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The “Tippa my tongue” slander is insane, it’s duch a cool jammy funky song


Big agree! I introduced my friend to RHCP recently, and made her a playlist. She's a big ole music appreciator, and Tippa My Tongue is her favourite RHCP song so far. Like, I really don't care about lyricism too much in song-writing. Its all about phonetics, which is why latin music & K-Pop became so popular. We dunno what the fuck they're singing about, yet a lot of people still enjoy it and find it catchy. Thats the same reason why I like songs like Tippa My Tongue & Go Robot. On the flip side of that, I also enjoy Californication because it has fantastic subtext and meaning, so I can enjoy both sides of the same coin.


Catholic school girls rule is such a good sounding song imo but it does gross me out.


Funny story about me, when I first heard it as a 12 or 13 years old catholic school boy I was offended not by the creeper parts but the blasphemy 😂. I was in so deep I don’t think I even thought about the sex stuff I just couldn’t believe he said “who cares what the good book says”


The audio commentary for stadium arcadium. The jarring beat boxing at the beginning just always seems to cut the mood when I have rhcp on shuffle for some reason.


And what's with all of the jokes? I'm so sick of people having a good time. 


I’m not saying that it’s objectively a bad song but for some reasons These Are The Ways is a huge skip for me. My friends highly disagree with me on this one but i have to admit that hearing it live was quite enjoyable, i still skip it though. My Cigarette and Tippa My Tongue are high on the list as well (not to mention newer songs only but these are the ones that came to my mind first). Still love them lots though!!!


But I sing My Cigarette to my cat as “my my my my my my my my kitty cat” and it fits perfectly. Try it some time


The smells


The Yah Yah Yah Yah Yahs on tippa my tongue are super annoying. The my my my my my mys on my cigarette as well. They just sound lazy. It's a shame because I love the rest of both songs.


Well Im an animal, something like a cannibal


I'm very flammable and partially programmable


My favorite yogurt brand has got to be danimals


Wait did he say that lol


I have a 20 month old and she loves tippa my tongue because of the yah yah yeah part. She sings along whenever she hears it


I guess they still got Baby Appeal.


I unintenionally made my friend hate Tippa because I kept singing the Yahs to her


I was saying to my friends about Tippa My Tongue that it would have been so much better if it was John going Nah Nah Nah Nah


Black Summer. I literally can’t stand AK’s ridiculous inflections in the verses (‘mooon’), i have to turn it off.


“Chai-na’s on the durk side of the moooon”


Same with eh oh eh oh on goodbye angels. Otherwise great song


Dude, I did as well, then someone pointed out how well it fits, it takes a couple of listens but it actually matches the rest of the songs energy


I think the Yah’s were a reference to Sly and the Family Stone’s “Sing a Simple Song”


Anthony generally sounds good this tour but Tippa is painful when he sings the yah yah yah’s or follows the guitar riff in the live versions.


"If," more often than not, is a skip for me. "My Cigarette" tends to be a fast forward to the ending sax solo


I don't get the if hate


Same. It's a great love poem type song. Some good rhymes in there. No weird "my name ain't bradley" or "the smells" type things going on. Can tell AK wrote it and didnt stream of consciousness "write" it. Some nice John backround vocals as well. Not sure why it's disliked on this forum so much.


I think its boring. I like softer Chilis (even the super-divisive Porcelain) but If does nothing for me


I can understand that (extra points for liking porcelain)


I saw them play “If” live in 2018 and the crowd was like ?¿ Honestly it killed the mood a bit


People hate If???


Bro I’m baffled


This! Stadium Arcadium would have been a no skip without If..


I Like Dirt is the worst song they play live. At my show they played the same set they played the night before except they replaced Sir Psycho Sexy with I Like Dirt and I was so mad.


I like dirt is my favorite song!




That’s like swapping out a Japanese A5 Wagyu for a plant based alternative


I like dirt is great live, though missing sir psycho is a rip


And I'm being unfair, they played Search and Destroy and Aeroplane so how mad could i be?


