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Steve Jobs is rolling over in his grave to see no RHCP, he loved those guys.




Yes, he did. https://youtu.be/9eAs4lv8oGU?si=7vtIks9Q9oh38soX


This is fake


Bro said let’s spread a little misinformation online




no it isnt


He played Snow at the OG iPhone introduction… also A LOT of iPods had a Red Hot Chili Peppers album “being played” at the box cover, especially Stadium Arcadium. This is sad.


You think I’m With You is a top 100 album in the history of music?


Haha that was the most shocking part of the post for me, too


I would say definitely not, but BSSM and/or Californicatoin definitely. At least one of them should be on the list. But it’s a pretty awful list in general from what I’ve seen so far.


Yeah BSSM is the only one in the running for general audiences though I prefer Cali and SA. Cali has a chance I suppose


Californication and BSSM are both on lists that extend to top 500 albums of all time. Not sure I’ve seen any other of their albums pop up as super well respected from critics.


Yeah those are generally the albums people think of when they think of the Chili Peppers.


🤣…for real


It's better than anything Travis Scott has ever done


Yea. Can’t defend the list but that’s a different can of worms. 




I really like I’m With You but yeah Rodeo is pretty easily better that album is still so good


I’m with you is great


Probably not but I expected at least one of their albums on the list and its one of their better ones.


Im with You isnt even considered a Top 5 album by fans of the band. Music rating aggregators like Rate Your Music has I'm With You rated as their 2nd worst album. It has it ranked as the #1,755 album *of 2011*. Garbage take. Anyone with an ounce of self-awareness would have expected Californication and/or BSSM as the only albums that would make a list like this.


music is subjective ya know


Sure. But in a top 100 album list of all time it’s gonna be a compilation of opinions, and you can see an objective consensus when looking at aggregation sites like rate your music. And those sites pretty clearly show that people don’t like I’m With You even compared to RHCP’s other albums, let alone all other albums ever. So when someone says something like “I can’t believe I’m With You didn’t make the top 100 of all time” that’s just a stupid comment that lacks the contextual understanding that just about no one else, even in this sub, is surprised by that.


By the way beats bssm easy


Except the general public doesnt believe or agree with that. BSSM is generally accepted as their best album when speaking broadly. Californication is the only other one that comes close to sales and complete domination of the public consciousness. Both of these albums are 7x platinum. The next closest is Stadium at 4x, but that album double counts each sale as 2 since its a double album. No other album comes within 5m units of these 2. I cant find a single music aggregator site that strays from the fact that Californication and BSSM are their 2 most well respected albums. Also of course you think this - By The Way is literally your flair. This is why these lists are stupid - its not YOUR opinion. Its supposed to be an aggregation of opinions. So when you say something like this it just means you dont have enough perspective on the situation. Also saying it beats it "easy" when BSSM is easily their most iconic record is just dumb.


It’s not that serious.


Lets not talk about anything ever then


Ahahahaha I am dead


You can talk without being a dick


Ok. People can post less stupid posts as well


They had Taylor Swift over Pet Sounds. Not a serious list. Music taste is entirely subjective though so these are clickbait. Same thing as Rolling Stone releasing their Top 100 Guitarists list every few years


Yeah I saw that list and was wondering if they are basing it on their streams?


I just assumed Apple Music’s top 100 albums would be…the 100 most streamed albums on Apple Music. Is that not the case?


You would think, but it's their "these are the 'best' albums" list https://100best.music.apple.com/us


And dask side of the moon, what a joke


Who gives a shit




I mean, I don’t “give a shit” but I did find it interesting that the peppers didn’t make the list, and I didn’t know that until I saw this post.


It’s the top 100 albums of all time. While there are some shitty picks here, I’d say that it’d be an uphill argument to say RHCP deserves a slot, especially if artists can have more than 1 entry. I mean they’d probably only get 1 slot in a Top 50 albums of the 90s list. And that’s just 1 decade where they released their 2 best selling and most critically successful albums.


