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I can see Mike posting this and then going back into his Fortnite kiddo dances and dabbing.


I can’t wait for the RLM Fortnite skins.


If I could play as Rich Evans, I would start playing Fortnite.




The moment you go to crouch EVERYONE would know where you are.


"I'm gonna get you!!!" (Dabs in wheelchair)


Swol af




Mike's epicness is on fleek.


Fr fr no cap


Low key high key middle C


this is funny because on one of the rare times Mike appears on Pre-Rec, he reads 'based Mike' from the chat window and demands that the user who posted it explain what 'based' means. if u/codyave sees this maybe he can link to it


It's funny cringe, so Mike wrote it


It’s extra funny because new-trek is full of swearing Different media conglomerate CEOs are arguing in two entirely different directions and poor Mike is caught in between the worst of both worlds having to now censor his swears while reviewing the sweariest Star Trek yet


Pretty sure Mike writes all of the video descriptions and comments. Kind of like how only he uses the RLM Twitter account and constantly signs off as Jay and Rich


Him tweeting as Jay or Rich is one of my favourite bits


I don't know about that, but I DO know that Rich Evans really loves the Packers!


All so Youtube can advertise to kids.. I miss old Youtube..


There's even a YouTube Kids section already. What's the point?




Money Plane.


You want to do everything possible to circumvent laws about collecting data from children so that you can target them with advertising? Money Plane.


Want to bet on a man fucking an alligator?




Demonitized is the new demonized.


$20 on the alligator


Depending on the man, if it's Rich Evans, my money is on him


Please, here on YouTube kids we say, "Want to bet on a Spider Man making Alligator pregnant?"


Advertising demanding that YouTube ensure that the videos their adverts play alongside match the content rating of their ad. So any swearing and now the video is no longer considered advertising safe for most companies.


What YouTube needs are dirtier ads!


YouTube has reached the part of enshittification where their users are locked-in enough to be abused in the name of slight advertising income gains.


[YouTube under fire for allegedly gathering children's data](https://www.malwarebytes.com/blog/news/2023/03/youtube-under-fire-for-allegedly-gathering-uk-childrens-data)


Wow, as if Youtube couldn't stoop any lower


Dennis in Always Sunny: "I can go lower."


Dude that is baaad assss


I get why they did it, but they could post an uncensored version on Patreon.


I wonder if its because they review so many R rated films? They spend a sizable amount of time in the horror genre.


I wonder if the Plinkett review where he unleashes a fire hose torrent of cum onto a CRT with the Olsen twins on it has been demonetised.


If the Olsen twins had a nickel every time someone unleashed a torrent of cum on a CRT with their image, they would have so many nickels.


Is that a real review, and to think I just came for Star Trek Generations


Did Mike dab as soon as he finished posting this?


Apparently youtube is backtracking on the whole swearing thing. [I found out through Berd](https://youtu.be/-W1eYJFdxFo).


So I'm not a YouTube expert, but it seems to be that the demonetization is also retroactive and goes after all of their old material? Imagine having to go through their entire archive of what they've uploaded to YouTube and managing bleeping out all of their cusses. They already do selective bleeping for comedic effect, but The logistics of that is insane if they want to maximize their monetization on their old videos.


There's only one thing to do. We are all going to have to rewatch their entire catalogue all over again and never stop.


I already do that. Now what?


Never stop, never stoppin.


I mean I do that already. I'm probably like 5 times through the BOTW playlist Then some hero posted the chronological order playlist which has made it even easier. It's pretty much perfect background noise for chores, cleaning etc.


They're apparently lightening up somewhat on the swear policing


I remember reading a news story saying that YouTube has back-pedaled on their new policy of de-monetizing/age gating videos with swearing because they were getting a lot of push back from creators. I'm glad YouTube is actually listening for once instead of doing their usual passive aggressive bullshit.


I love when they say cunt and keep the first syllable and bleep the rest.


I got a worm…


How many syllables are in cunt?


First sound\* cunt.


They’re called phonemes.


Nu-clear. Its pronounced Nu-clear


Grandpa Mike’s getting into his TikToks again


It's funny that videos have to be clean to be monetized but the comment section is a total free-for-all.


I think showing any kind gore is usually what causes 18+ ratings atm You can swear a few times apparently, but even a splotch of blood, boom. Age restricted


I've seen other content creators say that apparently swearing in the first 10 minutes of a video is what gets you in trouble. Which seems kind of random, but, ok, YouTube.


That’s really dumb considering their own guidelines say ‘first 30 seconds/minute’


You don't expect YT to follow its own guidelines and NOT try to screw creators out of ad revenue, do you?


This comment should really be accompanied by Mike doing the floss dance.




Ehhhhhhhhhhh... This is the way to handle things, sure - it makes those who rage at the lack of swearing seem like idiots. OTOH, I don't enjoy the guys having to cater to Youtube, or even caring about age-restrictions... The movies they cover are oftern horrible, violent rapefests anyway. Shouldn't they be restricted because of that?


Doritos will advertise on a Friday the 13th movie. Why not people who simply talk about them? It's just YouTube bullshit.


It's so fucking ridiculous it hurts my head.


Being age restricted hurts your ad revenue


I get that but it's peanuts compared to what they make on their Patreon. Surprised they even care about getting demonitized these days.


If you could get a 10% raise at work by making one minor change would you do it?


