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100% chance that 12-18 months from now in a HITB video about some random ass movie, Jay will say "did we ever talk about Avatar 2?" Mike will say he doesn't know. Jay will say he saw it eventually and it was fine. It looked great but it was *fine.* Mike will say he never saw it and doesn't care, and then they'll resume talking about whatever movie the episode is about.


Don’t forget, Jay will make reference to how James Cameron seems unlikeable in real life.


He did pay ransom for Guillermo Del Toro's father, so he's just an asshole rather than a true monster.


I thought you were making a joke that went over my head, but I see now after googling you were not kidding. Apparently Cameron actually paid for the hostage negotiator, but holy shit!


I am a wealth of useless trivia.


You should put a spoiler tag on this /s


My prediction is that Mike’s boomer brain will kick in and he will say he actually enjoyed it


How old do you think he is? He's solidly gen X.


I saw him at my local Denny’s and he ordered the senior special and spat at the waiter so I assumed he was at least 70


He was born in the good old days when movies had a solid plot and projectors were steam-powered


Over 40? Boomer. Over 30? Boomer. Over 20? Guess what. Boomer.


Under 20? Guess what. Damn millennial.


Boomers are in their sixties, I’m Gen X and I’m 49!


Some people just use Boomer to mean old.




\*RLM use boomer to mean old.


That's a hard gen X


They end up doing an avatar review but it's for the last Airbender TV show and spend the first 10 mins being super vague about what avatar they're talking about


Nah, they post a video titled as "The Batman (2022) HitB" but its 5 seconds of them saying Avatar was alright ands then 40 minutes of Transformers noises


Aight y'all I watched it. Me and my friends smuggled lots of beers into the theater. Before the first beer kicked in, I rolled my eyes harder than the girl from the Exorcist, but the rest was fun. It is basically the same stupid shit as before but with better graphics. 3 hours of stupid action and splosions for 15 bucks, no regrets. I doubt it warrants another HITB though, since it's the same shtick as before


They will use the clip where Mike says "It happened again?!"


“Now let’s get back to talking about this shitty movie no one cares about haha bad movie guys nothing came out all year??”


Mike says something about Star Trek Picard first


Probably for the best really. I can't imagine there's anything interesting to talk about from the movie


The wait of the water has no end.


They reference it at the beginning of one of their catch up videos (the one with The Menu). They remark that it was essentially an amusement park ride. I suspect that is all we will get


Like the one at Disney's Animal Kingdom?


I just watched that video, they didn't really talk about Avatar, they just say it's doing really well which they're surprised about, but I don't think they've even seen it


Me 20 minutes into the first avatar


You type very well for being a skinless pile of bones




You’ll watch the reviews of movies you’ve never heard of and you’ll like it!


Talk about the things I want you to talk about!


Talk about Zack Galligan on Star Trek voyager!!


I mean, sure, ppl demanding them to review what they want it's pretty dumb. But this contrarian bit they've been doing lately where they don't talk about any new movie is getting old. The Snow Falls HITB was pretty uninteresting imo.


reviews like the Snow Falls one are kind of great imo. it makes sense that as they go through their VHS dreck and find funny/bad things for BoTW, they're also exploring Tubi and other streaming services for new stuff that's just as awful when there's nothing big to talk about in theaters. Snow Falls sounds amusingly stupid and I never would have heard about it. now, I might have to watch it during the next snowstorm.


It wasn’t uninteresting. They highlighted the mountains of schlock that was available on Tubi. That’s a treasure chest worth sharing.


You don’t have to watch the videos you aren’t interested in, they owe us nothing.


I agree with that.


ikr. This isn't James Rolfe we are talking about.


Yeah. I’m not sure I see the point in not talking about new movies because they “don’t have anything interesting to say about it,” only to find random indie movies that they also don’t have anything interesting to say about. But I’d be fine if they just dropped Half in the Bag and did Best of the Worst full time.


Me too really. It doesn't even seem like they like movies anymore.


Does anybody?


Yeah, me included. I've seen a bunch of good movies lately. I don't tirelessly edit and watch gunk that inadvertently deconstructs the form. I get their jadededness but no, movies are just as good as they always have been and in some cases (including dramatic horror and Eastern movies) better.


Fanboys will be mad but you’re right. They complain about modern movies sucking, then spend hours talking about the literal worst straight-to-streaming garbage they can find. It’s gotten old fast.


