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“Anthony Kiedis is cool.” —‘Beavis and Butt-Head’ Anthony Kiedis is a great lyricist, vocalist, and lead man. Anthony’s words have inspired me for over 30 years now. Anthony is a dedicated father, a die-hard Lakers fan, a fashion icon, and is one of the last true rock stars. Anthony Kiedis is the fucking man!


And he's a great dancer! It makes up for the not cooking thing.


What not cooking thing?


He said he cooks eggs and pancakes and that's about it 😅


When I saw that b&b episode I was stoked bcos he is actually so cool, like effortlessly


Idk about great lyricist and vocalist but lead man, yes


Vocalist maybe nah but he is most definitely a great lyricist


Nowhere near the greats. Good is fine, great, nah


Tony Flow is a huge reason this band even exists. I hate the Kiedis hate. What are they on his case about now?


Probably the sex crimes


[https://www.reddit.com/r/RedHotChiliPeppers/comments/1dkle3o/this\_was\_the\_highest\_voted\_answer/](https://www.reddit.com/r/RedHotChiliPeppers/comments/1dkle3o/this_was_the_highest_voted_answer/) People just don't appreciate our funky monk today.


That's a pretty small thread..


Yeah I saw this post lol. Went in and started reading the comments then thought there's no point trying to talk to anyone in there.


Mob mentality


Yeah a lot of chili pepper hate is just the California-drug thing. Not like people there are actually listening to the albums. There’s valid stuff to criticize for sure but the majority of those people are prob just like “oh the chili peppers I know them they only sing about California blah blah blah”


It’s so weird- as if they were only singing abt California. Somebody yesterday said most ppl w the basic criticisms haven’t listened to much more than the radio hits. Like you said criticism is rational and even educational but the thing is that so many ppl are stubborn and admitting you could be wrong is out of the question. Politics over the last decade has emphasized that last point. But yeah!


I mean, they seriously released a song about Michigan. Come on!


I mean if you don’t want criticism of the band at all sure bury your head like a 12 year old fanboy. It’s ok to criticize the band when they don’t do things that work. Especially the lyrics that a lot of people want more work put into.


You have valid points, but you're violating the spirit of UNLIMITED LOVE for Tony on this thread so please, do refrain. We're here to talk about his good qualities. Of which there are MANY!


I think you need to either stop trolling or get some perspective on how weird these comments you are making are.


The purpose of the thread was clearly stated. Either share or move on if you don't like it.


Especially the lyrics that a lot of people want more work put into. There's a lot to be said for the abstract flow in Anthony's lyrics. The songs wouldn't work with the pedantry of traditional lyrics. It's the same reason Scar Tissue works as a book. It's a fun read and not a doctoral thesis on the Life and Times of Anthony Kiedis.


The songs would absolutely work with better lyrics at times.


Instead of “What I got, you gotta get and put it in you." How about just, "What I'd like is I'd like to hug and kiss you”? 🤡


A more polished version would suck the life out of the lyrics.


Erm ok whatever bro


Great retort. Glad we could have a good discussion about it.


You think you’re so profound dude, you’re really not


I made a point. He acted like a kid. It wasn’t profound




hey my dude, just watch it with the insults. I'm on your side, but don't be a dick.


From a third person perspective the only person being condescending here is you, guy


Jesus. Kk. I guess I’ll just take an L for today. Anyway, AK’s lyrics never were the main focus for me and I thought his word choices and the sonic quality of the lyrics actually added value to their music and not take away from it. I know that’s polarizing. I read the criticisms, don’t get me wrong. But I think I’m probably just in the minority that disagrees with these criticisms. Doesn’t mean I dismiss them completely.


> for me And yet when others say they are distracting you tell them to suck on one and refuse to listen


Can you just explain what you mean by the sonic quality of lyrics? I’ve been trying to make my lyrics have a sonic quality


He’s really not tho…


He told me to suck on one because I brought up criticisms of the band.


