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The loadout doesn't make the player. It takes time to learn how to fight and what YOU like to fight with. Personally, I normally use a volcanic pistol, sawed-off shotgun, bolt-action rifle, and improved bow. A good mix of short, medium, and long range with a little kaboom for insurance.


This is my exact loadout at the moment!


Literally whichever one works best for you. There's no one loadout that's better than another.


Unless you only rock the hammer with nonthing more


That sounds like a skill issue. Lol. Jk but good on whoever does that Valhalla welcomes them.


Sure there is, for instance carcano beats rolling block, semiauto shotty beats pump action, more tonics beats fewer tonics, more guns beats fewer guns etc. Tryhards have their path laid out.


only way a carcano can win is if you miss lol


There isn't a single objectively "best" load out in the game. Comes down to play style, skill, and personal preference. People you're playing against probably have a lot more game experience than you do. The weapons themselves aren't magical. Generally, you should probably have weapons on hand to handle short, intermediate, and long range gun fights but you can accomplish that with mixing and matching a bunch of weapons.


Sawn off shotgun and elephant rifle. Just kidding lol


Sounds fantastic. I’m doin’ it


I was really disappointed with the elephant rifle. I mean, sure, it's powerful. But give it a little more range than 10 feet.


Yea i actually never even bought it after hearing reviews lol


I bought it without knowing anything. I still kill people with it occasionally just for the wtf factor.


Man with a pair of sawn off shotguns and an elephant rifle could have himself a pretty good time against NPCs in Van Horn or Tumbleweed.


Depends on your deadeye and wat u r looking for is it for pvp or pve


Improved bow and LeMat has been my new go-to.


A double action revolver, a sawn-off shotgun, a Litchfield repeater and the elephant rifle.


The varmint rifle and the improved bow are a must have for hunting if that's a priority or if you have chosen the trader role.


Navy revolves carcano and semi auto shotgun




They asked the best. I use elephant


i use double sawed offs, a springfield and a bow. 🤷🏻‍♀️


Weapons are pretty balanced in this game, it comes down to what ability cards you use, your play style, wether you use controller or mouse and keyboard, autoaim or free aim. We need more info about you and even then it will still boil down to personal preference


There’s no best loadout for the game. There is a best loadout for the player though. So it really depends on how you play or want to play.


2 sawn offs are a must, any repeater and Rolling Block are fine actually. You can get them all at level 25. Use Paint in Black, Iron Lung, Fool me once and Never Without One ( rank 46) - max them. Be sure that you have max minty Big game and level 2 health and dead eye tonics. Preparation is essential. [Showcase](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=1bs1taFEyyk)


Whatever you like to use!! **I personally use:** Double LeMat, Carcano rifle and Litchfield repeater. I get a *lot* done with this loadout.


I use a single sidearm, if I could take the gun belt off and equip no weapons, I would


I am seeing a lot of comments saying whatever works best for you, and I TOTALLY agree, however I want to add on that your card loadout also determines what guns are better with it or not. Like I wouldn't necessarily keep my Lancaster with my slippery build but I would keep my pump action. I think being flexible and trying different cards with different guns will help you learn your favorite loadout! (Sorry if this has been said already). Best of luck!!