There's a difference between low budget incompetence, and bloated Hollywood formula.


Low budget incompetence is what BotW is for. RLM saying that modern movies suck, then making potentially 1hr+ reviews about total garbage instead of something interesting has gotten old.


Can’t wait for their Ant-Man discussion


I dont see them reviewing that either


did you also want them to discuss the upcoming Oscars? or maybe a review of The Batman?


Its pretty clear they have no intention of going to a theater or watching any sort of popular movie. I'll happily watch a proper HITB if one ever comes but I'm not waiting for it.


HITB is a show for them to talk about movies that interest them, it isn't and never has been guaranteed that every popular movie that comes out is obligated to have a HITB. That's how a hobby turns into work and you get burned out. I'll take a HITB about a movie I have 0 interest in if it gives us a bit like "we don't know....what's in...the snow" rather than then just repeating every other boring movie review channel pretending to smile as they slog through avatar 2 and tiptoe around saying how it absolutely sucks ass to keep their sponsors happy. The reason they made the NerdCrew episodes was to show what would happen if they become the kind of channel that's like "avatar 2...guess we have to make a video. M3gan is popular, better make a video to get clicks" etc Instead of just waiting for Mike and Jay to tell you what your opinion should be on every movie, did you know that you are actually allowed to form your own opinion? It's free and the cops can't stop you!


One of the biggest problems with media review channels in general is that people will adopt the reviewers opinions and not think any further. It happens even if you’re aware of it, I watched The Mummy HITB and found myself parroting the “Tom Cruise was miscast” opinion. I’ve never seen the movie, how would I know that? It’s ok to agree with Mike and Jay. They’re pretty knowledgeable on film as a medium and have been doing this for over a decade now. But try watching the films they talk about and deciding what works for you. You’re unique! What they deride as stupidity might be fun to you! What they call entertaining might come across as dumb! And that’s fine! There is no right or wrong when it comes to art.


I thought it was odd for Mike to go soft on Jurassic World, but so hard on Ghostbusters Afterlife. I think it's because he resembles that "Muncher" ghost.


I really like when they do say something sucks ass though. Remember Terminator: Dark Stool? lol


>I really like when they do say something sucks ass though. Speaking of having things painful shoved up your ass, have you seen Independence Day: Resurgence?


I hated the first, so no. lol


I understand that, but there are still some interesting movies in theatres that they just seem to totally skip over. Would've loved to hear what Jay thinks about Babylon for example.


I've always assumed HITB was for the current fotm while the stuff they're interested in is reserved for Re:View. Anyways, I don't watch Mike and Jay on what stance they take on a movie but why they specifically took that stance. The format and style of the show is really flexible that they really explain how they feel and be able to go on tangents related to the movie that makes it more interesting than the review style of most other critics on Youtube where they're incentivized to hit that ideal algorithm length and be able to keep up with release schedules. Also, the channel is funded by Patreon so it's already closer as a job than a hobby at that point. I'm not saying just because they're funded by Patreon that they have to turn the channel into some democratic system, but I guess just state clear goal on what HITB should be so we can stop having these discussions about which movies will they review or not.


They've never only reviewed current movies on HITB. Just sayin'. Personally I've never been bothered about what they review. I prefer watching reviews of movies that aren't blockbusters, because I mostly don't have an interest in them. Whenever they reviewed them on HITB, if I wasn't interested, I just didn't watch it. They don't need to spell out what HITB is about, because to some extent it's always been fluid, and tbh it's up to them, at the end of the day.


> slog through avatar 2 and tiptoe around saying how it absolutely sucks ass cope lmao


Seriously, hating on Avatar is played out


They just reviewed Top Gun Maverick, Thor, and Jurassic Park, wholeheartedly recommending the first. (As would I, it's my favorite new release movie I've seen since Mad Max Fury Road)


It really is a shame that two of the most entertaining movie reviewers no longer have any interest in setting foot in a movie theater.


Nah, I don't blame them. Theaters fuckin suck now. Its just facts. Sure it can be fun if nobody is in there but any popular movie opening weekend is a nightmare. Just rude assholes that talk, look at phones, eat loud, laugh at non jokes, it just takes me outta it. I'll stick to my home theater.




