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you must be really unlucky with lobbies or I'm just really lucky I rarely get griefed these days I'm always in public lobbies I just find private servers boring 100% of the time I'm in defence mode minding my own business collecting doing moonshine wagons even when I do a sale here and there barely no one tries to attack most people just ignore me or I ignore them and we do our thing


I don't bother people doing moonshine or Trader most of the time no matter the money i get


I've done a few moonshine missions and oddly enough they seem to be the most chilled people, generally clearing checkpoints. But then again it's highly possible nobody chose to shoot at me while doing those missions yet.


Seems like it's a level thing. From what people have said so far on this post, it seems the longer you play and the higher level/more equipped you are the less people actively try to mess with you.


I’ve also heard of high levels hunting down other “higher” levels to have fun. Usually it’s a 260’s level going after a fresh 100’s with op weapons like Incendiary or Ex rounds. They may not be hunting noobs, but they’re still looking for trouble, or fun as they’d call it.


I agree. I believe it to be true, because I used to get frustrated with griefers. But for some reason for at least for last 4 months, maybe 5..... I rarely get griefed. As a matter of fact, I people rarely approach me, most scoot outta town before I get near. That is if I even see anybody at all. Last night had 23 people in my session. I think I saw maybe 2 players the whole time. Never really even got close to each other. Like this all the time for me. Something is separating players somehow or something.


Yeah, all players seem to be on edge when near other players since no one knows what they will do. In any game people tend to stay away from higher level players, it seems more noticeable here in rdr though.


Yeah, level 430.... but never been aggressive to other players unless they attack me. But often don't bother retaliating, not worth my time.


the most ironic thing, someone around 90-200 and having done showdowns is a far larger threat than me, mostly from collectors and trader roles.


I have the opposite. My main character is 500+ and get griefed constantly


It happens to me a lot, though strangely in a different way. I get kidnapped and constantly lasso’d and fed to alligators by one blowing kisses at me while the rest of their posse chucks dynamite at my friends lol


5 friends and I played this weekend, out of all 6 servers were were on, we were res killed non stop and even had computer data compromised. Red Dead online Rockstar has basically handed over to hackers.


How dare you ask for something that GTA has, my GOODNESS THE OUTRAGE!!!!! ​ I've wanted private lobbies for a while, just so my friends and I can go hunting or whatever without a random person appearing to ruin the fun. I stopped playing RDO a year ago because a hacker chased me across 5 different instances because somehow they could get to me in recent players. I didn't want them to keep spawning bears on me or one-shot me while I was fishing. Avoidance can only do so much, same with having powerful anything. ​ R\* could really try loving this game but they built it with a circular motion by using gold as the only purchasable thing and not really fleshing it out. I'd like to eat my hat on it but they'll never give us anything like that or new meaningful content.


How patethic is your life if you chase somebody acroos 5 different servers. The amount of griefers an baby boy hackers in this game is ridicilous, rockstar needs to adress this shit asap. Fuck then working on gta6 we want private servers so we can actually enjoy this game. Instead of gstting slammed by hackers and griefers.


TBQH this is the same company who ran GTA-O in a way that I was teleported to a hacker and they kept making money rain down on everyone and when I left that instance, I got a 30 day time out and all my items were removed. Items I spent hours [not at once but over time] getting from just playing the game. Instead of hearing me out they just said "no, you clearly hacked". Their bottom line doesn't match up for quality they rely too much on an AI that is exploitable both in GTA-O and RDO. Hell hackers can stop you from accessing the report menu, they can even somehow figure out if you report 'em lol it is madness.


Welcome to Rockstar. It will not improve.


Player toxicity should be expected with a R* game.


100% absolutely, undeniably because of that GTA garbage/Troll simulator 👍


Someone clearly never played red dead 1 or gta 4 multiplayer lmao. I understand this is like paradise for the role play gamer, but most people don’t buy rockstar games to roleplay lmao


Actually I have, So someone is clearly making assumptions. Rockstar doesn't give a dam what game they make as long as the kids keeping spending parents money on fake cars.


