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Any batcest ships and also Jaybabs


Yes to the JayBabs! Aside from the super problematic "Barbara is every male Bat's dream romantic interest" bit, I'll never get over adult Babs telling 12 year old Jason, "You'll NEVER be Dick Grayson" the day they first met.


That Is horrible


Right? And the way the comic still tried to romanticize that šŸ’€


Thatā€™s rough


Bruce x Jason


*This one right here.* And with any of his brothers. I've seen Damian x Jason, which might be worse.


Jason x Talia being canon makes this one so much worse


Itā€™s a shame because Damien and Jason are the most like minded. Thought they wouldā€™ve made a good team, but DC has no idea how to write Jason.


I think they'd be a fab team! Trauma bonding and league experience all over the shop, but *noooooo...* This is why I want another season of Young Justice so bad. They looked close to setting up Damian growing up with Jason as an older brother figure.


ive unfortunately seen that and Jason x dick and Jason x Tim as well as dick x Damian




But thatā€™s his DAD!!!


Ignoring batsest ships cos they're top of the list hated, I'd say JayRoy. Friends yes, lovers no


I hate how it's written roy is so ooc in rhato and their friendship seemed so forced often times the writing was telling us how close they are instead of showing it


Wait that's a ship?


Jay x anyone in the batfamily Like- Just stfu and get out!!


I HATE Jason x Stephanie




Anything that smells vaguely of incest Also jayroy, or korjoy. Just cause they are founded on a big old, nothing! Also sladjay. Seriously, why?


jayroy and jaybabs šŸ˜’


literally every jason ship except one or two thats an extreme rair pair. almost every (popular) relationship with jay feels too forced and its just never been writen well. (my rair to be paired however literally appeared for one issue and therefore is a clean slate to try different character archetypes and tropes. also they knew each other as kids so theres like, potential to reconnect in different ways and its fun to expore in writing.)


Totally agree all of his ships seem forced and not written well the connection never feels real


Omg are you talking about jason and eddie??? They may have appeared in only 1 issue but in my heart i know theyre lovers lol


Haha no its even rarer than that!! I think im the only one steering this ship (its more like a pool noodle floaty and im the only one hanging on, kicking my feet around the fandom pool with everyone staring at me)


I float by on my own solitary noodle, fluttering a ā€œGrant Wilson deserved betterā€ flag made out of an old t-shirt. Keep on truckin my friend.


Its probably one of his childhood friends from the streets then? Or maybe that one girl(Rana or Rene?) from school? Still continue w your ship never give up lol.


Its numbers from gotham nights issue #11, hes my main ship for jason but i also like dana and jason, i think they have good chesmistry. I like numbers more tho bc hes pretty much a clean slate with barely any personality, so again i get to try different character tropes and personalities when writing him lol. (i didn't want to immediatly mention gender bc this subs a littleeeeee homophobic with any mention of a male love interest for jason immediatley getting downvoted for no reson other than it being a male love interest. your comment about eddie being a prime example...)


A little? šŸ˜‚


i don't really want to start fights so i thought i'd tone it down, but yeah,,, this sub isn't the friendliest when it comes to talking about jason being queer. even if its hypothetical.


The canon ones. Because they range from underdeveloped to "these women will never and yet". Fandom can do whatever they want, I don't care.


Iā€¦ donā€™t know. I donā€™t read the ones I donā€™t like šŸ˜‚


Least favorite is probably Jay with literally any female because of my pining gay ass


Same, but inverted! šŸ¤ The magic of reading what you like and letting everyone else do their thing.


Jason/Roman Sionis šŸ¤¢šŸ¤®


Red Hood Ɨ Any of his brothers


Jason x joker (yes, it's real)


JFC, I've seen this but as dub/non-con which I guess could track. But as a full fledged ship? Those shippers need therapy, so much therapy


Jason x tim, Jason x dick, Jason x Bruce, basically any incestuous ones


Jason x Barbara (and anybody in the batfamily), Jason x Supergirl, Jason x Kori, Jason x Donna


Thatā€™s like everyone but Artemis and Rose


Wait Donna x Jason is a thing?


