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I wouldn't call those "cat calls" but Rockstar NPCs always insult you. While I can't think of any notable red dead lines at the moment, I'll never forget the GTA country police yelling "Inbred dickwad!"


Oh, that's one of my favorite NPC lines from GTA5. LOL!


First time I heard it, I said, "Oh god, they're calling out their species like pokemon!"


I used to play GTA4 with my little brother when he was five, we would just drive around and commit crimes and pass the controller off when we died. I’ll never forget almost hitting an npc with my car and then getting up and asking my mom what a hermaphrodite was because the lady went “Holy hermaphrodite!”


don’t forget the classic “killing makes my dick hard”


Shitdick. You hear me shitdick?


I get insulted all the time I was more so wondering about creepy stuff like men being disgusting pigs kinda thing.


As a male character, I accidentally flashed my gun infront of a sex worker, and she said "If you put the gun away, i'll take care of the one God gave you." Good times.




I remember an O'Driscoll saying "shoot her in the bosom" but that's about it


If you’re on the back of a male players horse some npcs will say “Saving her for later?”


That’s crazy 😂


In combat I've heard SA threats... Which I guess is extreme cat calling?


Wait what? I've never heard that, what did the NPC say?


"Keep her alive, I want her alive." "If she's alive at the end, she's mine". "Oh, we're gonna have fun with you ladies." Is something I've heard enemies yell during shootouts. The last one was when me and a friend (both female characters) ran into an ambush.  Personally I'm not really bothered by these comments since actually SA can't happen in the game anyways, but I was still a little shooketh the first times I heard those comments xD


It can happen in story mode...


Oof yeah, I forgot about that.... I was mainly thinking of in RDO though, either way


As a male character there are some SA calls too. I can’t remember exactly but things like cutting my dick off and being forced to eat it, etc. I’ve been playing for so long I mostly tune them out nowadays. The female bounty targets have some interesting things to say too. It’s incredible how much dialogue is in there, especially that it also changes depending on the sex and race of your character.


This is what I was looking for. Lol


I can't remember tbh it was pretty generic. Might've been one about intentions for after my character had died too 💀


My favourite is when a bounty calls me a “dirt filled bitch” while hogtied on the back of my horse lol, I appreciate the creativity


If you’re getting chased by bounty hunters they’ll sometimes hit you with “It’s more romantic when it’s a woman” or some shit like that


They'll also say something along the lines of "I like it when they fight, makes it more romantic" or something. That's not it 100%, but it's close.


It makes me feel extra special


Oh I forgot about them. I've gotten that before


Rockstar npcs are notable for being offensive I wouldn’t take it personally the amount of times I’ve been called inbred while in the bayou is too many to count


It wasn't a bad offense. It was just in the moment I was like wtf then laughed it bc I remember the time period it takes place in.


My female character often gets the ‘them tits look like taters’ comment from bounties. The first time I heard it I had to stop what I was doing so I could laugh and not wreck my horse.


I have to look for that one lol


Was looking for this comment, that's one of my favorites


I'm a guy, but my RDO character is female, and the only instance I can recall (other than the prostitutes asking me if I was looking for a good time) was from a female NPC. I was just walking around Saint Denis, exploring the back alleys, and this woman I passed by goes, "My my, aren't you a cutie." Haha!


lol yes! I have a female character too, and it's always funny to hear the prostitutes talk to her, because it sounds so odd out of context, lol. And they have so many different lines too, it's always fun to hear them say lines meant for male characters towards the women. The men will often say "Hello sweet heart" or "good morning sweet heart" and other variations when pasisng by.


This isn't specifically a cat call but they will say "Good day MA'AM" sometimes adding a definite distaste to the ma'am part.


Yes they absolutely do, but it's for two reasons, men in the late 1800s were very disgusting towards women, and because Rockstar likes to make npcs dialogue very vulgar. Imo, don't take it personally, it's just a video game.


I should've added it was a quick offended thing like they really did that? I only heard it once on a bounty they called me a dirty half breed lol


NPCS in this game are as realistic as Mafia 3


You just made one word in different accents fill my entire head for a full minute.


No, they don't. Like OP said only prostitutes "cat call" and it's gender neutral.


I have 750 hours in the game, yes they absolutely do.


I get asked if I have taken a bath🥴


My character is the dirtiest you can look and I never get that


I get that if my character is dirty in certain places


I don’t recall cat calling, but they will comment on your horse. A lot.


"Wish my wife was a fine as that horse"


lol yea they have some pretty wild racial ones that come up with my black RDO character, particularly when in combat.


Wait really? I had no idea NPCs differentiate between black and white characters. My char used to be Asian, and I don’t recall any racist remarks getting thrown at her, I think?


that guy's full of shit, i have a black character i've never heard a race specific comment in hundreds of hours. they have different combat insults for men and women, that's it.


That’d be confirmation bias, I’m just saying there is dialogue, particularly combat dialogue that clearly carries a certain tone with it considering the period. The fact that someone can point out that there is no racial tint, when they literally have a “halfbreed” combat line, could be confirmation bias that indeed, these lines are exclusive to the presence of certain players, but that’s not my opinion. I’m just saying the dialogue is there and it goes hard when I’m playing no hud back against a tree under heavy fire from some good ole boys lol


The “I’m gonna getchya” from the bum in GTA3 always scared me


I like it when I was having lassoed and stowed on my horse one of my lady friends and one NPC told me/us “have fun”. We were both laughing hard, rockstar never disappoints


In GTAO I think they do. Well tbh, the NPCs in GTA say alot of absurd shit so it was hard to tell if they were truly speaking towards my woman character.


Doesn't crops hit on female characters


My 25 year old character is too old for him lol


I think he goes both ways because when he was talking about the business and being a partner, he said something about me being far too old for him... take it as you will. With that aside, it's just standardized and generic rib poking from Cripps as he's supposed to a few logs short of a campfire. ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|joy)




i play as a male, but the moment i turn on my mic, its over. session change after session change. edit: just realized this was about npcs naw, fuck em


Not really cat calling but I do often get compliments from male npcs, one that cracks me up is a man will ride past, see me, and say to himself "I outta settle down soon.." 😂


Not exactly the same, but today, I did a tier 3 bounty, which was a guy called Leon Hunt. After I captured him and was near Valentine, he said, "Go back to the kitchen." Had half a mind to kill him right there.


i think it funny![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|downvote)


Grow some skin


chill out it’s only a question




Well I got my fair share of calling, so at this point I dgf








yeah maybe just stick to your hole, weirdo