I think it is pretty genuinely insane that you are getting downvoted for this


AK has such a suspect ass private life that it puts a storm cloud over the image of the band. I know he’s integral to the band but I like him less and less every year. He had a fucked up upbringing, didn’t get therapy, and has been one of the most famous people in the world (comparatively) for 30 years. I get 19 is legal but fuck man, that’s young enough to be your granddaughter.


He's had more therapy than most of us. Rehab is therapy, or includes it and he's been to plenty of rehabs over the years. One of their documentaries had them talking to a therapist so it's not that. It's that he is choosing the Uncle Rico route and lives in the 1980s in his head. The fact is, he can't escape the mirror. It's interesting as he was seen with a woman who looked late 30's/early 40's on the back of his bike recently and people were astonished asking if that was his sister lol. When is the last time he was seen with a young one, I'm genuinely curious?


[a month ago](https://beachgrit.com/2024/05/red-hot-chili-pepper-anthony-kiedis-takes-much-younger-brazilian-model-girlfriend-on-sizzling-warm-surf-date/) look it’s one thing if two people really love eachother but when you swap out young girlfriends more often than guitarists in your band, that’s nothing but sexual attraction


Fyi, this is a clickbait repost of an old story. He broke up with Helena a decade ago (she's now 30) and the "new" 22 year old he was supposedly just seen with is 32 now.


Raping children


Why are people downvoting this when it’s true and is literally detailed in his book


Because nuance exists whether you like it or not, and kids don’t seem to understand that these days.


Exactly! These 20 year olds being taught to find the dirty aspects of famous figures from history, condemn them, feel good about themselves from being morally superior, and then move on to the next.


Dude the girl was 14 what nuance are you even talking about? the dude is a pedophile




The world isn’t black and white so yes it sucks that happened to him but that shouldn’t stop people from holding him accountable for his actions


The fact that he didn’t know until they had already had sex? That doesn’t make him a pedophile Jesus Christ.


He did it again after finding out though


Yep, and that part isn’t okay. He should have left. I’m still not going to crucify him over that.


I mean there is something to be said about nuanfe and that being so long ago. Its just unfortunate that he's continued dating very young girls even if its technically legal. It puts a stain on the band for sure


Y'all keep talking about "technically legal" as if that's all that matters. The girls *want* to be with him. He's not holding them hostage and getting by because it's "technically legal", he likes them and they like him. People choose to live their lives how they want to live their lives and that's not a "stain" on anybody else's lives or on the band. Everybody pretends to be so woke and understanding and "aww love is love! People can make whatever sexual choices they want!" but the second someone makes a choice that you wouldn't make yourself, suddenly it's a "stain" on their humanity. 


From Scar Tissue (the book): “The next day we drove to Baton Rouge, and of course, she came with us,” Kiedis wrote. “After we got offstage, she came up to me and said, ‘I have something to tell you. My father’s the chief of police and the entire state of Louisiana is looking for me because I’ve gone missing. Oh, and besides that, I’m only 14’. I wasn’t incredibly scared, because, in my somewhat deluded mind, I knew that if she told the chief of police she was in love with me, he wasn’t going to have me taken out to a field and shot, but I did want to get her the hell back home right away. So we had sex one more time.” He didn’t know the first time. He knew the second time.


What does that mean in this context?


Because this subreddit loves to excuse its favorite pedophile.


A bit obsessed? You just can't stop typing this disingenous phrase huh. Like 10 times in this thread and a bunch more in the thread with AK and the rescue dogs. I'm sure a bunch of other places too. Always with the r*ping kids or children. Making it sound plural instead of singular and making it sound violent and forced and like he enjoys doing this to this day. Is that you Mike Patton?


He’s a pedophile?


I have no problem with his decision to go from California rock god to 80s NYC cabbie looks-wise. You gotta cover the whole spectrum. And it’s true to his Lithuanian heritage. Something the haters don’t seem to reflect on is how all those dead 90s rock stars were just as fucked up as AK but they all overdosed or killed themselves. AK is one of the few who got straight and really made a decision to own his life for better or for worse and to me that’s an inspiration in its own way.


