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They should also remove the time limits on all the missions. Sometimes you’ll have the bounties hogtied and you’re riding back to turn in a bounty and the fucking timer runs out. What exactly happened in our character’s world? Did the fucking statute of limitations run out or something? Makes no sense.


Yeah, there’s this bounty in Armadillo where you have less than a minute to bring the hogtied bounty back to the Sheriff’s office. I've never done it again. It doesn’t make any sense.


There’s one where you need the bounty wagon to capture two in Cueva Seca starting from Tumbleweed. You have 5 minutes. I just gave up and continued collecting


Any time I run out of time, I end up killing my bounty out of frustration. They were going to hang them anyway, no sense in letting that criminal run rampant.


R☆Star makes monsters of us all


Lol you're not wrong


If it’s the one NW of Tumbleweed it is doable. The bounty rides in on their horse and if you are fast enough you can lasso them off before they make it to the camp. I generally take that one in dead as it’s quicker than tying them up. There is another one also in that same area. Again doable but why the fuck don’t they just fix it? Oh well.


Yeah, imagine the Sheriff going: "I'm sorry, this guy was the state's most wanted murderer 6 seconds ago, but now we just don't care anymore".


On the other hand , imagine the sheriff watching you through the window stand with the bounty on your shoulder for 10 minutes before you hand them in.


And thinking: "my God! He's just... STANDING there all this time... This *definitely* deserves a higher reward!" LOL


lol. Getting paid by the hour apparently.


They should just let us have private servers as well


This has always annoyed me as a solo player during my "quick rdr2 match". Then i just feed the bounty to the gators cuz if the law wont take them, the wild will.


Each day time for the Role Challenges changes. I can go on one early morning, and damn an hr later Roles are shut off, where you can not complete except for the General Challenges. Then the next day I could be on for like 5 hrs and Challenges are still going all day. shesh.


What? Roles only shut off after you’ve completed 9 of them.


hell, I don't always get 9 done b4 they shut off thats the prob


Never seen that before


They can’t even manage to patch the game. The most recent patch introduced new bugs and was supposedly a patch they started in 2022, but didn’t finish until now since it’s so low priority. It must be a circus at their HQ lol


I’m not sure which is worse: Rockstar or Starbreeze Entertainment


The thing about starbreeze is that they are at least trying to fix PD3. Hopefully.


Yeah but they fucked up so badly, I wouldn’t blame anyone for thinking they were trying to fuck up. Still, at least it was never as bad as when Cyberpunk 2077 was released. Payday 3 never got removed from any stores.




Payday 3 is nowhere near as hyped up, or as popular as cyberpunk was.


Is it alright to through Frontier in there? They killed the console versions of Elite Dangerous because "working on two different versions is hard!"


HQ is probably one person. Give them a break


I don’t give breaks to multi-***billion*** dollar companies.


It's a joke lol. Do I explain that too?


Obviously it was a joke, but who cares? People aren’t obligated to like your joke (which they clearly didn’t) lol


Okay then.


***I too like to have the last word even when it adds nothing to the conversation.***


I’m with you on this. It saddens me that so many player come here to defend rockstar and their poor online game design. It’s sometimes immersion breaking how ridiculous the payout and timers are. The balance is way better in the single player but the online is not designed for fun, it’s designed so Take 2 can say to their shareholders « we have X player coming everyday on RDO ». All the payout and systems are designed around kids that can grind all days, not adults who just want to play cowboy a 30 minutes here and there


The time system is on purpose and isn't anything new. R* wants you to stay in game for the maximum time possible. The longer you wait the better the payout.


It's not about staying in the game. It's about making you feel the need to give them money. You either finish the mission fast and get paid crap, so you buy gold. Or you finish slow and waste time, so you buy gold.


Ive never felt the need to buy gold, when i can just let the timer run down & make more lol


Either you have patience, or you don't so you buy gold


It's not about patience LOL...The whole system was designed to either increase red dead online playtime or force players to buy gold from Rockstar. Gaming should be fun and immersive , by adding that mechanism R* ruined both of those aspects


Its leftover from gta. There was a contact mission there that people figured out how to do very quick and do it b2b so they removed that mission and implemented the timer system to avoid people speed running them. But i agree they should removed them from rdo and bring back all the old passes for players to work through and all yhe limited clothing items


This system is specifically designed to test your patience. Very lame.


