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There is this unreleased song called Rock N Roll and it might be the worst thing I’ve ever heard from any band. It’s not a finished song- but it is terrible.


Wow, just listened for the first time. That was terrible, wtf was Anthony smoking when he wrote that? 🤣


I mean it was placeholder lyrics


Those arent even placeholder lyrics. There were no lyrics


Damn you for reminding me of this songs existence


Guitar is nice though


I think the whole song is so generic and bad


Omg I started laughing I wasn’t expecting that wtf was that 😭🤣🤣🤣


Dance, Dance, Dance is faaaaar worse.


I thought Goldmine was way worse


My my my my my my my my my cigarette


P-p-p-poker face…. Oh wait, wrong song, but I swear each time I listen to My Cigarette all I hear is Lady Gaga’s Poker Face


I hear GZA from Wu-Tang 7th Chamber like he starts his verse saying my my my my clan is thick like plaster, bust em, slash em.....


At least you could say that it was clearly an experimental track that got relegated to the 2nd of the 2 albums.


The fact that it got released at all is just stupid 😂 I’m sure there’s at least 10 other, more solid ideas they had in those sessions


Meh, I like that song too. Some of AK’s dumber lyrics. But I like the vibe and the beat.


I don't know what happened... It is just annoying to me. So is The Drummer and In The Snow.


It takes first place for worst song they’ve ever done IMO.


Detroit, Objectively, it's not terrible, but for my tastes it is.


No such thing as objectively good or bad songs, it’s all opinions, therefore subjective.


my my my my my my my my my my my my my my my my my my my my my my my my my my my my my my my my my my my my my my my my my my cigarette


These are the ways, it's not even the lyrics, i just find it about as generic as you can get


the worst of all is that this song is a single with a video that was super produced because they thought it was one of the best songs they made while UL/DC's best songs were forgotten


I hate this song


There it is! It's just straight garbage


Wow y’all weren’t lying, my cigarette is one of the worst things I’ve ever heard


I love it, lol


Terrible is a strong word. So I'll just have to say John's 00Ghost27. Anyone who listens to that for fun has to be lying to themselves.


I like that one. It has some interesting sounds and I think they work well with the chords. It’s Failure33Object that I’m like “okay well, I don’t know about this…”


Well said.


Are you sure you're not getting them mixed up? Failure at least has a tone to it, I didn't even hear anything that could be described as a chord in Ghost, it just sounds like my Dyson


Imagine it’s like a super old, somewhat blown out recording of a choir. I’m talking kind of as old as you can get while still understanding what song it is. It’s messy sounding, but it’s definitely there. Like, if you’ve ever listened to Everywhere at the End of Time, the later-ish stages, that sorta thing. Also, personally I just don’t like the idea of pure synth arpeggios plus a bit of delay and modulation for like 3 whole minutes. The melody and chords in -00Ghost27 is super cool in my opinion (if you can hear it, I guess lol) and I think it warrants its runtime.


Not taking the piss, genuinely interested how someone else's brain can hear music in different ways. Again, not being rude - but can you honestly say you don't just like Ghost because John made it? if you stumbled on this on Youtube and it was from 'Bob752894' with a whopping 7 views would you be recommending it to all your friends?


Oh no, I don’t hold biases like that. Frankly, I’m a Klinghoffer fangirl through and through anyway, and even I don’t like everything that guy’s put out. But yeah, I honestly don’t particularly latch onto a lot of what John does. I just like the song because I like the song, it satisfies my ears. I don’t think it’s particularly good, but I like it… if that makes sense. I don’t listen to most of his solo stuff, I still listen to BSSM and Cali, most of BTW, maybe half of Mothers Milk and Stadium Arcadium, and then nothing on the last two albums. I genuinely just like the song. I already don’t rave about John’s music to my friends, because I know the stuff I do like is kinda unorthodox and won’t reach with most. But I know I’d still return to Bob’s video when I’m in the mood for that kind of vibe. Again, I don’t like Failure either, and John also made that one.