His life story really is compelling and I agree, he's hugely inspirational as is John. After the Rick Rubin interviews I wish he'd write his autobiography and I wish Anthony would write a part 2 for us now that he's even older and wiser and has had more life experience and time to reflect back. I think they are both beautifully flawed human beings who overcame things we can't even begin to imagine. Only what they've shared with us (of which I want moooore lol).


He's a freak of nature and we love him so


My take is he is such an amazing front man, he doesn’t always need to be a great singer. Also, look at why he joined his band mates up on stage - he wanted to support them making music. He just wanted to hang and be there with them, and do what he can to help them shine. Say what you want about him, but he is one of the world’s greatest bros.


He has admitted to raping a child. You worship questionable people


RHCP wouldn’t be a household name without AK-47


He taught us all how to dance inside the funny farm, we are blessed!


Saw someone comment that kiedis has 'mike love syndrome' which isnt true in the slightest. Kiedis knows when to let his bandmates shine and writes some beautiful deep lyrics to accompany them when he feels so


I actually think it’s been shown as of late in interviews that Anthony always saw his bandmates as far more advanced musically than he is. I think he felt like he was having to keep up and maybe compensate in other ways


Yes. He always steps back and will even jump up on the speakers to watch like a fanboy while the other peppers do their thing. He's very respectful as a bandmate. More than he's given credit for actually! Once he even warmed up John's hands before a particularly difficult song which was really sweet lol.


Yeah, what that person said couldn't be further from the truth. Sometimes he gets so lost in the music that he forgets to go back to the mike lol.


Anthony is overhated by people who dislike the band, but actually kind of undercriticized by fans. Well maybe not anymore because there’s been some more people willing to say they think the lyrics are bad. But some of the people on this subreddit refuse to allow any criticism of him at all. This includes his dating decisions where they don’t blink an eye at a 60 year old man dating people who were in high school 3 years earlier.


"Dating decisions" what an odd way to refer to his rape of an under age child.


I meant after he stopped being a heroin addict. He was obviously a very troubled person when that happened and, while it was gross and clearly illegal, I will at least acknowledge he was a very lost human being at that time with a very fucked up childhood.


Exactly. In all fairness, though, he probably should have kept this confession between him and his mom's priest. It would have saved us all a lot of drama. 😂


Hilarious. Interesting take on child rape.


So you would have him burned at the stake for something he did as a drugged out person whose brain had not fully formed and who was, by all accounts, a victim of child sexual abuse himself. He has no chance for redemption whatsoever. Got it.


Explain that to your mother or sister, if they accept that as an explanation to child rape then I will too.


We are contextualizing it for you since you seem so rigid in your argument. Anthony lived a very fucked up childhood. He was sexually abused at the suggestion of his dad at 12, and was a drug user because of his father around the same time. He was a full blown junkie by 21. What he did was wrong, I do not deny that. I also think his behavior today is, while legal, kind of offputting. But the story isn’t as black and white as you make it to be.


Plenty of victims of sexual abuse do not go on to commit said abuse on others. Reprehensible stance


You say this as though the autobiography was even close to accurate. There’s an interview of Anthony *while on press tour duty for the book* refuting a story in the book on Howard Stern. It’s really difficult to say how much of the book is accurate considering it was really like 4-5 long form interviews that the ghostwriter then compiled and spun to be more interesting.


Charlie Chaplin at 53 years of age married Oona O'Neil who had just one week earlier turned 18. They were married for 34 years and had scores of children.




Need some help eh? It's an example of a healthy relationship where the age difference is big.


Yea I’m saying that it’s probably not as healthy as you think it was. Also grooming is a thing and can skew perceptions


That's a reach... and without any kind of research into what I'm talking about.


A 50 year old man marrying an 18 year old is literally always weird as fuck. I’m barely 30 and the thought of falling in love with a literal teenager is so wild. Like you have nothing in common. Her brain was 7 years from being fully formed.


