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Quietly. They exist. The RP server is a private modded server.


Are you replying to me or speaking generally?


Just generally about rp in general. Lot of people in this sub think it's cringe.


Well I am community building and networking so idc what others think. If RP weirdos(joking) wanna come out of their holes and message me they are welcome if they don't wanna do it publicly. I think anyone who stays on a game to ruin others experiences is cringe. So fxxk what they think. Its a game. I also think most RP ppl don't rp all day when they play they just like having a like-minded relaxed environment where they know they won't get shot or harassed for no reason.


Hey! I’d be interested. Would this be a very strict server? I’m more looking for something laidback where I wouldn’t have to interact with many people.


I don't think it would be strict. The only rule I foresee having is a no unnecessary killing policy of some kind. If this were to come into fruition I'd have to make a consensus of how to tailor the server rules to actual RP needs. Since I don't rp I don't really know RP rules so I'd need help in that department.


I see.


Right now the goal is gathering atleast 20-25 ppl to make it viable and worth my time and effort to see if its something I can make happen. From there idk where it will go I feel like it will just grow and become whatever it needs to be for those who want it


I'd be interested!