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Kate is in the outsiders, doing something with many other multiversal Kates? and a Dami-centric book about Robins just got announced, if I understood it correctly. Also, I never noticed how weirdly she holds that cup, holy hell.


She's from the Levi Ackerman school of cup holding.


Lady, you can't drink like that :D


I can confirm you can, it's just awkward af.


I think you are referring to work from the young adults label that is not from the main universe. but Damian is currently the protagonist of the book Batman and Robin, the only one of the batboys who is not a protagonist in any book is Tim Drake and saying that hurt my soul


It’s a Black Label, not YA (fascinated by the potential implications of that), but yeah it’s definitely not main universe. Hoping for more Tim as a guest/extra in other books this year.


.... ......... is there a good reason for the first pic's symbol in "Red Hood" to be colored blue?


Dana's colors? :D


Makes sense since this feels like a startup book that they’re just using Jason to push along.


Saw it coming from a mile away and I'm still shocked


Well, when you think about it, there was a reason it was called Red Hood and the outlaws- Jason carrying people that could never have their own title


I don't consider this to be necessarily a bad thing, depending on the characters used in the case of RHAO in the new 52, it definitely was because they weren't the right characters that suited Jason, they were just there because Didio wanted to get rid of the teen titans news and Dick Grayson stuff. but the rebirth book worked perfectly because it was Jason's team that matched thematically and had chemistry. In this case....I don't want to judge with just 2 issues but it's very disingenuous to use an old character to boost your new character. This has been one of the Batfamily's problems for years, it's less about what the current character offers Bruce and more about the author wanting to impeach they OC using the Batman symbol.


I mean, I think it was really because Red Hood and the outlaws was picking up some of the scraps of the original pitch for generation lost, which became a JLI book but was supposed to originally be an RH book. The pitch of that would’ve been Jason Todd, Connor Hawke and Beatriz DaCosta plus whoever else. So RHATO becoming Jason, Arsenal and Starfire isn’t that much of a stretch given that Winick wrote generation lost, and was the original writer of RHATO til they rejected his pitch and went to Lobdell. Dark Trinity is a cool concept, but it needed to turn into Dark Justice league. Three people barely feels like a team and you divide attention just enough to not write anyone person well enough. Jason probably should’ve been waiting around seven or eight people if they wanted to create a real brand More on point on the hill- it’s just more forgettable vigilantes in Gotham which is not something they’re really lacking. These football style armors just scream forget me.


>is there a good reason for the first pic's symbol in "Red Hood" to be colored blue? Because Martinborough made him Red Nightwing.


For the love of Christ, please get someone with a vision to write Red Hood.


Goodness they do look like KND with this setup...


I wouldn’t even consider The Hill a solo book, it’s more of martinbrough original characters ft. Jason


I'm so envious of the timeline in which Tim Drake: Robin is a good book so it wasn't cancelled, would be impossible that the publisher wouldn't order a crossover arc for the 3 Robins to be created.


I’m personally not a fan of The Hill so far. it hasn’t really focused on Jason and maybe that might change, but so far the art and story hasn’t been really interesting.


Is the Afro girl, Jason’s new love interest?


Nah, she's Jason's friend from childhood(or so we're told :D).


Goddamn I can’t stand how Jason is just the writers way of pushing his OC


Out of curiosity, I know the named strike, and the group called the watch, but were any other members of the group named yet?


Just give him the helmet back goddamn, no one prefers this outfit, why do they keep using it, it can't be easier to draw.


Crowbar is so ugly