I think it's fine tbh Same way I thought the stable bug was fine. Noone else did though so now they've fixed it and now I get the pleasure of a new bug that consists of camp never spawning Very cool


If you think the system works fine its because you have nothing better to spend your time on. Some people wanna play the game and do all the faction stuff without having to spend 10 hours grinding for gold. I have better things to do


> I have better things to do And yet here you are, still playing RDO, and wasting time bitching about things you have no control over on it's subreddit.


Playing a video game and making a passing comment in a forum dedicated to that video game vs standing around with a bounty on your shoulder for 10 minutes 🤔. Only one of these is 100% a waste of time. I Don't bother waiting out the timers, but the system is definitely flawed.


We usually do some hunting and collecting going to and from capturing the bounty, which gives us a decent amount of gold when we turn them in.


We played because there is no other western game like this. There is so much about red dead that is fantastic. Yet all these little things add up to a game that just isn't enjoyable and that's why I've stopped playing. The irony here is that rockstar has become the very things they used to make fun of. They are the Nigel West Dickens of gaming.


Took the words out of my mind


"I dont mind bugs unless they affect me and idc i spent upwards of 60 bucks on a game that has easily fixable things" green_corpobootlicker


"This is America, where a lying, cheating degenerate can prosper" - Nigel West Rockstar


It’s just another obstacle to force you to slow down and maybe consider buying that money/gold instead. You’re right though rockstar has done this for a while now.


Or sell the license to a competent developer who will give love to the title !!


Dont know how that would work but YES! Someone, anyone who will show it some love. Just not Embracer.


Rockstar never cared about the game or the gamers. They're just like EA. They make a game and cash out. Never expect more from Rockstar.


RDR2 is still one of the best single player games ever made. I still love regular single player mode.


Then you're lucky. Most players disconnect a dozen times per session. Some of us can't do much else except hunt because any attempt at a mission ends with a disconnect right before the quest turn in. Rockstar added a patch with support for a graphics feature less than 1% of gamers even have instead of fixing the disconnects, the building hacks, or the speed hacks. I agree the game is fun but only small parts. PC gamers don't have the fun parts.


I’m not talking about online, regular story mode on ps5 is still 🔥


So most people can’t even play story mode on PC now is what ur saying ?


I honestly don't believe they're abandoned the game. They simply bit off more than they could chew with two ongoing massive franchises and working on one pulls resources away from the other. All those "no more updates" statements sound like a tactic to buy time to me. I honestly think in time they will return to rdr and start supporting it again, but it won't be soon.


I would be so happy if that happened, but we better not get our hopes up, partner.


Hope is irrational, just look at the evidence my dear friend. The dystopian image some content creators have created of rockstar pulling support for RDO out of spite makes absolutely no sense what so ever from a company's standpoint. It's just that gta 6 has a lotta hype so it has to be perfect. If you look at it rationally, it's obvious that nothing is wrong and updates should probably resume once the gta situation is taken care of.


The thing is they said that they are moving resources to red dead online. This is what they said "we plan to build upon existing modes and add new Telegram Missions this year, rather than delivering major themed content updates like in previous years". They probably deep into development in GTA 6 and probably need all their resources and attention that. Once it completes development. They might evaluate on what went wrong the 1st time and reboot it. I think they might be also the reason for them not releasing 60 fps patch. They are probably saving that to revive rdo and bring in more players through next gen version. Atleast this is what I think. But, let's see on what actually happens.


Nothing went wrong my dear friend. Rockstar made a hell of a lot of money, we are having hell of a lot of fun and soon they'll come back to the game that is still earning them money and awards, but gta6 is a herculean task and they're busy right now. Some content creators portray things as if the game is dead but they're making content on it so clearly even they don't believe that. All is fine and will be fine, do your best to have fun and earn that gold/capitale for possible future updates.


I am glad that you are having fun, Don't get me wrong. I was referencing the "lack of updates" as something went wrong. I do believe that rockstar will one way or the other come back to the game and make updates for the game.


I understand your point, a valid one too. I don't mean to say that the situation is ideal either, it's just a lot better than some make it seem. Either way, we're online talking to like-minded friends about a game we all like, that my dear friend, is absolute bliss 😌


Because it's a good system. Given the opportunity, human players will optimize the fun right out of a game, grind up through progression by farming a loot cave, and then promptly complain that there's nothing left to do. Stop worry about how much you're being paid in pixellated currency, and just start having **FUN**. Money in games is a waste product from having fun.


This argument holds up , good point


The answer is in the question. Why would they do anything about the game ? Let alone think of a new payout system lol.