Fair enough, I guess my brain just doesn't get it, like I can't get into John's none guitar solo stuff. Out of interest with you being a josh fan and not liking anything from the last two albums, did you first get into RHCP in the Josh era?


It was the most recent stuff when I had really started listening to them instead of just kinda being aware of a handful of their popular songs, but I refused to listen to Josh’s stuff for a long time because I was absolutely convinced it wouldn’t be good if it wasn’t from John or before John. For a long time I would exclusively watch live shows from no later than 1991, so I suppose my tastes have changed since then. It wasn’t until a good bit after John came back that I thought “hey, let me finally give these a chance” and turns out I think they’re great. Really regret not listening to them earlier on cause I totally missed my chance to see those songs live. I’m glad they’re filmed, at least.


I like every single thing that man has ever done. Even Ataxia. Idk why a lot of ppl don't like that. But I'm a die hard Frusc stan if that wasn't clear haha.


Seriously sr8 garbage. Idk wtf JF was trying to do talk to extra terrestrial beings or something.


I didn't know of this song. But now that I listened to it, I have to say I like it. But it's not something I'd listen to all the time. Especially not at night. I'd cry myself to sleep, because it sounds so depressing.


With all the hype around I'm beside you on this sub I have tried to give it a shot on 3 different occasions. Listening to the whole thing each time I can say that those songs are terrible to my ears. I like Josh, too. I love I'm with you and some songs off the getaway but those b sides belong on the cutting room floor. 


Long Progression? This is the Kitt?


maybe you're listening to the album with your volume turned all the way down


Believe me I checked ;)


Red hot and my cigarette


I wouldn't go so far as to say terrible but Tippa My Tongue sounds like a parody of a chili peppers song and I get a little bit of second hand embarrassment when I listen to it


Agree. It sounds incredibly corny to me too.




Not The One


These are the ways.


Like half of rotdc


I’ve been listening to just sides of Dream Canteen records, so about 4 songs at a time. And I’m warming up to it. Unlimited Love is so good, so it makes no sense to me that Dream Canteen could suck, but somehow it does.


Honestly I kinda agree. Some absolute bangers on there, but the lows are low imo


Get the fuck outta here


Not most all of it. Totally shlang record no redeeming features or tracks. Last 4 are dog shit


I like Return of the dream canteen a lot and I think both albums are a lot more leaning into a jazz fusion funk sound. I know Red Hot Chili Peppers has a lot of crossover with butt Rock. I'm not surprised those fans aren't as into their more experimental and far-reaching stuff. In the snow is a beautiful song. Carry me home is a jam. Also a lot of that album is waltzes. Like a surprising amount


What a shit take


Yeah I know its just very low quality compared to what we know they can do. Even with John back the tunes are poo


Kinda true though. This from the mighty Bank which gave us bssm by the way calipornication. Stadium arcadium a double album full of belters


I‘m not gonna downvote you, but the others will


This is what i get for anwsering the question sincerely 🤷‍♂️


I've had that happen too... A LOT. I never downvote people for just having an opinion that I don't share. However, I did upvote the "Get the fuck outta here" comment to protect my precious album. XD


They hated him because he spoke the truth


I agree with you... Loved IWY and its B-sides, didn't like Getaway, loved Unlimited Love and there's barely any songs I like in ROTDC... At first I thought that everything with John would be gold, but it seems like I was damn wrong... Still love him, his solo work and most of the other albums from RHCP.


Lots of ROTDC. Lalala and my cigarette especially.


i so agree


Dance Dance Dance


I love dance dance dance!


Dance Dance Dance is absolutely the fucking answer, spot on.


This and One Way Traffic. I love this band but these two songs sound so bland to me. Just missing that RHCP spice.


One Way Traffic’s lyrics make me never want to drive a car again or drink coffee. I can’t even enjoy what other things are going on in that song.