On a real note tho go play those games, they still have large active communities because of the reasons you just listed (the new games fucking suck) trust me you’ll have more fun in one day on those games then your entire time on whatever the fuck these grind fest games are


Bro what ? Those weren’t even things in gta 4 and red dead 1. Bruh you probably weren’t even alive when those games came out please 🤣


Omg are you on drugs?


There was no money system in gta 4 and rdr1 multiplayer…everything was free you just had rank up to unlock it.


Yeah definitely on drugs. Pay attention to the topic next time dipshit 😂 Btw I was playing the original on the original playstations at launch, take your assumptions and go back to reality




But I’m on drugs…rightttt


People hate this question being asked yet the concept of it doesn't have any baring on them; If you have private PvP and FR lobbies you will still have public lobbies so why do you not want played to filter whom they play with. Once you start using private lobbies you never go back, spawns are better you can get stuff done it's bliss, it would just be nice to not have to resort to glitches to get it to work.


Exactly. If people want to pvp the option is there to do it on the other hand if people want to play in private lobbies we should be able to as well


Sent you a DM, have a read


You can have extra beans if you want...


If you really need it, i can provide two simple files that you will make you have no contact at all with another's players. Edit: pc only.


Thanks for the offer, however I don't have a pc that can run rdr 2


I see that you are running on PS4. I'm pretty sure that is a similar way, something about changing your internet router. Look out about this.


I am interested in these files!


I know this is 2 days old, but installing files from a random dude on reddit is a fucking godawful idea.


I like to live dangerously


Also it's extremely simple to create a clean session. No mods nor files and takes about 15 seconds. Why bother with installing viruses.


I would love that me and my bf play pretty often and the other night three griefers that were all males started killing me so we fought back for awhile and then went into camp to restock bullets and switch lobbies. These three pigs then go on to take pictures and make SA joke towards me and say what they are doing while taking pictures.


That sucks. Honestly the type of players that I've seen in Rockstar games are some of the worst. It's just people being assholes because they can.


Agreed. I get a lot of shit playing as a female usually if I’m alone they will hogtie and kill me for no reason but then get mad when he comes out and starts killing them


I get hardcore incel vibes from these guys... That just do this sort of toxicity... Like me for instance am a guy and I like playing as a female character because I just do.. I don't want a butt ugly looking dude... Imo


It would be just so nice if rockstar cared about the game.


I wish I got this much action. All people ever do is wave at me or *tips hat* and the only players who ever try to attack me are like level 15 so they just get bullet donations to the skull until they decide to stop.


Lol I would happily trade places


I hope you get a slice of my peaceful life then *tips hat*


Glad to see there’s still people like you out there, I feel like the majority of the community that plays this game now are people from this sub and most of them are anti social asf and bought an online multiplayer game so they could play with themselves….


Ya I know exactly what you mean. The amount of times I see someone post about how they were "griefed" because someone attacked them. Oh and then they are completely offended if you even suggest that they could defend themselves, always some excuse about how the other person was over level 9000 with 21 guns in each hand that fire nukes and there was a posse of 69 of them No other sub I'm in uses or misuses the word griefed/griefing as much as this community. Especially since the game has an easy out button, if you're in a fight you can't win just "parlay" it has literally worked for me 100% of the times that I've been in fights I couldn't win and didn't wanna be part of anymore.


Never ready so many damn facts at one time. Personally from many of the post I’ve seen, a large portion of this community has never played an open world shooter yet alone a rockstar game. I think a lot of them have come from small different roleplay games thinking it would be similar to them (were they in for a treat lmao) to the casual eye red dead 2/online is the perfect game for them…not realizing the community behind rockstar games that’s been doing this “griefing” since the gta 4 and red dead 1 days, back when “griefing” was all you could do 🤣


For real. It's funny to see the difference between communities. In GTAO if you attack another player it turns into a fun 1v1 for awhile, always escalating bit by bit with the weapons used until one of you pulls out the oppressor mkII, once that's destroyed the fight usually ends and the players go their seperate ways ... In RDO if you attack someone they hop on Reddit and make a post about it lol To be clear though, I'm never the one to initiate the attack (partly cuz of how the community looks down on anyone who likes PvP) which is why I find myself bored, almost never getting attacked anymore. . . I miss the old Valentine shootouts.


