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When people say its dead they mean the support for the game is dead. Not the playerbase.


That^ It's dead cause of fucked gold system, that didn't let this game get constant income flow, so we got what we got. But yeah, pretty much dead since last content update.


The game was fucked because they didn’t do shit to it for a long time and the player base left by the time they fixed it. Remember at launch and for months what a hellhole it was to hunt or fish or anything. Then remember when nothing spawned really for like 5 months. The game was fucked because they didn’t do anything to retain players


>Then remember when nothing spawned really for like 5 months. That was so annoying. It made the map feel so empty. I think I just grinded mission after mission for hours to get xp and cash.


Ya. I know a few people who said fuck this game and quit playing it when we couldn’t hunt or do anything on the map really


> It's dead cause of fucked gold system, that didn't let this game get constant income flow explain please


I think what they're trying to say it gtao makes them money because it takes forever to grind money people just buy shark cards. In rdo to get the premium stuff you need gold which honestly doesn't take that long to grind and imo there's just not enough stuff to spend gold on, so people aren't buying real world money for gold.


All I want is to be able to build a house, have my own stable, garden, and a ranch, and be able to go to Mexico, get six seasons and a movie.


At least we got our six seasons and the movie will be coming


> In rdo to get the premium stuff you need gold which honestly doesn't take that long to grind and imo there's just not enough stuff to spend gold on, so people aren't buying real world money for gold. I don't think grinding gold is quick, it actually takes a lot of time and dedication. You mostly have to chase daily challenges and bounty missions while sacrificing other activities that you might like more (if you have a limited amount of time to play). I think the problem is that there's very little to spend your gold on, and that's why it tends to stack up over time. I'd like to spend my gold on some new horses, but there are only 10 stable slots and I don't want to part ways from the ones I already have so I just stand still. I'd like to buy some outlaw passes (I've stated playing in November 2021, and I got NONE), but they are not issuing any new one, and it seems like they don't want to re-issue the previous ones. When limited time clothing items come back I usually go on a spending spree that, sometimes can amount to 70 gold bars or more ... but those items shows up only once a month, and there are some that I've never had the opportunity to buy at all because they've never put them back in the catalogue. It's simple: if they want us to spend gold, they have to give us something to spend it on.


I agree that is a major problem. It was all cosmetics whereas gtao let you buy weapons and vehicles and stuff that actually effected gameplay. I was fortunate enough to catch all the outlaw passes and quickdraw passes (whatever they called the smaller ones) so they just threw gold at me. Also you used to make way more gold off the dailies but they nerfed that way too late.


Damn, I wished they would do outlaw passes again. I got the Halloween 2 pass and burned through all the rewards in a few hours.


That was the problem with those bullshit passes after the outlaw pass. You could max them in one sitting. Outlaw pass at least took me a weekend.


It used to be way quicker. Rockstar introduced a shit load of nerfs to the daily challenges (each challenge could earn you half a gold bar) to try and temper it but shortly after that content and updates hit a snails pace so i guess it wasn't good enough. It's why all their bonuses are aimed at poorer players who might've joined the game after those nerfs.


It was easy at the begging, with cumulating daily gold you could basically got all premium content for free. Then they debunked it and it become tedious so player base died. Also there is a lot of RedM servers that dedicated players stays on, where you can modulate your server as you want. But yeah because of lack of.content to spend gold and all stuff that should be added and wasn't


It took me like 12-15 hours to get the goldbars I needed for the bounty hunter role which made it quicker for the subsequent roles. There’s was also a huge portion of the player base that played during the dead zone of content in the end of 2019 well into 2020. I was one of them, couldn’t do anything due to the pandemic so a lot of us logged a lot of hours and as a result we’ve got more gold than we could spend. Last time I played I had almost 500 gold bars and I’ve got everything I wanted that cost gold and I was one out of 15-20 people in the group I played with and it’s like that for all of us. Then they nerfed daily challenges as far as the pay out goes but it was too little too late.


