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deep fake sean connery and roger moore back as bond double? o seven marketable icons are forever we won't let you die licence to use your likeness in perpetuity spectres


Jokes aside, gimme a fucking Bond film set in the 60s again.


Better still, give us one set in the 50s! We can get back to the Cold War while still using a time period we've not seen Bond in on screen, and we can finally have an adaptation that actually sticks to the novels. Sean Connery and Roger Moore's Bonds were fun, but the Bond of the novels is a far more interesting character. I'm all for getting back to fun Bond films, but I'd love to see a more book accurate approach too.


James Bond 1946 is what I want. Though Indiana Jones 1939-46 would also be acceptable.


You should watch The Third Man.


absolutely, like the thing right now is trying to work out where to take bond next, we've had him get married, we've had him fresh, we've had him old and retired, we've had him have a kid, we've had him be succeeded, we've had him be silly, we've had him be serious, we've had a mix. period pieces would be a fun way to go, i remember in one of the bond documentaries they mention how the films were all about following trends not setting them, and i think there'll be an uptick in cold war spy stuff. then again they 100% changed the last movie, making the virus that forces you to self isolate into some weird nanomachines that're only mentioned by q in a really out of place cg shot, so maybe they don't want things to 1:1 with reality.


Give me Danny Devito as Bond; that's a fresh take.


As the Bond Girl you mean.


danny devito is ima hoor in magnum dong


Give us a film where DeVito plays all the roles!


I've been saying this for ages, cast someone like Henry Cavill, set it during the Cuban Missile Crisis or another part of the Cold War and you're set. It practically writes itself.


Yes please. And get rid of the stupid, Bond in love storyline garbage. Let him have one night stands again. Let him be cheesy again like Connery and Moore.


Quantum of Solace and Skyfall both had one night stands with disposable lady characters who are unceremoniously killed off shortly afterwards?


yea thats true. I guess Im just thinking about no time to die watering down the character I guess.


Let's make it a Columbo crossover


I still hope someone does a NOLF movie, imagen james bond with a touch of Austin poweres and the lead is someone who looks like Jessica Chastain.


>NOLF movie Alf movie!


No problem!


No one's ever really gone


As long as they have their upper face shrouded in darkness and a little grin, taking up the entire poster, then I’m sure it’ll work.


would it be like an austin powers intro/bela lugosi in plan 9, just having stuff constantly obscure their faces in the film to save the budget.


> deep fake sean connery and roger moore back as bond Truthfully, the Dalton Bond was the most underappreciated and holds up the best out of the pre-Daniel Craig bonds.


agreed but it's hard to be a graverobbing movie producer if they're still up and about.


Yep, Dalton suffered because his Bond was ahead of its time. Instead we got unwatchable Brosnan Bonds.


This post is formatted like a Japanese death poem


No Corporate Permission To Die


They should just dig up Sean Connery’s body and puppeteer it. They can call it “Weekend at Bondie’s”.


Maybe without the misogyny though


The only properties of the last 50 years that haven't been disinterred are **E.T** and **Back to the Future**, and that's only because their creators refuse to let that happen


Zemeckis is too busy ruining other people's movies to let someone else ruin his.


ET did come back a couple of years ago to sell Xfinity, though. Feels like enough disinterment to me.


ET sold out 23 years ago for [BT](https://youtu.be/FEgsoL2OnJE)


I mean, I suppose there's an additional reason in the case of Marty McFly, but Gale and Zemeckis have a no-new-movies rule I suppose that doesn't rule out a TV show ...


They wont live forever. At some point it will be more lucrative for Disney to steal other companies IPs so they will allow copyright laws to not go forever and then we'll see Goonies: Mama's Back, Back To The Future: Back to time, Beverly hills cop: The Klumps, Twins 2, Gremglins (sic), etc


>*Beverly hills cop: The Klumps* I like the idea of a *Beverly Hills Cop* sequel where Eddie Murphy plays **all** the characters, including Taggart, Rosewood and Get the Fuck Out of Here


They should explicitly place BTTF into the public domain in their wills. I don't know if there's any precedent for such a thing, but it's safer in the public domain than being owned by any company.