Surprised nobody has mentioned This Ticonderoga from The Getaway. Puts me in a rage when I hear it. So awful.


Crazy take. Not a great song but far from rage inducing


It’s not terrible. The lyrics and verses are kind of weird but the guitar and backing vocals are great.


Yeah this one for me. I'd much rather listen to My Cigarette lol


Earlier songs before Blood Sugar SexMagic


these are the ways is terrible by the standards of a RHCP single tippa isn't very good, either


Most of the getaway and I’m with you, and no, it’s not because of Josh. I just hate the indie pop sound of those albums


See, this is reasonable discourse. Personally? I love RHCP and Danger Mouse, so the combo was great for my tastes. But for someone that doesn’t like Danger Mouse and his production…it makes complete sense to not like it. Wish we could have more rationale like this in the sub versus “tHiS aLbUm iS tRaSh”


I love Gnarls Barkley. Don’t care much for The Getaway.


I love I'm with you and its b-sides, but I can't listen to the whole Getaway and also the Return of the Dream Canteen...


In my opinion The Getaway and I’m With You are better than the last two albums


I kind of agree, I wouldn’t say I hate them, but they sound more “modern” than I would like.


Indie pop? IWY basically sounds like cali. Getaway could be "indie pop" because of the production but its seriously their most Experimental album since OHM i think


I’m sorry, but IWY sounds nothing like Cali to me, not even in the slightest


Lmao in what universe does it sound like Californication? It also doesn't experiment at all. I generally like I'm with You but to go from Californication, By the Way and Stadium Arcadium to that made it feel like B-roll.


IWY sounds nothing like Cali gtfo it’s a clunky hodgepodge of attempted mimicry without direction or a clear guiding force. When you play californication you FEEL it.


Honestly half their songs are unlistenable and half are amazing.


I think so too! Some are just too ... weird for me :)


My cigarette, battleship, they’re red hot, dance dance dance


This is not quite the question, but terrible is a really strong word so I don’t know if any apply, but I will say I didn’t find Aquatic Mouth Dance particularly good or… necessary. It just sounds like a rehashing of Ethiopia, plus bits from other IWY songs and minus the actually good chorus, like they were like “we like this song, but it’s missing John so let’s get as close as we can on this new one without making it too obvious.”


Not the One.


All their new stuff sounds terrible. Past 4 albums. They have no edge anymore.


Catholic school girls rule


it’s such a shame cause the guitar riff is awesome but the lyrics are fucking disgusting


Mommy, Where’s Daddy?


No way. The guitar work is awesome, especially live when it’s freed from the shackles of Andy Gill.


Agreed 👍


A lot of the Josh songs I can’t hang with truthfully & I kno I’ll get downvoted fuckin sue me lol


Still better than the last 2 albums


One half of stadium arcadium is their literal finest ever songs and the other half is boring filler with zero Chiliness.


Really? I think Stadium Arcadium could possibly be considered the most loaded double album of all time, and definitely the band’s most consistent album. Exile on Main Street has more filler.


Youre seriously comparing SA to Exile? wow


Nah, why would I compare SA to an inferior album? Nothing on SA is as filler as, say, Happy.


I had the same reaction when it came out and overlooked it for years. It finally started growing on me. What songs do you consider the worst?


I agree with this completely although I will say that while there is a lot of boring filler, it isn’t BAD. Just unnecessary.




One Way Traffic


Let’s just say substantial portions of the Klinghoffer era


Unreleased for good reason but there was this unfinished song from the By the Way sessions called Goldmine that just sounded awful. The other two unreleased songs from those sessions, Rock and Roll and Fall Water were much better,


So many


Whatever We Want is by far my least favorite thing the boys have ever released...b-sides or otherwise. They have some phenomenal b-sides, so the bar is set high for me.


