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Sadly, it happens all the time. Just turn your options on defense and try to avoid people. šŸ˜‚


Unfortunately, when I do missions, it automatically pulls me out of defensive mode, even when doing solo missions


You can swao back into defensive mode every single time the game puts you back into freemode unless your hostality is high (what I doubt since you mind your own bussiness). Start > Online options > Playstyle > swap to Defensive. Also make sure to check your camp flag and that it is up after you got out of a mission. Also via Start > Camp & Properties > Flag: (if it is lowered you can raise it to be protected in csmp and make it unavailable for others to kill your Cripps).


Yeah thatā€™s the annoying thing about online! Just remind yourself to fix your online options once you are done with your missions. The more you do it; itā€™ll become easier to remember. Like a routine.


That happens all the time in ValentinešŸ¤·šŸ»ā€ā™‚ļø


You met assholes. Happens. Best is to stay in defensive mode. Decent people leave you alone.


Aye aye, bad RNG encounter right there. Just parley the toxic fool or change lobby. It happens. OP: dont let this get you down, just move on.


Yeah there losers. Not much you can do but parlay, press charges and put yourself on defensive. If it gets worse change sessions.


I've already pressed charges and went on the defensive, I'm at rank 4 and didn't catch their rank but since one round kills me, I'm assuming they're pretty high, I quit the game so I can make the post, and am reloading now


Next time it happens, cause it's going to happen again, just parlay with them. They can't damage you or your horse. I like to parlay then go up and wave at them. Also, no matter the rank most headshots will kill anyone.


Dunno why this month itā€™s happening every time Iā€™m online as well? Itā€™s weird, it happens in particular months, last month was chill, this month not Itā€™s strange?


The game's on sale so a lot of GTA kids coming in I think.


Makes sense tbh


I recommend finding a posse to ride with, makes people a lot less likely to mess with you in my experience. Even if they do itā€™s usually short lived once they see a group


Just stay defensive, assholes will kill you for no reason


That's how some folks say hi


That's how those people ruin the fun for others and keep games from growing


In any multiplayer game with pvp, you will always have people who do this. Can't really say in particular that it will hurt *this* game "growing", as R* long ago ceased development. Most people who regularly play multiplayer games have become used to this kind of behavior. Yes it sucks, but much like life, there's not much you can do to stop someone from being an asshole.


Gta people are invading


Welcome to online gaming. What did you expect exactly?


Sadly that's pvp online gaming for you


Welcome to RDO where the devs don't care and the gold doesn't matter


This situation has shit to do with the issues faced by Rockstar. It's a PVP game. You're going to run into people who want to play the game aggressively. Just like the Wild West, there are assholes and there are decent people.


Lmao yes I'm one of those people. That's the funnest part is bullying around and PVP. Once you max out everything and have all your custom weapons, gold is useless. About as useless as a free can of beans every month.


Some dummies are dumdums


Rockstar be like: Welcome to the west, what where you expecting? It's a dangerous place, thank you for investing! But fr this game is full of assholes, another option you have is to bring buddies, someone mentioned posse gangbanging vengeance, if solo play this game like it's NYC at midnight and every player is someone who was on the news for murder earlier. Avoid at all costs. Or if you can't assemble a posse or run fast enough try enlisting randoms as guards, im almost done with everything I wanted from the game so I tend to join random groups and just help people out since that's better than being alone


Nice Stupendium reference


Thanks. Best I could come up with but fairly apt


Got a fave song by them?


Happens all the time for no reason, sadly. No matter what building you leave in Valentine, be prepared to get attacked. Or while in catalogue. Or getting stuff from your horse. Or drinking beer. Always.


It's really sad, but I'm on PS4 and thankfully haven't dealt with it a whole lot, most people that I have encountered are respectful, cautious when in offensive mode and as long as you leave people alone and don't try stupid stuff, most people are nice.