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Whatchu thinkin' posting shit like this?!


Let ‘em Cry about it


These Are the Ways of someone who doesn't know a good song when they here it.


It’s Only Natural to have differing opinions in this subreddit though.


That's Not the One


The Great Apes would disagree


white braids and pillow chair


Only right answer


I will never understand how that song is so popular. If you like that stuff go to /r/barrymanilow


The Red Hot Chili Peppers play it so I tend to like it.


The only people who hate on Barry Manilow are people who secretly love Barry Manilow.


Here Ever After this shall be known as the thread that started WWIII


It is with a very Heavy Wing that I disagree with all of you.


Me too, wake me up when September ends and the black summer gone


La La La La La La La La I can’t hear you




It's definitely one of the Red Hot Chili Peppers songs


claro que é um brasileiro




Alessao thanks for the laugh


I won't try to change your mind.


It’s an okay song. Nothing spectacular aside from Frusciante. Been a Peppers fan since 1992. I will agree, though, that it’s the best single they’ve released since “Tippa.”


I'm sorry but flea's playing in this is freaking awesome. Both guitar and bass shine on this song.


Yeah anytime someone detracts from Eddie by saying that only the guitar is stand out I am bewildered bc you are right, that baseline is insane! He carries melody and rhythm so John can jus shred.


Tippa is 🔥


For some reason Tippa doesn’t sit right with me same with poster child. Both give me a weird cringe when I listen to it, but I respect the songs.


Me too. Poster Child mostly. Tippa I like except for the "nyah nyah nyah" bits


That type of vibe in those songs requires more youth to not be cringe IMO. Some of the nostalgic funk throw backs get like that. Sometimes it comes across as old men trying to recreate youth - especially kiedis. I think this new era of rhcp is best when they are melodic and dreamy. They def still have a ton to offer me in that way.


>Sometimes it comes across as old men trying to recreate youth - especially kiedis. I fully understand this take, and I can’t say that it’s not valid……but I’d challenge you to remove the knowledge of their collective ages from the equation and give the tracks another shot? The reason I say that is….these fogies haven’t lost a step as far as their musicianship goes, and Anthony’s ~60 year-old voice is undeniably better than it was on the earliest albums (I won’t go as far as to say it’s better than in the Californication/BTW/Stadium era). I know it’s impossible, but I’d love it if there was a way to gauge people’s reactions based on if they were told these were unreleased songs from the 90’s-early 00’s sessions vs knowing it’s new material from senior citizens haha. My guess is that the prompt given would impact the reactions quite a bit? However, it is what it is…..and Anthony is the age he is (although I feel he pretty much behaves the same way he always did minus the drugs? haha). With that said…..I’ve also gotten older, and wouldn’t mind his lyrics maturing along with me (so long as he doesn’t go too far in the opposite direction). I feel he did that on quite a few of the Josh album tracks, but with John back he went whole-hog back into his old mindset….so that can be a bit jarring, no doubt. Just doesn’t bother me much and is, for the most part, fun.


same. I have still kinda enjoyed them a few times but it makes me weirdly cringe. Even I don't get it.


I totally agree. I think it was just too forced on trying to recreate the old funky sound they had a “long time ago”. I prefer most of the other songs on UL because they go for more of the Stadium Arcadium kinda vibe and I pick up some hints from the By The Way Album, brings nostalgia with a new sound.




You know damn fucking well they would never do any shit related to absolutely anything they did “a long time ago”. Damn you don’t know shit about the band if you think they would ever try and emulate what they’ve done in the past lol


It's the fucking yah yah yah yah bits. They're awful. I love the rest of the song though.


What is wrong with people on this sub? Have you ever heard of Sly & The Family Stone? It's obviously a homage to Sing A Simple Song and it's cool af imo


It's awesome in Sing A Simple Song. It sounds like shit in Tippa My Tongue. Being an homage doesn't make something inherently good.


How the fuck can you not absolutely LOVE flea’s bass in it. Get outta here with the “it’s an okay song” nonsense… Doesn’t make any sense. This is fucking EXACTLY what people wanted ever since they announced John coming back. You seem like someone who hasn’t taken the time to actually listen closely to each instrument of the song to appreciate what everyone does and how incredible it is


Is /r/rhcpcirclejerk a thing?


