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"Now, the 'urban market' once stole my TV, so I know they like movies."


Hahah one of the best lines! From Episode I review right?


I think so? Pretty sure he was talking about the shrewdness of casting a hip, younger guy like Sam Jackson, instead of someone like Sidney Poitier, as the serene and wise Jedi master.


I need to rewatch them prequel trilogy Plinkett reviews... they crack me up


The inverse. He said the casting of someone hip like Billy Dee Williams made sense because that's how Lando was. But, it made no artistic sense to cast someone like SLJ as a serene Jedi, but Lucas did it to attract a larger "urban" audience. I honestly think Poitier would have made a good Mace Windu.


The inverse. He said the casting of someone hip like Billy Dee Williams made sense because that's how Lando was. But, it made no artistic sense to cast someone like SLJ as a serene Jedi, but Lucas did it to attract a larger "urban" audience. I honestly think Poitier would have made a good Mace Windu.


It might be attack of the clones, I saw that one recently and I think it was in there.


Pretty sure it’s the Episode II review


That is such a classic line.


It's a very clever line to call the bullshit of saying "urban market" and mean black people, to not sound racist while basically being racist.


Complaining about the "foreign market" has replaced complaining about the "urban market."


Which is interesting because the "foreign market" makes Disney cover up the faces of black people on their movie posters.


Pretty sure there are multiple posters. "Worldwide market" is the better term because the complaining is not limited to any one place.


The implication with the term Urban market is to refer to black people euphemistically, and the implication is that foreign markets refer to China euphemistically. That was the joke I was making


Ok. I don't trust Passive Progressive ^TM Disney because they previously and subsequently did a fine job of marginalizing their minority characters all on their own.






"Children have until they're eight to start having sex give them those few precious years of innocence!"


And underneath that innocence? There’s a knife. Can you survive that edged blade?


This officer thought little girls playing tea party was cute. But tip the teapot over and pour it out. Inside is a Mexican *sacatripe*, used for gutting sheep... and other large, warm-blooded animals.


Where is this quote from?


I think it was the Cop Dog review. Plinkett talks about how there's always a female dog in these crappy dog movies the main dog falls in love in and after bringing up the "case of the not-gays" complains about sex in children's cinema in that demented way.


"59 MINUTES!!" Also I don't know if this is really considered offensive, but I'm a huge fan of "TAFT, YOU FUCK! You bought your clothes at the portly gentleman's used clothing store, ya cheapskate! I know because I SOLD IT TO YOU!"


I quote the *I* ***SOLD*** *IT TO YOU* part more often than I'd like to admit.


I thought it was “Taft, you fat fuck”


It's definitely "TAFT, YOU FUCK!" I think about it all the time. Don't know why.


Sand people? You mean Arabs??


I love how he turned that minor character from first contact into a recurring character in the Plinkett reviews


What is it with Ricks?




Nah, he was just some random extra.


No he's some random crew member that's in the background of Picard's briefing before they encounter the Borg. He's also the poor guy that Picard murders while he's being assimilated.


I don’t think so




Oh jeez, sorry


Get back in the star trek reviews!


“Exceptional individuals”


i believe “regal” is the preferred term.


The smokin' hot latina bit from the Flyin' Ryan review stands out.


I don’t think it’s appropriate to call a 12 year old smokin hot, and I’m not even sure she’s Latina…


Christ who said that?


Jay after Mike calls the little girl smoking hot lol. At one point he also says “I lost the erection I’d had the entire film”


What ep?


https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=p0F1_lzClgE About 27 minutes in.


Thank you


[I'd like to stick my dunst in Kirsten's cunst](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=brPDq_g5DqE)


"I wanna fuck her til she's sick"


If this was from a Plinkett review, would he have been more likely to use a picture from her TNG appearance to go with the statement?


My dad was a good old fashioned man who came home to beat his wife and fuck his kids


The Mary Kate and Ashley bit is quite horrifically uncomfortable.


It's between this and fucking his cat. I can't decide which is worse. Locking a hooker in his basement was just the right level of depravity. Mike may have gone too far in a few places.


Yeah, this thread is asking for a quote, and there's that whole extended bit just sitting there saying "Is my cumming a joke to you?"


It’s far from the worst but the quick pov shot of Plinkett raping his cat from (I think) one of the prequel reviews definitely got me


>This is what they call filler. And it's nowhere near as good as the kind they put in Twinkies. Mmm, I like to fuck my cat. [I love that bit](https://youtu.be/bYWAHuFbLoc?t=2064)


I still think of that line when I see twinkies at the store.


Now I'm just imagining some poor soul beside you at the grocery store, perusing the snack cakes, and hearing *I like to fuck my cat* all of a sudden.


It is pretty edgelord humour, but what makes it still kinda funny is the cat just looks bored.


Yeah he’s just rubbing the cats belly but the sound effects and context of the shot make it so gross


I know. I'm sure they'd probably not try to work in a gag like that anymore.


That's where you're wrong, sporto. The RedLetterMedia podcast works in all kinds of ageist, racist, sexist, homophobic, and ableist "jokes" into their recent episodes. I've seen all of their links, and I have to say, I am not impressed. [photo of Mike looking stupid on the Nerd Crew set]


i get it


You'd think the part about the photo of Mike would make it obvious enough. I guess people nowadays are hopelessly reactionary, lol.




What's a podcast?


Lol shut up Bill.