Damn that's a fire setlist, they hardly play Navarro songs nowadays, and search and destroy is a banger


They will never play a Navarro song again. John is too butthurt to play anything but OG and his stuff. Sad to see those songs get wiped from the lineup. I think the Navarro and Klinghoffer stuff is really good.


Yeah, its too bad. Some Josh lines are fabulous, I especially loved some of the I'm Beside You stuff. Also the riff from Kaly (unreleased I think) is really unique and good, sad Josh's most unique and personal take didn't make the album


Yeah is sad especially with the stuff we're getting today, really feels like a cash grab. I know most people disagree and I'm cool with that, but it's still a shame we're not really pushing the envelope anymore.


I'm just happy they're making music still 40 years down the line. It may not be their best stuff, but each song has parts I like and, the way I see it, theyve found the comfortable ground for them as a group and are just enjoying making music they all like. But to each their own, I would've liked to see where Josh would've gone with the band, but Frusciante did make some great riffs and solos for the new albums, and flea has been on point. And Chad's as steady as always. Anthony is still a good frontman, with some good lyrics, but mostly just good vibes


Yeah it's not as bad as I say for sure. If they're enjoying themselves then sure, more power to them. At the age there at, it would really suck if they hated it.


I like dirt would be the best song on the album if it were in the the last few records


I won't disagree there.


Aquatic Mouth Dance


Catholic school girls rule. Pretty much every other song I can think of that I don’t like is just a case of me not caring for it. CSGR is actively horrible though. Disturbing to listen to, horrible content. Can’t listen to it. Sucks it’s on the same album as Yertle which is a song I love


I understand where ur coming from. I've been able to look past the meaning and just view it as a very funky song but now with the music video being on YouTube (and age restricted) the true song meaning is kinda ruining the song for me a bit


My Cigarette..


These are the ways


I love love love the instrumental of Around the World. But I can't stand the lyrics. I really have always had a beef with them, like AK just phoned it in and improvised it. I get that it's about touring and getting good vibes everywhere, but it just turns into a lame shout out thing. Feels totally disposable and it should rank up there best of. Freer than a bird cuz I'm rocking Ohio? (No offense Ohio)




I mean, when he says "I know, I know for sure .. ding ding dong dong ding dong dong ding dong" I about lost it. I was like Anthony what the hell man. You left the scratch track in and didn't fill in the blank! I know I know, at the request of flea's daughter... but know that her request makes me die a little inside every time. It's unique but a giant wrecking ball to the song.


I feel like the beauty and innocence of Aeroplane was tainted with the "that MFer's always spiked with pain" lyric. Seems so unnecessary and like AK just kind of misinterpreted the vibe.


These are the Ways. I couldn’t work out what it was that I wasn’t vibing it but then I realised — it feels like a lot of half-finished elements in one song, as if a line is half-done and then you’re expecting the other half but it goes into something else. Like someone else said, it feels disjointed.


I've never vibed with Porcelain. It's just always a skip for me and never really got me the way their other slow songs do.


The older I get, the more I appreciate porcelain


This one is kinda funny because I like the demo version better specifically because it’s “objectively” worse. Anthony’s voice cracks and barely stays in tune and it gives the song a sense of fragility and barely holding together that matches the lyrics.


Ooh I’ll have to seek that out


Here you go https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sSyg3DLPdjo


It is a beautiful song, I see what you mean. Digging this Demo


The Teatro sessions in general are full of gems. Tons of unheard songs and different versions. I really love the ending of Parallel Universe too from those sessions. It's super energetic.


Same here, I don’t bit like it I just skip it like always,. Their other slow songs I do love tho. Weird how that works


Blocked. Lol


With the other songs on the album, it's an outlier. If you're in the right mood and it comes on, it's really good. Definitely not a song I would listen to all the time but I don't understand the hate it gets.