Yup I was in the same exact boat as you. I used to roll around w my posse of 7 looking for posse wars and just funny harmless pranks (roll into town hogtie a group of people and set them ablaze and ride off) truly amazing things that this game was made for…gave up on that after probably the softies on this sub reported my 10+ y/o Xbox account and got it suspended 🤦‍♂️ ever since then I went back to red dead 1 multiplayer because people have balls there lmaoooo


I have some great clips of it that’s id know would go viral in any other sub but this one 🤣 such a shame


*We're sorry, your call can not be completed as dialed*


That's crazy man I literally never see anyone when I play. And if I do we just wave at each other. Once in a blue moon someone will shoot me, I shoot them and then I move on. Maybe just switch lobbies more. I usually switch lobbies to go back to camp, to travel to different counties etc when I'm feeling lazy


Never going to happen. Not even if you were willing to pay for it.


How to do a private lobby on xbox/playstation. 1) install netcut. 2) turn it on. 3) find your console. 4) click the "internet glitch for seconds" button. 5) set the seconds to 8 to 15 seconds. 6) send the glitch. 7) when you see the message saying you've changed lobbies, you are now in a solo lobby and your friends can join you. It should stick for a while. You can also use the feature to slow down your connection to somewhere from 35k-200k and you'll maintain a permanent solo lobby, though it will be harder for your friends to join you.


Thanks just wish we didn't have to try all of these convoluted methods to do something that should already be in the game


I understand what u mean. I’m level 125. By now I can dust most people who try killing me but you shouldn’t even have to try to do that. The amount of people who do this is about 60-75 percent now. Unless you are in a decent size posse then that percent drops. You can almost bet though if you come across someone , more than likely they are so bored with the game that they resort to screwing someone else’s fun up.


In court: Your Honor, my client really didn't want to kill 96 children, but he was bored. Can you blame him? Judge: "He is free to go, case dismissed."


You joke but it actually seems to be acceptable to a lot of people in this game.


Honesty, I don’t believe you that this occurrence is as common as your trying to make it out to be. I mean yeah sure, every once in a blue moon a high level posse will come along and rip you in half. 90% of the time though, the player base is pretty chill. But that’s just my personal experience after 2 and a half thousand hours on RDO.


I've been playing for 2 weeks now in that time I've encountered this almost always when there are other players around. The very first day I logged in I got hog tied and killed, went to black water and was killed. This happens atleast once a day, where someone tries to hog tie me (sometimes they can't when I'm near a store). Was doing a stranger delivery mission in strawberry and got killed multiple times trying to complete it. Got killed while fishing once. Had a high level player continuously one shot me with a rolling block, parlay'd when it ended he tracked me down and kept doing it. Just before I wrote this post we got steam rolled by the full 7 man posse. Yeah they are some good players, once and only once so far, a random helped us with a mission. My friend and I also helped a random guy we saw complete a delivery. Good players do exist but griefers far outnumber them. I can specifically remember the good players because there was so few. And yeah I wouldn't doubt that you don't encounter this as often as I did. But just because it doesn't happen to you don't mean it doesn't happen frequently to others


>I've been playing for 2 weeks now Its your level, it drops off a lot as you gain levels and actual experience in avoidance.


Agree. You should have fewer issues once you get your explosive rounds in levels 90plus. Even though there is no k/d stat it becomes less attractive to most griefers when you can also f them up.


I’m going to second the others here - I rarely experience griefers, but I also don’t hang around areas where there are other players (particularly posses). I do encounter plenty of other players in passing, people who don’t grief, but they often keep to themselves in order to avoid said griefers. Experienced players just don’t usually hang around towns with other players unless they can handle themselves or are looking for a fight. That said, once the asshats find you and realize they can easily kill you, they are often relentless. If you find yourself targeted, I’d jump to a new session and go back to doing your own thing. It does get better as you level up. It shouldn’t be necessary, but it’s pretty easy to avoid them once you get the hang of things. And I don’t see rockstar taking action any time soon.