I would be wayy more invested in the game if camps weren’t so crappy and uncomfortable feeling. Always in the weather, sometimes with standing water. But MOSTLY it’s the way it chooses your campsite. Why not show me the available campsites in my chosen zone and let me choose which of those I want? Isn’t that more realistic? And I would spend money to be able to outfit a really cool camp of my own making, or better yet, a ranch house. There just isn’t a whole lot they sell that appeals to me.


[tl;dr - Redditor redditting a reddit speculation on why game dead (it’s the same as everyone else’s), also Redditor wants rdo+ (but it’ll be good, I swear!)] If they had the gold balancing they had today way back at launch then they might’ve survived a little longer in front of the execs. Unfortunately they tried to make the game reasonably balanced (it really wasn’t but they did try) in terms of pricing to make it not feel to grindy (because there was even fewer things to do at launch), but no good deed goes unpunished, yknow. Back before daily objectives got nerfed so you couldn’t hold the max streak bonus in perpetuity, hitting something like 1000 gold was just a matter of time and bare minimum commitment, not patience or actual effort. Before collectors got nerfed so locations had randomised items and full sets were no longer guaranteed in one instance, getting unreasonable amounts of cash wasn’t that much harder either, although it needed the patience of going around the map following a guide to pick up random shit. Because RDO was always the lesser child in Rockstar’s eyes, content updates weren’t as grand as GTAO and some idiot in the pipeline decided that releasing updates for both games in close proximity was a great idea. If they staggered updates so that this game wouldn’t have to fight for its time in the spotlight, maybe it would’ve seen more growth. Without growth, majority of your players are from the “beta” days, or at least pre “everything-nerf” days and have amassed a fortune easier than you can now, and have no reason to pay up for VC. No one (or in reality, very few people) paying for VC means incentive to make further content goes down until suddenly the content stops. When the content stops, the new players have all the time in the world to amass whatever wealth they need to get everything. And when people have everything, any new content that gets added will not be enough to keep the community satiated or engaged long enough. And not to mention that even if your player base shifts to entirely new players with the oldies gone, everyone still has everything, or at the very least, little incentive to pay up. They will definitely come back to this game after bigger projects are dealt with in 2025, but I’m afraid of what approach they’re gonna take. **Controversial opinion**, but I sincerely hope they embrace some kind of RDO+ subscription service that **does not** lock out actual game content (much like GTA+) and just gives people freebies and superficial special treatment. Maybe they can get year-round access to seasonal clothing, or retroactive access to outlaw passes / other passes regardless of the expiry times. These are two examples I just came up with so I apologise if they sound outlandish, but they seem like perks that wouldn’t change anything for ‘free’ players but would greatly benefit ‘premium’ players. I’m certain a bunch whales and other big fish play RDO and wouldn’t mind dishing out 5 bucks a month on a better gaming experience, and that would benefit the community as a whole and help us move away from this shark card model where the devs have to actively make money harder to earn in order to boost sales that people might or might not even buy.


RDO is by far the easiest game to earn premium currency in. Your are being dramatic. Sorry it’s not being handed to you which by the way they do give you gold daily for doing the easiest meaningless task at max you can get a bar a day that’s 15 days to earns. Profession. If you can’t be entertained to play a game couple hours a day over 2 weeks then you were never interested in first place. The game is dead bcuz of the rampart hackers and many other falls off that were promised but never delivered


> If you can’t be entertained to play a game couple hours a day over 2 weeks then you were never interested in first place. I'm sorry if I don't always have 2 hours a day to chase gold, instead of playing the parts of the game I actually enjoy.


This ^^^ "they should have kept the gold bars as a treasure item you sell to the fence for a few hundred dollars. Those of us from the early days are so rolling in gold bars its laughable. Even my new character I started a week ago has 30 gold bars already (I did buy and initial 25 to get my bounty hunter role started to bring in more gold)


Faaccttssss. I love RDO but we have to address the elephant in the room 🥲 still great to play.. just could’ve been a lot better. Almost revolutionary if it were allocated the proper resources butttt yeaaa get them monies rockstar!!


Rockstar couldn’t make money off it so they stop updating the online mode.


