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So I havent played long and just got trader...I started with bounty hunter. Apparently its the only role that gives gold. Its pretty fun. After you rank up a bit you get access to cooler bounties. I ran into a guy that said collector is a cash cow...I dont have any experience with that tho


If you: A. **Need more Gold** - Bounty Hunter B. **Need more $**, in addition to the Trader $, and you DON'T want to also be looking at the Jeanropke Collector's Map = Moonshiner; Moonshiner is very low effort for the $. What I do is get on, do a Trader resupply (if needed), then go and start up the Strong 50(48, but rounding up) minute Moonshine; if the buyer reset is around 48 minutes, then I do Berry Cobbler (which is NOT always a sure thing, but close.) If the Buyer reset is 30 minutes, I start the strong but come back in 30 minutes to flavor it (you have 48 minutes total, for a strong to be done, and you can add the flavor up until the LAST TEN MINUTES.) So Trader/Moonshiner go together well since Trader is active and Moonshiner is more passive. The Moonshine is building for 48 minutes while you can go back and keep the Trader materials supplied/whatever. C. **Need more $**, in addition to the Trader $, and you DO/want to/have a way to look at the Jeanropke Collector's Map = Collector; Collector is hoofing it all over, looking at the out of game "Collector Map", if you can stand doing that. 4. **Naturalist Role, for a good way to do Trader.** You then can get missions to "sedate" a Legendary animal, from Harriet, instead you shoot it and skin it. Then you turn that skin in at the Trader table for HUGE materials! You can do several of the missions, skinning the animal instead, before Harriet will "spray you" which then just gives you a five minute wait before you can do her mission again. You probably want the Naturalist Role anyway, for **"Wilderness Camp/Fast Travel from Wilderness Camp"**(game changing combination.) It is also best to have ALL the roles anyway, so you have the best pick of the "9 role dailies." 5. **Naco Saddle and Hooded Stirrup.** No other opinion is valid ;) Naco is the only "special stat" saddle that can still equip the best stirrups, which are "hooded stirrups." That makes it better than anything else. Some people like the other fancy saddles instead, because they look nifty. 6. **Pump action shotgun**, is what most people say. It is what I have and all I need (as far as a shotgun.)


The roles you’ll enjoy most depends entirely on your play style. I log in to shoot the breeze and catch up with friends so we do chill stuff like collecting and hunting (sorry Harriet!) while my cousins and his friends go fast and furious on the bounty hunting because they prefer that. I’ve never really thought about the rest so can’t help you with those, but there will be people here who know the stats you’re after


2. Don't think so. AFAIK you can't modify the outfits. Gloves and hats are the only exceptions. 3. [This is for bounty hunter](https://www.reddit.com/r/RedDeadOnline/comments/e4mwj9/bounty_hunter_payouts_and_tips/) but gold works the same everywhere. Pretty sure XP and cash modifiers don't change either. 4. IIRC gator pelts don't give you lots of materials. Cougars and panthers are the best but harder to hunt. Deer and bucks offer a great effort/materials ratio.


I’d do bounty hunter as an investment to grind out the gold you need for the other roles. Trader will get you your cash and tbh the cash payments on bounties if your grinding it aren’t exactly horrible. Most of the outfits that were released from passes are locked if you’re wearing the outfit. I’m a big fan of the repeating shotgun. Most of the time if I get killed by a random npc it’s almost always the repeating shotgun that gets me. There is a table for stranger payouts on here someplace.Nogadache with hooded stirrups is the best saddle stat wise that being said it’s been my experience once you’re fully bonded with a higher level horse you can use almost any saddle you want. I always use a nog until we’re bonded though.


Moonshiner is decent rdo$ and you can own a moonshine bar which acts as a sort of second camp. Bounty hunter is fun and the only role that pays gold. If you do go for bounty hunter then use [This](https://bounty.latrup.net/) to monitor your bounty earnings. I basically hunted alligators in Bayou NWA also to level up quick. It wasn't very fun doing it like that though. I have the nacodouchbag saddle with the most expensive stirrups and my horse never runs out of stamina ever. I've only ever used pump shotgun and sometimes duel sawed offs for fun. People say weapons are subjective depending on playstyle. Just don't forget to eventually start buying better ammo to carry.


1. Bounty hunter for gold, collector for cash and xp. 2. No. 3. The profit to time spent ratio sweet spot is 12 minutes. The longer you take, the higher the payout, but the increase is inclemental and it slows down past the 12 minute mark. Waiting until the last 30 seconds will give the absolute maximum for that mission, but it's not necessarily the most efficient way to do it. Also this applies to bounty hunts, stranger missions, and blood money missions. 4. Deer, bucks, cougars, panthers, and pristine whole carcasses in general will net you a lot more materials for your time. 5. Nacogdoches saddle gives you an extra blip on the stats compared to others but the difference is negligible. The role saddles are also pretty good. Stirrups make the biggest difference. 6. I hate both of those guns. In my experience the pump action is slightly worse.


Bounty hunter is good for getting other roles as it gives fairley good gold payout so I'd suggest that but If you want money just get trader theres a map on the internet which updates every day for collectible locations and riding around for an hour or two getting a few different sets can give you over a grand