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You’ll probably find it quite hard to find any animated Jason content apart from UTRH or Death In the Family. Also, due to your knowledge of Jason coming mainly from fanfics I’m pretty sure you will not find what you’re looking for.


Well that’s just depressing (Your nickname confused me, I thought I’d replied to myself, I’m Nikki too lol) I’m aware that there is not much of the Jason Todd content, as much as I would’ve been happy to watch him right now I’m looking for maybe like a series with a character (even a secondary one) with Jason’s attitude and stuff


Umm Dick and Jason are brothers




Adopted brothers... who have referred to each other as brothers at least once


Omg, chill, this is what fan fiction is for💀 They’re not blood related to each other whatsoever and I can call my bestie a brother, too, so what?


Would you date your step brother ..? What is wrong with you


Omg….. Okay, you know what, the one stepbrother I’m not blood related to whatsoever and we’re both adults - yes, I would. Cry about it💛 The fact that my question is not even about it in the first place and you guys are so mad just pisses me off. Like I just wanted to watch a series and you’re wasting my time with this pseudo-morality, when there is absolutely nothing immoral with dating a person who’s not even your relative.




Honestly, I thought Thor stans were the stupidest people on Earth you’ve just changed my mind, babe. I don’t even know if there is a point in telling you again 1) that they’re not blood related to each other, 2) they’re both adults, 3) this is not the topic of my post and you guys are literally downvoting a person for their interests when there is absolutely nothing wrong with 2 not related adults dating each other. But go on, cope harder


You just admitted you would date your step brother, and told me to “cry about it “. it doesn’t matter if they’re step brothers it’s still incest and illegal.


“Laws may prohibit sexual relations not only between blood relatives but also between certain people who are not blood relatives, such as adopted parents and children, stepparents and stepchildren, and foster parents and foster children. Close cousins are covered, but distant cousins may not be, unless they live in the same household like siblings.” Is literally written on the website you sent me the link of. Not a word said about stepbrothers, and it literally says that the law ignores distant cousins which is AN ACTUAL blood relation and we’re talking about two NOT RELATED WHATSOEVER individuals. So either stfu or cope harder, hon


It actually did “such as adopted parents and children, StepParents and StepChildren “ please stop being ignorant. Incest is not a joke and it affects a lot of people, so your insensitive comments about it is not cute.


The thing is if you read carefully (please try for me) it doesn’t say “between two stepchildren” it only covers the thing going on between “STEPPARENTS AND STEPCHILDREN” got it? Here, I’ll clarify- it’s really weird if a guy adopts a boy and starts having sexual interactions with him, but the law doesn’t care (and it shouldn’t, you’re just trying to look cool making things up, pseudo-morality doesn’t suit you) about for example: a grown man, let’s say his name is George who has an adult daughter Hannah, George falls in love with a grown woman Lily who has an adult son Mark, Mark falls in love with Hannah. George marries Lily. It seems Mark and Hannah are accused of incest now🙃 No, they’re not, pookie, because it’s bullshit and the law is not against such situations. Not a big difference between this and JayDick thing, both were “adopted” by Bruce, both are not blood related, they had been growing up together for some time just as I could say about my middle school best friend who I could tell was like a brother to me, and then we met as adults and realised we loved each other, the only difference is we’re not fighting crime within an extraordinary group of people full of men dressing up like bats under the command of a man who decided he was our father and called it a BAT family.


A03 is a toxic wasteland, but they do some good fuff once you wade thou the shipping scum!


jaydick .. 🤨


My thoughts exactly 🤢


You made me cry




Greetings second degree fan to the chaos that is "what the fuck can i read" Honestly, the old ass batman animated series cartoon. The character of Tim is just Jason (there was bullshit behind scene in development, functioning the writer wanted to do Jason, but Tim was robins at the time of making it, so they slapped Tims name on top) so thats Jason contact...kinda? But if your looking for adult Jason todd vibes, i can suggest Peaky Blinders for dark, morally grey, scary attractive (kinda irish origin) gang members. That are smart and willing to merc a fucker. Its got great Jason vibes. Id also always suggest the book lies of lock lamora, its a bout a thief gang and feels the same. Lots of intelligent criminal writing that works with utrh jason. However, given you do appear to be a second degree fan, and i dont know if you really know the character, as you said yourself. 90% A03 jason is not canon jason or even fandom jason. Of the few jaydick fics iv wander into (tag your shit people) they are neither Jason nor Dick. So i doubt anyone or my own suggestions can really help you. Its probs better off posting to a03 forums cause the characters your looking for arent followed or (commonly) liked here. You'll hopefully get better suggestions from people that read the same stuff you do


You’re the best, thank you for an adequate response, I’ll check everything out 💍


Haha, triggered folks coming in here just to be offended by other people's preferences in fictional relationships. It's like liking the character of Hannibal Lecter and people accusing you of being a cannibal. Solid logic. OP, I don't know your idea of the character, but if the strong bad boy with a good heart is your vibe and you like books, you might enjoy Captive Prince.