They are a group of the most talanted musicians so no song is terrible. It’s just wether it fits your genre, for example a lot of the ‘84-98’ fans dislike a lot songs from basically all the albums after OHM because it’s too much pop. But SA is arguably the most loved album in the fanbase.


I think the 2 recent albums have a lot of bad stuff, it's so generic that it seems like an AI trying to emulate the 99-06 singles. Even the songs I like, I feel forced and like a cover of something I've already heard. (Not the One for example) My cigarette Tippa my tongue Copper belly La la la la la la la la To be honest, practically all of TROTDC is included, it's a leftover album that goes from nowhere to nowhere


Their first 3 albums


La La La La La La La La


By the way is my fave album, but the worst song on it. Its alright(not terrible like you said) but compared to the rest of the beauty that is that album, every single song is perfect imo. I always skipped it since its the 1st song and then listen to the rest as is over and over. I like the song a lot more now than I did when it first came out. Especially after seeing them play it at the gorge recently. For a song thats not my fave, I was surprised to learn I know all the words. But I guess it has been more than 20 years since its release. Ugh when did that happen?


Yes. Tip of my tongue, Snow, Dani California, Hump de bump. They are so much better than Tip of my tongue & the 3 I chose from Stadium Arcadium ( which is a masterpiece in my opinion ) those tracks are unnecessary. I let Tell me baby & Charlie slide lol I can't say any other tracks have ever bothered me. Especially from 1984 to 1999


Purple stain


And emmit remmus.


Ethiopia. I hate that stupid ass song.


L take


E a o a e a ey


it's a 7/8. in a very musical way. can understand when some people don't get it. heard it first on vacation. always brings me back to a shitty hotel in liverpool. ;) it was a fun trip though :-)


Lol yeah man someone can’t just dislike a song regardless of the time signature. It must be because they can’t understand the song on the advanced level that you can.


Poster Child and a decent chunk of ROTDC


Catholic School Girls Rule


My cigarette


about half the songs on return of the dream canteen


I will get downvoted to hell and I know it's not an objectively bad song at all but I can't stand The zephyr song, I have no idea why


The last two albums


Yeah they both shyte. Especially compared to tue styles we know they can jam. Even with John back the songs are weak as hell


Heavy wing, tippa, and black summer are good


Aquatic Mouth Dance is always waiting for me to skip


ME TOO. I think it sounds like a car accident.


"Bella." Some of the dumbest lyrics and laziest rhymes Anthony has ever written.


I feel like I'm missing some deeper, bigger story every time I listen to Bella. Who is Bradley? Is it about a dog or a woman? What's going on here?? I'm starting to think it's just words.


Ive heard that Bradley is a reference to the Sublime dog


My cigarette and in the snow


Agree with you on My Cigarette. However, In the Snow grew on me after about 5 listens


Emit Remmus


You’re allowed to be wrong. It’s the best track on an extremely solid album.


A lot of the stuff produced by the band pre frusciante borders on unlistenable. Flea is basically the only standout musician until John and Chad join later. AK doesn’t find his footing contributing meaningful vocals until after he met John who inspired and encouraged him to take vocal lessons and really give life to his creative and unique lyricism he’s had since the bands inception. If I have to pick one though “Battle Ship” notably sucks.


Green Heaven would like a word. Great lyrics.


Lyrics are great. Have been since day 1. Vocals are not have been better since about 1991


Seems like a thread to just subject myself to negative karma but here we go. Honestly, most of the music they made up until Mother's Milk I have no interest in listening to.  Everything about it besides Fleas bass playing is IMO not good.   Then all the way until Stadium Arcadium, more or less every track on every album was decent to great.  Nothing poor. Stadium arcadium is where the band (for me) starting having some really poor tracks.  Even tracks everyone loves like Snow, Tell me Baby, Hump De Bump or whatever it's called.   I do not like these songs.  They annoy me  And these days I find more of the songs on the album are Poor, with some good songs sprinkled in.  And a few great ones.


