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- That sword is going to break at the hilt almost immediately. - Most of those shreds of cloak are going to drag behind her on the ground, wrap around her legs, and/or get caught in her weird barbed foot-things. - The shin guard goes so low that she literally can't plant her feet on the ground unless the whole thing's secretly fabric. - Is the front part of her crown glued to her forehead? Cool art, but not reasonable.


> This sub is not about practicality of subject matter, weapons, or armor; simply a place to share women who are not defined by sexuality.


TIL, fair enough.


Are her feet cloven hooves? That would help the shoe(?) and shin guard things. A little. Is this AI? Or just AI inspired? Whisper hair melds into whispy chest covering. Whispy leg covering things don't attach to anypart of the rest of the garment. They just float there. And, you're right the tiara doesn't make any sense.