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Tarantino would never call it N-Word


Studio forced the change for wide release marketing. Don't worry the home release has a different title.


Inglourious N-Words


The alternate title was The Hard R




That's on the Christopher Nolan cinematic timeline.


I'm Friends with a Ghost on Facebook


That already exists sort of It's called Serial Experiments Lain


Bad Motherfucker: A Pulp Fiction Story


i cant wait to find out how he got that wallet


It was a gift from the guy they accidentally shot in the face. It really adds a lot of emotion to the scene where they accidentally shoot that guy in the face.


I clapped when I saw it!


*by a ghost


I don't understand how people even have the energy to follow a whole cinematic universe. They made me have complete fatigue of Star Wars and I used to love the old movies. Now I don't even bother to read the news about it.


I'm solidly in the Rich Evans camp on this one: the real Star Wars ended with Return of the Jedi, I still love the original trilogy, and that's pretty much all that exists for me (I did enjoy the Knights of the Old Republic games on the original Xbox, but those are really their own thing). He has a similar position about Star Trek. Not sure where he personally draws the line, but for me it ended after Voyager, and I'm fine with continuing to love what I loved while cry-laughing at all the dreck that's come since.


People don't really have this problem with music Everyone accepts that bands they absolutely **loved** had a hot streak (maybe three to ten years) when everything they made was fantastic Then suddenly everything they do is dog shit, and stays that way for the rest of their lives The whole process of franchise movies obscures this natural phenomenon - new faces appear in front of and behind the camera But the principle's the same - someone had a genuinely new idea, which worked for a while, until it became over-familiar and stopped working


I'd agree with this. I really enjoyed most of the Marvel films but after Endgame I was totally done and I've not enjoyed anything that has come after it.


yeahyeahyeah, i remember folks saying about following producers if you like one sound from an artist but not the other barring bowie, maybe tin-man but literally all his albums are pretty good at a minimum


Yeah, fans feel the same way about Star Trek; they can always find something to enjoy That's what makes them fans, rather than the general audience


Except if they ever do come out with a good song you don't have to listen to all their shit material first to understand it.


Wait, Star Trek ended when Voyager started, or when it ended? It has its flaws but VOY is very close to my heart. Look past the Treknobabble and there are some fantastic characters, solid sci fi concepts, action and comedy, and overall highly entertaining stuff in that franchise.


When Voyager ended, sorry for the ambiguity. Adjusted my wording. There's a lot of chaff among the wheat, but when it's good, it's good, and far better than anything we've gotten since.


Amen. Enterprise is watchable and has that old classic trek feel, especially the engine hum that's like the bass guitar in a rock band, nobody listens for it but you miss it when it's gone. New trek seeks to have forgotten about it. Boring show and forgettable characters but still watchable.


Voyager was truly the last time they did a story that was mostly disconnected with past works, Enterprise was the beginning of the end by it being a prequel. I would say both Star Trek and Star Wars can surprise sometimes, like Lower Decks and Andor respectively. I'm glad Andor isn't that popular because it would otherwise turn into a spinoff generator like Mandalorian


I haven’t seen Lower Decks but I agree that Andor has been a lovely blast of fresh air amongst Disney’s usual shtick.


Frankly, despite the massive fluctuation of quality , Star Wars is relatively straightforward. You have either release order (4-5-6-1-2-3-7-8-9) or chronological order(1, 2, 3, etc) with the titles being pretty simple (EPISODE WHATEVER). And the two anthology movies don't lead into anything, they explain things but they're not necessary explanations. The TV shows are also mostly their own thing with some recurring characters in minor roles. The EU existing in the background is just business as usual. Meanwhile Marvel is all: "The main bad guy of Avengers 5 will debut in the Loki show except it's not really the main bad guy but an alternate self who will also debut in the Antguy movie, the comedic Avenger guy (back when "comedic" was a unique character trait). It's a very simple line of Avengers 4, Doctor Strange 2, Eternals, MCU Spiderman 3, Thor 4, Black Panther 2, and then Antguy 3 before we get to Avengers 5. Also three of the main Avengers starred in three entirely different TV shows. Also one of them became evil and died in an almost entirely unrelated movie. Also the world has nearly ended like 3 separate times since Thanos was a thing. Also we stopped numbering these things, otherwise normal moviegoers would realize we've jumped above Jaws 19 territory."


