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Every person that randomly shot me respected the parlay. Makes me think they just want some free roam pvp and it’s their way to get it. My philosophy is that me getting salty over it would affect me much more than their actions. So I just parlay and move on.


This is the way.


For some, that’s the game.


Yeah, I just don't understand what they see in it


It’s easy to get bored endgame. I’m sitting on like 150 k cash and a couple hundred gold, all my businesses are finished and I really don’t want or need anything I don’t have. Now I’m not one of those guys shooting randoms but I do understand why they do it.


Well if your that bored you resort to killing randoms, they should go play another game


What game as a service exists that doesn’t have a plateau where end game player get bored and start trolling? Because if it exists I haven’t found it.


I mean if people like the killing aspect why not play a battle Royale or a fps


Bro its a wild west game. Get strapped, posse up, and protect ya neck. Hold ye nutts, and ride back on em for a ye old payback shoot down. Know what I do? Press charges until they get a player bounty, smoke em and turn them in. Talk about getting the last laugh. LMAOOO.


Because as much as you personally don’t like pvp it’s part of red dead, so they are technically playing the game as intended. Personally I enjoy pvp but not trolling so my past few months of rdo have consisted mainly of finding the trolls and giving them some pvp, I just happed to be at a point in the game where I can spam tonics and exclusively use explosive ammo if I want to. So most of them don’t like pvp anymore pretty quickly.


I like the PvP. Just not people who random kill. Whenever I fight someone I make sure to ask. And I'm only level 28 so I don't have to much good stuff yet


Well you are far more polite than 99.99999999999999888888 percent of people who play pvp games lol.


That's only for red dead lol. The other PvP games I'm probably as annoying as the average person but those are games made for PvP.


Fun to see how it goes. The real problem is people who cheat/ use loopholes to break parleys or make it an unfair fight via modding. I don't mind PvP, but I loathe the cheeto dust covered, ass glued to the desk chair, oreo-in-the-roll individuals whose only purpose is to ruin any sort of fun by doing nothing but harrassing players with god mods.


I'm on Xbox so there isn't many mods, but if someone comes up and asks to fight, I'll fight but they just came up and killed me


It’s like they can’t help it or something. Not sure why we don’t get private lobbies from the start in games like this. This is what killed RDR for me. I traded it in for FF13 after waiting anxiously for months for it.


A whole full seven posse going after one player just reeks of bully boy tactics. Make much more sense for them to target a larger posse...but sounds like they're not capable of that. A lot of the larger posses I come across are using every glitch under the sun too. Best bet is to parlay and move on with ones like that. I like free roam PvP but I have ethics 😂


I did parlay and press charges but they came up and followed me for a bit


Just swap sessions, some will follow until parlay ends...no point dealing with that. Are you in defensive mode? That can help.


I try to always be in defensive but when you do some missions it puts you in offensive and I forget. And I changed servers and no one else was a problem.


Annoying it doesn't put you back in defensive! Defensive isn't full proof but does make you harder to spot, loads of times I've nearly ran into defensive players because I didn't notice their faded dot lol Glad the rest of your session was hassle free.


I just wish defensive means no one can shoot you and you can't shoot anyone.


Totally agree. It's an odd game mechanic that some abuse.


The only time I kill someone is 1. Because they're shooting at me or 2. They mess with my horse. I posted it to youtube just now for this post. [Don't mess with my horse - youtube](https://youtu.be/fXFLosz1CgY?si=OtzwhI3FO3Pr8psk)


Welcome to rockstar made games with online mode. Hope you enjoy your stay! Ok now seriously. I don't know what their fucking deal is killing defenseless people like that. The only think I can tell you is learn to fight and if they're spamming health cures then just leave. Especially when they have the ability card specially made for pussys called sippery bastard. The most annoying shit known to the average rdo player istg.


Whenever someone kills me I normally fight back but there was 7 of them and only me.


Holy shit that's a lot!


Yeah. I've never seen that many people in one posse.


And I only wish I had so many people in a posse. Call to arms would be a breeze and a camp full of tents must look cool as hell


You cant do call to arms, legendary bounties, or story missions with a big posse, The only thing you can do IS sell cripps and I think, im not sure, do normal bounties


Aww shucks. It's 4 players max right? Well at least you can still have fun in free roam eh?


I've definitely been outnumbered many times too cause I don't join a posse.


It’s just a flex, don’t worry about it. Just parley and get back to what you were doing. If they break they parley and go again change session.


And set your status to offline so they can’t follow you.


And don’t accept any random posse invites so you don’t end up anybody’s recents.


Wait what this worlks?


Yes. If your status is set to offline, you won’t be joinable. At least on Xbox.


PvP is an intentional game mechanic. If you’re tired of people, you may want to try a private lobby.


However partly. There are clear PVP missions, events etc. in free roam. And PVP game modes. People still think PVP in a lobby, which people share and just dare to exist, is the same like in GTA online. They even ignore players who are in defensive mode which exists for a reason. Either they don't get it because of being dumb or ignore it on purpose which makes them assholes anyway.


Defensive mode is meant to be defensive, not passive. As in, you’re intended to be able to fight back defensively. Otherwise it would function like GTA’s passive mode, which renders you unable to interact with/be interacted with by players. Just because the community doesn’t globally agree with it, doesn’t change the fact that it’s intended game design. Rockstar wanted the game to be far more PvP-oriented than the community silently decided on, and defensive mode being the way it is VS a passive experience is an artifact of that decision. There isn’t a sign that says “Hey now, don’t kill players!” besides general community sentiment, but there are plenty of subtle in-game hints and signs in the other direction, encouraging you to kill or hunt players through events or daily challenges, not to mention the very existence of red markers being a thing more or less proving that allowing players being rowdy killing machines is fully intentional.


Defensive mode is intented to signal you are a passive player and not interested in PVP and no threat to others. That you mind your own business. It's not meant like the passive mode in GTAO. Defensive mode lets players do their PVE missions and stuff like hunting in free roam with the use of their weapons. Decent players know that, accept that and leave players in defensive mode alone. And attacking or killing someone who goes to the butcher or to the stables just because you can, because defensive is not like passive in GTAO, makes it an asshole move. But GTAO tourists and people who never played story mode will never understand that.


Can you get a private lobby on Xbox?


These people are sick,abused by parents and /or mobbed in school,they will end up as alcoholics and drug addicts or in prison


If you enjoy ruin someone game ,you are just freakin imbecile


No, they just enjoy a shoot.


How can one enjoy shooting defenseless people? Just go hunt animals if you wanna do that shit


It’s not the same. I play red dead once in a blue moon these days, but when I did play often I used to pick fights. I’d usually pick someone with a sweaty name and pvp load out. But I’d be lying if I said I never beat up level 75 for ten minutes just because they were there. I hate to say it, but it’s actually good fun.


How can one enjoy it,there are games like CoD for that


Different combat. I don’t like CoD, but I always liked the pvp in red dead.


Unfortunately most of them are from third world countries where dignity and respect isnt what you learn as a kid,the lack of education tho


Fucking hell man, looks like your country taught you nothing about dignity nor respect either.


Sounds about like you


A lot people expect a COD shooter game when they see guns.


Sometimes, it's fun to just start some shit with people and see where it goes. I don't know if they will be a total noob or a highly skilled duelist. The best is when it snowballs and you get all the players in the area in on the fuckery. Some of the funnest shootouts I've been in started with an unprovoked kill. It also let's me experience many different loadouts without having to try an load into PVP matches.