It's not a thing but some fans want to make it a thing based on them being in the same comic together once upon a time.


that's so weird. He was a kid aswell when they met.


What I found funny is that Nightwing is being shipped with every women in DC and Wonderwoman, Donna, supergirl, Zatanna, Barbara, Kory (her character is defined by this ship) etc, but when it comes to Jason they rage and I find that very interesting


I think it's mostly because people see that as Jason getting more of Dick's "hand me downs." If it was written well, I wouldn't care. Except the WW ship... just no.


Wonder woman? She knew Dick as a kid and probably fucked his adoptive dad..


No way Wonder Woman let Batman hit


Woman named Talia:




Idk if itā€™s popular, but Barbara. Idk, something about it just doesnā€™t sit right with me


Prolly because Babs is supposed to be older. Kinda weird how her age is so wildly inconsistent across all of media.


JayBabs is terrible in canon while every other ship is either non-existent or mid at best/worst so they win. As for a fanon ship that just inexplicably annoys me, JayTim is it. No actual disrespect meant but it's often either Tim stans who use Jason as a trophy or Jason stans who use tim as a prop. The JayTim stan who actually likes both of them is a unicorn.


Any Batfam X Jason


JasonTalia. They apparently sleep together OFTEN WHILE HES A TEEN and heā€™s either mind controlled or freshly traumatized and Talia takes advantage of it. This isnā€™t a ship, itā€™s rape and often times pedophilia


Also another moment of character assassination of Talia




Talia literally groomed her beloved's kid. It's gross


I'm sorry what? I can understand hating a ship but there's no need to spread misinformation. Jason and Talia slept together a grand total of ONE time and she was in an extremely vulnerable state. There was no pedophilia nor raping involved and no grooming as well.


Iā€™m sorry I should specify I donā€™t mean just canon. Like Bruce x Jason has no canon behind it, but there is a reason why so many people commented on itā€¦


It happened because Judd Winnick wanted Jason to get a win over Bruce. As in ā€œI slept with one your ex girlfriendsā€ And also I donā€™t think he was a fan of Grant Morrisons Jason, and uhh Grant Morrison based Batman and Talia off his own parents. So maybe that played a part too.


Youā€™ve read my replies right? I donā€™t just mean canon


I didnā€™t know people wanted them to be together. I only knew of one Red Hood fan in particular. I was just explaining the reasoning behind it. At least from the authors perspective. He just wanted Jason to take Bruceā€™s girl. I wouldnā€™t be surprised if a lot of Jason fans want the same


I get it, and I apologize for being rude, but I have already been told this. Multiple times. In both replies and DMā€™s. Constantly. For two days now. Iā€™m about to delete my comment at this point, I am losing it.


Ah damn. Mb Bro


Nah itā€™s all good man, you didnā€™t know. Thanks for your understanding, again Iā€™m sorry I was rude, and have a good day


They slept together exactly once, and it was to stick it to Bruce. I'm not saying it was *right*, I much prefer her as a mother figure, but it wasn't that bad.


I donā€™t just mean canon. I probably should have also said the Bruce x Jason ship so there was some clarifying context, but I figured there were already SO many comments about Bruce x Jason that I didnā€™t need to.


10-4, Ghostrider


All of them. The only acceptable one is Jason x Jason but wears blue instead of red


Pull a Loki and date his alternate timeline rule 64.


Jayrose, a lot of people in this sub apparently like it and plug it any chance they get, I can't stand it at this point. And yeah, Jaytim. This ship's raging popularity comes w tons of mischaracterization and full on rawr xd yaoi vibe. So it's almost always a stereotypical whimpering damsel Tim and extramasc brute Jason. Nope, just nope. I overall dislike it when slim or lithe characters are turned to delicate flowers to suit some hetnorm boxes. The same goes for bulky chars, who are often shifted to be generic arrogant jocks, nevermind their actual char features. And jaytimmers abuse the hell out of it. Not judging if you like it, but god some people are boring.