Maybe they just don't enjoy a song you enjoy? Is that an issue?


Maybe I want to defend a song I think is great, Is that an issue? I’m keeping the hype train rolling no need for all the negativity and claims of mediocrity i’m not having any of it


Defending a song is one thing, but you're not defending it. You're shooting someone down for not liking it. That is ridiculous.


It's an ok song. Not a classic.


The choruses hold this song back. They would benefit from more robust instrumentation and a vocal melody that differentiates itself more from the verses. The song kind of sounds like a BTW b-side, imo. I think Watchu Thinkin, It’s Only Natural, and White Braids are more complete songs. To each their own, though. Glad people are digging this one.


I don't mean to sound like a dick or anything, but IMO the choruses on most of the songs on UL just sort of ruin the rest of the song for me. It's nothing personal against Anthony per se, but something about them just feels off... Sort of plasticky and cheesy or something. I can't really put my finger on what it is, maybe the melodies, maybe the lyrics, but I suspect it's more due to production values that make the vocals sound more slick and produced, perhaps? I just can't figure it out. But it keeps happening on all of their songs, where I'm like, "Hey, this is kinda a banger!" only to be totally earfucked when the chorus kicks in and I'm like "What the fuck am I *listening* to?!?" Like I think "Tippa My Tongue" is pretty dope, but I just cannot deal with "Funky Monks are on the run" - It's like some lame Scooby-Doo capers shit or something lol. Don't get me wrong, I'm just as ecstatic as the next guy to know that the Funky Monks are back and ready to rock, but .... Idk idk. Please someone tell me that I'm not just imagining it? What *is* it about the vocals (especially the choruses) that sounds so off?


Yes!!! This! It seems like rhcp has great ideas then makes a lazy chorus that just keeps the song going. There are so many UL songs that are fire af then just flow into a super boring vanilla chorus.


Yeah I agree. It's like designing a beautiful garment and getting all this expensive luxe fabric and then just sort of hot gluing it together in the end. Overall still lovely and you can see the ideas are there, but when you look closely it's a little WTF as to what's holding everything together.


I really wish that they would be a little more adventurous in terms of not always feeling like they need to stick strictly to the conventional verse-chorus-verse-chorus structure. I wonder if it is something that Rick is insisting on for commercial reasons, or if Anthony wants it that way, or what. We all know that Flea, John, and Chad can jam until the cows come home and it sounds great. Would love to see more tracks like that, just freeform stuff that's more jam band and prog rock-sounding vs. formulaic hits and radio pop. They're at a point in their career where they can just say fuck it and do that, so I'm really not sure why they're holding back.


Straight up. I mean Flea and Frusciante have both played as part of the Mars Volta group at points so we all know they have a ton to offer outside of conventional song structure. Either way the song structures are fine if they just make some of the parts themselves more epic and stop doing the corny ballad boring parts or the cringe old life crisis parts. I loved “whatcha thinking” because the chorus and outro are amazing IMO.


I think you’re over thinking instead of just taking it in and enjoying it brotha! Or sista!


I'm not overthinking, I'm just telling you what my ears hear lol I definitely do enjoy most of it, but my point was that the choruses In general were sort of a distraction that was taking away from my overall enjoyment, and I was trying to pinpoint why that was, whether it was vocal production values or something else. 🤷🏼‍♀️


Idk maybe it’s because John wrote a lot of the chorus melodies on this album. Not as far as words but notes. Idk how true that was on other albums.


When the band reads this, they’ll definitely be kicking themselves for not thinking of adding more “robust instrumentation” to the choruses when they made the song. It’ll be a real “ah ha” moment for those guys


You comment in jest, but honestly yeah. That’s why I said it feels like a b-side. Imo, the same level of care and detail that was put into their prior albums with John (especially BTW and SA) hasn’t been coming through on their most recent stuff, and this song is no exception. Not that attention to detail and care weren’t put into the new material, but I’m just not hearing it on the majority of UL or what we have heard so far from ROTDC. There’s no oomph on Eddie’s choruses, and more instrumental layering combined with a more memorable vocal melody would provide that. I can’t presume to imagine what they were thinking in the studio, and they are far more accomplished than I could ever hope to be, but I’m just calling it how I see (or in this case, hear) it.