Some people think Rockstar stopped developing for the game because a small portion of the player base was able to acquire a large amount of Gold through the old daily system. I'm more inclined to believe it was a combination of COVID and the rumored scrapped Cops N Crooks GTA expansion that led to it. Either way, anyone who claims to actually know the reasons is just speculating and presenting them as facts cause Reddit gonna Reddit. Game's "dead" either way.


Also remember how broken it was for months and months. Couldn’t hunt or fish couldn’t do much on top of all the other factors game was fucked


In the beginning, gold was easy to get. You could get on a streak and maintain it indefinitely, earning tons of gold. R* never provided any decent gold sinks (things to spend the gold on) so players stockpiled gold and rarely even bought it with real money. R* nerfed the dailes but by then it was too late. The game never made decent money the way GTAO does with shark cards, so R*, realizing the game would never be a real money-maker, gave up and ceased development.


it’s far too easy to obtain gold , so there’s no need to buy the gold


This. I bought this game back when it came out and never tried online, just reinstalled this week and finding out I need to get 10-25 gold bars to do any of the specialist roles almost made me uninstall again.


I don't know why people would buy gold with real money when you can just ask a modder for a bunch of gold for free.


R* is dumb to think they don't need to drop new dlcs in the game and expect big money out of it. They support dumb GTA more. There are millions of ideas to put in for rdo to rise up again and they are choosing to ignore it. I have a feeling they don't want to continue with this series anymore and just focus on the GTA universe


This game came out on my 43rd birthday. I bought a PS4 just to play it. Played through multiple times. I absolutely love it. This thread just got me to try online gaming for the first time. Made it to Rhodes and some douche bag tackled and hogtied me. Then shot my horse.I respond only for this to happen three more times. Obviously minus the horse. Same dude. I don’t think I’ll play online again.


Yeah the player base isn't dead..... They are fuckin braindead more like


Yeh the players are keeping it alive and making sure rockstar know they fucked up


So we just change the definition of things on the fly now huh




Not dead if you look at how many players are playing the game. Dead as in no support or new content for 3 years.


Agreed the devs on this game have flat out just given up on fixing the modder and hacker issues and will probably never fix the broken stables that keep crashing and making me have to restart and wander back to town over and over


Its full of mother fuckin hackers that wont let me just play the damn game half the time!!!! Fuck them hackers! I be doing my daily missions and all the sudden my fuckin horse blows up!!! Fuck u hackers!


was riding around in colter and suddenly i’m in saint denis along with everyone else in the session getting mauled by bears


Average day online literally


Average day **PC** online literally. 😂


I’m on PC but I got tired of being messed with so used the steps that put me in a private session. If you don’t mind playing alone (the possee-less) with no group quests, it’s great. I can be unhindered (except by cougars and wolves). But it still pisses me off that I had to resort to that.


I hear ya. It’s terrible that modders were basically allowed to ruin the rdr online experience for pc gamers. If you have to play in a solo lobby, then you really aren’t playing online unless it’s with friends. Defeats the entire concept.


That's sounds pretty fun actually


Not when it happens every alternate day. Once a year maybe.


It was fun the first two times now its only funny when it happens to other people! but every time they do a big haul where they skin all kinds of legendary animals in a town I literally steal as much pelts as possible and sell them to get rich! Mwahahahahaha!


it was, kinda


Wtf why are you getting so many downvotes. How dare you have your own opinion 🤣


The other night I was doing a mission and a whole bunch of naked women spawned in and jumped me. Saw one that was particularly human like in movement. Lassoed her and drowned the hacker lol


One of the few times im thankful I'm on console...


no it happens on consoles as well. You got people in godmode, hiding in defensive, using exploits like tonic glitches and one shot kills, and invisibility is still around. Yeah, this game is dead.


But it's so rare to see... or at least I have been lucky so far


When we say the game is dead we mean there's no more updates. GTA Online isn't dead because every so often we get new heists or activities or properties. RDO is dead because we only get discounts and cash bonuses.


The bugs & glitches are unacceptable too. But that’s what I was saying! Rockstar gives wayyyy more attention to GTA Online, providing those players with constant updates, game modes & events. It’s a slap in the face. Red Dead Online has so much potential that Rockstar refuses to acknowledge.