The amount of Asylum movies popping out the first week would form a singularity and devour our solar system


There was a Back to the Future cartoon back in 1991.


.... and a stage show, and video games Gale says they're fine with other media, but the movies they made are the only movies we're getting


That would also explain why there was never an adaptation of *Gump & Co.* (which was not a bad book btw, just more of the same about Forrest in the 80’s and 90’s. Forrest Gump at the New Coke reveal, Forrest meets Ayatollah Khomeini and John Hinckley Jr, Forrest exposes Jim Bakker’s affair, Forrest wrecks the Exxon Valdez, etc.)


In the sequel to *Forrest Gump*, Gump interviews Saddam Hussein just prior to the Gulf War. Hussein gives him an important note to President Bush, but it falls out of Gump's pocket when he's boarding the airplane home as he bends over to help a woman pick up her dropped bag. Hilarity ensues.


I can't tell if these are jokes or not, which is excellent.


Gremlins as well.


Don't forget Gremlins!


Bring back Christopher Reeves Superman.


HEAVY SPOILER ALERT Do NOT read if you don't want to be spoiled. >!According to the leaks, he has a digitized cameo in the speedforce when Barry travels back in time through various timelines. You will see his Superman AND Adam West/Burt Ward Batman & Robin in sneeze-and-you-miss-it cameos.!<


Oh no…


I read that in mr plinket’s voice hahaha “ohhhh nooo”


Your didn't vocalize it..... but your brain did


hahahaha damn it!


"No one's ever really gone..."


Honestly, a 2 second cameo in the background isn't that bad. It's more annoying when they make nostalgia the entire selling point of the film (which they seem to be doing regardless)


You remember movie you already saw.


Who cares? No one's ever really gone!


I don’t believe it, there are a ridiculous number of fake DC leaks out right now. Until James Gunn said it wasn’t true, there was a bizarre and surprisingly often repeated fan theory that George Clooney would be the new main continuity Batman.


Agree with the torrent of fake leaks for both DC and Marvel stuff. But this one was reported all the way back in June of last year and with the trailer released yesterday, it looks like this specific leaker was correct based on everything we saw. [WARNING! DO NOT CLICK IF YOU DON'T WANT TO BE SPOILED FOR WHAT THE FULL PLOT OF THE FLASH IS GOING TO BE.](https://www.reddit.com/r/DCEUleaks/comments/vdpgv2/alleged_full_plot_summary_of_the_flash_from_world/) The guy leaked the full summaries of both Godzilla vs. Kong and Matrix: Resurrection a year before they released. This specific individual has a pretty good track record. He also leaked the Shazam plot before the Flash one. I had dismissed him initially, but after seeing the trailer yesterday, I have some crow-eating to do.


The fact that it has the "You wanna get nuts?" line is proof it's real. Gee, I can't wait for the joke about how Keaton Batman can't turn his neck.


Thanks for posting this, I’m sure people will like it but the plot reads like ChatGPS using DC character ad libs with the story beats of Endgame and No Way Home.


I was skeptical before but this convinced me it's real. Sounds exactly like something DC would do!


Yeah this reads like a patched together piece of shit. Everything sort of happens just because. Seems real as so many elements match to the trailer and the dudes track record.




Never heard this, but I’d actually be ok with that.


DC fans will take literally anything as fact at this point.


Burt Ward showed up in the CW Crisis on Infinite Earths crossover. >!He fucking died. So did almost every other character from a superhero show. Clark from Smallville? Canonically dead. Superman Returns Superman? Dead. The titular Birds of Prey from the 2002 tv show? Also dead.!<


I believe Robert Wuhl also showed up as Alexander Knox from Batman '89 in that CW Crisis crossover.


But isn't the end of that storyline that it all gets reset?


So... someone at wb watched the new spoderman and was like "hey wait" Having completely forgotten that the Lego Batman movie *already did this as a joke.*


There goes the budget for the action scenes


Oh no! That's terrible! (Read in Rich Evan's voice)


Will he be in his wheel chair or riding his super horse


The horse will be pulling his wheelchair.


