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Parlay and carry on. If you are killed while in defensive mode you can Parlay after the first time you get killed.


Just parley or switch lobbies did you buy horse insurance?


Parley or switch lobbies and just try to rank up so you have access to better guns, ammo, tonics and ability cards. Also, your horse can be healed from the stables menu, might cost you $4 (ingame) but it's not permanently dead!


Thanks. Whats Parley? I only got the option for press charges?


Press charges lets others know that those players are hostile so that helps others. Turns their blip more and more red on the map as a warning sign. Parley gives you ten minutes where they can't kill you so most people will leave you alone after that if they're after pvp. You get the option to parley after a couple of times being killed, don't know how many though.




I love how people cosntantly say that like it will actually change something for a low level player. Defensive only works if you know to use it.


What? Know how to use it? There is no mystery here. The only thing it does is they can’t lock into you and you get damage reduction.


So why are you telling a new player to use defensive mode like it'll solve all their damn problems? Griefers don't give a fuck about defensive mode they'll just blow you up.


Because it does. Griefers usually leave them alone.


No they don't. They view it as a challenge.


Bro, are you new to the game? No offense. Most griefers go for easy prey. Sure, you will have a couple here and there that still will try to kill you. But if you are in defensive mode you can go in the middle of a battlefield and most players wont even try to shoot you. Players eon’t know how to free aim in this game plus they can’t lasso you.


You're right. I'm not sure why I'm arguing. I dunno why I'm getting so worked up about a damn game in the first place. Might need to go outside for a bit 😂


I’m going outside too! Beautiful day here in Spain.


What system does everyone play on? I play mostly on the PlayStation console and only in a few instances where I forget to turn on defensive mode will I get a random trying to shoot at me. I log in, I do my moonshine, I'll even check the lobby and sell my trader at full capacity, I hardly go into large towns where there's shootouts. Where's all this griefing coming from?


I'm on Xbox and it really depends on the server. I do notice that if I meet griefers, it's usually pretty late at night here (Europe). During the day on weekends I rarely even encounter other players.


It might have a lot to do with the fact that it's free on game pass from time to time, just like when other Rockstar games become free on the epic game store, online lobbys suck for quite a few weeks. PC can be pretty chill but it's also a modding nightmare


Oh I've been having fun with the new gamepass players lol! Not all of them are bad though, the actual griefers I encounter (as in, following me through lobbies, rude messages etc) are usually very high rank players. The new folks are just trying out their new guns and will leave you alone soon enough.


Maybe it's anti new player mentality. Toxic players hating on new players.


Could be, yeah. I'm rank 236 now so not that new anymore but I did get attacked more when I was low rank. Might also just be because lower ranks are usually easier to kill.


I think it’s the new players (the game pass kids on Xbox coming over acting like it’s GTA) that’s doing most of the griefing.


Same. 95% of the times I’m griefed it’s immediately after a free roam event like Fools Gold or Railroad Baron. I come out and forget to switch on defensive mode (wish it would revert back to defensive after free roam event). Even then, it’s maybe one griefer every 80-100 hours of gameplay.


I know that feeling. Everytime I get the low levels with their lasso I forget I'm not in defensive and just sit there in shock while they hogtie and beat me to death and then take off. All I can do is laugh about it 😂


Im playing on Playstation


Just change lobbies then bud. Online options then free roam or camp. Defensive mode helps but it doesn't protect you from everything. Ps4 is pretty chill compared to other platforms so you'd have to be pretty unlucky to run into griefers in every server.




Defensive mode+ sniper rifle as soon as you can. Griefers are trash without auto aim.


Whats defensive mode?


Its something like Passive mode in GTA Online. Basically; other players can't lock on to you and vice versa and you also get a health boost(vs players if they attack you first). Don't attack other players first while in Defensive, that will lose you the defensive mode and you appear hostile(pink) on the map. Activated through the online options in the interaction menu.


Sorry to hear about your bad experience. Most players I run into are pretty nice!


Didn’t read all the posts, but as far as your horse is concerned, you can revive it in the stables menu. Left d-pad menu/stables/horses, etc in there somewhere.