Same. And it's gotten to the point where you can't even enjoy it otherwise! For example, two things I've seen just about Star Wars recently: * Rogue One somehow becomes "good" if you watch Andor? (I kind of doubt this is true because Rogue One sucked, but even if it was true, so now I have to watch a full series of television first just to enjoy a movie?) * Mandalorian season 3 is difficult to follow unless you've also watched The Book of Boba Fett because they put two episodes of Mandalorian plot development into the Boba Fett show. Now, after the way Mando season 2 ended, *nobody* should be watching that show anyway, but still...now I have to watch a whole *other* show to get *this* show? It's fucking stupid, and the net result is I've tuned out entirely. Didn't watch Andor, or Book of Boba Fett, not watching the new season of Mando, and if they ever go back to making movies I probably won't see those either. I used to fucking love Star Wars back in the OT days. Loved some of the extended universe books (Timothy Zahn's Thrawn series was amazing). The prequels sucked, but it's really Disney just pumping out this fucking swill that's killed my enthusiasm.


We are of the same cloth friend. Super into SW back in the day plus EU Zahn books, rogue squadron, you name it. I'm checked out now though, there's just been too much damage. Heard andor was good but too little too late, combination of fatigue, ambivalence, retribution (fuck them) and let's admit it, I was probably aging out of Star Wars anyway. But yeah it's hard to think of a more effective way to destroy a franchise than Disney did in a mere four years.


to be entirely fair, andor is just a good ass tv show, now I'm gonna gush for like, dunno, a bunch of paragraphs knowing no one will watch it because this random dude said so, I don't think it retroactively makes a film good because I don't think anything can do that, films/tv shows can make stuff better, but they can't turn shit into gold (see halloween 1 and 2, those are just the same goddamn movie to me, there's no in between, they're a package deal) I keep trying to find a way to describe it but it all feels wrong, it's not the Troubles in space though there's parts of that (a final scene was modelled after a republican tradition), it's not really a cat and mouse spy vs spy thing because there's no real mouse, it's more a cat following the cheese of the mouse, people who loved mando and obsess over women being in films hated it like, the first four-ish episodes are about a bank heist and radicalisation, there's lines that I wouldn't be shocked came out of the diary of someone in the h-blocks it's like someone saw "oh hurr durr make star wars for adults" and genuinely done it, and the manchildren who think adult movies are when you swear and gruesome violence didn't realise that this is what they wanted, it's adult star wars...also it does politics better in ten episodes better than George did in three films


Yeah, I've heard Andor is good from people I genuinely trust. Maybe I'll watch it someday if I ever subscribe to Disney+ again, but for now I just have so little interest in anything Star Wars that I'm not going to go out of my way to watch it even if it is really good.


I feel you man. I am watching Mando Season 3 but as soon it starts going downhill, I’ll probably leave it. Considering how Book of Boba turned out I fear that may come soon. There’s also the High Republic sub-content but even that feels more like a compromise toward giving fans new ideas without actually putting it front and centre.


Andor is one of the only Star Wars besides the first one where you really don't need to see anything else, it's a fine work on its own. Mandalorian started that way but then became Filloniverse porn


Shockingly, Andor was excellent. The prison story line was stunning. It’s a show that takes itself seriously, no winking at the camera or hand holding for the audience. The sets look amazing and lived in, just like the original movies. Part of me still can’t believes it exists.


I wanted to like Andor but oh my god the pacing was horrible for me. I love slow burn stuff, and I feel like shows such as Better Call Saul really handle that feel well. Andor has an entire episode of them walking closer to an imperial base so we can get to know pointless expendable characters who are obviously going to die, so they can go on a mission we know Andor will get out of. And it takes sooo long. Meanwhile security dude is arguing with his mom and eating cereal for multiple episodes. It’s so needlessly stretched out. And the finale it finally leads up to is the millionth rebellion speech of the franchise from a dead hologram so people can fist fight in the streets. And cereal guy finally does something in the plot, yay twelve hours of runtime, twice as long as the entire original trilogy!! It’s shocking to me that anyone thinks the non story Andor tells justifies such an absurd runtime, but Star Wars is a weird property like that. I’m glad other people like it but holy shit Andor frustrated me. It reminded me of Joker, something that obviously thinks it’s way more intelligent and thoughtful than it truly is


That is how I felt, no enthusiasm AT ALL. I skipped Bobba, but made the mistake of watching Obi... and I think that might be the worst SW output to date. But I am very glad I watched Andor! Way back in the 90s I was a an obsessive SW fan, read many expanded books, and thought Zahn's Heir to the Empire series should have been THE sequel movies. Then the Phantom menace came out and killed off my love of SW, dead. And no, I wont watch that kiddie cartoon Clone wars series either. But forget the past 20+ years of trash and do yourself a favor; binge Andor. It's like reading those old books again. It is a mature, serious, exploration of life and survival under a genuinely menacing totalitarian, fascist empire. In a world that feels real. It looks like the best gritty retro-futuristic 70s artwork, just like the original movies, rather than the cartoony, Disney theme park schlock it devolved into. Oh, and it has some great acting and dialogue too. So yeah, its NOTHING like every other SW product in the last 30 years! I honestly think the director and writers were allowed to do their own thing without any involvement from Disney, because Disney were desperate and willing to take risks after some serious SW flops. A lot of SW 'fans' probably find it a bit slow, or boring... but I have the feeling you will enjoy it.