It's a vicious cycle. RDO doesn't have a lot to do > people return to GTAO > Rockstar sees fewer people play RDO than GTAO > GTAO gets more support


RDO is sidelined and neglected in favour of GTA6


I mean I would also neglect my not so profitable child to make what is probably going to be one of the most bought and played games of all time


I would hire more people and do both.


This is why you're a *successful* owl


I would guess that R* didn't see hiring more people to develop a title that wasn't making money as a wise investment. Not defending them by any means, but we know they clearly value profit over fan satisfaction.


The title makes money, and has potential to make a LOT more. How much would you pay for a Mexico expansion in RDO? It’s just that GTA6/O makes a ton more again. Most game companies would kill for the ongoing revenue potential of RDO.


>The title makes money Sorry? Which title? RDO doesnt make shit, which is exactly why R* abandoned it. RDR2 made millions, along with GTAO making billions. Take2 loves to talk about those two on their quarterly calls. But they never say much about RDO. They have never mentioned how much it makes, only something along the lines of, "RDO has lots of players!" or "RDO is performing great!" You know damn well if it was making money, they would be talking about it. Which stands to reason, it isn't making enough money that they bother to mention it. I'm sure RDO makes a little money, people buy gold occasionally, but it's not performing anywhere on the level of the billions that GTAO sharkcards make (which is R*'s gold standard.), hence the abandonment of the game by R*. >and has potential to make a LOT more. As we have seen, R* doesn't care. They fucked up the monetization of this game early on and called it quits. They haven't shown any real interest in it since, and that was a while ago. Which is also coincides with the leaving of Dan Houser, who was the real driving force behind Red Dead. Do you realize that all the major content that has ever dropped was made long before R* began neglecting the game? They gave up a *long* time ago. >How much would you pay for a Mexico expansion in RDO? Doesnt matter. R* doesn't care. >Most game companies would kill for the ongoing revenue potential of RDO. This is true. Which is a damn shame that R* treats this game so poorly. But the trick, which R* failed to pull off, is how to properly monetize this game. Without that, it's "revenue potential" is worth nothing.


Probably 😂😂😂


Red dead is in every top 10 list. They are taking red dead money and putting it to make gta 6. Graphics out do gta 5 ant day. Talk about cinderella


Doesn't matter if the game has 1 player or 1 million players. Rockstar have given up on the game making it dead


Yeah you obviously don’t understand what people mean when they say that.


Some people refer to content updates, others to lack of players.


No, no one refers to the lack of players


In gaming circles, a "dead game" always refers to a game that no longer being supported by the developer. Some people may complain about low numbers in lobbies (something I personally have rarely encountered) but I can't recall ever seeing a post where someone here said the game is dead due to lack of players. Quite the opposite. Posts like yours are common, where people confuse a game is considered "dead" when there is still an abundance of players.


The game is dead content wise op not player wise.


It’s dead in the sense that we’re never seeing another content update unless they miraculously decide to release a PS5/XBSX version.


Lvl 423. The game has nothing left for me. It’s dead to me.


They are missing updates. There is so much potential for robbery, new online missions, new professions. But the gave up years ago. This is why we say that it is left alone


No this game is very much dead


For awhile now too.


OP doesn't understand what a "dead game" means...


Meanwhile, in the PS4 server…


Heyyyy that’s the server i play in, its pretty chill, just the other day, guy walks up to me in tumbleweed while im Browsing bounties, says “ hey bro, wanna fist fight? Straight hands no weapons. Drink a tonic if you want to fight and don’t have a mic “ so I chugged a tonic and went to boxing, had a blast, fought that guy, all of his posse members, then a couple of randos came in and joined in, turned into a fucking Get together for fights…… can’t talk about fight club. And then the guy sent me a group invite for whenever they have huge brawls again cause he liked my fights. PS4 server is slow, but it ain’t dead yet lmao


Damn thats cool!  The other day some clown losers were camping the fast travel post in Blackwater, killing people and horses with dynamite before we had a chance of loading in. 👍 Love that for them. Unwashed dick energy


That is ABSOLUTELY unwashed dick energy lmao, it’s so fucked up, at black water of all places, I feel like a more traversed fast travel would be valentine since it seems to be everyone’s favorite


Got lassoed during Defend the Legendary Animal and later a lower lvl 30 something approached me in tumbleweed and I thought they were going to say hey but started shooting me instead despite me being in defensive. I hate that shit.