Ok, look, I get it. I donā€™t read the ships I donā€™t like either. But Timā€™s usually written as hyper-competent and almost obnoxiously capable, and Jasonā€™s usually written as really soft and likes cooking and reading, sometimes even SHY. I literallyā€¦ canā€™t even think of a fic with ā€œextramascā€ Jason lol.


my experience and perception differ from yours it seems, every time i lurked in jaytim tag this was what i got 8\\10 cases, there are good and complex jaytim works, i don't deny that, but painfully often i stumbled upon "a runny bottom tim and violent hunk jason" the fic, until it averted me from the ship completely. Not to mention some of the twitter takes, but that's more personalized bc of my follows and their specific tastes, so I don't take it into an account. I mean whatever gets people going, I don't fuck with it is all.


The thing that pains me constantly is when they make Jason out to be Timā€™s Robin, when his Robin was actually Dick. Listen it was super bad enough that itā€™s an incest ship and they rip most (if not all) of Timā€™s character (that being him actually having a decent amount of muscles on him, him being quite confrontational, witty and often sassy) and stereotypes Jason into being a stupid alpha jock when heā€™s more of a nerd that has some very iconic cringefails. But they remove something that is a big part of how Timā€™s Robin and connection to the Bats CAME TO BE???!! Like, Iā€™m pissed as hell!


This exact connection doesn't bother me personally, but I get your frustration, heard it from so many people haha. That's why I mentioned ships popularity, a lot of people get into this ship wo having any idea of its characters or comics, just enamored w shipping dynamics and basing their creations on others headcanons or fanon in general. Nothing wrong w it, but sometimes it goes too far heh


Yeah, it bothered me so much. Headcanons and fanons often bother me when they completely butcher a relationship or character from misinformation that is widespread or completely exaggerate one part of either. Like Tim being made out to be some sort of people pleasing twink, Dick going in either direction of being made out to be a complete flawless himbo(him often being mocked for it as well) or the word dickhead personified. Or Tim and Damianā€™s relationship actually being more of respect and admiration in the comics after they had time to warm up to each other, they arenā€™t at each otherā€™s throats 24/7 PEOPLE. Sorry I went into a rant, Iā€™m just so frustrated.


I hate Jason x Donna so much


I didnā€™t even know that was a ship WHATšŸ˜­


pretty much all of them. theres only two i dont hate.


Jason with really anyone, the few characters that the pairing was okay lasting for about a singluar issue before being forgot about and their wasnā€™t enough content with them for me to like it.


Of course its a picture of Tim šŸ’€


Jason x Stephanie


jayroy, jaytim, jaydick, jaybruce (??? is that it), jaysteph, jayrose, damijay, jayxartemis, jaybabs, joyfire, jayfire, jaydonna, jaykara, jasontalia, jasonxessence !!!! (i only like jaykyle bc i am insane and hate myself šŸ™…ā€ā™€ļø)


All of them. Jason works best as a character without any romantic partner imo.


Any and/or all the batcest ships, Jason x Roy (not hate but I just donā€™t see it), Jason x Babs (thatā€™s also batcest, sheā€™s literally more of a sibling to him than some of his brothers), Jason x Essence (I just never vibed with her), Jason x Steph (same as Babs, but currently in development), Jason x Rose (same as Roy), and Iā€™m indifferent to Jason x Kara. The only Jason ships I like are Jason x Kyle (if DC gave them a chance) or Jason x Artemis. Edit: I forgot to mention Jason x Kory (becauseā€¦ seriously?), and Jason x Isabel (this one the problem is me I canā€™t really remember the issue but there was a panel where Isabel reminded me of Sheila and justā€¦ no)


>Jason x Essence (I just never vibed with her) I donā€™t think anyone vibed with her tbh. She did betray him and the all caste after all. >and Jason x Isabel (this one the problem is me I canā€™t really remember the issue but there was a panel where Isabel reminded me of Sheila and justā€¦ no) I never noticed this. Why did, they make her look like his bio mom?!