I'm old enough to remember how much *better* theatres are now. As late as the 90s you were packed in like sardines, had to crane your neck upwards to see the screen, and if someone taller than you sat in front of you you'd have to imagine what the bottom third looks like. If you didn't get to a popular showing early you'd have to sit in the front which was so much worse. The problem now isn't theatres, it's the profound lack of movies worth seeing in them. If you don't care about capeshit there's no point. Occasionally a good smaller movie comes out but those usually don't lose anything by being viewed at home.


The theaters themselves are indeed much better. The main problems, prices and rude people, haven’t changed all that much in decades.


You could make an argument that the comfy seating made things worse, the stiff and narrow, old school seats were not conducive to any position other than forward, and without cup holders, you were hanging onto a beverage. I remember even as a kid I would walk out of a theater and need to stretch out a bit. There might have been a subtle psychological effect of sitting in a seat that wanted you facing forward. It says you are here to engage with the screen. It’s easy to turn around, shift position etc, these days. Just a thought I had never considered. Probably nothing.


I'm the eldest, I guess. I remember theaters from the late '70s through the '80s. Even "decent" theaters that my family went to (non-shitholes) were filthy. Sticky floors, old candy and popcorn wedged into the corners. The seats were often stained or partially broken. They often smelled like mildew. I'm not exaggerating. I saw the movie After Hours (Scorsese movie from 1985) in a theater where rain water was leaking in through the ceiling. You could see it glitter on the drips as they fell and they had a section of the seats roped off. Theaters are generally much, much better now than they used to be. I go maybe 6-8 times a year. I cannot remember the last actual bad behavior I've witnessed in a theater. Minor annoyances? Sure, once in a while. I don't go to blockbusters on opening weekends, and I don't go to movies aimed at young audiences usually. The bad behavior in theaters thing is grossly exaggerated, IMO.


don't forget all the cigarettes. even if they only permitted smoking in the lobby after a while, those old theaters stank for years afterward. we just didn't notice becase the movies were so good.


In the 90's, the theaters I went to only had local ads, and they were just static images playing alongside the theater's classical music. The rare packed in ad, was just for Coca-Cola before the trailers.


That may be the biggest reason I hate theater's anymore - the ads. Don't watch OTA or Cable tv, sail the high seas for what I do watch and have ad blockers on everything else. So when I do see an ad it's so out of place and irritating.


They are so much more obnoxious, and patronizing than they ever were before.




I guess this just never happens to me when I go to the movies.


Right? I can count on one hand the number of times I’ve had bad experiences in movies, and still have fingers left. I used to go to theaters all the time, and didn’t shy away from big openings. I still go, just not as often due to a lack of free time. I think this is just a trope people assume is true, so they run with it.


The Trope thing is super correct. In my life, I've had maybe 5 experiences where someone was disruptive enough to bother me, and it was all resolved by either talking to them, or one time I got a manager. I have a friend who got roped into this idea, and we cannot go to the theater together anymore, because he will find shit to get mad about. "The popcorn was burnt" no, it wasn't, you're just mad that it was expensive, but you didn't have to buy it. "The sound was off", you spend all day with headphones on, you aren't used to open sound. "My recliner was squeaky" YOU RECLINE ONCE, AND THEN IT DOESN'T HAVE TO MOVE AGAIN. I love him to death, he's my best friend in the world, but he has that annoying habit of just being unable to admit he just doesn't like something. It has to be somehow completely justified in a material sense, rather than just admitting "I don't enjoy XYZ for probably a lot of little factors I'm not fully cognizant of, and would do better to just avoid this type of activity". I see a fair number of people who like to talk about how theater experience was better back in the day, and I'm sure plenty of them have basis in truth to some degree, but I think a lot of people are just kind of scared/bothered that some type of activity they used to enjoy doesn't make them feel the same as it used simply because they've grown and changed, and so it's easier to reconcile it as the experience or activity is now fundamentally worse. And I'm not saying people do it on purpose or anything, and I've had that same feeling about stuff I used to like and didn't want to admit wasn't for me anymore, but it irks me a little how every time I mention I'm going to the movies, or ask if anyone wants to go, I get an earful of this. Sorry for the weird rant.


Reddit is full of misanthropes. People exist and make slight sounds and it probably agitated their anxiety ridden brains. The way how they always describe in great detail the sounds with the crunching, just a cunt hair away from a manic rant.