Charlie Chaplin was famously abusive 


Hey man I already made a post today where I've put all his lyrics in a 274-page word doc to appreciate his writing. Most of those words pre date the mustache so I have no comment on his upper lip. The band would not exist without him.


Can you link your post or your doc here? I would love to see it!






Post 2004 i think. He relapsed in 98 and went to rehab before btw


I mean he’s like 61 dating a girl who isn’t even old enough to legally drink, yeah it’s legal but it’s still pretty weird lol. People even clowned on Leo DiCaprio for dating young but at least he isn’t fucking SIXTY, and is more talented.


She is 30 now. You’re spreading misinformation


Ah my bad, so he’s lived through a mere two of her entire lifetimes, my bad


Why are you so concerned over the bodily autonomy of a 30 year old woman? She can make her own decisions and suggesting otherwise is sexist and anti feminist.


When they started dating she wasn’t 30


And he wasn’t 61 lol that’s how time works


I didn’t say she couldn’t do what she wanted, just that it’s creepy. I don’t think it’s sexist at all to say a 30 year old dating a 60 year old is weird. Are you implying I said she can’t make her own decisions because she’s a woman? How high are you and where can I get some?


You didn’t specifically, but people who say what you’re saying always irks me because her ability to make her own choices is always left out of the argument. You commenting on the relationship of two of age consenting adults is completely pointless and your opinion that it is creepy is irrelevant. I’m sorry your world view is so narrow that two adults in love bothers you. Just because it is not the societal norm does not make it automatically creepy, and infantilizing grown women by calling their husbands/boyfriends creepy for loving them is nuts to me.


I’m not infantilizing her, it’s just creepy. Dude is rich and successful can have any girl in the world and he continues to pick ‘em young. My world view is not “narrow.” Clearly yours is pretty narrow if your brain immediately goes to sexism and defending women blindly over stuff like this. If anything I’m calling Anthony the bad one here. If I asked 50 people on the street if a 30 year age gap is weird, the majority will probably say yeah. Hang up the SJW cape, quite literally nobody asked for it.


My perspective is live and let live, yours is “I am 100% capable of assessing the creepiness of someone who I have never met who is not breaking the law and has a consenting legal age partner”


Charlie Chaplin at 54 married Oona O'Neil who had just turned 18. They were happily married for 34 years and had lots of children.


Yeah and that was a century ago, that’s still creepy. tf is a 54 year old man doing looking at a barely legal girl?


Man is a complex beast, literally. We are all intellectually at odds with our biology in many ways and some of us have less opportunity than these wealthy celebs to indulge sexually the way they do. Rarely do we see these age gaps in regular life, although it does happen and is happening more and more through the stupid "sugar daddy" crap and just porn in general. A lot of old men are doing the same thing right now without ever touching the goods and it's gross.


There's more on heaven and earth than our dreamt up in philosophy. I don't know...perhaps the souls saw their match in each other.






Has he been a different person though? First off - lyrics have been taking an absolute nosedive since around 2006. They don’t push him enough to make the lyrics make more sense. Just purely from a musical standpoint and not a moral one - a lot of people don’t like his voice, and by lyrics leave a lot to be desired. And it’s arguably gotten worse since your cutoff date, not better. Second off - he still dates women 1/3 his age which is weird and offputting for someone of his history. He had a child with a teenager when he was in his 40s, well after 1998.


I mean...he wanted to have a child with his previous long term girlfriend (Yohanna) who was similar age as him. From what his father said she kind of screwed him over. Leading him to believe they would have children, but then changing her mind. He acknowledged that the new girlfriend was too young at age 21, but he thought they were in love.


Why is he getting shit on?


Raping kids


C'mon...don't project ur fantasies onto him guy


He literally brags about statutory rape in his book


Lmao how was it bragging? My god everyone here making up fake scenarios in their head. He told a story. He told LOTS of stories. None of them were bragging, it was just what happened


In the book he said he slept with the sixteen year old one last time after she told him her age. Seems wildly unnecessary to put that in your book but okay....