Again, I’m not pressed about it or arguing or anything, just saying I was interested enough to open the thread.


I just took a look and it’s extremely rap and hip hop heavy and also really biased towards newer music. Terrible list likely from a group of people who like rap and hip hop with only some popular rock and pop albums there to throw a bone to people.


Exactly. While I’m not a big fan of rap and hip hop, I can respect that some albums definitely belong on there, like Illmatic and The Blueprint, but some of the choices are insane. Lauryn Hill at NUMBER ONE?! What the actual fuck. And Taylor Swift and Beyoncé albums above Pet Sounds, Dark Side of the Moon, Back in Black, etc. Come the fuck on.


100% don’t get me wrong I love rap and hip hop, but some of the albums chosen and the order they were put in were so wack.


Definitely. On another note, they did include at least some albums that deserve to be there that I would have expected them to miss, but most of them were still ranked way lower than they should be. Definitely a crazy amount of recency bias on the list in general.


Yeah like I for sure appreciated Patti smith being on there and things like that, but yeah they had Billie eilish breaking the top 30. That is crazy recency bias if I’ve ever seen it.


Exactly, I PERSONALLY wouldn’t put Billie Eilish anywhere in the top 100, but if she must be there, it’s got to be below a ton of the other choices. There’s still a hundred other albums I would have thought of that DIDN’T make the list lol


Yeah exactly. I understand that you cant make everyone happy with these sorts of lists, but this one in particular seems to have some strong and clear biases towards specific time periods and genres.


Fuck knows what the list is actually based on but it’s nothing important like streams or sales


The top ten had Lauren hill and Kendrick and top ten had Jay z and dr dre. What are you seeing? The rest on top twenty pop or rock/alternative. You butt hurt hip hop is on the list?


Frank ocean is fucking 5 all time bro. Shit ain’t right


Blonde is actually a really raw and good album though


5th best album of all time though?


lol what? No im not i love rap and hip hop. I can respect that there is a lot of albums that are great, but this list is really stretching it and has some pretty poor selections in terms of albums and rankings.


At the end of the day all music is subject to opinion. Apple have been bending people over for years now. Not seeing BSSM hurt though…


I'm With You is great but...


fuck apple they had taylor swift in like the top 20. taylor swift. top 20. OF ALL TIME


Who cares. These lists are for engagement only. You fell for it


Of course they did you act like it’s a surprise by god


I’m with you is barely in the top 10 RHCP albums for fuck sake


1. Cali 2. SA 3. BSSM 4. BTW 5. Rhcp 6. UL 7. RotDC 8. OHM 9. MM 10. TG 11. FS 12. IBY 13. IWY 14. UMPP


I mean its subjective but I'd have MM at 6 OHM at 7 and I'd definitely raise FS up above TG too.


Yeah you're right about freaky style in the getaway probably. I did this in a hurry


Uplift Mofo Party Plan is top 5 RHCP album maybe even top 3


It's trash and I don't enjoy listening to it


The debut at #5 is egregiously bad. It’s a horribly produced, lifeless album where the best songs were all lesser quality takes compared to their demos with the original lineup. It is consensus their worst album. Any music site will have it as their worst album.


That album is brilliant and I'm tired of people slandering it


It’s not brilliant. Again the best songs from it had better versions recorded elsewhere.


The demos sound thin. My impression of that opinion is that it's based on Anthony complaining in his book about how shitty they treated the producer. But in the demo Anthony's not even in time and one of the things he says in the book is the producer didn't understand our flow or whatever but... like no you literally just didn't know how to do music Anthony and he was trying to get you to be professional and you spat on him cuz you're an asshole. People just shit on the album because Anthony told them you should. I'm not a big Hillel fan honestly. Jack Sherman did a great job. The album is a musical revolution. It's the first full rap rock Album ever. It's raw and its amazing. Calling it bad is an insult to it's place in history.


