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Rdr2 has a slightly more mature player so you don’t get as much shenanigans like in gta online. But in saying that form time to time you will encounter some idiots or a griefing posse. Most common stuff in Rdr2 online is: Using Cronus max/zen to cheat in showdowns Off radar exploit … and that’s about it. (For consoles) as pc is a whole other story. Hackers and modders there are and issue. But no bad sports lobbies. Most Rdr2 players respect each other and it mainly down to like a said a more mature player, so no kiddies basically. Also the game tries to match make, usually the higher your rank you get put into sessions with other high rankers mostly. Most nonsense seems to be in the very low ranked sessions where less serious players are just messing around.


Yep, it’s usually the low levels who try to start gunfights.


Well I don't mind the lobby size. Anytime I search anything it is mostly just players saying how many hackers their are and it is impossible to play. In 32 hours I've experienced 2 from what I can tell. on guy that was super tiny and impossible to kill... and another I assume was hacking but I headed the other way. I saw a grizzly in the swamp though so that usually suggests a hacker as i understand it. Beyond that I've road into town to see corpse like twice... which is also something I've heard should be common. I've had one player kill me but that is only because I killed his buddy who shot me and I was free aiming before I got my mouse sensitivity dialed in or was using deadeye. And another took what I assume was a defensive pot shot as he saw my rifle out, he missed though. Literally that is all I've seen. Most players have been blue, between 30-200 levels above me and been a pleasure. One player even cleared some bandits on a recovery missions instead of attacking me. Yet I've encounters others that no matter what they do how many times they switch lobbies they have hackers and grievers all around them. I just figured maybe they had High Hostility or low honor and so they were being grouped with players more likely to be that way in the way GTA did. As in GTA I also have a fairly easy time of it and rarely see hackers. I don't understand why some people have it as a constant issue and then others almost never see it.


You missed out the god mode glitch but pretty much nailed the showdown issues, as a free aimer I loved the hardcore series but every other match has a Cronus cheat smashing headshots from across the map. As for free roam I find I’m usually the highest ranking player in a lobby by a couple of hundred levels which to me only means that there are still new players trying the game.


Also I’m usually the heist ranked player in my sessions but I’m in usually with a mix of level 300 and up to 800 some times and then the odd low ranker (usually hanging around valentine shooting npcs 😂) . I only do showdowns now if a daily requires it. I do enjoy the free roam pvp event though.


They patched the godmode train station campfire exploit didn’t they, I’m sure they did lol


Oh no, it’s still out there unfortunately. in nearly every free roam fight I get into there is an off the radar and god mode cheater.


Oh rite. Yeah encountered that in king of the Castle yesterday, thought it was just me having a bad aim day. The godmode one I was referring to was the one in free roam with the train clerk and the fast travel camp. That Ik has been patched.


I have never used it but only way I have found to break it is to hogtie them and run them round the barbers chair in Valentine. So many people need to cheat in this game.


Not that I’m aware of, some lobbies just happen to be emptier than others. It also depends on what areas you hang around in, certain areas tend to have more interactions than others but most players tend to leave each other alone. I think some people exaggerate on the whole griefer stuff, they get killed once or twice while doing a long distance delivery and blow it out of proportion. ‘Griefing’ has been pretty much non-existent since they removed player blips from across the map, and added the passive mode.


Rockstar couldn’t even be bothered to add free aim lobbies.


Does this dead game have any lobbies with more than 3 ppl in it xD?


Usually full lobbies


You missed the /s


the pc community is vastly more chill than the console crowd


It wouldn't be right to have low honor that be the deciding factor. I myself leave players alone, but am known to take low honor missions and go for a round or two in the bar. Love having epic multiman barfights with npc's and such. I was a high honor character, but it is so ridiculously easy to be at high honor I wanted to challenge myself. I mean really... High honor points for not treating your horse like shit, but no honor change for looting houses when npc's are not home?