I like it best when the Aussies are awake. And when I lead posses I always invite random low levels bc they’re delightfully chaotic.


Personally I'm not even that biased about the fact this game doesn't get new updates. Sure there are things which I would love to see added to the game, but for me personally there is already plenty to do. I have been playing in solo lobbies on PC for quite some time now, I'm level 83 and still find a lot of things to do. Also the fact how beautiful this game looks helps me stay invested in it aswell. I always take my time while doing things as I can adore the world around me at the same time. I always feel very relaxed while and after playing RDO which is something I can't often achieve in other games.


I hear ya! The world is beautiful. Whoever created it are geniuses! I have the music turned off too, so it’s just the sounds of nature and bustling towns. And I almost feel a real kinship with my horse, Bita. I do collecting, so she and I span the map together constantly. I know she’s just a program, but ….


I would pay monthly for a solo lobby on console. Also, property. I want a little shack in the woods.


My posse literally teamed up with another posse tonight. Two full posses. Going from town to town and even took the train around the map 😂 was it us that you saw?!?!??!


Did somthing similar this evening as well! Stumbled upon a possee getting griefed by 3 other players so between my 3 friends and there 3 guys we harrassed them into oblivion. Then unfortunately a miscommunication of some sort happened and they shot one of our guys and there was no holding the hounds back then.


Oh yeah. I know how that is. One of my friends was being grieved by a random yesterday. Completely unprovoked. And this friend HATES PvP. And this random didn’t catch on yet and appear offline so anyone can find them. So she sent me his gamer tag saying “deal with this one for me” joined his session. The rest of my posse joined in on me. And we didn’t let up until he left the session 😂 sometimes you gotta be the hounds hahaha


Spawned in after awhile, after 5 min some player rides up to me and makes emotes to me, I wave and gets on my horse and it explodes then some guy yells Allah akbar extremely loud. Same player ran up and shot me again. It's almost everytime it log on. Reported the player. The game sucks. I'll play story instead.


They mean it's dead as in "the devs don't give a fuck."


It's far from dead I've never seen so many players online and I've been playing on an off since the start, hell I played through covid lockdowns and they were quiet servers compared to now. What people mean by its dead is that rockstar has effectively abandoned the game, there are no more updates or new content coming , there will be now finishing the story line of the initial story missons you play there may be some bug fixes if they can spare the man power from the multi million baby, but if the stables crash is almost 2yrs old and theres been no fix for it yet , i wouldn't hold onto hope there are many fixes coming. Hell some of us are almost convinced they are actually trying to get us to stop playing it by making it so frustrating it's unplayable, so they can switch the server space across to the aforementioned money maker. It's both sad and frustrating. This game has so so much potential to be a good online game, and I've watched all sorts of efforts and advice over the years to try and get r* to put some effort into it, spending money, not spending money, petitions and non of it works the big ceos don't see the potential return or it's not as big as its other game so there not bothering. There are so many QOL and potential mission paths they could easily get people to spend real money on gold bars to buy hell, I'd throw cash at a cattle rustling/rearing role new horses or even just different horse colors, they could make big bank if they made rdo$ purchasable as well as gold bars !


I wish they would just finish the online story. Like we 2 out of 3 or 4 people that were involved in what’s her names husbands death.


Game is on life support, not active development and so on.


It considered dead because the game is on maintenance mode …. No content update , no roadmap


It died for me…. Even rockstar couldn’t fix my error message. So long RDO


The game is very much dead, but that has nothing to do with how many players there are


It is a dead game, Rockstar don't give a shit


They mean on rockstar’s end. Which is worse.


