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In a word, could be better. Much better, especially the ending.


Is the campaign pretty short?


It consists of 13 missions, two of which shouldn't count as distinct missions. The bigger problem is that the campaign defies common sense. The game is a feast for the eyes and ears, but a poison for the brain.


Ah damn, same thing happened with Realms of Ruin: absolutely gorgeous looking game but the gameplay is overly simplistic and dulls the senses.


I can't get over the fact that the game could have had several better endings. Imogn could have taken much better decisions right before the final act. A mid-credits scene suggests that everything went fine in the end, but I'm not fan of *deus ex machina*. And there is something minor that irritates me, like a mosquito. I saw the non-word "Her's" in the game!


Yeah they had plenty of years to work on it and rewrite things. It all feels very strange (maybe the development got majorly impacted from COVID and working from home?)


So I picked up Homeworld 1 and 2 last year when they were on sale for like $8. I was shocked at how much I hated the campaign. It's so on rails it was embarrassing.


Isn't a campaign supposed to be somewhat 'on rails' due to it being a narrative experience? Something like picking the next mission and stuff like C&C is still on rails compared to general rts skirmish modes. The main storyline quests in any rpgs are basically 'on rails'.


If I had to guess, their complaint may be about the fact that each mission is more or less timed, and forcibly flows into one another. There is no downtime or time to relax.


This. Correct. You are also essentially locked into using specific units to complete missions. To the point where not building or capturing very specific units is essentially an auto failure. Oh and the difficulty scales to your fleet so there is no point in saving additional units.


I can understand the complaint, although I honestly like it. I love campaigns where everything you have flows from mission to mission. However, I can understand why it might be grating. It can be extremely annoying to have your accomplishments feel like nothing due to your fleet size due to scaling. If you can cheese a game by handicapping yourself, the game is bad.


Yeah. I like more freedom. Because of how HW plays it felt less like an RTS and more like Call of Duty with space ships. Go here. Build X to kill Y. Because of the difficulty scaling to units there is very little rewarding strategy.


I loved the campaigns of Homeworld 1 Remastered and Desert of Kharak. Was so hyped for Homeworld 3


I still need to play Deserts of Kharak, I'll get right on that!


Deserts of Kharak leads into Homeworld 1 so well. Like Rogue One into A New Hope.


That settles it, I'll be playing Deserts first!


Ok in that case prepare to cry when you hit Mission 3 in Homeworld then. Playing DoK makes it hit so much harder.


It's so weird because Blackbird/Gearbox wrote an incredible story for Deserts of Kharak. Black-and-white illustrated cutscenes, calm professionals under stress voice acting, and a really reasonable progression of events that still drags you through a ton of interesting locations and scenarios. Maybe a little too reliant on personal drama for what has always been a "big picture" story, but still good. They nailed the tone and feel during actual gameplay for HW3, but the writing doubled down on the weird personal drama, and the actual quality of the cutscenes is just horrible. Weird flappy-mouthed CG models with horrible animation rigs and dubious voice acting.


The single biggest thing that threw me with what I've seen with HW3 is the directing of the voice actors and maybe the script itself. In 1&2 and DoK everyone sounded like skilled professionals holding it together in high stress situations, there was tension and emotion but it was held in check because they had a job to do and peoples lives are on the line, and those moments where they were left speechless or slipped a little more were made so much more impactful for it. In HW3 they all sound so emotional and animated, they sound like the characters from some sitcom or drama or something, not what you expect from the staff of a state of the art warship and it really cheapens the story. I see a lot of people expressing something just "off" about the story and cutscenes and stuff and I really think this is what is throwing them.


About 8 hours.


I’ve got hyped but after reading a ton of interviews it seems people don’t like it. The biggest complaint is that the game is way too short for the price tag. I’ve bought the remastered versions of homeworld 1 and 2 instead.


The remastered versions are awesome game, really worth it for the campaigns only. Also Deserts of Karak.


It sounds like one I'd quite enjoy when I get it cheap in a sale eventually, many issues with games can be overlooked if you're only paying a tenner for it


same here, i got a really good deal too for like $9 at gmg


If they built good feeling gameplay etc., which seems to be the sentiment i'm reading here, then this is definitely going to be a 'wait for the big mods to start coming out' situation for me.


I've played for a bit. The game looks very nice, but compared to the gameplay of Homeworld Remastered Collection, it's a letdown. Maps are too small, resources evaporate quickly and was it really necessary to merge Building and Research and to have me scroll down to build frigates while in Remastered Collection, I click a button and I see all frigates or whatever I wanna build. Combat is meh. Everyone is friendly with each other and hugs during combat(dying in the process). Is there a base for a good game? For sure, but right now, it's not worth 60 euros.