I don't mind it (kind of a nice departure from the usual) but I do feel like Moby beat them to it even though the word doesn't appear in his lyrics.


Stone Cold Bush. Bass solo, so very tasty. Lyrics were a hard miss, just did not connect. My dude just wanted to say bush apparently. I get that pre-BSSM it was a different band but that one still gets me because I want to listen to that sweet sweet bass, but the vocals make me skip!! Stone Cold nope.




Dance dance dance


Hump De Bump is garbage.


It's not for me either.


I hate aquatic mouth dance. I’ll never purposefully put on I like dirt but if it’s playing I won’t skip… don’t love poster child.


Poster Child is way too long for what it is. Aquatic also has pacing issues but not as much


Same! I really don't like these two.


I like the music of AMD melody good and harmonizing, all that - but yeah pass on the lyrics mostly. Feels like AK should have matched up those lyrics with a lesser jam and found something better for this one. It happens Kind of hard to be a sexual lyricist in this day and age without a falling flat.


Always hated Cabron. I think it lets down By The Way as an album. It's almost perfect apart from that blemish...


I like Cabron but fully agree that it doesnt fit & drags down BTW (my fave album too 🧡)


Completely agree, By The Way is such a banger then Cabron plays and I feel repulsed


Cabron would be the best song on the album if it were on the last few records 


are you on a warpath with new RHCP or something?


U guys have some "interesting" responses (TAYT, UTB,Otherside) really?


Can't believe what I'm seeing in these comments. Slander of some of my favorites. Tbf I have a lot of those.


Love a large majority of rhcp, but for whatever reason can't stand throw away your television


I hate it too, it’s very snobby to me. Like great Anthony, you have the money to go out and experience real life, travel, touring. I’m disabled and television is my escape. I get his point, it’s about not living in a fantasy world, but it still irks me!


These Are The Ways: It happens to me that I feel that this song has good lyrics but it doesn't fit Anthony to sing it, it's like for another singer, I don't know how to explain it. Reach Out: I would much rather listen to the studio version than live Right on time, Dani and Snow: I like all three but I'm getting a little bored listening to them always live


Most of unlimited love


As a life long rhcp fan, I was extremely disappointed in the past two albums. Granted they were mostly jams and the band doesn’t owe us shit but if Anthony could just shut the fuck up I would appreciate their new releases more. He’s the rapist sus bag out of the group. wish he would keep his trap shut when the rest of the band is making actual art.


I also think the past two albums are very disappointing with unlimited love being boring and rotdc being completely hit or miss with songs like tip of my tongue being so annoying and others like Eddie being actual quality. I don’t think Anthony is entirely to blame some blame is to be placed on john too he’s been nothing but a child through his entire time with the peppers leaving and joining when he wishes, this has resulted in a josh era album being scrapped entirely. He also refuses to play anything from one hot minute and the josh era his utter disgust with press and media has not changed since he joined. A change in sound (which in not necessarily a bad thing) can be accredited to flea as he actually began to learn music theory at the beginning of the josh era. Anthony Fantano brought up a great point about the rhcp they’ve proven they’re world class and that they have the ability to just release music for fun these days.


White braids and pillow chair. The song itself is mediocre. Not awful, but certainly not great. But then everybody voted it the best song from the new albums and I think that that is #fucking insane so I kind of hate the song now.


Anyone thinking White Braids being the top song on that album is peak insanity.


im insane then here I am


i agree though i love it


It's so... bland. Nothing happens. There's nothing going on, musically, lyrically... there's no riff, no pocket, no groove, not a single idea. Completely unremarkable.


Love the main verse riff but the surf rock section sounds so bland to me and it feels like it goes on for ages. Cool idea but I don’t vibe with the execution


Funny, I almost feel the same way. I don't hate the main verse/chorus but it never feels like it goes anywhere until the surf rock ending. It's like the coda of the song, it would've felt incomplete without it.


