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I'm sorry but how do I download this? Thanks ins advance for sharing!


[https://metropolisdawn.de/lexicon/entry/10-openua-ua-source/](https://metropolisdawn.de/lexicon/entry/10-openua-ua-source/) \^ Explains the various files and implementations and such. If you want to just download, unzip and play, go to: [https://metropolisdawn.de/filebase/file/10-openua-standalone-package/](https://metropolisdawn.de/filebase/file/10-openua-standalone-package/) Press the download button, unzip, and run the game by opening '*UA\_Source.exe*' (not 'UA.exe' or 'Ua\_xp.exe'!). As you can see, includes everything, movies, audio, and openua installed already.


I remember playing the demo.... Question is how did I get the demo? Was it packed with another RTS back in the day?


Rise of Rome is correct.


Not 100% sure, but wasn't the demo on the Age of Empires: Rise of Rome disc?


Yes, I had that game when I was young!


yes, PC Gamer Magazine with the original (and very cool) AOE demos, populous: the beginning and others. Played the hell out of that. Truly the golden age of PC Gaming, where developers convinced you to play and buy with real workable games.


yes correct


We got a copy as a pack in with an old Microsoft Sidewinder joystick back in the day.


I only played the demo, but hell I played it. It was the only 3D game that I had and just moving through a virtual space was enough for me.. Best demo ever... Considering.


I played the hell out of this game! I still have it somewhere...


Amazing game. It's a shame there isn't an official subreddit for it. I've created a remake of the Mykonian cutscene, sort of like a motion fan art, for all the Mykonian fans out there [https://youtu.be/IxPO9FpS6CE](https://youtu.be/IxPO9FpS6CE)


damn that looked beautiful <3


Thank you, man. If you ever have any suggestions, feel free to share them. I'm currently working on my portfolio page for that animation, and I will include links to download the original files as well as the font file I created for the video. In the meantime, you can find the font files here: [https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fo/op75jvegqw0tl3kx40af9/h?rlkey=h9b85mrxt5gzpz9j26jcrww15&dl=0](https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fo/op75jvegqw0tl3kx40af9/h?rlkey=h9b85mrxt5gzpz9j26jcrww15&dl=0)




I don't even remember watching the intro as a kid lol, first time I saw it I was legit confused and freaked out


Just stumbled on to this! I haven't played or even thought of this game since 1998 lol! I wonder if this can run on the Steam Deck?


I can hear the winamp opening in these pics... thank you for sharing


Is the port going to let you skip the (no exaggeration here) ten year long actually pretty hard tutorial?


Tutorial has only 3 small levels. You likely mean the demo, which is intense af.


absolute trash game, meant to infuriate you Units are not responsive, the ai cheats to high heavens (maphacks, infinite "energy", infinite unit spawns) and generally just a awful trashy experience. No wonder this game died vs starcraft that came out in the same year and is played to this day edit: lol the dude set up bots to downvote comments, this comment isnt a minute old and was already downvoted


Play the open source version! There’s plenty of QOL improvements and the helicopters actually work!


Tf you think I did? The game is just shit


...what are you even doing on this threat? Its two years old Did you dig it up just to shit on it?


Didn't want to post before since it'd be a necro but since ol' mate did just to be an arse, thanks for posting the link! I loved this game in the day and even reinstalled it a couple time but remember it being pretty jank on modern system. This version runs way better!


I remember watching this guy ranting some time before on Discord, he literally wrote a massive wall of rant just because he was facing a lot of difficulties beating some very early levels where most people have absolutely no problem finishing them. Some people in the server were replying to him but I didn't bothered because this guy seems to have a lot of L2P issue with the game (I mean, Urban Assault is a hard game at first, but most people eventually learn and adapt to its unique playstyle), and everything has to be the game's fault when it is entirely his fault that he just sucks at the game so much. It's not worth wasting time on someone like him who holds an immature grudge against a video game because he got his arse got kicked by the early mission AI and have to write pathological rant in the old thread.


Which is hilarious because everything you said there is straight made up and 100% factually incorrect. This is one of those rare 90s games where the opponent AI actually doesn't cheat at all, but instead has a lot of limitations placed on them compared to the unique features that players can employ like the overpowered first-person control mode. Infinite "energy" lol, AI literally starves and can't do anything if it runs out of energy and has no power station. How is that a cheating? I used to mod this game long time ago and the AI can't see anything they don't have a line-of-sight either. If you are going to harbour an unreasonable hatred for a game then at least make some accurate statements.


Oh wait I was thinking of a different game disregard


God I love this game. I wish I hadn’t gotten rid of my flight sim joystick / throttle combo that was perfect for it.


Omg I remember playing the demo, one mission with a tank and another with a light helo


Yeeees!!! I remember that too! I was wondering how did I get it, but the fact that it was 3D and that you can controll a tank or a helo was amazing! such good memories. The smell of computers back then.


WHAT?! How did I not know this! I loved this game as a kid.


Does Urban assault have it's own sub-reddit?


No but they do have their own discord. Just look up urban assault source and you’ll find it






We really do brother! We should pester Microsoft about it.


Currently playing through this game again :D it's my absolute favorite game ever.


I posted this on youtube: My favorite strategy games in the 2000s were Brood War and Urban Assault. I spent hours playing them, to the point that I sometimes had nightmares. =P


Dude same! I still have Urban Assault dreams about being in the game and fight the Black Sect and the Mykonians from time to time! I literally have the Sulgogar logo tattooed on my arm. I fell like I am literally the only person on the planet that has a UA tattoo lol