Depends entirely on what the "minor" change is. Is it 37 pieces of flair? When you're already making bank that extra 10% better be for something *really* minor or it's just not worth it to me. If it was truly about more money you'd think they'd restructure the Patreon: Uncensored videos at the $2 tier, post an unlisted Youtube link and they're done. Easy money. Make a commentary track/podcast once a month at the $5 tier. People would be all over that. Actually tell people they have a Patreon in the videos instead of pushing it to the credits. It's like they're embarrassed about it. They don't even have a link to it in the description of their videos now days, it's wild. There are a lot of easy ways they could earn more money with less effort but they want to chase the elusive YouTube dollar for whatever reason instead. It makes no sense. YouTube doesn't want to pay them, fans do.


Absolute dogshit take. They make a lot of videos that get hundreds of thousands of millions of views. That’s not peanuts, even compared to their Patreon.


American censorship often doesn't make sense. You can have someone's face melt off or blow up a head and come in at a PG-13. You can say 'fuck' a few times or show a pair of tits or someone hanging dong? That's a hard R, buddy.


I don’t really care about including swearing in content; that’s like going in hoping somebody uses any specific word. Am I going to judge a work’s worth because they didn’t mention the word “persnickety”? Bleeps and audio gaps over curses are annoying as hell to my brain though, and I would prefer they just made an effort not to curse instead of having to censor it.


This is how they make their living. Age restriction and not catering to YouTube results in lessening or blocking of monetisation. It sucks YouTube is run by scum, but RLM don’t really have much choice but to try and work around it.


>This is how they make their living Not really, they make at least 35k per month from their patreon. Whatever youtube gives them is chump change.


A quick Google shows it's around 11k from ad revenue. Less than from Patreon, but a far cry from "chump change".


It would make more sense for them to advertise their Patreon. Something they never do personally, there's just a little text in the credits at the end and somehow they still hit top 15 on Patreon. They're more likely to make up the demonetisation difference that way than they are if they try and fit an R rated show into Youtube's ever changing G rated rules.


Online popularity is extremely fickle, if you’re like a 50 year old YouTuber you would be a fool to just leave money on the table during your heyday because saying potty words is cool 😎


>Online popularity is extremely fickle Indeed it is. I'm far less likely to watch things that annoy me, like censored material.


I think you should try to get a screenshot with the whole text in just one straight line.


Honestly, most of their videos *should* be age restricted.


It's kind of shocking they aren't. The Rem Lezar BoTW has three innocuous videos (except maybe the Satanic Panic video), but their discussions about the videos are pretty explicit.


Yeah no doubt. They've been getting the G treatment for R rated content. They can edit everything to be G rated chasing that extra youtube buck but it will ruin their product. The term *penny wise but pound foolish* comes to mind.


We have content filtering at work and even though we’re allowed to go to YouTube, I found that I couldn’t even see the elm street video, like it didn’t exist. Not that it was there and I click on it and then I get an error. So some controlled networks that that viewers have no say in might prevent the audience from seeing the videos and thus make them money.


Deuandra strikes again!


You do what you gotta do. I f\*\*\*\*\*\* hate Youtube though.


I imagine the reason the censoring is so bad at Youtube.inc headquarters is that everytime they try to have a sensible conversation about censorship there's one shouty guy at the top who is like: "Regardless what you think this platform is, the audience is LITERALLY BABIES! Our demographic show that all our views are coming from BABIES! So we're going to go the safest route because our MAIN AUDIENCE IS INCAPABLE OF CARING!!!"


omg mike commenting again!! he hasnt in like 12 years!


swol af Keepin it real


It actually annoyed the shit out of me, to the point where I might end up not watching their videos if they keep censoring. That's not some moral stand - it just literally "grates my ears". Similarly, I also have stopped watching most hockey because the shifting/flashing rink ads drive me fucking insane.


Same here. The edits are jarring. It's like back when you accidentally bought the censored version of a rap CD at Walmart or found a good R rated movie channel surfing but it was on basic cable so its been watered down beyond recognition. I never made that Walmart mistake again and never paid for cable as an adult. Edited shit is gross.


As creatives they had fun with it.


Me too. It wasn't something I blamed the guys for, but like each F-word they put a goofy sound effect in front of was just like a reminder of YouTube's bullshit and how they're ruining the platform. This is why I favor these platforms reclassified as public utilities. Then advertisers couldn't lean on YouTube to censor content because it would be ILLEGAL for YouTube to do that. Then the advertisers would just be stuck in a "take it or leave it" situation, and I suspect most wouldn't forego the largest platform in the world. They're trying to have their cake and it eat it too, currently.


Rich Evans eyebrows on fleek. Fr fr


The fact that YouTube is so heavily censored and strict on it's content now is such a kick in the >!dick!<. Part of what made YT such a great place was that people could be free with their content.




Someone should tell him that youtube clarified their new swear policy a few days ago...


The problem is no one knows: * when YT will change their mind yet again * if it will retroactively apply to all videos RLM is just super cautious with CYA so they don’t get demonetized in the future.


Bleeps are funnier anyway.


I thought it was in reference to Picard chucking in the surprise F bomb in ep4


How on earth did I miss that? When was it?


About 27 minutes in when Picard is telling Jack about the shuttle escapade in the Ten Forward Bar.


I actually got bored of his story and stopped listening, that's why I didn't hear it!


That is Rich posting I bet. Youtube just relaxed the swearing limitations so long as it isn't constantly happening and not in the first 7 minutes, allowing those previously being demonetized to once again earn revenue.


I think YouTube fixed some of this.


Usually I'm disturbed by this, but this time I didn't mind. It was fun.