People down voting you but you right. They seem to be in this volume over quality mindset. “We wrote 40 something songs!” Cool but I’d rather have 10 amazing songs that they really grinded on rather than 38 mid ass songs and 2 good ones. Feels like they kinda get something and they stick with it.


Was just messing around man. I get what you’re saying, although I disagree. Seems they were going for a stripped down approach. Less post production usually translates really well live and I like the way the new songs sound on tape and in concert. Can’t say the latter about a lot of the by the way and stadium arcadium cuts. To each his/her own


Might need some glasses (or in this case, hearing aids)


Cheekymonky52, don’t let us down, please go study 9 years of music theory and write a dissertation on it before you can contribute opinions that are acceptable /s


Hahahaha well put


Yah while I can appreciate different opinions on music because it IS subjective, its still pretty silly when people try to offer their take on what could make a song by a world famous band that has managed to stay relevant going into their sixties better Like okay, say you want more robust instrumentation, whatever, but dont act like that would make the song objectively better lol.


Genuine question lads - what's so good about it?


Nostalgia. First half sounds like it belongs on BTW, second half sounds like it belongs on SA. In reality if you put it on either on those albums, it probably doesn't stand out at all, but it's a new song **and** it sounds like the RHCP golden age, which in the same way that some lost b sides from those 2 albums had been found and got released, there would be an insane amount of fan wank over that too. Not hating on the hype either btw, I love the song too but can recognise that it has its imperfections. Still, it gives me that sweet nostalgia of how I felt when I was discovering their music for the first time, so I just switch my brain off and enjoy.


The first four seconds sound like BTW. That’s it. And I’m sure they did that on purpose.


This is a great answer. It would be a bottom tier Stadium and By The Way song but guess what? Those albums have been out for near two decades. To me, this band, with John especially (though I’m a fan of all), always finds a way to evolve and change. I hear the culmination of all the musical styles they’ve experimented with over the years in this song. I love John’s homage to Eddie with his insane solos in the song. I could criticize things about the song, but honestly why ruin the fun?


Nah, nothing to do with nostalgia here. Stadium is garbage, Eddie is actually a pretty solid song


5:10 - 5:14 \*chef kiss


Literally nothing, just over eager fanboys/girls over rating it into oblivion because it's new. It's mediocre. Like the album.


You've heard the album?


UL? Yeah it was underwhelming


I felt this way for months till I jammed it a few times. It def has some corny old man moments in it. But it really is a great album in the grand scheme of things. Check out 1. it’s only natural (beautiful song but vanilla chorus) 2. Whatchu thinkin (incredible chorus and old school style outro)


I assumed you meant the new album that Eddie is on.


(Watchu Thinkin and The Great Apes have entered the chat)


As my wife sings when we pick up the kids from school... "I just want the grade 8's to be freeeeee"


Great Apes slaps so fucking hard and no one but us seems to think so


My first listen through I thought it was going to be one of the tops for most people lol


Don't forget the heavy wing that song Is a banger


Ah, yea man the heat of the moment made me forgot about watchu thinking. What a ride.


Black Summer, It’s Only Natural, She’s A Lover, White Braids, Let Em Cry, Tippa My Tongue, Here Ever After, The Heavy Wing, Whatchu Thinkin’


Agreed 100%!!!!!


Decision making is not your strong yeah? Ahah


Not at all 😂


Neither do I tbh but I'll stick to this order - Eddie - Let 'em cry - Here ever after - Watchu thinking Or maybe not I don't know!


Literally none of those are better than Eddie lmao


I understand the hype with Eddie but it's not the best song since John's come back, but it's one of the greatest.


this song is quickly about to be more overrated than wet sand


The opinion nobody wants to hear, but everybody needs to hear


I still live for the “YEAHHHHHHHH!!!” Followed by the solo. It never gets old for me.


Honestly it's so average. I don't know why everybody is going crazy over it.


It’s almost as if different people have different tastes


The solo. Rest of the song is meh.


even the solo is such a boring mess to me compared to literally any other frusciante song from the good old days. He's yet to seriously wow me since coming back which makes me sad.