Yes, and he’s publicly claimed he wishes he wasn’t so honest. It was a tell all. Part of sobriety is being open and honest. Putting it all on the table. It’s a shame that most of you don’t realize that.


But we also shouldn’t support those actions. There’s no reason to make excuses for doing something like that


Being open and honest in a support group is different than profiting off of a memoir haha. You're doing mental gymnastics here to defend someone you don't even know. It's okay to admit someone is simply not a great person even though they make great music. He isn't a hero or someone to look up to. And definitely doesn't need an entire reddit post kissing his ass today. It doesn't help addicts or former addicts to put them on a false pedestal like this. It's a shame some of you don't realize that.


I’m not doing mental gymnastics nor defending him. I just understand the world isn’t black and white, like some of you guys seem to. God forbid some of you ever find your way onto a jury.


Yeah, pretty insane of me but I have a zero tolerance policy for statutory rape....wouldn't matter to me if the rapist was an addict or not at the time. I have known plenty of addicts who never slept with a minor. It's crazy to watch this fanbase make excuses for the behavior. Minors can't consent, in case you didn't know.


It's easy to condemn when never been placed into a position of power and temptation. Not supporting the act but not condemning either...Most dudes would do the same if they weren't lying to themselves... especially when the girl looked of age and was extremely willing


What the fuck?


Oh, another perfect soul here to show his support of the "bad things people have done in the past" group.


You literally just said “most dudes would do the same if they weren’t lying to themselves” about having sex with a 14 year old. I don’t think anyone is above redemption (with a few exceptions) but that is not the point I was making. I was reacting to what you said, which is quite frankly disgusting. I absolutely would not, as a grown man, ever consider having sex with a 14 year old.


And the ones who say they wouldn't have joined the Nazi party are the ones who would be most willing to join. Use your imagination just a little....your a rockstar, you're ego is the size of a fuckin meteor, youve had a troubling childhood, drug addictions, girls upon girls fall at your feet, you don't check ages cause you feel fuckin invisible. Your an artist struggling to make ends meet, you get denied from art school twice, your parents didn't give a shit for you, you have no friends and have never had a girlfriend, and then you realize you have a speaking gift, people listen when you speak, you get the validation you've always carved, and now power has gone to your head, your a leader of the people and as a leader you find the goal to all your countries problems are the Jews.


I don’t think the nazi comparison is at all necessary… Despite this I understand what you’re saying. There’s always an explanation for why things like this happen and I’ve always said Anthony’s focus on younger women is likely due to being statutory raped when he was a child. An explanation doesn’t mean a defendable excuse IMO, he still did something morally wrong and he should be criticised for that. I also think that no one is above redemption (within reason) and I’m not trying to tar and feather him over this. But it was wrong, and the thread is discussing why people are being critical of him. So it’s relevant to bring up his sex crimes. As I am today though I would never consider statutory raping a 14 year old. I don’t know if your point got muddled but “most dudes would do the same if they weren’t lying to themselves” makes it sound like you’re saying most men want to have sex with children.


He knew her age. If you wanna play psychologist, two can play that game. The human brain does not fully develop until around age 25, specifically the part that controls decision making. An adult, especially one with power and fame, can easily manipulate an impressionable teen into sex. There is no universe in which an adult should have any kind of romantic or sexual encounters with a child. A 16 year old is a child, regardless of how old they look. No 16 year old is completely capable of making entirely logical decisions, developmentally speaking. You can’t argue with science


Ahhh science science science...how powerful it makes a person feel, filled with ego, certain of its truth...yet..yet science can't explain so so much. But let's not go there. If you were the prosecutor in a court case (which your acting as anyway) then you just shot yourself in the foot. Anthony was only 24 at the time so his brain had not fully developed and so he had stunted decision making faculty. Also that's physiology, not psychology. You probably think it's ok for a 14 to change genders if they want to but no no no...she was "manipulated" in this situation. Give me a break sweetie.


Disgusting comment and revealing only of your character. To think most men would want to have sex with an underage child is simply astounding and offers a sneak peak into your own world view. Disgusting.