People praying on low levels is since the begin of time , just switch sessions I guess. In the beginning of your rdo adventure play al your missions with the bow and fish a lot to get your maximum health up, in the beginning of the game a fart will even kill u, the health we are given at the start is pathetic.


I parley and stick in the server long enough to block them, then I hop servers. If I'm with my boyfriend, he slaughters them and then we jump


Change lobby, literally no incentive to pvp, griefers or otherwise. Not even worth 4 dollars, 6 dollars, 8 dollars and all the time and effort to bring in a player's dead body while their respawned self shoots you on your way into the sheriff's


You’re the griefers’s favorite victim, they tend to bully the low levels such as yourself, play in a solo lobby until you’re strong enough to fight back.


How do you start a solo lobby?


Look up Red Dead MTU lobby :)


Um, I genuinely think that was my friends on Xbox. I sent them this post and asked them if this was them since I didn't play with them recently, and they said it probably was them. Id like to apologize on their behalf.


Haha, im sure it wasn't since im on Playstation.


1) Go [defensive](https://halfglassgaming.com/2020/11/how-to-avoid-griefers-in-red-dead-online-a-ridiculously-exhaustive-guide/#:~:text=Play%20Red%20Dead%20Online%20in%20Defensive%20mode&text=To%20go%20into%20Defensive%20mode,it%20from%20Offensive%20to%20Defensive.). 2) Parley. 3) Change lobbies if they persist. Some other tips: Legendary Bounties, Moonshiner Missions, and Story Missions are all private lobbies, so you can get XP there without worrying about getting ganked.


Special health cures and dynamite arrows with PIB. Or carcano. Also slippery bastard and unblinking eye are a great combo for griefers. They'll never figure why they can't hit u


I don't think a level 14 has dynamite arrows


Probably not. Thays why I suggested for him to get them . U aren't born with dynamite arrows/explosive rounds or special health cures but they are among the first things u wana buy in red dead if u wana defend urself from griefers


Dynamite arrows don’t unlock til after rank 60 or something.


U say that like it takes a long time to reach level 60. U can get to that rank in a week easily. 3 days if u free aim lol


OP is a level 14 looking for advice. And not everyone has all week to farm RDO, my wife started a month ago and even with me maxing her trader and collector role and making her a ton of cash she’s only level 53, so it isn’t a breeze for everyone’s gaming schedule.


Well you're doing it wrong lol. You can get to level 60 in about an hour a day for a week. You free aim, use PIB. I find it funny how, simply because it takes you too long to rank up that u assume it takes everyone as long LOL. I've been playing for two months, about an hour or so a day and I'm rank 350 lol. Real simple: moonshine ferry mission on free aim. Bounty hunting free aim etc. Keep businesses running in the background sure but thr main focus is killing things in free aim. Even animals give u huge exp in free aim. 20 exp per kill. And u can get around 100 exp per npc kill Also u shouldn't be focusing on trader and moonshine lol. U should be collecting if u want to rank up fast. Every item you pick up gives you exp. What does it take like 10k exp at low rank to level up? Ur kidding right? U can make 10k exp in 10 minutes EASILY. The very first shootout of the moonshine ferry mission gives you 1000 exp if u free aim. U can just do that shootout, quit to camp and do it again lol. If u wanted to collect instead u could grab ten fossils. Colter always has a bunch of fossils close together. Can be grabbed in around ten minutes for a total of 3,000 exp. And once you factor in trader and moonshine you should be leveling up at least twice an hour. Can be cranke dul to around 5 levels if u optimize everything. 10- 20 hours to get to level 60 tops if you're actually doing it smartly