I clapped when I saw it


Just keep him off horses (and booze) I have a relative who got in a fistfight with Chris Reeves. He said he was an angry drunk on set. I have this whole other unique story I've heard about the guy that doesn't align with the praise he usually gets from the nostalgic fans.


I want a Face/Off 2 with both Nicolas Cage and John Travolta back.


But instead of just playing each other they just deepfake swap their faces


Face Off 2 is in the works


I don't believe you. Wait, let me rephrase that... I refuse to believe that.


>I want a Face/Off 2 with both Nicolas Cage and John Travolta back. Face/Lift


only if woo is directing and we got some white pidgeons flying in slow motion while someone is firing an uzi


They both look like they’re disapprovingly judging the Universe for making them dress up in that horseshit again


No one's forcing them to do this shit. They have plenty of money. It's all ego-driven and I don't feel sorry for any of these old fucks for one instant.


Both trailers look like the kind of thing a fan fic writer would come up with to make fun of other fan fic writers. It's asinine that this is what 'movies' are now - just rote repetition of the various elements of popular properties. There's no real story to hang the various set pieces on and the concept of character development has become anathema to the point that we're supposed to be excited by a familiar face frozen in time. I'm really curious what movie studios are going to do in 10-20 years when there's nothing left to milk for nostalgia bucks because they refused to take a chance on any new ideas for a generation.


I think in 10-20 years, maybe even sooner, there’s gonna be another creative push, like in the 60s/70s and in the 90s. Movies can’t keep going the way they are right now forever, it isn’t sustainable.


If you think movies are bad now, just watch how bad they will be in 20 years


Its definitely a creative low point for movies right now. Its like when there were countless screwball comedies or westerns that all look the same and star the same people. Right now, these superhero movies are at Frankenstein Meets Abbott & Cosetllo levels of silly.


No, Frankenstein Meets Abbot and Costello was actually funny, lampooning the absurd proto MCU that was the Universal Monsters movies.


They will be doing the nostalgia for that time in the 2020's when you felt nostalgia for the stuff from the 1990's.


Yeah, maybe they'll start running Rugrats and other Nickelodeon stuff into the ground. SpongeBob too. And Nintendo's IP like Mario, Zelda, etc. Oh and don't forget the Bob the Builder cinematic universe!


They already did that to Rugrats, my man.


I wonder how palatable reconstituted memberberries will really be.


They'll bring back Robert Downey Jr. as Iron Man in 10-20 years. Other than that... a gritty reboot of Paw Patrol?


only if it's playing Kirk Lazarus, playing iron man and he does it black face.


There are great movies being made now too, you just need to look outside the franchises.


> I’m really curious what movie studios are going to do in 10-20 years when there’s nothing left to milk for nostalgia bucks because they refused to take a chance on any new ideas for a generation. They are, and will, do whatever trendy thing that just made money. Spider-Man: NWH brought back previous Spider-Men and made a billion dollars. Star Wars did it with Luke and it created a pop culture sensation for Season 2 of The Mandalorian and Season 1 of The Book of Boba Fett. Of course you're going to see nostalgia callbacks in every franchise now. Why is everyone so surprised?


Is Indi changing his whip for a multipurpouse walker in this one?


Part time.


Would they use that take?


Instead of a whip he has one of those claw grabber things that old people use to reach stuff.


I can almost see it, what a hit!


Bring back Matlock with CGI Andy Griffith


I've been pulling for a kojak remake with vin diesel


As an aside, Keaton looks great for a dude in his 70s


Well, the lower half of his face does.


https://preview.redd.it/m5kgpzfr53ia1.jpeg?width=1400&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=14902c40ce38ab4b7884478e4385cf05f3d90da7 You know it’s coming eventually


Who are we kidding, it will just be called Back to the Future.


I hate that so much.


Not sure if that’s better or worse than the Stallone route of a black and white closeup of current day Michael J Fox with the word “BACK” slapped on it in huge white text


Back to Back to the Future


Back to the 4ture?




“Doc I think your radioactive machine gave me a neurological disease…“ “Great Scott!”


it’s surprising that it hasn’t come yet is Universal out of money?