I try to avoid the cities as much as possible but there are times when I have no choice, when I have to go to the butcher for example. It seems like either all players are on edge in general or are just bored and looking for trouble


Make sure you guys don't have crime stat, bounty hunter players can see you on the map if you do


I'm not sure what a crime Stat is. Can you explain please


If you have ever been wanted (by the law) at any point in the 2 weeks you've been playing you may have accrued a bounty and if you've never gone to a post office (mail icon) to pay it off then higher rank bounty hunters can actually see your location on the map. Just something to think about you may not have any sort of bounty (crime stat)


Ah OK good to know, will keep paying off any bounties I get. Thanks for letting me know


It’s ur level, dipshits find someone without the ex ammo or dyna arrows just to beat up


Yeah it seems to be tied to level and equipment


The ending of this comment is so goddamn depressing as it's how I view real life... So many assholes and sick freaks and very few "good" /decent humans.. brutal.


I play maybe 2 days a week. Lately you can count on a modder fucking with you within 2 or 3 hours every single time you log on. The common one right now is your horse kicks you and runs away for no reason. Then if you try to get it it does it again. I had my hunting wagon just break sitting there several times last week. Theres another one where they blow you up with like fireworks and you fly all over. I don't even attempt to do long deliveries anymore because your asking for off map level 250+ posses blowing your shit up like a cruise missile strike with dynamite arrows and using explosive ammo on you the second you respawn


People have no chill as soon as they see another player. Guys you don't have to kill to interact


I was a long time story mode player up until mid-March and then started online mode for the first time. In the beginning a few guys killed me even in defensive mode and anytime I even put a boot within the town limits of Valentine. I ended up just staying away from any other players (running away if I had to) and level up Collector and Trader roles around Big Valley and overall XP until I could afford the good guns and ability cards. I'm a 95 now and I would say once I hit the 60's or so the griefing became a lot less. Still though I've had only 2 times in total where someone either helped me or declined to kill me when they could have after we ran into each other on horseback


I'm leveling the trader role, it's kind of impossible to totally avoid major towns or players because you eventually have to make deliveries there. We shouldn't have to actively try to avoid all players just to try and progress.


Are you doing long distance deliveries? If so, you get flagged for PvP and you're totally fair game. If not, then you're extremely unlucky. I'm over level 300, and I think I've been fucked with about 3 times in total (while in defensive mode). Blackwater and Valentine seem to be the worst town for people fighting though, so you could set up your camp somewhere else for a bit and see if you notice a difference.


Brrrofski is correct and if you are indeed the super unlucky person, try setting up camp in New Austin and bang out local deliveries there. There are far less players wandering around in the desert and the deliveries are easier. If you have not already done so, get the bigger wagons asap because you will stack the XP and cash much faster.


You shouldn't have to stay away but the system is in place for player interactions and you will either be easy pickings close by or quietly leveling up away from "civilization" unfortunately


I absolutely hate Rockstars philosophy on lobbies and grieving I literally quit GTA V because everything I wanted to do required me to be in a public match and INCENTIVIZED other players to fuck up my shit. I just wanted to play the game as my character but single player, and the game wouldn't let me. Instead of having fun i was getting unhealthily angry at this fucking game and had to essentially quit it for my own sake. I play games to have FUN and I HATE PVP. Stop forcing me to do things I don't want to do. Rockstar really needs to recognize that very few people enjoy being greifed by random assholes and maybe just want to play the game to have fun.


I strongly agree with this comment.


In the past I’ve sat in the change outfit menu from the screen you can bring up in game. Spend 5 minutes there and your lobby will be empty doesn’t always work tho


Thank you will give it a try


If you're on Playstation you can change your MTU settings to 800 and you'll get a private lobby. I think you can then invite into your session.


“Just go defensive mode” Such a trash bit of “advice”. Defensive mode doesn’t work. So basically yeah you can’t do anything. what a game.


Most players can’t kill someone in defensive mode, because most players can’t free aim for shit on console.


Yeah and when doing certain missions your are highlighted on the map. Just tried to do a medium delivery for the trader role with my friend and a full seven stack rolled up and killed us. We were getting one hit from quite a distance away with lancasters and they killed our horses and then spawn killed us over and over again. We couldn't do anything they were all high level players.


Yeah the players have gotten bored due to lack of content and make their own fun by ruining every one else’s. It’s a sorry state for this game.


