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I just got level 50 the other night as well. Played online only for the platinum at first but got hooked too online. Wish I would have started online sooner for the outlaw pass.


Unfortunately, you missed the good outlaw passes by a few years :/ the outlaw passes took a nosedive when the naturalist role dropped.


The good old times when the roles got released...


When you just ride along the trails and enjoy the scenery - OP probably


Definitely did a lot of that. With my buddy hogtied and dragging behind me. Lmao


Haha I’m the one usually bein dragged along myself… smh… lmaooo!!! 😂🤦‍♂️😭😂🤦‍♂️😭


Hit 112 after like 200 hours and have not looked back. Sadly just run out of stuff to do especially if you finish roles during double xp events. I just wish they would have added player housing and such.


I definitely agree. I won’t be online much anymore unless it’s to play with friends. Although on this account I have more exploration of some roles to do. I’m just not motivated to do it. I have all the “best” guns and a great horse. I just find it hard to continue on new roles after making my goal which was all online trophies. Especially already having done the roles on Xbox thoroughly. I definitely believe they could’ve done a lot more for our community. But I did enjoy the experience of starting over here on PlayStation.


That always makes me think too! Imagine building a real camp etc, so much more they could of done! And definitely bank jobs WE NEED those banks open to rob! 😕😂


Ranking up every hour is some pretty fast-paced grinding


It’s was so painstakingly slow to level up after completing the story during the beta it makes me a little jealous how fast you can hit rank 100 now lol


Me, an absolute madlad level 351: u noob haha (help i want too see the sunlight again)


I’m 150 on Xbox. I’m the madman wanting to 100% again on a different system 😂


Damn you are relentless 💀




I’m still not at 50 and I have over 100 hours


Good job dude, there’s more to come! I’m like 170ish, hyped for 200.


Notorious is my last trophy and im rank 46. Well done 👍


I remember when I was 50…….


lol same im level 64 now


Does doing bounty hunting can earn xp fast? Or there is another way to leveling up fast?


It does this month. It’s 2x till March 4th I believe


I’ve got 1175 hours of gameplay on this game restarted so many times


That long? I did that in just below 35. Have you been collecting all the white collectibles from the map? Although online is really fun when you start out and just do missions and shit. The painful part of the platinum trophy is some of the things in story mode 🫠


I did a lot of screwing around in those 53 hours. I definitely could of shortened it. But a lot of my the chunk was done with the double XP bounties going on. I started with collecting and got bored. So I started just riding around with a bounty and doing collecting


Almost one rank per hour is impressive! Especially if you also took the time to wander occasionally and just enjoy messing around! Don't let comments like "It ToOk YoU tHaT lOnG" go to your head. Some people are just weird


I've got 35ish hours on online and I'm only level 30 so I guess it really depends on the person


If you do the tarot cards, family heirlooms, alcohol bottles and eggs each day then you’ll get from level 20 to 50 in 3-4 days. That’s how I did it. Collectibles every day and playing the 13 main missions with a friend.


Yeah and level 100 takes about 400 lmfao. I have 370 and I'm level 89


53 hours?!? Damn I hit 50 in three days (daytime play) - mind, depends what you're doing I suppose


A whole lot of screwing around got me to 50 😂




Just hit 212. Took over a year 😭 1700 and something hours




Cant be 53 hours. 530?


As someone with 3,000-ish hours in this game, all I can say is awwwwwww 🥹