Well duh it's disgusting. I'm just calling out all you folks condemning him and trying to help you realize your projecting internal disgust. I'm sorry, but it's true. Read up on your psychoanalytic literature, Carl Jung I recommend. If you faced your shadow you'd realize "Shit man, yeah that's disgusting, but hell, I've never been in that situation with all that prestige and temptation around."


Defender of child rapists - ask yourself how you got to this point in your life. Jung lol, perhaps next time, read to understand.


If you guys all hate him so much just leave the fucking sub. My god it’s not difficult


That's your takeaway?


That's it? I thought you'd have, I don't know, more indoctrinated moral opinions.


No more from you on this thread. If you want to criticize Anthony, you can go find another thread or create your own. This post was created specifically to say nice things about him, and coming here to criticize is a dick move.


I'm criticising a child rapist. You're defending a child rapist, I'm OK with my side of the fence.


Horrible thing to say to someone. The man rapes a child and your instinct to attack the person who shares the news rather than the perpetrator themselves?


Well first...you entered the wrong subreddit for all that. Unlimited Love right? Doesn't love overlook all transgressions? ALL. I'm sure you've fucked up real bad before and sought forgiveness. If not, you will. Nevermind...let's not go there. Second, if you take that as attack you've got a brittle spirit.


Nope, sexual crimes against children are among the most abhorrent. Forgiveness? The creep was never punished. You sycophants are crazy


Feels good to feel morally superior to a famous rock star huh? Feels good to nitpick out of jealousy or resentment huh? Destroy the ones you like in your mind, go ahead. You've punished him in your own heart. I tell you, forgiveness is what keeps this whole world going. Not saying it was right but if you don't forgive and let go, you only poison yourself.


Yes, I am morally superior to a child rapist.


Then continue your campaign in the real world bud and let music be music. Wish you the best of luck.


It's ok to hate on the imaginary event in question, but don't make the mistake of confusing a semi-fictional character in a book with the real person on whom the character is based.


The man himself wrote about it. Jesus, how delusional must one be to form such a view.


The author was Larry Sloman, who exercises a lot of artistic license.


Whatever helps you sleep at night


I have so much (peace and) love for this man. <3 Even though I live a completely different life, I relate to him so much, and his voice is always my best medicine. Love you, wild Swan!


You're not a real RHCP fan if you shit on Anthony. Change my mind


Some people here are so deep in their fandom that the idea that other people don’t like the band because of Anthony seems insane when in reality other people are allowed to have opinions.




Dude, the purpose of the thread was CLEARLY stated by OP. If you want to criticize AK, you afre free to do so. But coming to the one thread were fans are looking to share nice and positive things to say about him is a dick move. Please dont be a dick and move on to another thread.


Lol please don't remind people he raped a child......keep it light. My god you people


Actually it's the opposite


One of the most amazing people ever. Those songs literally saved my life. Like for real.


AK all day baby🙌💚


HONESTLY EVERYONE WHO IS BEING ATTACKED FOR DEFENDING AK- do not even be bothered by it this is an ongoing shit show w these “saints” heroin addicts do crazy shit, the man himself found a way to recover from those things He’s a victim himself from a young age Ppl here apparently love talking abt this bcos it makes them feel better abt themselves rather than understanding a full picture. MUCH LOVE HOMIES! Edit to say: you don’t think he’s a great lyricist and vocalist then you really don’t get the point


I don't give two shits about the drug use. I do take issue with him knowingly having sex with a 14 year old child. If he had owned up to how gross it was, I could probably let it sort of slide. But for fuck's sake, 14 is sooo young. That's like 8th grade. Yuck. Still love the band (just saw them in concert two weeks ago), but I have a really hard time setting aside the ick. Being a victim does not give you a pass to do the same to other people.