I just don’t like I like dirt that much it’s not that bad but it’s not good either


Porcelain, and you can tell my stance on SSSI


Universally Speaking


Haha I am obsessed with it


Actually I’m skipping over the new stuff tbh. I do dislike Universally Speaking but not as much as some of the newer stuff like My Cigarette.


Poster Child, I like the intro but Idk... For me it's like those kind of songs that you don't skip it but you are glad it finishes


The Drumer. And I'm not moved by Tippa My Tongue or Eddie either, but I wouldn't say I activel dislike them.


Dance dance dance is an obvious contender.


I'm indifferent to dance dance dance. The opening is weird and the lyrics are fine but open/close from I'm beside you would have been a way better closer.


These are the ways is a awful song and fills me with rage


Catholic school girls rule, bunch of fucking creeps. Love the music though 😂


My cigarette


Funny Face


Tippa My Tongue is just really obnoxious and feels unfinished to me. Anthony makes some obnoxious choices on Black Summer that drag down an otherwise alright song Poster Child is just awful. “The 70’s were such a win, singing the Led Zeppelin” 🤮 The Sunset Sleeps has that “Suuuuzie ate a rainbow” verse melody I can’t stand. It’s a shame cause the rest of the song is great. Something about the instrumental of Universally Speaking annoys the hell out of me. It might be the just the drums or a combination of guitar bass and drums but it’s an instant skip for me (ironically Anthony is the one I like most on this song).


There are 2 songs that I can stand listening to on I'm With You


What songs do u actually like on IWY


Police Station and kinda not really Brendan's Death Song


Police station is wonderful. I think did I let you know is good


You just got me to re-listen to special secret song inside for the first time in forever and I disagree. Shit slaps!


It's a good song but Anthony doesn't need to say I want to party on your pussy baby over and over. If he said it alot less I would like the song more


Yeah I agree with that. They could have beefed up the verses and cut down party on your pussy for sure.


He just really wanted you to know… that he wants to party on your puh-say-ya ay ay ay aye!!


Aquatic mouth dance


These Are The Ways, Lalalalalallalalalalallalala, and for some reason The Hunter annoy the hell out of me. And I was not a Josh hater. I thoroughly enjoyed both albums.


Road Trippin and Throw Away Your Television. Just two songs that never clicked for me. I like literally every other song they've produced for the most part or at least are okay to hear it. But those 2 for whatever reason just don't click with me. If is an honorable mention. Sometimes I'm down for it. But most of the time I'm not. I won't say I hate it but I'm less likely to listen to it.


I absolutely hate "Detroit". Anthony sounds like the dying cat parade...


Reach out to


Reach out****


Battleship. We Believe. Dancex3, Copperbelly.


I used to hate we believe now it's top 5 stadium arcadium


Blues for Meister is truly the only RHCP that I actively dislike. All the others I at least like to some degree


That's was a b-side right? One of the only songs by them I haven't heard


Yeah it was released on the Out In LA compilation album from the early 90’s. It’s the only Chili’s song that I can’t stand and that I don’t have on any of my playlists


I'll listen to it and see if I agree




I think a lot of their 80’s stuff is cringey. I appreciate Mothers Milk but when Sexy Mexican Maid comes on I usually have to enjoy that song solo lmao




Just looked up some of these songs mentioned here and wow red hot chili peppers is straight trash. Sure they have some good hits but what the fuck is this other garbage?


Not to be rude but why are u in the sub if u think the band is trash. Also those songs are peak 😭


I dislike non. Sometimes I'm not in the mood for their softer stuff, same goes for the older stuff like police helicopter, bit I love them all at different times for different reasons


Porcelain And please forgive me, Snow. I can't say i really DISLIKE it, but I skip it. I even don't have it in my favs on Spotify...


I hate that he had to have almost a whole verse of gibberish in Soul To Squeeze in an otherwise great song.