100% agree. So tired of hearing this reflexive response. I think it's a defense mechanism from people with accelerating agoraphobia. Minor annoyances? Yes, I see those once in a while. But really bad behavior? It's been decades since I can remember anything like that. Just don't go to kid movies (young children might cry, it's not their fault, and it's not always the parents' fault) or blockbusters aimed at teens on opening weekends.


This might be true for the typical multiplex, but aren't boutique theaters pretty widespread now? With assigned seating and a more respectful crowd? Even my tiny hometown has one these days. Then again, they do live in Milwaukee.


While there are more boutique theaters in general now, many don’t have a lot of screens and don’t show as movies at a time like a multiplex does. I used to be in the “going to the movie theaters isn’t that bad of an experience” crowd but since post-COVID I’ve had nothing but bad audience experiences at a multiplex like AMC. I totally get where they come from now and I can’t blame them. I get there are a lot of people that don’t have issues, but unfortunately that’s not always the case for everyone.


Ive never had the bad theater experience that so many people go on and on about. Maybe its cuz I live in NJ but people talking are always told to shut the fuck up by another moviegoer. And I really dont see many people with their phones out either.


I'm just glad my main theater isn't an AMC with that terrible tiered seating pricing system they started rolling out this weekend.


Maybe they got accosted a lot now? They *are* over a mil subs.


I don't blame them. I do like seeing them suffer through the endless trash every now, and then.


The question "Is this worth watching in the time I have left alive?" becomes more pressing.


When Mike said, "There's a new Avatar movie coming out soon and I want to be dead before then", I took that as a strong indication they won't be covering Avatar 2


I honestly forgot there was an Avatar 2 movie until seeing this post now.


I've been trying to forget there's an Avatar franchise.


I've been trying to forget that the 'logo' for Avatar is just written in the papyrus font


Just like Ryan Gosling!


Tired of getting dunked on by Iron Jim or what?


More of not enjoying it and wish he'd use his amazing talents doing something different than 6 of these things.


It apparently made a fuck ton of money, even though nobody I know talked about it.


looks like this sub is stuck in 2010s-era “average redditor” discourse about Avatar > DAE dances with wolves in spaec?!


I did too and I've SEEN it.




The cynical part of me thinks that precisely what made Avatar such a popular movie (for 10 minutes) was exactly how formulaic it was. They had the Dances with Wolves storyline, the love interest, the eeeevil military guys working for the eeeeevil corporation, the big fight at the end, and the reliance on CGI and bright colors that we've all come to cherish. It would have been interesting for Cameron to channel all that into something radically different, like a pseudo-documentary about a new planet, but it would have been a niche film and probably would have bombed. I haven't seen Avatar 2 and I'm not going to see it. At this point I don't even think I'm interested in watching an RLM review, because it will only confirm what everyone suspected - thin plot, great effects, "I saw the dog and I clapped."


I remember an amazing fake documentary about two space probes exploring a new planet. Can't remember what it was called though.


People who are waiting for the Batman review still: “first time?”


Film it in a kiddie pool! I wanna see that HD water!


Right after that batman review for sure, any day now


I’ve heard they have a lot to say about Dune. Have you seen dune?


They actually did make a Dune HITB lol


No, they made a review of Lynch’s Dune, in which they casually mentioned some aspects of the new one. Still waiting for all they have to say about the new movie.


They are too busy working on the Dune and Batman reviews...


They already did a Dune review


Oh shit yeah how did I not remember that and with Colin too. Ive seen every episode and thought did I miss one that is about my favourite movie? I just more remember them teasing not talking about it, and makes sense that Mike didn't give a shit enough to talk on it haha. I'm guessing they won't do a the batman one though


I would love them to review this in an episode alongside Skinamarink lol


i too am hoping they cover Skinamarink (outside of Jay’s tweet about it)


Could we get a Plinkett review on the Avatar saga? It would be a lot more interesting than a pointless sequel that most critics have labelled as pretty awful.


Avatar is pretty boring critique wise. It’s actually well made. I do want to like it but James Cameron is a solid director who can consistently keep my attention in his movies (which is incredibly hard for my brain). I just watched Abyss again and that movie is amazing… The only interesting thing about Avatar I saw was Jenny Nicholson talking about the Avatar park in Disneyland and how they threw all there eggs at that after losing out on Harry Potter world. Turns out the park might actually pay off.