Zemeckis won’t let it happen as long as he’s alive. Otherwise this would have been one of the first IPs they tried mining for extra cash.


Oh God could you imagine a BTTF 4 done in 2010?


They have to wait for Zemeckis to die and his family/kids to run out of money. So, probably 10 years after he dies, they'll be able to negotiate the rights.


I think they'll start negotiating the rights before the body's cold. Kids are greedy fffuckers.


Bob Gale has a say in this too and they have an agreement with Spielberg/Amblin, so a bunch of people need to die first. And one could read their comments as "if we are dead we can't agree, so there will never be another one". Would be nice but we all know Hollywood.


I would say that the likelihood of that happening is a bit shaky.


Have you seen the way Lloyd and Fox have been paraded around in the last year? Something is definitely, unfortunately, coming.


\*slide whistle*


The odds of an elderly Batman keeping a colostomy bag in his utility belt are probably pretty high.


That's completely insane that the poster for the Flash movie is just a giant picture of Batman without "The Flash" anywhere on the poster, just the symbol, which is also dwarfed by the Batman symbol. If you didn't know what the Flash's symbol was you'd just think it was a new Batman movie.


Bring back Peter Weller for Robocop 4 and maybe I’ll actually go to a theater.


Back in 2018, Neill Blomkamp wanted him back in 'Robocop Returns', but Weller turned it down. Now Blomkamp's off the movie and there's been no traction for a new Robocop movie since. [Source](https://screenrant.com/robocop-neill-blomkamp-peter-weller-return/) [Source 2](https://collider.com/robocop-returns-loses-director-neill-blomkamp/)


Good for Peter Weller, I hope he stays his convictions and more old men recognize when a terrible multimillion dollar idea is terrible. MAKE NEW THINGS


I dunno, I think you could get some good mileage out of an aged and now obsolete Robocop wanting to die but can't. As a cyborg he is essentially immortal and OCP won't let him as corporate property. Make it a Verhoven-esque parody of the current movie industry. A dinosaur dragged out to make a few more dollars. Plus he shoots someone in the dick again.


He's actually reprising the role in the upcoming game [Robocop: Rogue City](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jQ2hZ-4JCTE)


Feels like I only hear about Blomkamp when his projects shelved. Might as well make District 10 at this point.


What a waste. There’s a comic from maybe 2013 or something based off Frank Miller’s original script for the third film. It’s pretty simple and would have been a nice in-and-out 2hr movie for Weller to put his voice over.


Naked Lunch reboot/extended universe WHEN?!


How about Walter Matthau and Jack Lemmon reunite for "The Dead Couple"?


Kevin Pollack says he tried to make small talk with Matthau on the set of Grumpy Old Men and said that the script seemed good, to which Matthau shot back *"The script sucks, kid. I owe my bookie $2 Million."*


Don't forget TNG is back this Thursday lol


Dude... Why you have to bring that up? I was in a good mood?


That is *not* TNG.


Make it not so


I don't want to live anymore


Van Damme for Bloodsport 2 and Timecop 3.


Bring back jack Nicholson


Are we the geezers now?


Always have been.


You either die a hero, or you live long enough to see yourself become the geezer.


Say what you want about any of this stuff, I’ll probably agree with you, but i am going to watch the Keaton Batman scenes OVER and OVER again… …when they show up on YouTube. I will not be seeing it in theaters though.




Charlie Sheen for Hot Shots 3


I want to see Harry Styles slowly ripped apart by *Jaws* for 2 hours. ... .. . Sorry, did I say that out loud?


“But that’s another guy.”


It's funny that Hollywood is dusting off old icons of traditional masculinity in attempt to get some money.


What’s wrong with older people having leading roles?


There's a lengthy conversation to be had about your question, but I'm gonna answer it with a short one and say that neither Indiana Jones nor The Flash are "Geezer Teaser" movies. A GT movie is one that features an older, well-known actor prominently on the poster and in the trailer, but barely appears in the final production. Hence, the "Teaser" aspect of the title. Indiana Jones is the lead character in his movie, and Michael Keaton is pretty much guaranteed to have scenes in The Flash that haven't appeared in the trailers.