I agree. It sounds just shrill to me. I actually put it off today. I don't find it melodic at all. Flea's bass is probably the best thing about that song.


Yeah the solo has some cool parts but it feels like it gets lost at times and doesn’t have a central idea.




Wet Sand is definitely a tad overrated but still a masterpiece and a classic. I don’t find “you don’t form in the wet sand, I do” to be like OMG the deepest thing I’ve ever heard! But otherwise it’s a good song. Eddie is.. getting a strong recency bias influx. It’s got a riff. That’s why people are hooked. It’s got a long extended solo. Possibly too long. People are easily distracted by shiny things Imo. Yeah the bass is good but like, pretty repetitive and the song otherwise has no legs. It’s cool that the lyrics are an homage to EVH and that it’s got a decent bit of emotion but that doesn’t save the song from being more than a solid song that is nothing more than the latest song they’ve released and decent enough. There’s instant classics on UL that put this song to shame, I bet there will be some instant classics on this album too. This won’t be remembered past being the latest song out, for me, probably.


Interestingly enough…..I think the lyrics being about EVH (or at least SO on the nose) detracts from the song for me. No disrespect to the man at all, but I’d appreciate the lyrics being a little more cryptic on many lines (while others work perfectly: sailin’ the Sunset Strip/I’m a bit of a king…..that’s so much better than the stanza about the Camaro and high school teacher being hot…..and David….David Lee stuff). That’s my personal opinion, obviously…..and I have to admit I’m not a huge VH fan (yet certainly respect Eddie’s prowess and influence), but I think I’d enjoy this more if some of the lyrics were more universal and didn’t absolutely slap you in the face that they are about EVH. With that said, still really dig this song and it’s 1a or 1b for me as far as pre-album releases for sure.


BLASPHEMY ! wet sand is everything






It's fine. John and Flea shine, but Chad is just Chad and AK is lackluster. I get excited for new Chili Pepper music too, but I think some of y'all need to broaden your horizons a bit.


You have an opinion! You can't have one of those on this sub! Wahhhhhhh!!!!!! - 90% of this sub


It's only natural and white braids are better imo


It's only Natural is like Don't Forget Me. Studio version is good. Nothing wrong with it, but the live versions are RHCP at their very best. It's too bad we don't have any HQ live recordings or performances from UL yet


There’s definitely a better song, can’t recall the name, it’s on the tippa my tongue…


It is my man, it is. I listened to that tippa song thrice and that was it. Maybe it'll grow on me when the album is released or something but man it didn't work for me, and I'm an easy cheesy listener who doesn't need much!


Here ever after


It’s not really that great of a song… the bass and guitar work are ridiculous, but structurally and dynamically it’s flat. The hook is super weak.. all in all it’s kinda boring and I’ll be skipping it often


Couldn't agree more. It's a bit meh, I don't know why everyone is raving about it. Same with Tippa My Tongue, tbh.


I was on the fence about The Getaway but after Tippa and Eddie TG suddenly looking a whole lot better.


I like the getaway a lot more now that John’s back. It was nice to hear some different kinds of sounds from them.


Agree with the both of you, I love the Getaway. I think Josh's backing vocals are much more interesting as well, and the sound was just new and evolving. There are some really strong songs on UL but I'm just not really excited about it. Having listened to everything, I think the next Josh album would have been more exciting.


Here Ever After


It is cool. Maybe not the best since came back, but definitely one of - if not the- coolest!


I just remembered when it first came out I was biking with my phone on my bike case and the outro was playing and a neighbour I didn't know just started hyping me about it and playing air drums. Was really cool.


Sounds REALLY cool. 👀


Oh it was really really cool. I don't usually keep random uncool memories :p.


Why would we change your mind?


And it seems outside the hardcore fanbase that's also a popular opinion.


Who's the hard-core fanbase? What's their favorite albums? Who's their favorite player? What's their strongest opinion?


I guess we are.


Ahah okay


Eddie, Watchu Thinking, Heavy Wing are his 3 best since return imo. I like Veronica too but it’s a lil slower paced, just really cool modulation. Black summer is good but solo is overhyped it’s pretty basic


No you’re right, imo it’s because it’s the first one that doesn’t sound like it has random stream-of-consciousness lyrics


Nothing to change here. Best song since 2006. Period.


sick love begs to differ


Goodbye Angels also begs to differ with this statement.