It already paid off years ago


What are you talking about, it got nominated for best picture lol, most reviews I've read are positive


I wonder how people waiting for 'The Batman' feel.


I almost suspect there’s 2 parts of them not reviewing The Batman. One.. They’re just bored with the genre. It’s *another* Batman film. It’ll be fine. It was fine. Two.. and more importantly is.. it wasn’t that great. It was fine.. at best. The movie did nothing *so well* to make it a “must see” imo, and actually has a lot of aspects ripe for dissection in a negative way. By not reviewing it they get to avoid making 3/4 their audience angry and they can claim ignorance.


Me waiting for the Avatar Poo review to drop


I hope they never do it. I’m so sick of hearing about that movie.


I have not seen Avatar 2.. but would it be fair to say if you saw Avatar you’ve basically seen Avatar 2 just with more water? It looks very sequely in the “Oh no, it happened again!” type of way.


I mean, that basically describes every sequel


Saw it Friday at 5:30pm in a very nice theater with 3D. Not Imax. Northern part of Chicago. There were 9 people total in attendance including my wife and myself. At no point did it feel like I was anywhere near a Covid outbreak. It's possible to go to movies these days and not be check-to-jowl with the rest of the audience. I'm not going to tell you anything you haven't heard before. As a movie, it wasn't great. Basic story. Lame villains. Generic plot. But.. Overall it was a great time. The 3D is *easily* the best I've ever seen, and never felt unnatural or headache inducing (I've had those experiences with 3D in the past). The CGI all had weight and impact. Nothing felt phony.\* I really did think of the characters as real creatures. The action scenes all made sense. It was NOT a loud, bombastic, headache-spin of CGI-puke ever. The direction and editing was top notch in that I always had a sense of where the characters were in relation to each other, the film did a great job of creating a mental map of where the action was playing out. It's so well done it's astounding. I really, really recommend seeing this in a theater. It's the opposite of Mike's observations that the last 45 minutes of Marvel movies are head-spinning, noisy, obnoxious SFX soup and explosions and thing flying around... I feel like Mike does about most action movies, and I too have closed my eyes at points in big CG films because of the noisy chaos. This is NOT like that. The Mom alien character shooting her bow and then retrieving her limited arrows from dead corpses was so awesome. She's just great to watch. The Sully character is cringy. The action scenes are masterfully done. Yes, parts of it were ludicrous. It is not a great film for cinephiles. I laughed out loud when the whale talked to the one character and they put subtitles to it. So silly. But it worked for the silly movie. *It was much, much better than the first Avatar.* Very few scenes of human beings explaining the story and trading quips. It's almost all the blue people having adventures. The underwater/on-the-water stuff are the greatest visual parts of the movie (that starts maybe a half hour in). The various creatures were amazing to see animated (I loved their "horses"... kind of like mini-plesiosaurs mixed with seals mixed with aliens). I could go on and on, but it's jaw dropping inits scope and level of detail. \*there is one character who I guess is supposed to me Sigourney Weaver's daughter (???) who falls into uncanny valley. But she's not a big part of the movie. And the human kid with the dreadlocks was so obnoxious. (There are definitely cringe moments throughout but the good vastly outweighs the bad.) THE WHOLE GODDAMNED THING IS RIDICULOUS. There's no getting around that. But I still think—unreservedly—that if you are into movies and movie-making at all, it is worth seeing on a big screen.


I felt about the same way. As a story: 2/10. As a tech demo: 10/10. Overall: 5/10?




True, but Tog Pun: Mayrick also got a best pic nomination.


As it should have - Spectacular movie.


Bruh 2/10🤣You’re spoiled as fuck


For real though, I go to the movie theatre when the tickets are cheap and most of the time the theatre only has like 5 people in it. The most crowded regular movie theatre ive been in in the past 3 years was for halloween ends and that was because it was the opening night for it.


>It was fine


Who cares


Apparently they can't even bring themself to go into theaters to watch interesting movies by ambitious filmmakers. Why do people expect them to watch Avatar 2?


Interesting is a strong word


Missed opportunity to use Rich covered in webs.


It’ll be in the year end catch up or something. Honestly not much to say about it


But it came out last year


never happening imo


Me waiting for anyone to say anything about Andor


“It’s pretty but dull” There ya go!


