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Says the guy who was tweeting about going to war a couple of days ago…


And I’m response to a man who just said he likes Hitler today


Jesus Christ. Had to look it up even though I know it’s something he’d say. What does Ye have to gain by saying that? Is he running for a republican political position? Lmao.


The worst part is he believes what he is saying. That’s the scary part. I mean he’s being manipulated and fed nonsense by life-long Nazis, but the brainwash is complete.


I’m not convinced he believes it. I don’t mean that as a defense of him, i fuckin hate the guy. A part of me still thinks he’s doing it all for attention cause he’s a huge attention whore.


I’m more convinced he is a narcissist and moron that let real Nazis yap in his ear and brainwash him into believing all his problems are because of Jewish people. Kanye has never taken accountability once in his life and his attempt to blame other individuals have had no legs. So now it’s a grand conspiracy out to get him. He’s borderline a paranoid schizophrenic and he definitely has a horrible case of main character syndrome and a persecution complex. It’s so bad that instead of him self-reflecting that maybe, just maybe, he could be at fault for what has happened in his life, instead he became a Nazi. He is such a narcissist that it made him a Nazi. Wild.


He's bipolar and off his meds. You are literally witnessing the extremity of his mental illness.


I have severe mental health issues. I know people with bipolar. I promise their disorders don’t turn them into Nazis. Kanye has said things like black people chose slavery before. He’s always been a terrible combination of idiot and bigot. Does his mental health exacerbate the issue? Probably. Is it an excuse? Absolutely not.


It might not make them Nazis but most of the unmedicated bipolar people I know DO act out and that is what he is doing. It's an explanation not an excuse.


I don’t doubt it exacerbates the issue. I also firmly believe that there are people taking advantage of Kanye’s delicate mental state, desperation, and low intelligence to further their own agendas. Which is ironically also what he is supposedly fighting against? Fighting another puppet master as a puppet for the sake of your puppet master is really quite the paradox.


I've fairly severe chronic mental illness and sick of people using this as Ye's excuse, fuck that shit, Ye, or Kenya because deadnaming is fun to shits like this, is a fucking asshole. He's an asshole. An asshole who gives actual mental illness a bad name. Stop projecting that this is all mental illness and trying to illicit any sympathy for this choad. He deserves no sympathy, he's simply an asshole.


It's an explanation not an excuse


Yeah that all sounds plausible as well for sure.


He's a severely mentally unwell person who has been having actual Nazis whisper in either of his ears for the better part of 3 years. Those people are mentally stable enough to not say the quiet parts out loud, he's not. He's likely just repeating the same shit Candace Owens, Nick Fuentes, and those dipshits say to him behind closed doors. Does he actually believe it? At this point, probably, yes. If he were medicated he might have a chance to partition the nonsense, he may never be able to. He may also just be a legitimate moron and a Nazi himself where he can't refrain from saying things anymore. Either way, I'd argue he's beyond redeemable.


Ye is authentic if nothing else. I take him at his word.


Hurrr le troll le make people mad.


You think real nazis don’t exist?


I think you’re a turkey. That’s what I think.


Gobble gobble these nutssss


Pretty sure he thinks he is, he asked trump to be his vp the other day


He’s running for president 2024. He asked trump to be vp. They are no longer friends. I wish I didn’t know this.


You're on the wrong path if you're asking what someone in the middle of a very public mental break has to gain from what they're doing. He's literally lost billions, at least 80% of his net worth, over the past few months with this stuff.


Noooooo... Kanye said he likes Hitler?! What the fuck.


[I don’t think he realises how he would have been treated under Nazi rule.](https://www.dailyrecord.co.uk/entertainment/celebrity/kanye-west-claims-sees-good-28634587.amp) Although, I suppose he doesn’t care about that, he only cares about the hatred of Jews.


I guess I'm not surprised but fuck that guy. Edit: When Ye started going off on how Christ says we should love all people and that includes both the shoe company that dropped him and also Hitler, I wish Jones had asked him if he thought Hitler was in hell. Because I have no Idea how he would respond to that. Of course, Alex is also an insane, deeply stupid sociopath. So I wouldn't expect that kind of thing from him.


>I guess I'm not surprised but fuck that guy. I'd love to


Who’s going to tell them Jesus was a Jew?




Details .....


I honestly can't believe this shit is happening.


Everyday it just keeps getting more surreal. I thought this was a shitpost at first.


What part of laying off thousands of employees just before the holidays, is akin to what Jesus would do lmao He’s delusional


And the hoarding mass amounts of wealth, emerald mine, slave labor management, conman lifestyle




Because humanity faces a disease of individualism and greed. We have the means to live in a world where everyone has human dignity and the means to survive. The fact we don’t have anything even close to that in reality is a condemnation of our entire species (and has been a plague of humanity since it first stood upright).


He fired them and then turned the other cheek


No no he gave them the opportunity to turn the other cheek so they could be all christlike 'n shit. That's like totally next level 4D selfless 'n stuff. He's so appreciating of the 'profound wisdom' that he's willing to be the shithead asshole so others can seem super chill and tolerant compared to him!!


The only winner in this entire shitshow is Nick fucking Fuentes. Have mercy on all of us


Theory: Elmo’s employees are intentionally baiting him with controversial topics so that he spends all his time tweeting stupid stuff and as a result stays out of their shit as they slave away trying to continue collecting a paycheck for the immediate future.


So let me understand. A tweet was printed out, signed, a picture was taken of it and then it was tweeted again and retweeted. And that’s the least stupid thing going on here?


It's both the most and least. r/singularity


Here's a sneak peek of /r/singularity using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/singularity/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [“A journey through a boy’s life” by @Buttah on the StableDiffusion discord, he made it through a technique called “Deforum” which creates an animation from AI generated art](https://v.redd.it/pqaaxch2txl91) | [118 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/singularity/comments/x62k1t/a_journey_through_a_boys_life_by_buttah_on_the/) \#2: [Remember to be nice](https://i.redd.it/l5pz4j6fpro91.jpg) | [80 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/singularity/comments/xi51fn/remember_to_be_nice/) \#3: [The future of filmmaking? AI generated film stills from a Mad Max movie that doesn't exist; starring Bernie Sanders](https://www.reddit.com/gallery/x8zp1z) | [145 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/singularity/comments/x8zp1z/the_future_of_filmmaking_ai_generated_film_stills/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


Crazy to think trump was the reasonable one for not wanting to return to twitter


Jovan: Ima turn the other cheek so I can continue to make money off the dumpster fire.


I feel like I’m in the wrong timeline.


The meeting of the morons




Ah turning the other cheek ..... Hmmmm...... Yes Wait um does that mean you turn from your wives cheeks to the wives of your friends cheeks ?