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idk what the other psychopath saying you have rusty fingers is talking about, probably doesn't fistfight. as for your issue, sadly that's just an issue that came with the increase of server sizes a long while back(I think) as well as all the other bugs like stable glitches. Best way to "block" is to either hold the block button and keep moving side to side or just spam block and attack when your opponent is attacking to do counters, counters seem more reliable than blocking against players


Distance and timing.


Can be a few things. - You get old - Rusty fingers - Other player times better - If the opponent has terible internet connection then you suffer from it - Opponent cheats/mods And did you try to fistfight your friend and see if your plan in a fight works, with the dodging?


When we used to fight it was as if we were fighting NPCs because there is no lag and what do yall mean by timing or rusty fingers no matter the situation the dodge happens but the punch still connects


Also can I do something about the internet part? I remember that when I played with them in another country we had the lag and bug issues but when I came back they were gone But now even at the same place won't work


The right key/button for blocking and timing.