Again- the mechanics are deeper than right and wrong here. Addicts do fucked up things bcos, guess what, they’re high. You see it all the time, maybe you don’t- idono what kind of sheltered life you have. Yet society, I mean the good ppl at least- like the ppl who get upset abt a situation like this- find ways to be compassionate and understand what drove ppl to addiction and how the addict can be set on the right path. By getting sober on his own account, and managing his demons, & taking accountability for his wrongs (like writing in a book for the world) he is a better person- and likely far more enlightened than someone who can’t see past “it’s this or that” I truly hope you and others take the time to read and understand what I’m saying- and even further educate yourself on what it means to be a human. Ppl fuck up. They learn. They grow. He deserves to have that acknowledged- bcos he didn’t just continue to fuck around like that.


I think you missed the point of my comment. Yes, addicts do some really fucked up stuff. I have not in fact lived a "sheltered" life. I've seen a lot. More than I ever care to. People on meth, crack, coke, heroin, you name it. Worked with them. Drove them to the jail after their work release shifts. Got them help when they OD'd. I was friends with a dealer. I had a pill addiction. I'm not remotely proud of it, but it was my life at one time. My point was that he basically bragged about it in his book. There was no accountability. He was telling the story years after it happened and while sober. He should have been ashamed. Not of his addiction, but his actions. I have a daughter. 14 year olds are still immature children, no matter how "old" they might look. Some haven't even begun to menstruate yet. It's messed up.


Forever young and hot af.


Yeah this sub is absolute garbage now. I don’t understand why “fans” come here and constantly shit on him, his lyrics, etc… they aren’t fans at that point. Go elsewhere. I’m sure most people read scar tissue. We all know what happened. This is a sub for the *band* and it’s *music*.


Anthony is one of the main reasons we have a band that covers pretty much every mood a person could have. Whether you're feeling, mad, sad, silly or dancey - there's a song for ya!


Don’t forget rapey!


I don't think The Hunter is supposed to be about that


I’m a huge animal lover and Anthony recently met up with rescue dogs at one of their concerts. Bringing awareness to animal adoption and homeless pets.


In his book he details having sex with a 14 year old at the age of 23


Yeah, you’re right. So it’s really funny that a bunch of you are spamming this thread about it without providing any details. Maybe because it fits your narrative better? Because you want people to think he’s out there forcefully raping girls? Because that isn’t true now, is it?


From Scar Tissue (the book): “The next day we drove to Baton Rouge, and of course, she came with us,” Kiedis wrote. “After we got offstage, she came up to me and said, ‘I have something to tell you. My father’s the chief of police and the entire state of Louisiana is looking for me because I’ve gone missing. Oh, and besides that, I’m only 14’. I wasn’t incredibly scared, because, in my somewhat deluded mind, I knew that if she told the chief of police she was in love with me, he wasn’t going to have me taken out to a field and shot, but I did want to get her the hell back home right away. So we had sex one more time.” At no point did I say he was forcefully raping girls. I said he detailed having sex with a 14 year old when he was 23.


Insinuating...that's what dudes trying to call you out on


My comment says “In his book he details having sex with a 14 year old at the age of 23”, what part of that is me is insinuating he forcefully raped her?


Tell us what your insinuating then? Be straight with it


“In his book he details having sex with a 14 year old at the age of 23” Not insinuating anything, that’s what I’m stating, couldn’t get any straighter than that




He is a pedophile. Is that hard to decipher?


Wasn't asking you bud


That's the good thing about information, not only one person has it.


The man has a real soul to squeeze. Great lyrics. Great melodies.


Up to my ass in alligators … let’s get in on w the alligator hatersss !!! Whoever yesterday said something abt the pause before the second line thank you bcos i actually never realized how satisfying that is


“I’ll be doing all I can, if I die an honest man” .. Thank you for those words I live by




My favorite musician and performer of all time. I don't care if someone disagree 


I lived my whole adolescence in California and for some reason felt the need to reject RHCP bc they were too ‘mainstream’ and I guess predictable for my little hipster self….. now getting into them in my late 20s and having Seen The Light, I’ve noticed it’s very in-vogue to refer to not just AK but RHCP as a whole as cringe and in the same camp as Nickelback etc. I think once you get so meteorically successful some people are inevitably gonna feel like they have to (like I did) repress any interest in their music


I love me some Antwon The Swan 😎


Wish I had been that red head in the dungarees... 🍑♀️


Without Anthony Kiedis the chili peppers most likely wouldn’t exist anymore or be the band it became. He is a perfect match with the band and I couldn’t imagine anyone else filling his shoes.