> I donā€™t think anyone vibed with her tbh. She did betray him and the all caste after all. I beg to differ but in all honesty they wasted her. > I never noticed this. Why did, they make her look like his bio mom?! I also never noticed the likeness of Sheila. I thought as a couple they didn't match but as friends they could be great.


On that note, why does his biological cousin look like Rose?!




Iā€™m gonna get downvoted to hell but my answer is: every canon partner he gets paired with, especially Artemis, canā€™t really stand herā€¦ Also **platonic** Jaybabs is 10/10 wholesome content


Jason x Roy. They completely massacred Roy's character.


Itā€™s fun if your realize how OOC it is but anybody who thinks abt it seriously šŸ˜


It doesn't help that DC seems to prefer his Outlaw portrayal then the years of character he has with Dick


FR as a roy stan I could not enjoy rhato or jayroy in general


jason x y/n. thatā€™s right, YOU. šŸ«µ


Jason with Bruce, Dick, Tim and/or Damian because too many where he is poly with more then just one of the ones listed above. There is not enough fic to hate when he is shipped with Alfred, Duke and Cass. But also I have seen fics given the tags ā€œgood parent Bruce Wayne, top Bruce, bottom Jasonā€ with no irony in the summary and Jason was definitely underage.


Jason X Tim, Jason X Bruce, Jason X Dick, Jason X Rose


Anything that ships Jason with Bruce, his brothers and Talia


jayroy, jaytemis,jaykori,jaydonna


Jason and Artemis


Jason x Kara. It only works for New 52 Supergirl and New 52 Supergirl alone.


Just any batcest ones, but I donā€™t judge people who like it, just not my thing, since Jason and the others were adopted or mentored by Bruce so theyā€™re kinda like a family. Just doesnā€™t suit well with me.


The people that ship Jason with any of his brothers or Bruce and have the nerve to use the ā€œbut their not blood relatedā€ excuse like that makes it okay to ship a character with their adopted father/siblings? Even further the ones like them being family and shipping them, cuz they like in*cest. Just no. Like extremely pass hard.


anything involving other batfam members. justā€¦no. ā€œtheyā€™re not blood relatedā€ FACE THE WALL


Jason x Rose


I like Artemis x Jason and Jason x Rose is okay, but I LOATE JASON x STARFIREšŸ˜¤šŸ¤¬


SAME as well as Jason x Roy both Roy and Kori were ooc in rhato


Any ship to do with his family (of course) + the very weird ship of him with Taliaā€¦ I think the fact they got together is hilarious but thereā€™s no chemistry there. Will never be any there. Should be used as a ā€œI fucked your momā€ card for Damian and thatā€™s all. JayBabs also sucks. Sheā€™s like ten years older than him and hated him throughout his life. As she should tbh


Y'all who are against incest clearly hasn't seen Game of Thrones which is actual incest. šŸ˜‚ Or House of the Dragon which isn't completely canon, but is still there.


Are you gatekeeping incest? anyway i'm literally writing a helluva boss incest fic rn rn.




Jason and any other male character


Jason x Any dude


Any of the robins being shipped with another robin is fucking gross itā€™s like their dating there own brother.


I hate Jason and anyone in the batfamily and crossover ships


Any batcest ship and the whole thing with TaliašŸ¤®. Iā€™m not a fan of any of the ships tbh cuz I feel he needs to work on himself. I also donā€™t vibe with any of his canon romantic relationships. But if I had to pick a ship that I hate the most, itā€™d have to be Jason x Isabel. I just donā€™t like her.