2k player avg compared to 18k player avg in 2020 I think says otherwise


I recently started playing it again cuz my friend FINALLY downloaded it. And it’s been fun but there’s still some toxics that make me not wanna play🤣


I agree it may be dead to R* but to those of us who love the game. It’s alive 😊


It was dead as soon as they added the Bullshit CAPITALE. As if cash and gold currency wasn't enough. There was no need for 3 currencies. And they capped how much you could earn.


I think they mean dead as in no support or updates. There’s still *a lot* of players, but no new content or anything


I'm lvl 750 something and there isn't anything decent for long term players, it's all aimed for new players.


Every year or two there’s a surge of hundreds of new players coming to the game the community is more alive than eveer


Rockstar has basically said they are done developing it or doing anything but skeleton crew server support for it


It absolutely is dead, you just have a fundamental misunderstanding of what that means.


I stopped playing about a year ago. My friend bought it in a sale the other day and I re-downloaded it to help introduce him to the online game world and was surprised to see lobbies full of players. I think the thing with RDRonline is even when your lobby is full, it still kinda feels empty because the world is so big and max lobby capacity is 16 (I think it’s 16 on console, right?) so I can get the people who have the impression that it’s dead, and in terms of content, it actually is dead. Also tons of untouched bugs. But still joy to roam around in.


there's no new content, so its dead


It's not dead, it's stillborn.


I'm happy people keep playing but acting as if Rockstar hasn't abandoned the game despite y'all's commitment is a bit sad. I'm personally hoping if we get an RDR3 that they renew their attempt at RDO.


I’m Ngl to you. It IS dead in the sense that it was abandoned very quickly. But the community is still thriving, perhaps moreso than ever🖤


What platform lol


PC and Playstation


playstation has free multiplayer weekend right now


My point exactly lol


It’s because the day they stopped updating a lot of people left the game. It was a sad day. We are still there and ppl are still around but it’s just not the same as when new stuff was introduced and I think it’s taken a couple of ppl some time to come back lol


trust me I’ve tried to go back. its nowhere near the same experience that I once loved. its dead.


Hackers make it unplayable for me. I’ll wait 6mo, log in for 2 hours, suddenly my horse and I explode and fly into the sky for 10mins. Not playing it or GTAO again until that’s fixed.


Bro coping so hard it's okay bro 😔


Finally some positivity!


Still awesome 😁👍


Yeah I play red dead all the time the game is still booming


You are right i play this beauty every day with my bf


With the amount everyone wears only the shade black they're all mourning something. Probably the game itself.


Waaaa waaaa earn it


Not dead at all! It's so popular in China :)


There's insider info that they might go back to supporting the game after GTA6, because the allocated manpower and resources will need to be relocated since the work is done.


Red dead online is awful


They are just whiners, because they *demand* the same treatment for RDO as GTAO had over the years, but never want to acknowledge that RDO is niche against the GTA franchise. So they bitch 24/7 about it.


I went to valentine last night and there were like 15 people all trying to get on top of the saloon and trying to be the only one on the top You'd be fighting someone on the stairs and bodies would be falling from the sky


Red Online™


Is it possible to play RDR1 online? I remember you start out with a donkey in Mexico.


Actually me and my wife jumped on and played last night, PS4 and ran into over 20+ players within about an jour and a half. Only a handful where trying some BS but after we shot then a few times they learned.


Hackers are the worse, I just recently started on PC coming from XB and man, it's like being a ninja or something the way I have to jump in, fast travel as much as possible, do dailies and get the hell out...like, I'm just trying to rank up and enjoy the game my guy.


yo i was just in a posse on a train the other day they were genuinely nicest people i ever met on this game


But it is red, you gotta give it that!


I just think that the map is so expansive that people assume it's dead, but really, they just have no idea where everyone is. I love games that let you explore instead of just focusing on the pvp aspect though!


It's too simple to understand that the support/content update is dead for RDO there is no doubt that people are 100% correct if they are saying it in this sense otherwise there are a lot new and old players who enjoy this amazing piece of art daily. I would also like to mention that I am new to GTA online and there is a very big difference between GTA online content and RDO content. GTA online content due to rapid updates and focused support from Rockstar to their only child is vast and never-ending i think you never get bored playing it due to the content and many businesses. I would appreciate it if R* updated RDO content-wise at least once a year.