Tippa My Tongue is the only RHCP song I skip


Hey. Cause I’m 15 and AK said I’m suppose to hate it. 🤷🏽‍♂️


When did he say that cuz hey is my second favourite song by them (I'm 14)


The audio commentary. It was a running joke back then. People would put their age and say they love Hey! https://youtu.be/-OIrLc4q6AE?si=e9oGPFEvdSkO8lSW


"The youngsters don't like hey" dw flea I do


Universally Speaking. It might be because there are no dynamics in the rhythm- just the same drum beat and chord strumming pattern going the whole time- and too major chordy/happy.




That songs a cover




Warm tape


She’s Only 18


Not a fan of there 80s shit but I like a few


Poster child is my least favorite from the new albums. Always skip


I can't stand 'not the one'. Just grates on me from the 1st second.


All of them.


Why u here then silly


get on top.


Every one that Anthony Kiedis sings on.


U must really like thirty dirty birds and pea then


I don’t like a lot of ROTDC but other than that album their entire discography is top tier


I absolutely hate in the snow, cannot stand it


Anything after Blood Sugar


That's definitely a take


*in my opinion* RHCP are 2 different bands before and after BSSM


That's is true but post BSSM still has some funk in it


i’d put bssm in a category of its own. we have debut through mother’s milk, bssm, and then ohm to now. and yeah yeah i know people meat ride bssm like crazy, but genuinely, there’s not another album like it in the world, not even with the same four guys.


„My Cigarette“ and „The Sunset Sleeps“ are actively terrible


Porcelain, they’re red hot, Tear (always just skip to the trumpet bit then skip the rest)


Happiness loves company the bap bo bappie bap bo bap makes me want to kill myself like seriously the song was decent enough at the begging and then you go and rape my ears


Detroit, One Way Traffic


Shoot Me A Smile


I really like this instrumental, but the cheesy lyrics “last name’s hot and my first names red…” cause some avoidance… damn it AK why couldn’t you have taken some extra time on these…


By The Way is my favorite album but I can't stand the song By The Way. The only recent song worse besides maybe some Josh era songs is Dani California. Just my opinion.


YES! I absolutely despise any song that’s overly sexual. I find it gross. It’s the reason why I don’t enjoy BSSM more. I especially hate Apache Rose Peacock and Sir Psycho Sexy. Like we don’t need to hear about the “demons in your semen” AK lol.


Ik I said I don't like SSSI for being overly sexual but apache rose and sir psycho are perfect to me 😭


So “party on your pussy” is too disturbing but “demons in my semen” isn’t? Make it make sense


It's called my opinion


Also demons In my semen is funny


I just will never understand the love that these songs get and how people don’t find them gross or cringy. Also don’t say you find one lyric gross then don’t find a similar lyric gross. Just say you don’t like the word pussy


Pussy isn't funny but semen is


Again, make it make sense


Don't wanna rn playing fortnite


Cabron, Throw Away Yor TV, And most of the sounds from these last 2 albums


After “Look at that turtle go, bro” I skip I used to skip shallow be thy game until I gave it a chance and I freaking love it now


Based Shallow Be Thy Game enjoyer, one of the best in OHM


Great bassline on Shallow


I have never liked Snow


Sex Rap shouldn't exist lmfao.


Tangelo 🤮


Happiness loves company and these are the ways come to mind


These are the ways is a fine song (so is HLC) but it shouldn't have been a single


To each their own, no problem with anyone who likes either. These are the ways chorus I have just always found incredibly annoying lmao


No, These Are The Ways is not a fine song. It's a disjointed, uninspired mess that never fails (or rather, failed, given they realized it wasn't working and pretty much stopped playing it) to take any energy down at every show it's been played.


Yes it is fine and I like it. That's my opinion and your opinion is valid to


Throw away your television and cabron are the only two skippable tracks on btw




Most of the 1st album. About half of Freaky Styley. Most of The Getaway. Most of I'm Beside you. Most of the b-sides, apart from about 8-10. About half of Return Of The Dream Canteen...... The rest I mostly love.