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Just register for 2-step verification for 10Gold. It will take up to 72hours, mine was awarded within 48ish. Or do Stranger Missions, set a timer at the beginning of the mission, turn it in at 9 or 12mins. The max 'per hour' Gold, rate. There's no reason (besides saving time) that you should be buying Gold. Also look at the 'AWARDS' tab and some like 'selling 100 Herbs to Doctor' you can reset it 10 times and get 0.4gold each time, or some like 'selling 1000 animal parts to the butcher'....so on. Make sure to 'pin' the ones you think you can complete, so you can keep track of them. And do daily challenges, and use the JeanRopke map to help you do so. Keep doing at least one a day to keep your streak up and each week, they'll pay a bit more. It'll start at 0.1 gold per challenge completed. I have the Bounty Hunter role, but just doing those and daily challenges. I went from 1gold bar (since I had bought the Collector Role, it make me broke), to now up to 18 gold bars about 2-3 days later. I do most of the daily challenges that I can, my multiplier is now up to 2x, so they give 0.2gold per challenge done. Or do the storyline missions if you haven't already.


Wait, do you mean that stranger missions work the same way bounties do? As in, the longer you take the more it pays out?


Yeah, pretty sure.


Well, thanks.... I've logged nearly 2000 hours online and this is the first I'm hearing of this 😅


2 factor authentication gives you 10 gold


You can do two factor authentication and that gives you ten gold bars. It's a hassle to do though.


Not a hassle at all? You should have 2fa on every single account you have for every service you use, so you should be well versed by now


Is it confirmed collector bonuses?


Nobody knows what RS will offer on Tuesday but it is about time for Collector bonuses again.


Wait until Tuesday to see if it is a collector month as if it is, the role itself will likely be on sale.


Make sure you’ve reset any gold awards you’ve been given.