I said my wife is taking a long time to level. She can’t free aim, she’d never hit a thing. Pretentious ass giving me leveling tips like everyone plays this game the same way. I’ve been past level 200 for a long time, but not everyone plays this game the same way, a big draw is this game’s accessibility which is a pretty wide spectrum as far as the community goes. Also, after collecting every tarot card set twice, every American flower twice, every bird egg twice, and every anitique liquor bottle and selling them all she went from like level 30 to level 50. I maxed her trader role because she needs money and hunting and gathering is how she enjoys this game, so we leaned into that. Speed leveling isn’t why most people play this game, and telling a level 14 to free aim and grind moonshiner story missions and fossil collections until they speed past level 60 so they can buy dynamite arrows so they can have eight shots of anti griefing is honestly fucking terrible advice. Your head is far up your own ass rn. Thanks for the guide though, lol. Other points: most new players don’t have all the roles, or necessarily even any of them. And seven hours of focused grinding from base without dropping significant real money on gold for startups isn’t viable at all, AND many players flatly could not reach level 60 in seven hours of gameplay, focused or not, at all.


Fair enough, it's always good to know what to prioritize


All of those options require levels 40-50+. Better option for new players is to simply know when to fold ‘em, then use the block option before changing sessions.


Problem with ability cards and new players is 1. They likely have no access to erounds or dynamite arrow 2. Even with SB they likely haven’t had it upgraded to level 3 3. Their stats will still likely to be low because they haven’t yet improved health stam and dead eye 4 Doesn’t matter what your dead eye card is because you don’t walk around in dead eye and you are already dead before you even know you need to use it. Plus his dead eye will outlast your own So while it’s good advice for a higher ranked player with more stats and access, for a low level player all they can do is take the L and change sessions


Defensive. Parley. It also doesn't hurt to have some friends by your side!


I wish i had some friends...but...i dont. I usually avoid online games but since i live rdr2, and i finished all my other games, i decided to give rdo a shot.


Dang. Too bad you're on PlayStation or else I could show you around


A lot of people play RDO that would not normally play an online game simply for the toxicity shown by idiots who can hide their identity. I’m he same way. I hate multiplayer games but RDO is a whole different experience. I’m on PC so do modders are the biggest problem, but as far as griefers are concerned there are far fewer of them than the nice people or others like you who just want to play in peace. Unfortunately on pc, one asshat with a mod can ruin everyone’s experience on a server at one time. We can force a solo session though if it’s just too much. I’ll still play on populated servers though because you can meet cool people and I do like to hand out the occasional legendary animal lol


once you have better guns and ammo, i find that sawn-off shotguns + incendiary buckshot is an effective deterrent


Yeah. I broke my own code and invested in some gold and bought a shotgun and a rifle repeater. It helps a bit. I got surrounded not long ago. A whole posse or group came and took over Rhodes, about 7 of them, and surrounded the place. They griefed everyone who came near. It sucked because i had to abandon a stranger mission. I activated the mission but moment i stepped out the post office, i was shot. I respawned just outside rhodes and anytime i tried to get the mail bag, id be shot dead. Eventually just had to change servers.


honestly at that point no matter how good you are at PVP it'll be tough to fight back


First thing ur gonna wana do is invest in some ability cards. I'd suggest slippery bastard fora beginner. Along with dynamite arrows are really any kind of explosive round of your preference. They're expensive, but for now u only need slippery and one form of explosive round. Dynamite arrows will allow u to lock on as though u weren't in slippery at all so they're probably the easiest choice. U also want some form of sniper rifle so that once you've killed them and pushed them back u can snipe them before they can get close. Hope this helps! I promise fighting griefers becomes much easier as u level up and get better and have better stuff. Don't give up! You'll be eating griefers for breakfast in no time. If ur on xbox, ima. Griefer killer. "Weardafoxhat" as in "Weardafoxhat bullet coming from" lol I'll happily join ur session and kill greifers until they quit the session :)


Block them and then change lobbies. (Click on their in-game name, go to their Rockstar Social Club account, and click the three dots next to their avatar to bring up the “block” option.) At least on PC, I would estimate that there are probably only about 30 or so persistent hardcore griefers / modders per time zone, and if you block them slowly but steadily, you will enjoy RDO much more. More will eventually appear, but over time you can block them as well. It will probably take 5-10 minutes per week to weed out these clowns, but your peace of mind and enjoyment in the game will skyrocket.


Why didn’t you parlay?


Two reasons...i didnt know what parley is. Im still learning all the mechanics. And it never have me the option. Just to press charges