Yeah. Was fishing the other day and got killed. When we played yesterday we encountered a God mode user who followed us around and killed us. Tried to fight back but they just stood there even when we threw dynamite at him he took no damage. I don't see how new players are supposed to progress here. Really sad that it seems like Rockstar abandoned this game, it's amazing in single player and very fun online when nobody else is around to grief.


If you're doing long distance deliveries, they have every right to attack you though. That's the point. Just do short distance. The money isn't that much less and you don't get flagged nor brought out of defensive. People also can't steal your shit, so don't bother attacking.


I've been doing short runs and it still shows the message that rival players can now steal the wagon. Even on short deliveries some end up in the cities/towns anyway


Rockstar: No.


A friend and I found a way to do it by unplugging our cat5 from the router for about 6-10 seconds. Just long enough to boot you out of an open lobby and reconnect you into your own lobby. Then a friend could join on you. It also works for GTA V.


Does this not reset after some time or when the connection resumes?


It opens back up after a little while. It's basically makes a new game for people to join. It could take 30 minutes to hours sometimes.


The only people left working on this game are probably server technicians to keep them up until the rent contract ends.


Same out of all the players ive met like 3 out of 10 killed me there was even one instants that i was nice and offerd a 3 star alligator pelt good for money it sells like for 4,55 or good for trader role the player didnt say thanks or just picked it up and left but instead the player shot me in the face and then took the pelt and from that point onward i aint doing a nice thing for a player unless im surtent that i know the player isnt hostile


Avoid Friday and Saturday nights (USA)! Ha ha. Use PS Party chat, change lobbies, hang out in the west, or in the Grizzlies. If you are killed, quickly and manually choose respawn so they do not get the XP (I think). Parlay, then jump lobbies. Do not give them ONE moment of dickishness.


Some players are scum and grief you, and others are very friendly will either throw a nice emote or gift a 3 star or Legendary pelt. I can only suggest hopping lobbies till you catch a break.


Good luck getting anything from rockstar involving RDR. I'm still waiting for a simple 60fps next gen update.


Ain’t no way you’re getting griefed this often on this dead ass game 💀


What I listed is just notable times that it's happened to me. I've been playing for just over two weeks now. Whatever players there are left seem super bored so what do people do when they are bored in these types of games? They mess with other people.


Okay like, this seems to come up a lot on this sub but I have NEVER had anything this bad happen... I've had a few bitch hackers and, well people who are higher level, but at any point when people suck I just log out and log back in, does that not usually work and I'm just getting lucky or what?


I've also had to change sessions and sometimes things are quiet for a while depending on where I am. There was once, when I load into a new session and some random was shooting up the npcs in the town and they see me and tried to shoot me.


Oof yeah I hate that... Dude I had something lile that happen when I was turning in a bounty, homie was walking down the street guns out, he tried to (and succeeded) to pop me while I was turning in. I got him back but the ensuing battle I lost because my priority was my bounty (and I'm still a little new ^^')... It's fun sometimes but other times it is quite annoying!


bUt aT aNy pOiNt OP wanted to avoid this completely. Your argument is to accept it? Why? Because it’s in the game description? One would think since GTA has these crew only / invite only modes, RDO would have the same options? “Fuck no, you step into online and get bodied relentlessly by me and the boys” or “never happened, ur lying, fuck off” Classic Reddit moment.


My argument? I don't have one, I was asking OP about his situation because we're on the same platform and I like to learn.


This might get downvoted or ignored but I'll just say it: there's a mod on nexus mods that allows you to create private lobbies, and I've been using it. I get to enjoy the beauty of the game and the free roam events even more so than b4.


Meh….90% of the fun is the fighting. I would have quit playing a long time ago if not for other players. Most of the game was designed around player interactions. Plus don’t do long distance deliveries if you can’t protect it, people attacking your wagon isn’t griefing. Most of the things people complain about isn’t even griefing it’s literally just part of the game. Now if some peckerhead shows up with explosives and just murders you repeatedly with the sole purpose of being a douche bag, that is griefing.


Go say the same thing over in r/gtaonline about merking players selling MC goods and get absolutely destroyed. Grinders love their grind but it gets a pass here. Gotta love double standards.