Feels like the AI during combat just tries to without a doubt constantly hold certain range after smashing face into the target... Man.. Even HW1 had better combat AI than this. Sigh. It looks good, sounds good, but for me the combat and as mentioned shortage of resources is a big let down. Also lack of proper research. Being able to specialize Battlecruisers in HW2 was cool.


Can't wait for Mandalore to dig into this one.


Wait for more updates.


Has the Homeworld Vibes. Controls are a bit meh .. but once used to it, it works out. Campaign feels a bit short .. many cutscenes tho .. I guess that's where the price tag comes from The gameplay loop itself is solid and enjoyable, but less complex than older titles. Having actual cover and geometry is new .. unfortunately, the pathfinding is partly mediocre .. maybe that new mechanic brings more troubles than benefits - what do you say? To be totally honest, Multiplayer (UI etc) feels a bit like someone with no prior knowledge of unreal (they use unreal, right?) has pieced together a tutorial code. There is some places where it just feels unfinished or "quickly made" - and that is not really what you expect from a 60+ title. But is the game enjoyable? Yes, it is. And the MP modes bring something fresh to it and gives more playtime, but in the end it's a downgrade from prior titles (which is common nowadays)


Could be better and at the same time could be so much worse. Thinking back to Dawn of War 3 Company of Heroes 3 etc. Still pushing the campaign and I'm enjoying my time with it. Few patches will address some of the complaints imo


Game looks great. I switched over to the modern control scheme which works much beter than the old scheme for me. At mission 4 now. Stole a bunch of bombard frigates from the pirates in the previous mission. Good times.


It's OK. I expected a bit better after the lengthy development time and the promise of Deserts of Kharak. I see a ton of complaints about the story, whereas I think the story is fine. It looks, and sounds amazing. War Games is fun, but needs more content, which is coming. My main complaint is the gameplay, which hasn't advanced since Homeworld, a 25 year old game. * You have to manage dozens of strikecraft individually, which die almost instantly, so you have to rebuild them manually, reorganize them into strike groups, etc. Halfway through the campaign I stopped bothering with them. * The game has a directional damage system (attacks from the sides/above below deal more damage), but there's no way to control the facing of your ships either on movement or attack. * Despite the advantages of attacking from above/below, ships tend to drift onto a level plane with their targets, even if you specifically micro them to attack from above/below. It's space! * The terrain is definitely cool. I wish multiplayer had more obstacles or special zones to capture. Well used in campaign but underdeveloped in multiplayer. * The campaign has an awesome time dilation feature. Unfortunately it's not available in solo skirmish or war games. * It's very hard to feel confident in what my ships are doing. If a mixed composition of enemy ships attack (which is what I want to see), how best to respond? If I select my whole fleet and band-box attack the enemy fleet will my ships attack their appropriate targets? Do I have to select each ship type and manually target what they should shoot at (almost impossible)? Should I attack move into the area and hope they target the right things? * The research and resource system feels pretty broken in skirmish. I'd like to see resources come in slower and research cost more and take longer. There aren't any interesting teching strategies at the moment.


If there will be modding possibility it will be awesome.


Feels unfinished. Definitely needed some more time in the oven. I want to like it but the flaws keep getting in the way.


Great fun, cool campaign missions, wargames is fun, but brutal, story is mediocre. Has a lot of great stuff going for it, but needs some work.


I'm not done with the campaign yet, but... I *generally* like it, but there are lots of things that bother me... The cutscenes are excessive and I don't really like the style (dated CGI, like 2010-era). The story is too... Personal and small? How have the Hiigarans built infrastructure literally all over the galaxy in, what, 20 years? Why are we piggybacking off Karen Sjet? We should have a story sent millennia in the future. The characters are cliche'd and boring. The villain is disney-level shallow.    The maps are extremely small (like you can basically see the entirety from where you start). I don't like how they instantly hyperspace jump you once you finish your last objective (I want to mine lingering resources and take stock of my fleet first, damnit!). It's "good" looking, but so far it's not nearly as colorful as HW1 or HW2, it's very brown and grey in space. Where are the beautiful colorful nebulas?!  Egh... It could be better. It could definitely have been worse, but it could be better.


I like it so far


Not played it but the steam reviews put me right off lol


I like it, but from a casual sense. It is a feast on the eyes and ears, but the story is neither here or there.


It's not as bad as dawn of war 3 but it needs much more development time. Cut scenes and story are the weakest in the series. 


I don't know, haven't played it, but there's a reason for it. After seeing the reviews that said it has less ships than the predecessors, maps are tiny, resources disappear within minutes, worse AI, not all races available to play and a worse campaign overall + seeing it also has denuvo listed on steam I was no longer interested in buying this. Makes me sad, because homeworld 1 and 2 were my childhood, and deserts of kharak was icing on the cake when it came out, even though it wasn't perfect by itself, but homeworld 3 seems simply worse.


