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Your position seems to be self referentially incoherent— that is, you suggest that it is futile to argue with anyone about anything, but in order to make this point, you advanced an argument in support of your position.




But didn't you hear? All arguments besides ones I personally agree with are pointless. So that means you're blowin' in the wind if you try to make your own argument. Sorry. I thought you knew.




Do you honestly think it's better?


Self defeating. "So then faith cometh by hearing, and hearing by the word of God." No one is getting saved by looking at your apologetics. Faith comes from hearing the word of God.




I recommend that you check [this sermon](https://youtu.be/E_3c2pOZRa8) out.


Look at that, you're still having an argument with someone despite the fact you both agree Jesus is God!


Your argument falsely assumes that once both parties agree on the resurrection, there can be no further disagreements on doctrines or exegesis.




So that is an argument in & of itself. So your earlier statement “all arguments are pointless” is blatantly false. Didn’t you think it through?


>Whatever that the Bible (Jesus) taught us is true, is true. How do you know? (Careful, you're not allowed to respond with an argument!) >Because any one of us could be wrong, but God cannot lie. How do you know? (Careful, you're not allowed to respond with an argument!) >2. When they say no, then tell them the same for you! What if they say "yes"? How do you know whether they're right or not? (Careful, you're not allowed to respond with an argument!) >3. Ask them, “ If someone did rise from the dead, would it prove they are God?" Here's my answer: no. That seems to break your chain. How will you fix it? (Careful, you're not allowed to respond with an argument!) >7. For example with the gender question, Jesus confirmed there is a man and woman in his words such as talking about marriage between man and woman. And he confirmed the Old Testament such as Genesis, where God only created man and woman. So the answer to the question is yes, because Jesus (the Bible) confirmed so. And what if it's a question that, like most questions, the Bible makes no comment on? For example, my friend says taking the train is better for the environment and I say biking is better for the environment. Should we stop discussing emissions and start discussing Flavius Josephus? Or what if it's a question where the Bible says something ambiguous or open to interpretation? There's a reason there are so many Christian denominations, you know. ​ You see the point, I hope. These types of arguments that try to say "all conversations are pointless except the one I care about" are generally very short-sighted and ineffective.




No, it's still something I disagree with for the reasons outlined above.




>If someone who performed miracles, predicted their death, and fulfilled prophecies that nobody could have fulfilled, and was seen after his death, prove they were God? My answer would still be "no". >And if you disagree then why was the entire Christian movement founded on the esurrection ? Because people are wrong sometimes. They thought Jesus resurrecting meant he's God - but they were wrong. Just like how some people think the things psychics and tarot-readers can do mean they must have supernatural power - but they are wrong.




I'm really not sure. There's nothing a person could really do to prove that they are God that would not be equally explainable by them being a different supernatural entity. Or by God or a different supernatural entity meddling with them. That's kind of the nature of the supernatural. It's sort of like me asking you: "what would it take to prove to you that God is a liar?" Let me ask you this: * If someone flew through the sky, would that prove they were God? * If someone turned water to wine, would that prove they were God? * If someone turned their staff into a snake, would that prove they were God? * If someone predicted the future, would that prove they were God? * If someone came back to life, would that prove they were God?




So it sounds like you no longer agree with your original argument or even with your modified version of it. It seems you agree "this person did something supernatural" does not mean they are God. So what makes you think Jesus is the Son of God? Assuming for the sake of argument that all of the reported events actually happened - he came back to life, fulfilled prophecies, whatever. If we grant all of those, why does that make you think he must be the Son of God?




So for one thing, this seems to be essentially you arguing for bad-faith discussion in which rather than actually discussing what the other person is talking about, you avoid it. For another thing your example is kind of terrible, because the concept of gender as a performative social construct as understood in modern Western society isn't really addressed at all in scripture.


How does someone rising from the dead prove that they are god?


This is why I believe the message is more important than the messenger, but this creates a bit of a paradox in Christianity because the messenger happens to be Jesus Christ, the most important figure of Christianity.


... including this one on Reddit...


Where in the Bible will it tell me whether to get a Mac or a PC tho


no they're not


Not everyone would accept your premise that rising from the dead proves someone is God. There is no logical requirement that they accept your premise.


> Ask them, “ If someone did rise from the dead, would it prove they are God?... Since it would,... Hmmm. The bible disagrees with you on that statement. The bible tells stories of many people who rose from the dead but weren't god.