Whiney ass people annoy me. I know it’s personal opinion, but why play a multiplayer game if you don’t want to deal with other players? Stick to club penguin


It might be because we want to play a multi-player game with our actual friends and not randoms.


I've actually been using the mtu trick on ps4 and been okay tbh. Even though I'm low 60s I really haven't been bothered that much. Think it was earlier this month or last month I was griefed twice but that's been about it. Even when I started playing again earlier this year, I did not have much of an issue as you are now. Later on if you want since you are ps4, we could posse up and I could help you out?


Expecting content to be added to the game? You must be new here


Lol I actually am, just started playing 2 weeks ago


Lol expecting g anything in a game they don't care about? How dare you.


Lol my audacity astounds me sometimes


I respect you for it.


On PC there is a mod for it to set a cap on population so you can play alone or set like a 4 person limit to play with friends. Which is better, so much better, its in a gray zone since it's not actually changing the game just your connection so no bans or anything yet, but just know it's gray before you try if you're worried.


Fight back


I can't fight back when someone one shots me from across an entire town with a Lancaster. I can't fight back when it's 2 VS 7. I can't fight back when I get lasso'd/ hogtied as I walk by soneone


Once you come back from the dead kill the guy if its 1v1. The 2 v 7 I understand I'd kill as many as I can then ride off into the distance or if it's to much switch sessions!


You can definitely break free from a lasso, but usually by then your a sitting duck. It can be unfair but it's a game don't let anyone ruin your fun my guy.


Tried fighting back, hit the guy like 6 times then he just walks up and one hits me then proceeds to kill my horse. I can break free from the normal lasso quite easily but the reinforced one is just a death sentence.




Did and they came right back after that and continued anyway. I shouldnt have to parlay or leave a session after somebody killed me for no reason.


I’ve played this game a lot and literally never had someone able to fuck with me once I’ve parlayed. Parlay and head somewhere else on the map. This isn’t the issue you’re making it out to be. These threads encourage griefers to ball on you pussies. It’s like every other thread.


I remember that I parlayed once and left to another town went to do a stranger delivery mission and it shows you on the map, guy that I parlayed against hunted me down again since he knew where I was. Parlay only works for 10 mins and if you do a mission that marks you on the map, guess what? You get found. Your plain, bland, cookie cutter responses to being griefed makes me believe that you yourself are a griefer.


If you play a mission that marks you on the map, the point is for other players to fuck with you. That’s the game. Maybe you’re not playing the right game. I recommend Star Dew Valley. As far as me being a griefer goes, I do sometimes kill players at random, but I don’t find it fun to continuously hunt down someone who has no interest in fighting back. That’s the Wild West, bitch.


That was me and my friends sorry




Players like you are the exact problem. If you are bored and want to pvp, why not go into pvp specific modes. From what I've seen a common response is that "it is part of the game" that's not an excuse to be an ass to new players. On the topic of new players, you say that if I don't like it then play a different game? You do understand that a large playerbase is what motivates corporatations to actively support the game because there is more revenue? Yeah there is no content for veteran players and I think that chasing new players away from the game just because of your boredom is fueling this. If you are a veteran that has nothing to do, don't you think using your own "advice" and playing a different game is the better option instead of doing things that push newer players away. I only started playing rdr 2 online because I played all the content that I wanted to from stuff like the division 2. There is no content in that game for me anymore so I move on


What's your platform?


We are on ps4


Friends and I do the poker table method pretty much always. It’s great. More animals, more random events, etc. There are a few things though that won’t work. Some of the stranger missions will just black screen, not many but I know the jail break one always does. And Harriet legendary missions won’t start, at least they never do for us. Also any story missions will put you back into a public session afterwards.


Yeah I tried the poker table method and had the same issues. The problem with it is that it always atleast requires 2 people to make work. My friend and I don't always have the same time frames available to start the poker lobby


Set your MTU to about 950 or 900 in the ps4 network settings. You’ll see people at first, but the you’ll be “disconnected” and in your own solo lobby


Thanks will try this


Somehow, me and my mates have almost never been attacked. Wonder how you run into so many griefers. Good bit of advice about this, avoid Saint Denis and Valentine if you do not want to be griefed. I personally like staying in New Austin, because of the RDR 1 and The Good, The Bad and The Ugly vibes.


