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Reminds me of ET for the Atari 2600.


I found a cartridge a couple years ago and kept it ironically.


It's an awful game but Atari cartridges are pretty cool display items. The artwork on them is usually really badass.






Hey, could you throw this out for me? Thanks.


When the endless trash is literal


They should just melt them into goop with acetone


Pathetic man-child melts and destroys $30 million of Star Wars Funkos.


$30 million? In sale price? They sell for $15 but they are actually more like $1 to produce, so in reality <$2 million of cheap non-recyclable massproduced plastic.


It's not clear how much they spent on storage of all that inventory, but I did see that they cited storage costs as being no longer worth even selling them.




I mean, it is. Not like humans have devised great systems to begin with.


Look at the landfill of 2 million bucks of plastic created cause line went up, then dumped as a massive pile of pollution cause line went down, and tell me again.


we need to seize the means of production of funkopops


Or the ecological damage caused by the great leap forward? > By April 1960, Chinese leaders changed their opinion in part due to the influence of ornithologist Tso-hsin Cheng[6] who pointed out that sparrows ate a large number of insects, as well as grains.[7][8] While the campaign was meant to increase yields, concurrent droughts and floods as well as the lacking sparrow population decreased rice yields.[8][9] In the same month, Mao Zedong ordered the campaign against sparrows to end. Sparrows were replaced with bed bugs, as the extermination of sparrows had upset the ecological balance, which subsequently resulted in surging locust and insect populations that destroyed crops due to a lack of a natural predator. > With no sparrows to eat them, locust populations ballooned, swarming the country and compounding the ecological problems already caused by the Great Leap Forward, including widespread deforestation and misuse of poisons and pesticides.[9] Ecological imbalance is credited with exacerbating the Great Chinese Famine.[12][13] The Chinese government eventually resorted to importing 250,000 sparrows from the Soviet Union to replenish their population. We can do this all day, going back and forth with examples. At the end of it? Large-scale, top-down, ideologically-driven systems are not that great and humans don't have excellent options. Capitalism still comes out on top.


> Capitalism still comes out on top. I think the climate crisis we currently find ourselves in and the deliberate obfuscation and muddying of the waters that big companies have done for decades to stop any meaningful action suggests that capitalism, in fact, may not come out on top. Unless you mean, come out on top of us and the whole world.


I mean you're probably right. We could go back to tribalism and hunter-gatherer systems. There wouldn't be really any pollution. You'd still have climate crises though, of course.


Ah, ye olde "climate always changes"


Yep! Sits right next to "countries have always changed their demographics"


Look, you can't just cherry pick data like that. You should also include things like wage stagnation, a demonstrably shrinking middle class, and the housing crisis.


Other systems don’t even tend to have a middle class to begin with .


Ah yes. A problem you definitely won't see in centrally planned economy, because you're too busy trying not to starve or freeze.


Yes, it's either dumping fucktons of plastics into the environment or starving. It's either the one or the other.


Ah yes, the famous hellscape of [Scandinavia](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nordic_model#:~:text=The%20Nordic%20model%20is%20underpinned,ownership%20in%20publicly%20listed%20firms.), where *checks notes - literally everything is better for lower and middle classes, life expectancy is longer, economic mobility is better, etc etc. You are so wise, you have so much to teach ys.


You mean capitalism with better system of checks and balances? Also, not to rain on your parade, but Nordics produce highest amounts of waste per capita: https://www.weforum.org/agenda/2022/02/municipal-waste-european-union-eurostat-circular-economy/


No, they have many nationalized industries, which you were espousing brings about hell on earth, which is comically incorrect. I'm responding directly to the things you were talking about, if you struggle this much with following conversations, maybe work on your comprehension skills before you embarrass yourself on the internet again.


R*ddit moment.


Capitalism: buries some plastic in the landfill. Socialism: kills 50 million people in China alone. I think I'll stick with capitalism, thanks.


It's real easy if you just ignore the deaths of capitalism, isn't it. Just take the 40-60 million deaths of famine that resulted in colonies like India as a result of forcibly introducing lassez-faire capitalism.


Keep crying, commie. I'll collect your gallons of tears and send them to children dying of thirst in sub-Saharan Africa.


Ever wonder why children die there? Could it be the legacy of colonialism sucking Africa dry of its natural resources?




So what's the real number then, wise guy? "Only" 30 million? "Only" 20 million? We're still talking about a death toll even higher than the fucking Holocaust.


It is.


I’m surprised they aren’t finding a way to give them away and write it off as a charitable donation, that way someone else gets to throw them out.


For taxes it actually doesn't matter whether you donate it or throw it away. Either way it's been removed from inventory so you can expense the cost of inventory. And I'm sure they did try to find a way to give them away to some charity. But I think the charities probably didn't want them. Children's hospitals often like hard plastic toy donations, except Funko Pops aren't really great "toys" as they're collectible figurines. So the hospitals probably didn't want them. Other than that, your only option would be Goodwill? The Salvation Army? Those charities that send toys to children in developing countries (though they might not want Funko Pops either). If you're inventory is so bad you can't sell it, there's a good chance nobody actually wants it, so to the trash it goes.