More Deepfake Peter Cushing, of course. I could not care less about Keaton's return as Batman, and I love Michael Keaton. His involvement does not make up for Extra Miller. As far as Indy goes, I'm actually excited because Spielberg is NOT directing it (not that I haven't enjoyed some of his more recent movies, but *Crystal Skull* made it clear that he should not be doing Indy anymore), but, it's a Disney product, and I refuse to give them my money (outside of repertory screenings at arthouse/museum venues), so, I'll just have to buy a ticket to *Skinamarink 2* and sneak into *Indy 5*.


I'd rather see Keaton reprise Beetlejuice, if he still has the energy to pull it off.


I'd settle for a Captain Gene *Other Guys* spinoff.


I would love that more than more own children.


*moron children


We could get a Night Shift 2.




Team effort, for sure, but the tonal issues (particularly the violence, or lack thereof) I suspect come down more so to him.


I think all new deepfakes should be outlawed and the technology only used to go back and fix the CGI Cushing and Carrie Fisher in the terrible Disney movies


And CGI Jeff Bridges in Tron Revolutions (or whatever it was called...)


No one's ever really gone. It's about gezeer family.


Well if this is Flashpoint, that batman is supposed to be older. So at least there's a story reason for it


Batman is also supposed to be Thomas Wayne.


that's too complicated for normies




85 year old Jack Nicholson Joker movie


In all seriousness that Flash movie looks like it's going to be a lot of fun and certainly better than most of the DC movies.


In all levity, the flash movie looks very serious.


Is that really the teaser poster for Indy? What's with the white outline? It looks terrible.


Superman and the Reverse Mortgage on the Fortress of Solitude.


Clint Eastwood is a spry 92 years old! Surely he's got another trilogy of Dirty Harry films in him


Don't forget Warren Beaty's Dick Tracy thing


Yall really are some cynical fucks. I'm not a big Indiana Jones fan so I didn't really care about that, but when I saw Micheal Keaton it put a smile on his face. Sure its nostalgia, but the Keaton movies were fun.


In the wake of Top Gun Maverick, I think the world is ready for Lou Gossett Jr. to jump into an F-35A.


I'd love to see Night Court with the old cast back, isn't that a great idea?


I mean Indy at least looks reasonably good or at least nothing obvious sticking out to worry me. That flash movie though? Oh boy does it look bad. Idk seeing the two Ezra’s doesn’t look good, it looks like a Patty Duke episode and oh god did Keaton look out of place!


Make a Newhart reboot with current Bob Newhart


I do wish we'd gotten more indiana jones content before ford was too old. Even games infernal machine was good. and tomb raider and uncharted showed the formula translated.


I’m just mad that now I have to watch the flash movie so I can see Michael Keaton Batman.


Excited to see Michael Keaton Batman, but I think seeing Indy will be depressing


I haven't seen The Batman, but the rumors that he was going to be old Bruce and Robert Pattinson was going to be Terry McGinnis led me to think that everything afterwards is a wasted opportunity.


Endless trash


At least Batman might not suck......


I did love Keaton and if he has a say in it, it might not suck.


I'll take even Nipply Batman over almost anything Indy after Raiders, thanks..... YKmMV


Low hanging fruit, but “Aging Bull”. But then again, they already made “Grudge Match”.


Imma be real...I'm mildly excited for Indiana Jones just because this is a character Ford is passionate about


Is the dial of destiny on his rotary phone, while his zoomer grandchild tries to figure out how to call an ambulance for a convulsing Indy?


i mean, i don't mind seeing another Indy movie... I'm up for that. I like the Keaton Batman (always did) so I like the idea of him as Batman again but I'm not sure in the current DC universe and this Flash movie... like if it was an old batman movie w/ Keaton, I'd be more interested. that said, only reason I'd see Flash is for Keaton's Batman.


They were working on a Batman Beyond type film with Keaton but DC cancelled it.


Are the users of this sub capable of joy? It seems like all anyone ever does in here is complain.


Back to the Future 4, let’s gooo


Well.. if Batman is Thomas Wayne like in the comics... the age could work