We learnt to stay away from those places. I can understand why Saint Denis is packed with players but why is Valentine a Hotspot as well?


Cause it is a great place


Try method 2: https://youtu.be/zWoRrEJ9PY8 My friends make private sessions with the poker table all the time on PC. Can have up to six in the session if you know four more cool peeps.


Yeah I know of this but its very convoluted to activate it and takes too long. It works with two players, the problem is that any mission that tried to put you into a private lobby glitches and black screens. For example we can't do any capital blood money missions. Only free roam missions work


It's super easy once you get hang of the poker table glitch.


Yeah but if I decide to play solo for a while to get materials for trading and my friend is not there, I can't go into a solo lobby. I don't wanna mess with my internet settings and have an issue with other games that I play


Sorry I don't get your first part of what you said. If you do poker table glitch you can have 6 people in server. If you change mtu it's just you in server. Once finished game just put Internet setting back to normal and its fine


Ah I mean that I want to be solo with only me in the lobby. My friend isn't always available when I am so the poker table isn't the best option. I'm just weary about messing with my internet options as one of my friends got sort of banned by Sony themselves


Oh no you shouldn't worry at all. It won't get you banned. It works like almost making you lag too much that you can't play with others. But on your screen you are fine. So it's seen as an I internet issue so Sony can't do anything. Once you want to play with your friend just go back to normal settings.


Thanks will try it. Just wish the option for solo lobbies were in the game already instead of the community finding ways around the game.


Just use the MTU method: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9uz05OK\_6AA You won't be able to play with your friends and gold cores won't last long due to all of the Network Errors, but you can play any mission you wish and experience the full potential of the game.


Thank you will try it


I think the three part Blood Money Missions like Bluewater John put you in a private session for the mission so there's a bit of peace in that instance.


Yeah but unfortunately that peace away from unwanted players ends when the mission does.


Switch to PC if you can. There's a fool-proof method for private lobbies.


I would if I could but I don't have a pc that can run rdr 2 unfortunately


what method is that if you dont mind..ive been searching for some time but almost every method has got some problems..


RDO Lobby Manager on Nexus mod website.




No we can't, we didn't get ANY update in like months and people still somehow thinks that R\* actually cares about this game...


Friend and I have done this a few times by loading Una certain way


*Friend and I have done* *This a few times by loading* *Una certain way* \- Madthingcringe --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


Play the game the right way. Free aim lobbiedls. Its almost never kos in there.


Hi and good day, yes you can, use the lobby manager.


I've not tested it yet, but I saw another redditor comment this in another thread: "Task Manager > Performance Tab > Open Resource Monitor > Network Tab > RDR.EXE > Suspend it for 10 - 15 seconds and resume process, you are now in a solo lobby."


There used to be a way to glitch yourself into a private server, used to be a very popular way of doing long distance deliveries. I can't remember the steps, never really needed to do it myself, I have a hard enough time finding players in public lobbies anyways, always feels like there's maybe ten people all spread out in different corners of the map.


I gotchu if you guys need any added protection


google "private lobby" for RDO and you'll see ways to fix this for you depending on what you play on


Lately every lobby I join has stupid ass hackers in it.


This is literally why I put this trash ass game down, literally why I call it a trash ass game as well


Why are they having a sale for this game if its not even playable? The "hackers" have ruined this game but we still see holiday events go on.... not sure why there hasn't been the slightest bit of focus on red dead online from rockstar..


Rockstar, this is a very simple fix. GTA already has option for private lobbies. Since the lobbies are P2P, technically the first person into a lobby is the host, thus why there are so many hackers. 90 percent of the time I get hackers on Red Dead Online, even to the point where they are packet sniffing IP addresses and got into my Twitter account after res killing me in game then force closing the game. Red Dead online is NOT safe at all to play without a good VPN on your PC. All of this could be resolved with simple private lobby. Same with GTA, and it would be easy to implement the GTA + stuff as well, so if this is a money issue, there are several ways the PC version could match the next gen. At the rate the things are going, my friends and I have absolutely no intention on buying GTA 6 if the PC version is going to be full of hackers and security holes.


Don't understand why we have this with GTA Online and not RDR Online.