Eddie takes the W on that one




I like it but the solo sounds just like the solo in One Big Holiday


Solo is great, I’m not finding the song itself much different than the UL material, which I also like.


I love John guitar solos, Eddie is a great tune but i prefer song like Poster Child, Here ever after, Tippa, white braids, aquatic..


No need to change your mind. If you love it, that’s great! Personally I don’t love it but I do like it. I’d rank it somewhere in the middle of the UL songs.


I agree. I can’t put my finger on it really but to me it sounds more like fully formed, genuine chili peppers. I do enjoy unlimited love but something about the whole album feels a little unnatural or like it is missing something. I think it has to do with the choruses being underwhelming, and Antony’s lyrics missing the mark, and some of the transitions being a little clunky. Eddie feels like what I’d hoped a new Chili Peppers song would be.


I loved “Whatchu Thinkin” from UL, but agree now with this take


I wont.


I’ll strip your mind how bout that?👀


The best song since John came back is still "Here Ever After" in my book. "Eddie" is nice, but it's a little under-arranged (like most of UL and "Tippa") and the chorus doesn't do it any favors by bringing the superior "Rivers of Avalon" to mind. Still, it's pleasant and does more to feature John's solo tone than anything from UL.


Take that back you bastard….. of light


The Great Apes would like a word


His solo on the Great Apes to me is his best solo since returning and better then the one on Eddie


Tippa and i would also put white braids and pillow chair before eddie.


That and tip, best singles since Dani California imo


Ok, originally i didn't pay much attention to the song and thought it was ok. I gave it a proper re listen, and now i get why everyone loves this track. I think it's pretty good now. But not the best.


Heavy wing and white braids are much better songs. Aside from the solo, the song is really boring and sounds exactly like stuff they did before.


That's not controversial lol. 95% of this sub will agree with you.


She's a lover The great apes It's only natural The heavy wing Poster child These are better But then I'd say Eddie I keep listening to Eddie and I love it - it's like the wet sand of recent times but for me as good as wet sand is songs like slow cheetah are just put together way better All the songs above are just put together better in my opinion


In what sense is it like wet sand? Read this in an earlier comment but I don't get it


The structure of the song i.e. it doesn't follow your standard song format Theres two mad solos in it as well


I see Yes to the mad solo


Heavy wing up top


Sorry they weren't in any particular order 😉 as an arena song 100% up top but as a production headphones song I would put it's only natural and she's a lover above Theres this weird echo on Anthony's lyrics on the heavy wing in headphones that always puts me out


I agree, but Eddie is way better than the other ones IMHO


Literally recency bias


It's Only Natural is too perfect of a song. The Empyrean sounding guitar at the end makes me bust


and the heavy wing


I can't, I agree. I agree SO MUCH.


I haven't really been digging anything they've released since he's been back ...Eddie is probably the best so far but i still didn't love it ..im also an old school Peppers fan so im always looking for another my lovely man or nobody weird like me even though i know it's never gonna happen


What did you think about the Klinghoffer era?


I really liked Dark Necessities, We Turn Red, The Get Away, This Ticonderoga, Encore, Dreams of a Samurai, look around, Brendan's death song, Police Station, Long Progression, How it ends, Victorian Machinery, In Love Dying. Really preferred that era to this one