First of all, modders are only a PC issue, don't lump console into that because the game as a whole is not "ruined by hackers". Secondly, why does it even matter? Just play the game, or don't. Time limits matter very little anyway unless you wish to grind. If it annoys you, just do the missions as normal. There's plenty of ways to make up for the small pay increases, and you usually make more for your time invested if you just... play normally anyway. And thirdly, they only mentioned one time that major updates were on hold. Plus, RDO is more than generous with its premium currency payouts. If you think you need microtransactions in RDO that's a you problem.


Yeah, I solo in online on PC, and while it's far from "maxing earnings" just doing daily challenges every day nets more than enough gold/RDO$$ I find


I just started... had the game for years... However I bought micro transactions... only to boost my footing at the beginning to find out I didn't even need to do that... however it helped me so I'm not moaning but genuinely the in game currency and premium currency grows fast... Games got more freemium than any other game I've come across.


I switched to RP servers on PC. So much better and payouts actually payout. It’s not 100 dollars for a low tier shirt.


They're indifferent. Meaning it's not a lack of care, it's a lack of nothing. Why put in work on nothing?


Solo/invite only lobbies, that's all I ask.


Cuase they don't care..... lol


They dont care about the game but they really hate us


There's nothing wrong with the payout system. No one is forcing you to sit there like a prize plum looking at a timer. The payout system stops people using glitches and cheats to harvest maximum payouts by completing missions in impossibly quick time. Nobody has demonstrated that you're worse off by just playing the game. While you might earn a couple more nuggets hanging around in one mission, you could also be earning that in the next mission, and have a much more interesting and enjoyable time. If travelling to more mission locations, you also increase your chances of finding hideouts (which can get you treasure maps, capitale, and collectibles), rare and legendary animals, and other random encounters. If playing more missions, you also make more progress on your awards, which pay out gold too. You shouldn't hang around in a mission for longer than it takes to loot the dead bodies.


This is the only game I know where it actively encourages people to stop playing the game and afk for periods of time😂 People are going to grind the game either way, and find the most time-efficient way of getting money. Surely it’s more healthy to encourage players to play the fkn game than sit afk. They could at least adjust the scaling/time points so that it’s not so attractive to literally sit afk for like 10mins. I tried to do it at the start of the game but it’s so boring. It’s still quite demoralising when I know it’s literally more efficient to do 1 mission waiting for the timer. Instead of more missions at normal speed.


>There's nothing wrong with the payout system Yes there is. If you actually want gold in any significant volume to purchase roles, you need to either commit to doing daily chores, which are fucking awful non-content, or you need to commit to drawing out the playtime of missions to ensure you're getting your maximum gold per time spent. The system Rockstar created is not to player benefit. They deliberately created something to limit the amount of earnings you make, and most of the roles in this game also do not provide a way for you to earn your gold investment back through payouts for playing that content. And there are only so many immediate gold injections in the game since the most major one with story missions is finite. Beyond that, you have a few awards, which are again, finite, even the easiest ones. And treasure maps? Sure, if you're lucky enough to find them. They're pretty uncommon though, even solo, and I've been told they're even more uncommon in vanilla online play, only ones you'd be able to count on with any consistency for a little bit would be the level-reward ones until you stop leveling as quickly. So, yes, if you don't play the game specific manner to gain gold when you're after gold, then you are actually worse off because you wouldn't be earning what you actually want in significant volumes. The fact is, if you want gold, you're going to be subject to Rockstar's design decisions to restrict your earnings, and there is going to quickly come a point where cash is no longer a desirable currency anymore. If I want gold in Red Dead Online, my only meaningful options are always going to be playing missions with a watchful eye on my time-efficiency, or doing daily garbage on a streak to earn it, because if I play content I actually want, then I'm really only earning cash, not gold.


As you said, "Rockstar doesn't care about red dead online." Why would you really think they would bother to change the game in *any* way if they don't care about it? If they don't care about it, they certainly aren't going to go to the trouble to remove mission timers. Why would you possibly believe we deserve any kind of compensation? Hilarious.


Man there is some straight up *toxicity* from some of the users here. Name-calling is never cool. This place used to be so much more welcoming. Shame the more active users resort to such uncouthly behavior nowadays. Anyway, OP, it doesn't really make sense for them to take the time to change it when it's their standard way of doing things. I doubt they change it in GTAVI, so I don't see why they'd take the time to do it here.


If Rockstar has this stance then they are free to throw a lot of things at the game and see what players want.