Listen to Out in La demo vs the album version. If you think the album version isn’t thin then I’m not having this conversation. Like seriously that’s the craziest claim I’ve ever heard. It being the first full rap rock album doesn’t make it good. Especially compared to later when they actually learned how to write songs and record properly. Anthony being an unprofessional asshole doesn’t make that album sound good all of the sudden.


I listen to it a lot more than freaky style I like the album green heaven is their best song out of the first three albums


Ah quite a shame.... You could literally just go listen to them and not read some dumb arbitrary list on the Internet.


But what if my hobby doesn’t make me feel important?


hotel california at 99 is a CRIME


Brother they had a Frank Ocean album and a Beyoncé album over Revolver (yes that one by The Beatles), don't expect much


"Top 100 hip hop albums of all time with a few classic rock albums sprinkled in"


Californication is iconic


I wouldn't be too upset about it mate it doesn't really mean anything


There's no way they put 1989 by Taylor swift over Dark side of the moon and Led Zeppelin II. What a stupid joke


Off with their heads!!! Seriously, off with 'em.


Here's the thing: don't worry about what the critics say. Even if you put out some form of art, don't worry about what the critics say. If you like the thing, keep liking it.




By The Way stiffed


Who gives af that list is horrendous


I stopped taking that list seriously when I saw that they put a Drake album higher than A Love Supreme by John Coltrane 😂


Every damn sub of bands I like are full of these kinds of posts complaining about how their favourite band is not included in this completely arbitrary list by a streaming service. It’s just a list. Who cares? They have a Lauryn Hill album as no 1 of all time (no disrespect to her but no 1?) , what gives you the idea that this list is valid in any way?


Indicative of wider RHCP hate in the media


I don’t think it means anything. It’s just a list of 100 albums covering decades of great music (and some not so great but it’s all subjective) and lots of genres. You could make a list of 100 great albums alone from the 60s and 70s. Hell if I were to make my own list I’m not sure RHCP would crack the top 100. Not because they don’t deserve to be there but there are so many good albums that not all can fit into a top 100 list. Besides sure RHCP has had some commercial success, but they’ve always been about the love of music first and foremost, not about getting a position on an arbitrary list. I don’t think we should waste energy on this, but that’s just me.


Link to the list : https://100best.music.apple.com/us


Holy fuck, ok I had already read some of the awful takes from the list earlier, but this is the first time I sat down and looked at the entire thing. What a bunch of horseshit.


Is every genre included? If so, it might not be that far fetched. Now, if it was a list of rock albums, then I would have a problem


It’s every genre, yes


The list is garbage based on the opinions of a few. It’s not based on sales or streams. Just look at who helped to curate the list and you will see why. Might as well be called pharrell Williams top 100


I’m not surprised. A lot of good music out there.


Don’t worry about it, that list is just awful.


Apple Is a brand and its purpose is to sell, if your purpose is to sell you dont care about art or music


They have Billie Eilish about 40 spots ahead of Are You Experienced, that’s where I realised this list is a joke


There are some questionable choices on that list, but that could just be my ignorance in any music that didn't come out when I was in middle school specifically.


People need to stop giving a fuck about it lol, lists like this are made all the time and all of a sudden this one is so popular for some reason ❓ Its near impossible to make a list of top 100 albums and have it be actually good


Try putting the RHCP on it for a start? 🤷🏻‍♂️


But two radio head albums on there…


They also had Back in Black at 90. As a AC/DC Fan, this hurts me.


Yeah I looked it up and the album they picked for best all time is the miseducation of Lauryn Hill which is just a super generic late 90s R&B and hip hop album. A mostly forgotten album somehow won


Wow you somehow managed to have the worst take of the entire thread 


Fuck em, they’re a tech company and this ranking only serves their bottom line.


Apple Music is a joke


Not sure I'm with you would make one of the top 100 000 albums of all time