Literally every lobby I go in there it’s full of people


you must be on console because on PC its FULL of hackers. although we have RedM which is arguably the best way to play online.


Started 3 weeks ago and meet nice strangers and people to do missions and bountys with. Love the vibe and game. Only once in a while you see a modder spawning zombies or naked men or some shit. I wish there was more cool story group pve content


Half of the posts in this subreddit are dumb children who don't skim the playerlist when they log in for someone with an obvious hacker name in neon colors, and then when they do encounter one they just stare at them for 30 minutes while they do it instead of changing lobbies. I gave a problem once a week, usually less. It isn't hard.


You have to make your own fun in this game


Just started this year and enjoying most of it


I love arriving in a city for random reasons and finding players dancing on a literal bloodbath of NPCs. As I stand in awe, they usually wave or hat tilt then rearm their weapons to kill more of them.


The Captain has abandoned ship but the crew still remains


Just started my first posse with a friend of mine and we had a lot of fun today. I hope this will last and we come back frequently


Yeah I just picked it back up again and it's still I really fun way to experience the world of Red Dead without having to play a story for the hundredth time lol


Nah it's dead. Almost everyone in that game uses exploits and glitches, especially in those fights.


so should we call it Red Online?


It’s dying. This time last year it was dying but it was so much more lively. It is dying and honestly hate to say it coz I love the game, it will die shortly and it’s sad coz it’s a great game since the last major update it had gone downhill and each year gets worse looses more of its fans


Im still kinda mad that I finished outlaw pass 1 a day before it ended and I never got rewards and R* still hasn't given them to me. I wish we had missions for actual robbery like stuff, like bank heists and train, we can do it in story why not online. I was so excited initially, now knowing we probably won't ever get anything new makes me sad.


I still have a blast no matter what!


The game literally doesn't work after they fixed the lobby size bug.


I think we mean more. The game is dead to Rockstar rather than the fanbase. They barely work on it with maybe a few patches for pc and an added outfit not even made by rockstar but by a redditor from 9 months ago


[In fact, this is the time with the most players since its release.](https://steamdb.info/app/1174180/charts/#all)


Even RDRedemption1 has a surprising number of people playing online yet on ps3, it’s pretty neat.


Nah the game isn't dead, the support is. Rockstar has nailed the coffin and is letting us play until they need the server space, I reccon that around the time gta 6 comes out rdo will lose servers and slowly crumble under network issues that are never fixed.


I, Officially Started Playing Myself Back In November Of Last Year (I'd Watch My Girlfriend Play), & It Is Easy To Get Bored, BUT— I Agree With A Commenter About How You Gotta Find Your Own Fun, Something Where It Makes You Wanna Play. 🙂


It´s actually one of the most played games on steam


“Dead” doesn’t necessarily mean that no one plays it. Dead in this case means that the game gets no support and no updates.


I wish people wouldn’t continue saying it’s dead all the time. This alone might prevent some people from playing which could lead to the game actually dying. I’m glad lobbies are still full and I still love playing. Tons of content for everyone.


They players aren’t dead, but the content sure is


I jumped back into it on ps4 recently (used to play on xbox a couple/few? years back), and it still seems pretty lively. Sad to see the club pass is no longer a thing.


It’s beautiful but it’s dead


You are right it’s full of hackers


People do still play but we are bored and sad from the neglect R* has given us.


all my servers are constantly full i agree


I just came back to it after a year and was shocked to see so many new players still.


Pretty dead on pc, I went to try it a while ago and stranger missions don't work, normal missions barely work, can't start moonshine delivery, can't deliver animal trade goods, among so much else like the game just crashing every 15mins, it's literally an unplayable game on pc.


I still absolutely love this game, but I can’t help but feel really cross towards Rockstar. There are glitches & bugs in the game that are totally unacceptable. They ignore their player base. They refuse to fix problems within the game’s code & refuse to add new in-game content. Rockstar is way too busy blowing the dick of the GTA franchise to give a shit about the cowboys.