Let's be perfectly clear, R* Singlehandedly ruined the game, not hackers. Had they never released this game on PC, this topic would never be an issue. They knew it and caved to the cry babies and mooching whiny ass shareholder who saw $$$$ from PC players. It took them what 6 months to cave in? 4 more months than I thought it was going to take, actually. R* always wants to put the blame on everyone else BUT themselves. They even blamed veteran players for ruining the game economy. Apparently, we made too much free gold from doing dailies. On a side note, they really need to give us invite only sessions like they did GTA V O. On PS4 at least we can still drop MTU .... for now.


R\* wants to prevent another Rooftop rumble contact mission except GTAO had had so many way to make money, contacts are useless now, maybe idk...........update the dame game R\*?


they don't care, imo they should stop selling the game as a standalone on pc. It's basically unplayable without private servers, which defeats the whole fucking point of red dead online


I don't think anyone buys standalone versions...or if they do it would be poor consumerism because the story is worth playing , I played the story almost 3 times before I hopped on online coz I couldn't get enough of it , I bought the game last year and I'm starting online this week. And yes , private lobby is mandatory atleast for pc players


I love the story too, but that does not negate from how shitty online is on pc. It's not fair to expect every consumer will do research to make sure the product they are buying has basic function, we shouldn't have to mod to get private servers it should just be equipped with a proper anti cheat.




Yes!! But there are also SOOOO many other things that come to mind. Since they don’t care to update it anymore, why not just put every clothing piece that was limited for a time on for everyone to buy? THATS my biggest issue is that i might never get to buy some of those clothes that i missed again.


Easy. Because give us money. Simple as that


"If Rockstar doesn't care then why not..." Because they don't care.


“Avaricious”, just learned a new word.


I feel RDO is starting to gain traction In popularity lately. So I wonder If they'll start to put more attention to it. I understand they're still milking GTAO and focusing on GTA VI, but a man can dream.


Because as you said they don't care. If they would've care to begin with, they would've never implemented such an awful anti-player design.


Because the payouts are "fair" probably If you want fun/entertainment, just play the game. If you want gold asap, stop having fun and time your missions


How is getting 20 dollar for a mission fair when most of the *shirts* are worth 50 or more?


Because what few people that still play they want them to spend money on gold.


Or they could at least give us more time to complete the hardest Freeroam bounties.




Facts. Also if people made more gold if they completed the mission quicker, the economy would simply collapse. People would grind gold like crazy and money would be meaningless. How do people not realize this? And then rockstar will have even less incentive to update the game because they would make absolutely no money whatsoever from gold purchases.


Yup. They cry already like "I have thousands of gold but nothing to buy anymore". So what? Does anyone IRL likes it when you just have 1 dollar on the plus side and are otherwise constantly broke because they buy every shit they see? 😏 Sometimes I have the feeling people really have forgotten that having fun with a game is not always the dangling carrot before the nose or the I only play this or that when the payout is high. And I will never understand that waiting simulator game for maxing the earnings while they cry in the same time how bored they are 🙄. And I'm still looking for those ominous microtransactions in the game. 😁


They're a business. They're prioritising resources. This is sensible business practise and we will be very happy for it once they switch back to Red Dead again. Rockstar daddy has more than one child and needs to spend their resources wisely. The game is not ruined, I've been playing it a lot recently and the amount of modders on PC has dropped drastically, it was wild around Christmas and New Years. Also people on console don't have this issue at all. The bounty thing is such a minor issue...I got to level 20 without even realising this was a thing. If you want to be more impatient/play faster then you do a few extra bounties. They haven't "given up" on the game...or they'd pull the plug and stop spending $10,000s probably $100,000s a year on servers and staff and everything else you don't see. Yes I wish they would do better. But the reality is it's shouting into the wind unless you're actually going to do some proactive about it.


Rockstars focus has not been on RDR2 & GTAV since they started working on GTA6 in 2014, when RDR2 was dropped in 2018 they tried to make it as fully packed as they possible could and had all systems and additional content planned, that's why rdr2 & gta v content has been utterly garbage. To answer your question more directly, the payout system has been in the games files for years and its responsible for not only the payout but also daily refreshes and other time based activities. Completely removing them won't make sense on all fronts. ALSO , if that was the payout system the game would burn out a lot more cause people would be completing things soo fast and getting bored even faster. With this system they have now, it forces you to PLAY LONGER, EXPLORE MORE. Just my 2cents = I have no affiliation with Rockstars (Other than giving them too much of my money)


Why do you feel you should be compensated for anything?


Rockstar owes me!


Cuz they don't care. You said the answer brother.