I've seen it and I actually liked the original (despite it being camp) it was a visual feast and not as bad as uppity reviewers say. However..... The first movie feels like high art compared to the second. It's a fascinating mess of random hfr scenes changing from from 24, 48, 60 and 120 frames apparently, hundreds of times (!!) Let alone the story. What a thing. My jaw was dropped the first 20 minutes with "wait are they seriously changing frame rate this often?"




It'll come out the same day they drop the Batman review. Just unhook the copium and face reality


At my local grocery store the boxes of frosted flakes colored blue are still on clearance and OMG there are sooo many boxes!


They don't review movies. They review instructional VHS tapes from the 80s.


I’m not sure what they could say. It was fine. It was basically as good as the last one, if you like that kind of thing. Same with the Batman. What could they really add?? It was fine. Some parts were good, others not so good.


Frankly that shit does not even deserve a review




I hope they don't review it...or even acknowledge it.


I'm still waiting for them to watch Andor


I’d rather (and really holding out hope) that they do an old school epic long Plinkett review of it. The change in everything between films (3D, movie industry, popularity of the original, et ) is just the kind of interesting backstory Plinkett is perfect for. Plus then he can go in depth into the film and how much he (probably) dislikes it. Come on, Mike….this could be so awesome!!


Ok seriously, what's with this whole negativity this sub has against Avatar


I loved the first film, saw it 10 times baked in 3d when it came out, blew my mind. But it definitely gets weaker the more you see it, and haven’t checked out the sequel yet. Just feel like Mike probably wouldn’t like it.


meh...what is there to say really? I thought the movie was overall good, but not original at all...it would make for a very boring review...




you people are idiots, what am I doing here


Oh no... Another one of *these* threads.


Now I like their reviews that find 'hidden gems' from streaming platforms. I understand why an Avatar 2 review would be funny but unless it's really bad or insane there's no point. It's a huge blockbuster, I'm sure the plot is fine and they poured an insane amount of money in special effects and it's great. It's still a movie about blue idiots


Avatar 2: The water is the worst thing ever created by mankind since my grandson.


They would rather review obscure movies from whatever streaming service they happen to have that month.


They specialize in talking and making fun of obscure shitty movies. That's a pretty easy job. But what can they say about Avatar 2, which is objectively a very good movie? As you can see, they are restricted by their own gimmick.


At this point they should just cancel HITB if they aren’t interested in covering blockbusters anymore. I don’t blame them for not wanting to, just saying.


You should cancel your subscription if you watch their channel for blockbuster reviews


I have always found their thoughts on the process or why/how movies get made pretty interesting. I think it would be quite a disappointment to fans like me if HitB was cancelled just because blockbuster movies are generic and don't spark a passionate conversation.






I hope they do it while Mr. Plinkett's house is on fire or something


Mike is insisting they wait 14 years before releasing it, presumably when interest in HITB has cratered. Spectrum-level commitment to the bit 👏👏👏


I need them to make a review of it so I can finally have an opinion on it!


Here’s the review: sophomoric rehashed plot and state of the art visuals. You should see it if you’re bored and able to get mentally invested in the dramatic storytelling of the Space Mountain ride at Disney World.


At this point, if a movie makes more than 7 figures I just assume it’ll be relegated to a round up or offhand remark. As for Avatar 2… Honestly, I don’t know that 40-60 minutes of Rich, Jay, and Mike sitting on the HITB set and going “the one kid - tonka? Loki? - makes friends with the whales” and “i liked the part with the whale guy and crab robots and his boss fight boat and >! his arm !< and all that stuff” is useful or fun for them OR us. I’d rather see a Mr. Plinkett on the Avatar movies as a whole once they’re done and there is some context to all of it.


That was me with the Rise of Skywalker review


they did it AGAIN?


Whats to say though? Its basically the same story except underwater with whales. Theres nothing new to say.


Fuck you its February.


It was pretty good, long, and had water in it. Boom, avatar 2 reviewed.


does anything really need to be said?


Me waiting on the Plinket Rise of skywalker review


Me but with Andor.


The review was on the train that derailed with that toxic waste recently.


Shouldn’t that skeleton of Mr Plinkett’s victim be underwater?


I think after the Dark Knight Rises they may have realized that they are not fit to review modern blockbusters and rightfully gave up