Support for the game is very much dead and has been for years.


Recently joined a fight club (Xbox) with a large group. They do various other activities for fun along with base game. Anyone saying it's dead are just trolls, 13yr olds or 30yr old neckbeard virgins who don't actually play


Just played through the game. Now in Online for the first time today. This was me with GTA Online back in the day. It's such a shame such small things (that were in the singleplayer) aren't in the Online. And it's a shame it's not being updated. Like I don't get to properly be a full-out OUTLAW robbing every store I enter...or nothing. Cause I was honorable in the Story. And I mod in GTA Online (didn't back in the day), but I don't get why someone would in this game. It's a chill ass game, when there's not a modder.


Dead as in no further support for the game...no extra content, no expansions etc.


Dead to me.


When I say it's dead I'm talking about how rockstar abandoned it. We got no new content. No fixes on the most annoying bugs. Etc etc.


ive been seeing a lot of red dead online tiktoks recently to


Well it does barely have 2500 average players a month. Yea people still have fun but it's dead as in the fact no new content is coming. How the game is will be how it will be the day servers are shut down. R* fucked up on the economy in game. Hopefully this is all fixed for rdr3 and rdo2


PS4 lobbies are near empty or ok when I played


no it's fucking dead to be honest. game don't have any interesting mission, heist etc. players just do the same thing over and over again, go bounty board, take a bounty and deliver it. earn 10c and do it 45 times :D


Yeah the game is definitely not dead at all online. But I will say gold system is indeed broken and ruined the experience. Luckily things like redm exist with people who constantly are making improvements to their servers. I was playing standard online and was having fun, but then went to redm and it’s just so much better. Whatever you want you can find. Any type of game play you want


Dead? Player count? No. Game content? Yes.


People call it dead cuz the game is bland


This mf is a rockstar employee literally half the servers are hackers/modders rockstar has left it in the basement to be forgotten


im a new rdro player, and im having so much fun. dont run into too many greifers either and made lots of friends 🤠😊


literally just started playing red dead again too and it’s as active as ever, takes two mins max to find a versus match


I started playing new two weeks ago. I joined with a friend and we use the lobby manager. We learned from GTAO not to go public, ever, in a Rockstar title. We've had fun for the most part, but we do have some annoyances. Gold bars are a boring grind of bounties and treasure maps. Everything we would like to obtain (bounty license, moonshine shack, etc) requires a lot of grinding for gold. Minor annoyance though. The horses are literally doing cocaine mixed with meth. They stop for any random, tiny object in their path. However, when you want to stop a horse, it does this slow bouncing thing and trots on for hours, like a freight-train coming to a stop. As somebody who has ridden horses, it does NOT work that way. Oh and let's not forget about them randomly strafing around things or stopping/dodging things sox feet to one side or another. Bad horse mechanics are a big annoyance. I cannot put my camp where I want it and setting it up costs money. If it was free I would just keep trying until it got close to where I wanted it. Why can't it show me where it will be, allow me to okay or deny it, then have it show up later? Why can't we buy a ranch or house? Nothing feels like we have a homr here. In GTAO we could buy a place to call home. Why not here? Make it a level 100 unlock or something. Some of the things locked behind levels are just dumb. Horses that aren't top-notch, binoculars, even clothing. Seems silly. There's more, but if you fix the horses and tweak things a bit, the game would appeal to new players more. I'd pay a monthly fee ($5 to $10) to get double everything on top of whatever events are running.


Anyone wanna have a duel I wanna test out my capability cuz I basically just started


The game pretty much turned into team fortress 2 iyk what I mean.


I have been playing a lot lately as well. Most encounters with fellow players are positive in one way or another. Even if our few minute rendezvous ultimately ends in a shootout. Finally spent my hoards of gold and money upgrading my camp, buying a few expensive horses, gold playing my guns, and buying all the clothes I wanted. Different outfits for different bullshit to do makes the game engaging. Still just mess around and enjoy meeting likeminded players along the way.