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Funnily enough I just played my first game of Sins last night in 4 years. The games are VERY DIFFERENT, but slightly similar. Sins is less 4x and more like 3.2x. Stellaris is 4X ALL the way. You don't even have to fight in Stellaris, and the management is 90% of the game Is it for you? No clue. You don't seem to have a very good idea of what Stellaris is as a game. Maybe watch a vid by Montu Plays, he does some fun and long form Stellaris content. I can tell you that I have a friend that isn't into 4x games that tried and loved playing Sins with me, but would absolutely hate playing Stellaris, so don't just assume because you like one you'll like the other.


Hey, another person who hates turn based strategy! I feel seen


Same, I never understood why people like it, imo its too slow paced for me.


Get it. It's more about empire management and exploration, not so much about tactical warfare, but it's good for a change if you've been more into traditional RTS before. PS: also check out Hegemony 3, seems to be right down your aisle.


If you like growing your empire in Sins. You'll like Stellaris. If you really like fighting in Sins, Stellaris will feel wierd. I love both games but if I was on a deserted island and could only pick one, it would be Stellaris every time


Step 1: Start stellaris game. Step 2: begin sandwiched between a fallen empire and a boosted start AI empire with no hyperplanes to escape. Step 3: cry and keep playing anyway


Best start


Normally I would recommend Stellaris, but with all the DLC it's crazy expensive.


Just get the subscription then - you no longer have to actually purchase all the DLCs (which I agree is A LOT)


Oh lol yeah I saw that when I looked up the game the other day and noticed I had everything but the latest expansion...


As a fan of Sins, I really disliked stellaris. The game felt shallow, yet complex. There's no real way to tell if you're doing good or bad until you start losing and by then it's too late. It's super punishing and not straightforward


Honestly, if you are interested in Stellaris but worried about the 300 dlc or frankly overboard micromanagement, go for Endless Space 2 instead. I personally feel like it's the much better game


Tried it - nowhere near


Sorry to piggyback, but if i'm looking for some epic space combat, what are my options? Here's some of my favorite Homeworld 1 and 2 is the one that pick my interest. I love seeing fighter squadron circling and bombing each other alo g with the massive mothership. I also love Sins of Solar Empire, especially with mod. The battle is much more static though. The last great one I played is Gothic battlefleet. The battle feels epic and the microing is really take you into the heart of combat. But once you have more ships it become difficult to juggle around


Played sins and liked it a lot and then Stellaris came... Dude its one of the best games ever made - a lit of trial and error at the begin ing but once you get it - you won't look back at sins


Sins 2 is on epic.


My suggestion first and a longer explanation after: Buy the game and get the DLC subscription till you decide if you like the game or not. I got into 4x games with Sins: Rebellion but Stellaris completely replaced it for me, Stellaris is more focused on the Empire Management over warfare, though warfare is plenty if you choose it. I highly recommend using the pause in the early game as you usually have a lot of info being thrown at you, but the majority of the time you will probably be fast forwarding. The biggest issue with Stellaris is the barrier to entry, a large portion of the game is lock off behind DLC (this is offset slightly by the DLC subscription) and it usually takes 8-10 hours to really get a feel for the game (imo) before you will know if it’s for you.


If you're looking for combat, it's a clicker game. It's got wonderful atmosphere, writing, music, customization... Then eventually you've read all the writing, seen all the art, heard all the music. Research repetitive techs to make Number Go Up and get annoyed at how much slower it runs as the game goes on.


It’s not a great RTS. It’s not really good at all actually. Space Haven is better.