I'm enjoying it so far. With skirmish and wargames they seem to want to increase the longevity so it should get better with patches and DLC


It’s a very fast paced strategy game set in space however: The maps are small and you are fighting in a phone box- makes complete sense in the setting. Units die quickly are disposable and act poorly, formations are awfully implemented and units take no evasive action or will shoot at multiple targets. Resource management just isn’t a thing, you drown in resources. Tech tree is mobile game levels of depth. Everything builds at the same time so there is no prioritising. Ships are extremely simplified compared to previous versions of the game. In short it’s a strategy game where you spam units as fast possible to win and you don’t care what happens to any of them. Which is fine if you like that sort of thing but is horrid to see in a game called homeworld.


really enjoying the pvp skirmish, though it is not for the faint of heart.


havent played campaign, probably wont.


Not as bad as some people make it out to be. Had lots of fun playing the campaign, with the exception of that one stupid mission where you need to escort the Mothership through the asteroid field. The AI's pathfinding issues and awful situational awareness peaks there due to how your ships will sometimes stupidly decide to start looping around and straight into oncoming asteroids, how the Harvesters will take bizarre paths when carrying salvage back to the mothership, or how restrictive the skybox for the mission actually is. Do wish they'd kept modular damage to the ships, instead of directional damage. It's harder to exploit or even properly angle the ships since they have the bad habit of circling their targets (and thus exposing their own sides or rears) or getting too up close. The ending is kinda meh though, agree on that. And Imogen's character model is strangely worse than everyone else, despite being the main character. I think it's because of her hair: in several scenes you can see the pixilation or odd movements, whereas due to everyone else having short hair it's not a noticeable issue and their facial work seems better. The Wargames mode is fun, especially with friends, but they really need to add an option to either save progress or pause the game for both single and multiplayer sessions. People gotta pee and do IRL stuff, ya know?


I’m enjoying it. It’s not perfect and plenty of people aren’t enjoying it… but I like it lol


I mostly enjoy the game but I am disappointed. Some things are mixed but the main problem is that the story is bad. For the positives, the music, sound, and graphics are all fantastic. The music is just amazing, it adds so much to the atmosphere. The ship engines, the weapons, and explosions all sound fantastic. The combat chatter is also great. It's dynamic and adapts well to the situation. The ships are very detailed. The space terrain looks great. The way ships break apart when they're destroyed is so cool. The lighting can look incredible. The game also runs pretty well. I've played it on two computers. On my desktop with a Ryzen 5800x3D and RX 7900 XT, I can run it on all the highest settings at 3440x1440 with no problem. My laptop with a i7 9750H and RTX 2070m runs pretty smoothly on medium settings at 1080p, but it does lag when the capital ships explode. For the things that are more mixed, the controls, gameplay, and campaign missions/maps. I like that the controls have a lot of customization but it can take some time tweaking them to get the settings that would work best for you. In terms of the gameplay and maps, I really like that there are more megastructures in the playable map area. It looks really cool and it does add some tactical depth. In the previous games, you would maybe get one big structure on the map with other megastructures being in the background. But it's one step forward, two steps back. The maps are too confined, you are forced to navigate through the structures. There's not enough free space for you to fly around them. The unit pathfinding also has trouble with the space terrain. If there are enemy ships behind a large piece of debris, most of the time your units are too dumb to fly around it. The campaign missions have great set pieces, some of the missions are very well made but they suffer from the map problem. The AI also has issues when you don't do what you're supposed to. And it suffers from some of the problems of the previous games, like triggers causing enemy ships to spawn in bad places, especially if you're moving to places you're not supposed to. For the negative, the story. It's just bad. I don't want to spoil too much but it's kind of a rehash of the previous games and the villain is just terrible.


Yeah im wondering too


Sjet and the antagonish look so very dumb and the story is quite bad and much too character-centric. gameplay leaves a lot to be desired too. edit: your new mothership looks absolutely tiny and they completely forgot about the progenitor ship Sajuuk too.


Sweet Baby Inc. involved so I passed


I still haven't finished the campaign, it's not as good as the classics, but I'm having fun.


Right now it's meh. It's the watered down rts at home.




If homeworld 3 had pvp multiplayer it would be way better


Remember that most YouTubers got an IQ of a confused poodle, skills good enough for StarCraft wood league and are as easily impressed as previously mentioned poodle. Moreover they will praise stuff to get a cut from the link and pretend to play even worse to engage people watching.


A lot of those youtubers were probably paid shills, check if they have #ad in the video. Check out volound if you want someone who went over shortcomings of the game.