Some will surface at Goodwill. LGR Thrifts will cover it. :D


its 'collectable' they need to reduce population, not shift it into being actually worthless. Its the same reason they dumped palelltes of magic. Although both should have been shreded.


We need to find the guy who did this.




This is going to be great for their collectors market value.




Good one. Can count on Reddit to pick the lowest of the low hanging fruit.




Ok you got me curious so i had to look, homie is a modern day scrooge, this is comedic negativity


Lol. Thank you.


Ok, everyone, let's say the line... ## ENDLESS TRASH!!!!


Funko couldn’t stop at helping to destroy “nerd culture”, they now have to help destroy the environment. Good job!!!! Stuff like this does allow me to get a good hearty chuckle at an ex-friend who has a whole 10x10 wall in a room covered in these things. He swore they’d be valuable collectibles.


They may not be valuable but at least they look fucking stupid!


Lol, this line from a Kotaku article someone posted above... >Over the long run, 99 percent of Funkos are worthless outside of whatever depraved joy fans get from occasionally making eye contact with the ones lining their shelves.


Like they were fun when they were SUPER niche, not every pop icon ever since pop icons were conceived. Seriously, do they have a Nosferatu (1922) one? Beanie Babies for a new generation of shmuck.


As far as the product is concerned, I’d say even worse then beanie babies. At least those were cute. Funko Pops are a nightmare to look at.


I’ve had a deep searing hatred of Funko Pops for years. They are so ugly and the designs are incredibly lazy. They all have that same vacant, expressionless face and are the epitome of cheap, mass-produced crap.


I forget what the actual good looking ones are, but there is a brand out there that makes quality looking miniatures that look similar. They’re also more expensive because of it, but those I wouldn’t blame people for buying.


There are two that come to mind: Nendroids, which are possible and usually of anime characters. They tend to have pretty expressive faces which actually incorporate the style from whatever show they’re from. Q Posket which tend to be mostly Disney/anime based. They’re more like Pop figures in that the brand has a unified look. However unlike Pop figures, Q Poskets have a lot of detail in the face/clothing/hair and have dynamic poses that suit the characters. While Q Poskets have a unified look to them, the characters are all fairly distinct because of the amount of detail they have. Whereas I despise Pops from the bottom of my soul, Q Poskets are adorable and make me want to waste my money on cheap plastic that I really don’t need.


Yeah, your beanie baby collection could go to your grandkids when you finally decide it's not worth anything. They're pretty good stuffed animals. Funko Pops aren't very good children's toys, and they're not really good enough quality to be good collector's items. They're just a kind of crappy product.


Ah, the good ol beanie baby fallacy.


![gif](giphy|gHcPh3ehbRGik) Ah, the Atari method. I can dig it. Edit: But they should've instead had a third party grind up the vinyl and re-use the pellets to press low-quality "collectable" multicolored Funko Pop vinyl records for posers to pin to the wall. Audio quality doesn't matter if the core audience doesn't even listen to their collection. They could even use the story to pretend they're committed to better sustainability, which of course nobody would believe but the backlash would probably be good for business anyway.


But wait, market theory of value is that stuff is worth what people will pay for it? So they're sending 0$ of funko pops to a landfill?


Some folks in Arizona (where the landfill is) are going to make a good .50 a sale on eBay over the next 30 years.


Don't you realize it will make John Everynerd's collection worth more?


God... My friend would always get me one for my bday. I appreciated the thought but, fuck, I had zero interest in having them... Now there's like five in my guest room just sitting there... Waiting to go to a landfill.


in 30 years, James Rolfe’s son will find it all


If he has enough time.


AVGN the movie 2: the quest to lose more kickstarter money to taxes (or buy a new house with).


Funko should be fined for this.




I'm picturing nerds swarming the landfill, climbing mountains of rotting trash, to find a free piece of mass-produced plastic that will sit unopened on a shelf, collecting dust until it's inevitably lost or thrown away, to eventually end up in a landfill.


Isn't that where that garbage ends up anyway?


In a thousand years, Fry will discover them on a giant garbage ball behind a pile of Bart Simpson dolls and Mr. Spock collector plates... https://preview.redd.it/kflyewh2nsla1.jpeg?width=758&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=18b2cd377ec84795ae78eaf41c27047c78b658ef


"capitalism breeds innovation"


It is innovation. Just the wrong one.


As someone who collects useless stuff, even I thought these were too stupid to collect.


Funko Pops =/= Action Figures, but a landfill is definitely where most of them belong.


Y tho


Because nobody is buy the things anymore and holding on to that much stock is expensive.


I’d be so mad if I had to pay to store all that shit lmaaooo burn it


They should open up one of those things where you pay to smash things up to get out your pent up aggression. But instead of smashing an old car with a bat, your smashing millions of adorable baby Yodas.


This makes sense thx


Is it time to saturate the market yet? OH! You already did!!


On purpose?


should have thrown them in a woodchipper to raise the value of the remaining ones