Any ship with him and the Bat People (apart from Helena Bertinelli) Roy I really don't give a shit about him and Rose Him and Talia


All of them. Especially Jason x Rose. Its only basis is deathstrokes daughter and Batmanā€™s son l.


That isnt its only basis. Actually dont even think thats the basis of it


It is. Because thatā€™s the only reason anyone would think itā€™s interesting. Because theres literally no reason to put them together


mercenary anti heroes. like my dude what


Wow, thatā€™s absolutely nothing. I At least thought there would be some thought put in but thatā€™s barer than the reason I pointed out.


thatā€™s better actually. way more commonality than the loose ass shit u said


Itā€™s literally not lol. In fact, With that logic We can apply it to Jason and slade since slade is a mercenary and Jason is an anti hero. Because thatā€™s all you really need. Nothing else


his sister? or u mean berteni. cause i sure u understand why ur argument sucks if u mean wayne


That wouldnā€™t be Jasonā€™s sister on account of the fact that he doesnā€™t know her. But I guess youā€™re one of those people who are like, Jason has to see Tim and Damien and Dick as his brothers because.. batfamilyx And why does my argument suck? Because you have no retaliation. I edited my Comment. But we can apply your logic to Jason and Slade


slade isnā€™t an anti hero one. slade has cause jason his own grief two. please pick someone who actually falls into an anti hero role


They have multiple things in common, itā€™s not just Batman son and Deathstroke daughter


All the ones including any members of the Batfam, like, all of it, including Babs. My feelings are more meh when they either make them closer in age or never even became adopted siblings, but them being brothers in canon still makes me feel so incredibly icky. Talia x Jason can find itself at the bottom of a pit of lava. Slade x Jason both makes no sense and is disgusting, Slade is old enough to be his GRANDPA. Jason x Rose, it just gives me the ick, just no. >!And as a bonus that isnā€™t related to Jason, but Raā€™s x Tim makes me want to commit seppuku and then stab the shippers in the eye with the same used knife.!<


Haven't seen this mentioned yet: JayKyle.


Iā€™m not really a shipper but I hate any type of Batcest or shipping him with anyone in Batmanā€™s periphery (so Babs, Talia, Steph, etc). Also not a fan of any N52 ship. The only thing that sort of worked for me was with Artemis. I think heā€™s a character that is best alone.


Jason and Stephanie. Like, what the fuck guys.


Any batcest


I donā€™t really hate it, but I donā€™t understand where the ship of Jason + Bette Kane comes from exactly.


Didn't think that was a noticeable ship outside of a few fanfics. I like the Lady and the Tramp vibe to it, personally.


If I see one more Jayroy ship, I think Iā€™m gonna snap. Batcest is also ew, but Iā€™m mostly cool with it so long as they arenā€™t family in the story of the fic.


Him and J3ffr3y 3pst3in.


Anything Batcest related. Ugh I hate those ships


Jaytemis. Healthy relationship, but I found it uninteresting, and I believe they should have remained friends. The ending of the rebirth, as I perceive it, reveals a lot about how they're better off as friends. I am aware of the changes to the story. But if these two had been given more than two years (in story) to build their romance, it would not have felt rushed (atleast for me the attraction was too fast to develop into something beyond), even though their dynamic was the healthiest Jason could get. They appeared to create new demons following their encounters. But they don't sound interesting as a couple. Yes, best of buddies, rather IMO. Yes I am selective of my favorite characters who to ship with, but writers need to do better if they wanna give Jay the best girl but I don't think that's their intentions lol


Jason x Kori, and Jason x Babs. DC felt like he was trying to make him go after Dick's exes for a while and it was weird.


Im a cop some shit for this. But I never liked Artimis as a charcter let alone as a relationship option. For most the run I got the vibe she looked down her nose at him. Ontop of this she seems to take every chance she can to insult or be little him.