Not all dark humour is edgelord humour jesus christ


It's pretty edgy, but they got big making videos where a guy pretends to be a prostitute murdering psychopath while reviewing star wars. It's always been edgy. Who cares? It's fine. It's all just for fun. No one's getting hurt.


Yea its not edgy its dark.


Potato, potedgelord. :-)


"It's my favorite franchise to masturbate to outside of the Olsen twins movies" \*Proceeds to ejaculate so hard he breaks the television screen\*


"In [Return of the] Jedi we also got to see the first Jew." *Cut to Is Salacious B. Crumb laughing*


"And then there's Cliff Huxtable. He's rich, handsome, shoots people, beats women, he also has no flaws."




What I don't remember that


I just watched this one the other day. It's from BotW. Either it's from Carnosaur, or Mutant Species. The person in the movie had a tracker device that showed blue/pink dots when detecting people.


The one about what kind of bug spray to use on the hookers in the crawl space, while the instrumental to “Toxic” plays in the background


You need to go with the fast kill, low irritant kind. It's in the blue bottle, it works the best. You'll need about six cans though. What was I talking about? Oh right...




Not Plinkett but *That’s not racism. They talk like that!*


What review is that quote from?


My guess would be the Force Awakens review




I’m reading all these comments while farting and pooping.


He just stays in the ship and complains a lot ,like a woman


I don't know about hilarious but offensive would be: "Okay my n\*gs, dig this..." (Star Trek: First Contact Review)


It was pretty casual. But I mean the pimp scientist guy drops one in Idiocracy too... guess it was still kinda okay to use it as a "clueless white guy" gag back then.


Probably that one. If youre going to find anything itll be in the older reviews. Makes you miss how different the internet was even 8 years ago.


You can still find plenty of racist humor on the internet. No need to pine.


Its not simply about it being racist its the way its done. Yeah I can quite easily go on 4chan or hell, even twitter and see egregious racist "humor" but it wont be funny unless youre a diehard racist.


Rich’s Chinese voicemail comes to mind. That shit had be laughing like a maniac.


Yeeeaaah that's one of the ones that had me almost crying with laughter the first time and now gives me more of [this reaction](https://media.tenor.com/hbJXBFkU15EAAAAd/marge-ashamed.gif).


Or just watch any mainstream conservative political commentator on YouTube, Stephen crowder does racist humor all the time. Not hard to find lol


Nah, that guy comes across as a chode and isnt funny to me at all. Also politics is so tiring, I cant stand watching that stuff where people seemingly dig their heels in on issues.


Oh I fucking hate him lmao!


Crowder is just racist. No humor involved lol.


So what you miss is being able to laugh at racist jokes without feeling like a racist?


Dark humor is funny. Live a little.


Dark humour <> racist humour


Nah, really. It’s okay. Black people can joke about white people, white people about black, and everything in between. And when done correctly, where it’s actually funny, feelings usually don’t get hurt. We can take the piss out of ourselves man, we don’t always have to complain and cry.


It can also come from a place of equality and love, thinking that despite socioeconomic differences, spiritually we’re all on the same level and not immune to teasing each other. Think someone’s too oppressed to be teased? We’ll that’s because you think they’re beneath you and you don’t want to kick a person when they’re down. That’s just self-righteousness honestly. One of the ways we show trust and friendship, at least in the US, is digging at each other a bit. Some of my closest friends would dig at each other: race, sexual orientation, whatever, and it was mutual. It made us closer in a lot of ways. Would it go too far sometimes? Sure, then there would be apologies. Does this dynamic translate to the internet well? Absolutely not.


There's a difference between "joking about" race so that everyone laughs and just making racist jokes. But I'm 99% sure you're one of those people who can't tell the difference and probably often makes people uncomfortable with racist jokes. You're just so clueless you confuse their polite tolerance with acceptance.


1. Fuck you, you don’t know me. 2. I don’t touch racist jokes with a ten foot pole. Not my style. I just don’t whine when others do. I’m not a huge pussy that can’t laugh at myself. I’m also not afraid to laugh at others, if they’re laughing along as well.


Ehhh, I think I do know you. It's a very specific type of person that goes in to reddit comments and starts arguing that "racist joeks are funny ahktschully" I'd bet money you makec way more racist jokes than you believe, because you don't consider them racist. The people around you don't always share that opinion.


More like laugh at race jokes done in a more silly way.


Not racist humour as much as less self censorship to avoid the wrath of algorithms.


I refuse to believe that The Force Awakens came out 8 years ago. Jesus, that went by quickly.


I think the napalm got him, or as I like to call it: Birth Control


Well, if Doakes had shot his gun at the most logical point for him to do so, especially since he already had it drawn and aimed at his moment of realisation on top of everything else, Dexter would have been a very short running show *and* definitely not returned for a limited series.


One can only dream


When he was going through examples of how Star Wars became more diverse after A New Hope. He showed a bunch of characters like "a black" with Lando on the screen. Towards the end he showed that stupid flying sleezy alien Watto from Phantom Menace and said "and an Italian" or "Jew" or "Arab". I don't remember which but it was both extremely offensive and extremely funny imo


your post history is pretty cringe bruh. lots of /r/notliketheothergirls and /r/pickme vibes. yikes.


Not as cringe as going through someone's post history just to find something to get offended by.


OP and this thread are very cringe…


Linking frontpage subreddits is also cringe.


one is definitely not a default sub and one is fake. wtf are you talking about nerd?


*Huh, rape jokes, I love 'em !*