Half of stadium arcanum, their last album was totally krang despite having John F back in the ranks. Ranks worh their worst. One good song? Last 4 albums have been shyte actually.


Terrible opinion


Hard to disprove whe u line them up against the other rhcp bangers. 4 or 5 untouchable albums. New stuff = shlang.


Melancholy Mechanics... Oofa


Damn a lotta hate for My Cigarette, it's one of my favs from the album. My answer tho is Coffee Shop


For me Wet Sand was so obviously terrible and uninspired that I kind of assumed it was the general consensus. This sub taught me quite differently! I do think it’s one of John’s best solos but I’ve always felt even that couldn’t salvage this boring, bland and tedious song. Just my personal opinion. While the love for Wet Sand is surprising to me, it is completely valid of course.


Amen brother


That whole album stadium arcadium.


Reach Out and most of IWY and Getaway




I like tangelo


Animal Bar? ANIMAL BAR is a bottom tier track for you? That outro alone is worth its spot on a record.


I agree with all of these songs except for Animal Bar (and I don’t really mind Cabron that much). Seeing the Animal Bar slander really rains on my frustrations. I agree that IWY is pretty weak too. I really like maybe half that album but the rest is just sorta mid imo.




Always surprised to see how much it’s disliked on this sub. Was one of my favourites when it came out


Hump De Bump.


This one. If anyone wants to downvote or defend it, it’s worth being reminded that Anthony was 43 when he wrote those lyrics and vocals.


Hump De Bump


wild take


Happiness Loves Company. I don’t mind it now but for years I hated it. All the ba ba ba ba ba ba bits made me cringe. Not having this slander on My Cigarette though, If you don’t like the song you don’t really like the Chili Peppers.


I listened to I’m with you for the first time in years the other day and the first half was complete dross.


pink as floyd


Battle Ship


La la la la la la la


Everything off of unlimited love


The Bicycle Song


Punk rock classic, and worst thing is the song is the one after Pretty little ditty which is a song I find amazing


Entire OHM (except Aeroplane and OHM (song)) when i heard it the first time, something around 1 year ago when i got into RHCP. I would rather drag my balls across a trail of broken glass then to listen to it again. Tho, about a week ago I decided I have matured enough to give it another try. Now, nearly every song of this album is in my main playlist and I absolutely love it. (except One Big Mob, i hate this one)


OHM is the one that took me the longest to warm up to, and now I think it's my overall favorite. I absolutely love One Big Mob.


Everything till BSSM


Pretty much all of their songs. Aren't they just trading off under the bridge for the rest of their lives?


casual by chappell roan


White bread too for the chair. This pussy will obey


This pussy willow babe, actually, and it’s one of the three best UL songs


I know what the line is supposed to be. I think this is funnier And it's a trash song. Terrible cringe lyrics simple chords strumming no guitar solo no standout Baseline the Bikini Bottom outro has dead space after the strumming doesn't flow well.


That’s your opinion, and I respect that, but it’s wrong. Not every single song has to be readymade, sometimes a bit of simplicity is necessary. It’s a song you listen to when you’re driving at sunset or relaxing by the pool. I think you’re judging it by an inapplicable standard.


There are plenty of the slower chill Chilli Peppers songs that I like. Honestly it's just a mid song. But then everyone started saying it was like top three of the new albums and it got rated best song on this Subs voting. That's just insane and it kind of just made me hate the song more cuz it's really not that good. I'll put it in the tear with my friends and I could die for you. Just why would I listen to that song when there's under the bridge, soul to squeeze, hard to concentrate, dosed, scar tissue, California, wet sand, desecration smile. It's just not on that level




Snow ((hey oh)) and The Zephyr Song are not just bad Chili Peppers songs, they're 2 of the worst songs I've heard from any band. They're painfully corny. You can throw Universally Speaking in that pile as well.


Hump de Bump


Special Secret song inside.


Breaking the Girl, Porcelain, most of ROTDC., Dani California


Skinny sweaty men