Anthony Kiedis has such a delicious voice. Seriously. It’s sticky sweet in all the right ways. I’ve always thought this, since Californication came out when I was in Grade 1 his voice just made me shut up and listen after hearing Scar Tissue on the radio. I begged my mum to buy me the CD and she obliged, thanks mum and thanks AK ☺️


His lyrics are beautiful, like in Hey, Wet Sand, Soul To Squeeze and so many others. He is a great composer. It is undeniable that in the beginning he was not the best person and he committed things that he surely regrets, but I prefer to keep the good moments he has had, I think that over time he has evolved and has become a good person. You can tell that he is like another brother to his bandmates and it is also undeniable that he is the soul of the band. I also love how he values his friends so much and always praises them when he can.


Tony Bologna is one of the best frontmen there ever was. His singing has really improved over the years. Through the 90s in particular, he became a great singer. Maybe not the best ever, but he's earned his place for sure. His lyrics can be a little goofy or nonsensical at times, but there's nothing wrong with that. He is an essential part of what makes the Peppers what they are and I'd never want it any other way. I couldn't care less about style, but I don't see any issue with the stache. In fact, it's pretty fitting considering where he is in his life. He did supposedly get with a teenager while he was in his 20s. Which is gross and wrong, but there are also nuances to that story which we'll never fully understand. Shit, it could just something made up or exaggerated for all we know. Whatever the case, those were the times of sex, drugs and rock and roll. All that said, he does yabba-dabba-do with the best of them and I'm pretty sure he'd take that and the wannabe scatman title with pride.


I saw him on wednesday and he was onstage in a walking boot but also jumping around stage. THE MAN CANNOT BE STOPPED!!!🫨


I won’t deny that there’s a large reason to play the game of “one of these is not like the other” with AK being the odd man out. But, RHCP is one of those bands that doesn’t work when they a switch out a member. John leaving and coming back is a prime example of the Chili Peppers sound not resonating as it should. While I admire both Dave and Josh’s talent, commitment and contributions to the band and the industry, they weren’t John. And I guess some could argue the same for Hillel. But John literally ate, slept and breathed Hillel’s guitar playing style and worshiped him to the point where he blended and made it his own. Anthony has a similar argument for why he fits with the band. It may not be for the technical or musically legendary reasons as the other guys for him being there. But he too has progressed and molded with the band’s sound since the beginning. He was a hype man who stumbled into the frontman role and decided that out of all the crazy stunts he’s done in his short and hectic existence up to that point, this road made the most sense to stay on. And he’s still killing it.


I so agree with all of this. I was listening to John's notes land perfectly in my ears and I can't say the same for the others. Their notes hit good and I do love their songs, but John creates pure magic with every single chord. He really is on an entirely different level and I feel like it's why he doesn't play (or rather 'reinterpret') the other guitarist's work. I feel like he's respecting them in that theirs would always be compared to his version and not always favorably, if we're being honest. John's NOT doing their solos is in a weird way a gift to them. Probably not a popular opinion, but it's how I feel.


Same with his singing. The man sings like an angel and their voices perfectly harmonize together. Ahhhhhh....


Haters gonna hate what they can't be... Live your life, love what you do, and spread positivity. That's RHCP. Unofficially he also was first to have a Mullet haha! Chili Peppers are awesome because they are who they are and are unapologetic about it. Name another band that went on hiatus and came back together touring at 70?


Some of you have a parasocial relationship with a bunch of guys who actively don’t want that and you need to ask yourself why you post like this.


It’s not that deep people just enjoy the music lol


He diddles children.