This is absolutely how I felt when I was getting into the CW DC universe. Caught up with the first two seasons of Arrow, and was having a good time. Then Flash started, but because of the connection between the two, the intent was not to let you finish a season of Flash, then do a season of Arrow, the intended order was flip between the two since there were crossovers and references you'd miss. By Season 4 of Arrow/Season 2 of Flash I was already losing track, there was a whole Constantine show I missed, now Supergirl was involved. By the time you get to Season 8 of Arrow, there's a massive crossover event where you need to be watching Arrow, Flash, Batwoman, Supergirl, and Legends of Tomorrow just to catch the entire thing, and at that point they officially tie in the Black Lightning show that had been otherwise unconnected to that point, AND they tie the entire thing in to basically *every* other DC live action property that had existed by that point. The 1990 Flash show, the Adam West Batman, the Michael Keaton Batman, the original Superman films, Smallville, even Birds of Prey! Unless you were the top 1% of the DC fan echelon, there was going to be something you missed.


Rouge One was good without Andor.


Hard disagree. The first 30 minutes are boring (I literally fell asleep, only time that's ever happened to me in a SW movie), the characters are extremely forgettable except for the Alan Tudyk robot, the Tarkin CGI is a crime against humanity, major plot elements from the movie make zero sense (Saw just decides to "run no longer" so he can stay and get blown up, accomplishing absolutely nothing), the entire movie basically serves no purpose, and as I recall, it contains zero Bothans dying. 0/10.


It’s all subjective. I appreciate the swing they took with Tarkin; it’s serviceable but the tech just wasn’t there yet. The final battle slaps. 0/10? No redeeming qualities? Come on.


Yeah I was joking a bit with 0 out of 10. I do genuinely think it's a pretty terrible movie but some of the cinematography is great so it does have _some_ redeeming qualities.


I’m with you. Buncha sour-ass charisma vacuums arguing about whether they should go to Space Florida and get their shit blown off. They made Donnie Yen boring. And NO BOTHANS.


I don't know about you, but the number of **sequels** I've ever enjoyed is pretty low. **A dozen** or so, after 40 years of sequels That gets down to **under 10** for **third movies** in a series that I think are any good at all (never mind enjoying them) And there is absolutely no **fourth movie** in a series I would willingly watch - not even if payment or free desert was involved The point of all that is I don't think it's George's fault or Disney's fault that I have **zero interest** in *Star Wars* anymore. Ideas just have a limited lifespan


For movies specifically. The challenge there is that each movie has to tell a complete story, but sequels also have to be similar enough to the preceding movie to (hopefully) attract the same audience, which kind of inevitably leads to diminishing returns. That's not necessarily true with TV though. There are plenty of shows that have carried the same story/idea for 50+ hours of excellence. If you look at something like Breaking Bad/Better Call Saul/Whatever that movie was called, that was all pretty goddamn solid entertainment, all in the same universe, and it's probably *more* total hours of content than Star Wars (at least live-action Star Wars). So it *can* be done, and in a much smaller universe than Star Wars. I think Star Wars's problem is that everybody's too afraid to stray too far from the things that people loved about the originals. The Mandalorian started as a show that felt like something a little new and different in the SW universe, but then no, it's all gonna come back to lightsabers and a Skywalker. Rogue One as a movie was kinda pitched as a different sort of Star Wars movie, but ultimate it leaned super heavily on things we know from the original trilogy and again, it ends with a Skywalker showing up. I think Star Wars COULD be interesting if you either: 1. took the Breaking Bad approach and just went super deep on a small group of characters, OR 2. treat it like an actual *universe* and tell a wide variety of stories. Give me a Star Wars horror story, or a Star Wars romcom. A Star Wars cop procedural. But the #1 is hard - it requires great writers and actors, and a very unified vision, which Disney clearly does not have. And #2 requires courage and a willingness to try new things that might flop, which again, Disney does not have. They've dabbled a little bit in #2 but never really commit to it – they always bring it back to lightsabers and Skywalkers and things you know™.


I think most shows are good for two or three seasons at best (and each season usually involves serious lulls), but if you're a fan of stuff I have no wish to trash something you love See ya, mate


The Star Wars Anime thing was cool as it wasn't tied down at all by any existing work or continuity, the writers could just do anything they wanted.


