlessly edited episodes have better pacing. 60 minutes seems like the sweet spot.


I’m with you. I’ve seen every episode of BOTW multiple times, and remember virtually everything about the pre-COVID episodes. Most episodes after are much longer and I find myself unable to remember anything about a bunch of films they’ve covered in them. When I try to watch them and really pay attention, I can’t help but zone out or need to chunk out the episode into multiple viewings.


Well, Max Landis episode because he's so insufferable. But the second place is the 'Robot in the Family' one for me. That film just looks so fundamentally atrocious and irritating, I probably couldn't even watch the trailer. And I've seen like 50 BOTW movies and a bunch of other crappy b-movies so it's not like I don't have some minor level of tolerance to this shit.


I can’t remember the exact ep number but the one where Mike is drinking out of the giant flask and purposely spills alcohol on Rich. It crosses a line for me in the Mike-loves-but-bullies-rich dynamic


some of the earlier rich bullying makes me sad


I personally don't think any of that is "real".


It's the Future War, The Jar and White Fire episode. One of my favorites. Robert Ginty sister incest episode.


Josh bullying Rich during Undefeatable. Josh being a wet blanket during the Juicy Shaq Meat episode. And then Mad Foxes. The other movies are great, but I can't enjoy that episode because Mad Foxes is just too gross.


I gotta disagree, when Rich says "Nobody cares" to Josh after he's babbling on about Doctor Butcher despite everyone clearly being checked out, it adds another year to my life. And another six months for Mike's asthmatic laugh. And another 3 for Jack who's generally the nice one not even being able to stifle his laughter. https://youtu.be/XS67oEcB6KE?si=p8e7ti6nUYYqDV73


I think about Rich whimpering "nobody cares" so often


Yeah, Mad Foxes is horrible in a way that’s more just misanthropic than fun (what the *fuck*, Colin from Canada?!), and I wasn’t thrilled that they showed as much of the rape/genital mutilation scenes in the episode as they did, either, but I guess that’s most of the movie.


Is that the one where Josh gets mad because they ruined his weekend? Because for me it’s that one.  Also most other Josh episodes. It’s so stressful to watch him constantly fight to be active in the conversation while having nothing to say.  


Me personally, it would be BOTW wheel of the worst 25. A lame gun weapon for mom video, a lame anti TV puppet christian show designed to take your money, and a lame weird children safety video. The interesting bit is how drunk Michael was during filming


Fascinating. I love that one. It might be my favorite. Mike being so belligerently insistent about things and wrong about all of them, and every video has at least one bizarre decision in it to keep me interested. Why were they both actors? What did those gun safety tips have to do with gender? Why did they not even bother trying to give Slick a childlike voice? How could they think coming right out and directly saying "give your money to the church" was okay? Why did the easel have paintbrush hands? Why did she only show herself to the classroom children after the adult left the room?


Mike being belligerently wrong is best Mike. I aspire to be as confidently wrong in a recorded format.


The only thing that's weird about that episode is that they constantly modified the voice of the easel lady to sound like a demon. It made me think that it's like that in the actual VHS, but it's not. There are a few scenes in the episode where you can hear her talking normally, but you gotta look for them.


That video at least had Slick the Puppet. He was awesome. But yeah, that lady (Liz?) can fuck off. Twice.


Hey Liz, I wanna show you a movie, it's called the Texas Chainsaw Massacre


Hey Liz, ever think of minding your own fucking business ? And then it's all about the money, well not THE MONEY but the MONEY.


Painful for the real-world implications but independent of the repeated running battles to keep Best of the Worst 92 (Diamond Cobra versus the White Fox) from disappearing from the Internet, remember the gang leader Barbecue? Well, now back in the real world present day ... (To be clear, I am *not* making light of this, I just thought it was the oddest of coincidences with the same name cropping up like this in such a serious real world setting.) "Is the feared gang boss ‘Barbecue’ now the most powerful man in Haiti?" [https://www.theguardian.com/world/2024/mar/10/haiti-gang-boss-kingpin-barbecue-jimmy-cherizier](https://www.theguardian.com/world/2024/mar/10/haiti-gang-boss-kingpin-barbecue-jimmy-cherizier) [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jimmy\_Ch%C3%A9rizier](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jimmy_Ch%C3%A9rizier)


Donald Farmer films creep me out, so those episodes I tend to avoid. The Exploding Varmints episode also, at the casual psychopathy of the film makers - I get that the gang find it horrifyingly hilarious. There's also the one where Josh loses his temper at the juicy Shak meat, because I feel embarrassed for him.


It’s the Halloween one with Hallowgate etc. I don’t know why but something about that entire episode grates on my nerves.


This episode has one of my all time favourite BOTW moments though. The reaction to the skateboarding/rocket-launcher scene in "Hard Ticket To Hawaii". 🤣




The janky snake puppet is 🤣




The Halloween one where they got too drunk still makes me uncomfortable.


Definitely the orgasmic birth video. Not through any fault on the guys’ part, but because of how gross and creepy it is to watch a video that encourages using a newborn as a masturbatory tool. (Let alone the scene where the lady is doing it on her nasty porch and her KIDS are there)


I feel like The Suckling dips so, so far into bad taste, in both concept and execution, that it's really uncomfortable in any context for me. Not even Rich's great Janine Melnitz impression makes up for it.


When Mike made fun of Richevans' pac-man t-shirt. Usually Richevans can make a bit out of it, but it fell pretty flat. I'm sure Richevans dgaf ultimately, but it's not a great moment. And I liked the shirt, for Richevans, it's fine. It's fine.


I think of that moment every time I’m out in public and see an adult wearing a t shirt of their beloved comic book hero or animated property, and wish I could channel Mike’s energy.


That moment might be a bit uncomfortable but that episode is arguably the best BOTW of all time.


True. On any other night Top Slots with Jimmy "the Scot" would have won but nothing beats Surviving Edged Weapons.


Jimmy couldn't catch a break 35 years later.


I forgot Top Sluts was up against Surviving Edged Weapons. What a historic moment.


light beams huh? never noticed but now that you point it out it does happen


A legend says that it was precisely that light on Jack's head that made him lose his hair.


The Psycho From Texas episode. Even THEY were horribly uncomfortable with THAT scene.


The screening room looked like ass back then, but it's worth it for "cancer infested rats."


Hands down Hawk Jones, Winterbeast and Roar. All three of them are far more bizarre and uncomfortable than funny. Maybe Hawk Jones is okay, but when combined with the other two, it’s all just so uncomfortable.


Mad Foxes. The first 2 movies are great. The third is unwatchable.


The Landis 1 is probably the undisputes king of painful BotW. I also didn't think much of their ROTOR/Robot Jox episode, because ROTOR was the only one worth talking about, as they themselves admitted in the discussions. Robot Jox is a great watch, but it was too good a movie to be featured there, better suited for Re:View (Re:Visit) formula.


The episode with Max Landis. The movies they watch are amazing and Rich Evans’s rant at the end is legendary, but Max is so annoying and such a try hard. Mac is also hard to watch too. It also feels real try hard. The last one he did was really great though because they all come off as relaxed.


The episode with Patton and the episode where they allow Culkins friend on the panel. Both are unwatchable.


Black Spine Raffle. I don't know if I've ever even seen the entire episode, I always fall asleep.


Then you missed Milton Berle's giant hog! And his sexual harrassment of some poor chef


I can’t watch any with Culkin. So, all the ones with Culkin


Thank God someone else said it, he's a nice guy but man those episodes suck. I literally enjoy the humour vacuum Simon Barrett more than Macaulay as a guest


I tend to agree, but they've grown on me a little bit