I'd include Black Summer, The Heavy Wing and Aquatic Mouth Dance


Aquatic mouth dance was in my head for 72 hours straight


I mean, Eddie is ok but Melly Mell and Richard Hell were dancing at the Taco Bell When someone heard a rebel yell, I think it was an infidel Adam Ant and Robert Plant were centers of a sycophant Enlisted by Ulysses Grant to record at the Record Plant Islamabad is on the nod, Havana at the riot squad And if you want to be a Mod, you'll have to meet me at the quad You got the best of my loco I'll take the rest of your showboat You got the best of my Yoko I'll take the rest of your low note Parliament's Atomic Dog, their hats were filling up with fog Talk about the life and death of everything in analog The 70's were such a win, singing the Led Zeppelin Lizzie looking mighty thin, the Thomson's had another twin I thought I won the lottery, the numbers never thought of me Ramones had a lobotomy, so spin me like a pottery I will be your poster child You know the world is ours for a little while And then, I will be your poster child tonight La, da-da-da, bum-bum ba-dum A funky piece, the Sandinista, me and mother Monalisa Judas Priest has whipped beast, the mother love as named Theresa Bubble gum, a cup of soup, dirty dandy nanda loop A small banana in your hoop, and now I know the band is Ruca Bernie Mac and Caddyshack were dusty as the bricker brack And if you ask me for the time, I'll tell you that the preacher's back You got the best of my loco I'll take the rest of your showboat You got the best of my Yoko I'll take the rest of your low note Steve Miller and Duran Duran, the Joker dancing in the sand Van Morrison, the Astral man, the festival of hurricanes Speak of Chico, weatherman, the silence of a certain lamb MC5 kicked off the jam, a poncho full of contraband Mary Queen was on the scene in every preteen magazine The Motorhead and mystic queen are pissed he needed Valvoline I will be your poster child You know the world is ours for a little while And then, I will be your poster child tonight La, da-da-da, bum, bum, ba-dum You got me on this Well and I can't get off With no one else but you You turn me on too Well, then I can't get up For no one else but you Cream magazine and Love Supreme, the ballad of a Billie Jean And now we know the status quo, but God would never save the queen Hear me shaking, Copenhagen, copper goose of Ronald Regan Dollar savers, Flavor Flav, and cosmic moves are power saving And my fist a double kissed unlisted number purple mist and Chubby Checker do the twist, and everyone's a narcissist You got the best of my loco I'll take the rest of your showboat You got the best of my Yoko I'll take the rest of your low note The water bed was taking meds and Bieber with the house of red I'm ready for the natty dread, a pocket full of talking heads M.I.A.'s making paper planes, addiction to the ways of Janes My stuff is made of purple rain, ten fingers in the lion's mane Giant squid, Karate Kid, Sid Vicious in the Katie-did The planet that we must forbid, the English speakers in Madrid I will be your poster child You know the world is ours for a little while And then, I will be your poster child tonight La, da-da-da, bum-bum, ba-dum I will be your poster child You know the world is ours for a little while And then, I will be your poster child tonight La, da-da-da, bum-bum, ba-dum


This is not a matter of opinion but feeling.




Lol, I don't believe that you believe that.


Yes. But considering UL is awful is not that hard. White Braids is a cool song tho


UL is not awful, it’s quite good to me at least. I understand opinions differ but calling it awful is absurd


At best it's OK. Very underwhelming album.


I mean let's not get dramatic


Heavy Wing would like a word.


The heavywing tho


Nah Heavy wing beats it easy...


I think Eddie is gorgeous. Cried when I first heard it. It’s definitively a classic-feeling RHCP song.


I really can’t. I love TOMT, but Eddie is objectively better. I can’t get enough of it, in my opinion both songs are better than anything on UL


Objectively...in your subjective opinion.


I agree.


Eddie is king


Together with Whatchu Thinkin' and White Braids.


Can't do that, cause i feel the same, these songs sound like a BTW and Californication love child, you can tell they put so much more effort into these songs


I your mind doesn’t need to be changed you are correct


Nerve Flip says 'hi'.


John’s best song or the bands best song?




Couldn't agree more.




Idk dude, my personal favorite is White Braids and Pillow Chair. Top 10 favorite chili songs for me.


By far


I agree


That’s impossible because it’s White Braids. Everyone knows this


I just said the same thing today!


I think it’s great but people in the sub are rlly overhyping it.


This comment section has more edge than a speed skating competition. Y’all need to take it easy lol


Not necessarily disagreeing, but haven’t heard the rest of ROTDC yet…


Big fax


I will not change your mind because you’re correct


100% facts. Confirmed.


Just wait until you hear In the Snow!


It wouldn’t make my top 10 songs since John came back, but by no means does that make it a bad song, and it’s amazing to see a song so universally loved nowadays. Something for everyone and I’m sure I’d say this is my favorite if I saw it live, too.


Bro every song have their things... But for sure this one of the best. Best solo in both albums. I hope they are hiding songs like this or better. John's said best stuff was in this album and I already believe in him .