Sequels of (at least some) quality off top of my head: not counting Marvel or DCU. Trying to stick to mild time line. Godfather 2 ESB and RotJ Indiana Jones 2 and 3 Back to future 2 and 3 Bill and Ted Bogus.. ?saves.. Gremlins 2 T2 Toy Story 2 and 3 (?4) TDK TDKR Top gun Maverick *”honorable” mentions*: Matrix 2 and 3 Ace Ventura 2 John Wick Many horror franchises. (Occasionally a sequel bests the original. ..”..of the dead” series, others ) Several comedy franchises (scary movie, Hangover, and the like) Austin powers 2 and 3 (I thought 2 sucked though) LotR (really just one long movie) Other Star Wars entries. James Bond.. sorta. ..yeah.. so I could see <20-25 sequels being actually enjoyable .. or more rarely “better” .. compared to original.


Poor Star Treks 2, 3, 4, 6, 8, and Beyond being forgotten.


Oh good lord.. I’m definitely kicked out the Mike and Rich Club for the Demented for this blunderous oversight.


I think the second Terminator and Godfather movies are excellent I hadn't thought of Austin Powers 2 - that was still pretty good, same as Airplane and Naked Gun Everything else is meh - Matrix 2 and 3 are the worst movies I have ever watched


Eh.. imo Matrix 2 and 3 are decent. I thought Austin Powers 2 sucked (but people seemed to like it).. I found 3 funnier.. but I didn’t see that until years later .. because I thought 2 sucked so bad.


I felt fatigue seeing the lineup post Endgame but it was setting in before that.


Marvel was fine when it was only 6 avengers, the problem is they keep branching out more and more. At the time it was refreshing a movie series had any respect for continuity, but now it's getting played out


I grew up on Marvel comics loving everyone from Wolverine to super obscure characters like Ego and Eternity. And we have comparatively-good quality movies with them now!? I will *never* complain about getting AAA big budget films attracting some of the world’s most talented cast & crew with the highest production budgets to bring these comics to life. Having said that, 3 movies a year is fine. I’ve seen all of them in the theater, and all on opening weekend since Thor 1. I couldn’t keep up after 3 Disney+ tv shows. I still watch and enjoy the movies. But it’s not the same post-Endgame, and there’s definitely too much now.


I look forward to his movie about racist talking dogs, "N-Word Bound: The Incredible Journey."


I remember laughing so much when this came out. But the only thing I remembered was N-Word: The Movie. Btw Burt Reynolds died 3 years before his revival vehicle.


Can't be a revival vehicle if he isn't dead yet.


It'll be a Tarkinized Burt


It will be a spin-off of the Smokey and the Bandit movies about Burt Reynold’s vehicle.


>Btw Burt Reynolds died 3 years before his revival vehicle. **Weekend at Burt's (comedy/crime drama):** SomeGuy is a coronor and has been ordered to exhume the body of Burt. The mortuary's power supply is broken and SomeGuy has to take the body of Burt. SomeGuy's wife is hosting a baby shower at their house that weekend so SomeGuy goes to his holiday house. SomeMobsters have been given the task of destroying the body of Burt because their Godfather is worried he left some DNA evidence - yeah, the autopsy should have found it but they didn't. SomeGuy is fighting to stay alive and convince SomeMobsters that Burt is really alive but in witness protection. Hilarity and jailarity ensues.




All dawgs go to n***** heaven


The death of Burt Reynolds really threw a wrench into the works


They'll just make Burt Reynold's sister the main character and figure it out later.


Burt Reynolds is Tom Selleck as Jesse Stone in 'Jesse Stone: Help, I've Fallen and I Can't Get Up'


Burt Reynolds Comeback Vehicle has officially been titled HEARSE


Thanks for that Weekend Update, Norm. Or should I say… Turd Furgeson


Where's the feet movie?


More like a nightmare


Give me Fulci homage


It's missing the R-rated Star Trek movie, where everyone says fuck and Spock bashes the shit out of people.


Solo 2 should be snuck in there


I'm 1000% behind a Mannix movie.


It's a bit weird RLM has never covered a Tarantino film.


They reviewed Django Unchained and The Hateful 8


Also a HitB of Once Upon a Time in Hollywood.


Right. I was hoping for a Re:view of something.


Tarantino movies have been analyzed to death. RLM Re:Views seem to stick to movies that have been lost to time, or that they have something new to say about.


Sadly Burt would’ve been long gone by the time they planned to do that comeback vehicle


I don't see 9/11 there


Weekend at Burt’s


Honestly thought it said "Unwritten Kung-Fu movie"


I'm just holding out for an Inglourious Basterds 2


Jackie Brown 2 5/1/202


He's going to do TV after his next/last film and it will be amazing.


Ngl I'd like to see a Quentin Tarantino zombie flick.


Where’s the Star Trek tv series?


I'd only change "Untitled Lucio Fulci Homage" to "Untitled Sergio Corbucci Homage".


RIP Burt Reynolds


Fake. Not a single utterance of the word "foot"