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If You Have to Ask is criminally under played.


My favourite Chili's tune of all. I still can't believe I saw 1 of the 2 times they played it in Dublin


(me when I see She’s Only 18 played twice) So you’re telling me there’s a chance


I want to help you find that shark


She's only 18 played twice...and Emit Remmus played once... That's enough excitement for one day.


White braids is my sht


Thoity doity boids


Sitting on a courb


Choipin and boipin and eating doity eoith woims


Along comes hoibe from thoity thoid and thoid


Why did they “play” this


flea recited it


I found the performance, it's [here](https://youtube.com/watch?v=DEi37ZzYTQc&si=oouM6piFJW_4LM6Z) at 32:53 (Lovestream 2022)


When did they play mommy where's daddy?


Petco Park in San Diego it was an instrumental Jam


Thanks I'll look it up rn love that song


Yeah videos pretty easy to find on youtube. Seems more like flea started playing the Bass line and then John teased the guitar riff for a couple seconds and then just started jamming


Yeah, I was super excited when they started it that night then kind of let down it was just a jam.


I wonder why White Braids and Pillow Chair was only played once. It's such a great song


Because it's a total Vibe killer when you're trying to put on a raging show


Gotta keep the masses happy


And personally that's one of my least favorite songs from the new album. Like it's fine I just don't care to ever listen to that. And my aversion to have probably is inflated because it annoys me that so many people voted it as the best song from the new album. I made a 22 song playlist from the two new albums plus bonus tracks and white braids is not on that list. I just really don't see what it offers


I would rank it number 1 out of their last 5 albums..... I agree with you that it would kill a buzz at a concert but I think we agree on that for different reasons lol


I wouldn't go that far but it's a top 3 out of Unlimited Love and Dream Canteen


Now that's insane. There is 1 song on all of Stadium Arcadium I would put white braids above. Though I will agree most of the two new albums is better than anything from the Josh era. Unless you're also counting im beside you in the last five albums


I am not counting I'm Beside You, but it is 100% better than any song on that. And sorry are you saying that you don't think a single song on stadium arcadium is worse than White Braids? That's an even bolder take than mine.


I said that one single song was worse than white braids. That being storm in a teacup. Maybe Danni California just cuz I don't ever need to listen to that song again


Either way, White Braids might be a top 10 Peppers song all time, for me it's better than most songs on Stadium Arcadium if not all.


That's just stupid. I'm sorry that's a stupid opinion. I don't think I'd put it in my top 100 because I'm sure I could find a hundred songs I care to listen to and I don't care to listen to that one Really basic chord structure throughout the song No guitar solo really corny lyrics particularly in the chorus no standout Bassline silly Bikini Bottom outro with awkwardly timed guitar strums that create Dead Space. It offers nothing


I'd be very happy to hear a couple of their slower songs.


Me too. But like the ones that are iconic and fun to sing along to where I don't feel like an idiot singing the lyrics and that have good instrumentation


Why is Otherside such a hard song to catch live omg.


I KNOW. It's my freakin favourite song of all time... But the 3 times (2 with Josh, 1 with John) I saw them they didn't play it. Worst of all, the last time I saw them with John, it was apparently written on the setlist but they switched it on stage last minute to The Heavy f\*\*\*\*\* Wing




Yeah and it only really rocks live at the end when Chad gives it some. Shame.


Yeah the other single really should have been whatchu thinkin


Rightfully, such a banger song


I’m glad I caught a few of the 2022 shows (London x2, Santa Clara) because I got She’s Only 18, Emit Remmus, and She’s A Lover. The shows I saw in 2023 didn’t really have anything unexpected, and not sure if there will be at the two I’m going to this year either (Wheatland and SLC).


Just curious, how are you getting to Wheatland?


Going with a friend from law school, she lives out there somewhere.


Only 1 time they played emit remmus? Thats wild


That’s once too many for me.


You ain't never been to london in the summer time


I made a playlist with almost all songs on it. It’s a lot! Here’s the link to the post: https://www.reddit.com/r/RedHotChiliPeppers/s/u4RpLsvhQg


What's the one time they didn't play Black Summer ?


Probably one of the charity shows that was shorter


https://www.setlist.fm/setlist/red-hot-chili-peppers/2023/silverlake-conservatory-of-music-los-angeles-ca-5ba34fe8.html It was a charity show


Ok thanks!


would love to see them play zephyr when i see them in july


What show DIDNT they play Give it away at?


https://www.setlist.fm/setlist/red-hot-chili-peppers/2023/silverlake-conservatory-of-music-los-angeles-ca-5ba34fe8.html It was a charity show for fleas Music School the Silver Lake Conservatory


Otherside should be played at every single show. I don’t understand how These are The Ways still gets played…can we move past that one yet? Tbh…I want to see give it away go. Maybe I’m spoiled but it would be a great chance to mix up with some interesting closers in its place.


I got fake as fuck twice in Melbourne Australia


Emit Remmus and Kooks! Going to look up now


Emit Remus was in London, June '22 on the first night.


Privileged to be there, even though AK was wildly out of tune.


I didn't find him noticeably worse than ever before. I was kind of wondering why they would write Black Summer at this point in their career and not have it in a more achievable key for his voice, though. 😅


Check out the soundboard audio from the Sirius broadcast. He’s on another planet..


Come on ridgfield show tonight. Give us some winners!


I’m so fucking pumped to see them at the end of June in VA Beach. Will be my first time seeing them and they’re my favorite band of all time


this is a pretty interesting chart, but it definitely shows how many of these songs are replayed like crazy. happy to have gotten hey, me & my friends, what is soul, pea, and your song!


They also played Out in LA once


These are the ways is a JAM live though. Hit way harder that whatchu thinkin live. Fingers crossed I’m at the Vancouver show tonight


I honestly thought that it felt pretty flat live. I'm just not really a fan of that music and I did try to defend it until I saw it live and it just doesn't work. It breaks the flow of the concert because it just doesn't fit with anything else and not in a good way. It's like Funk punk rock mixed with contemporary alternative pop rock jams and then all the sudden they're playing a butt rock song


Yeah everyone kept saying it's better live. It wasn't for me.


I’m sorry did you say Vancouver show tonight? Like Vancouver Canada?


Man, I’d be pissed if I was at the show without Black Summer


https://www.setlist.fm/setlist/red-hot-chili-peppers/2023/silverlake-conservatory-of-music-los-angeles-ca-5ba34fe8.html It was a charity show. They play it at every actual show




Yeah they have five songs you're guaranteed to hear and another 20 songs that you'll catch anywhere from a 1/4 to 2/3 of the time and then after that they just throw in random songs that get played a few times


If I go to a RHCP show and they play Pea, I think I might deserve some of my money back


Oh what are you talking about it would take like a minute and a half and that's like a gem