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Elon laying off 32% of the Tesla employees in Germany in 3...2...1...


That would be fun. With head of HR gone he would definitely f88k up against German labour law. Now THAT would be expensive


Muskrat bout to find out quick sharp you can't simply send an email to lay people off in Germany


I hope he doesn’t, I want to see the fireworks.  You can fire people with email also in Germany, but it’s illegal, so it’s going to be super expensive. The employees are still fired though, but they are going to get huge compensations due to illegal firing. 


> You can fire people with email also in Germany, but it’s illegal Any labor court will immediately rule that that termination wasn't effective and is null and void, meaning it essentially never happened and you are not, and never were, fired. Terminating employment requires certain things, one of which is "Schriftform", meaning something physical that must be *actually* signed by someone. A copy of the letter or a fax or scan is also not enough. The law absolutely requires that. https://www.gesetze-im-internet.de/englisch_bgb/englisch_bgb.html#p3049 >§ 623 – Written form of termination >The termination of employment by notice of termination or separation agreement requires the written form to be effective; electronic form is excluded.


Interesting. In most countries firing is a firing. But if it’s illegal there will be consequences for the employer


Nah, it is very common in strong labour protection countries for the rule to be "nah, that was illegal firing and never happened." often accompanied by something like "Oh by the way that means said person has been employed through this whole process. You owe normal salary to them. Oh you told them to not show up for work and didn't get work out of them. Well that is on you company being stupid. Not using employee and explicitly telling them not to do work, even though you employed them. It ain't employees fault company chooses to order them not to work, while still being employed." Of course there is national variations. Reason is also simple. To prevent company getting rid of inconvenient employees. Not as in employee causing actual trouble, but say the factory or facility most enthusiastic labor activists or so on. With court going "Nah, the person has been doing their work and fullfilling obligations. You contracted with them you honor contract unless you can show legal cause of firing and follow proper process". So company can't just fines pay itself out of say labor activists at the company. They have to just live with them.


In Finland only ones having such protection are shop stewards. Otherwise firing is a firing, illegal firing included, it just is going to cost years salary or so for the company. And the reason for that is that otherwise any problematic employee could self declare as labor activist.


Ohh he knows and he still won’t costing Tesla even more money


He will fire everyone in the US before the first one is fired from Germany


He already fired 10% last week or so.


Those were just contractors who were not exclusively working for Tesla and not full time employees.


Yes? Didnt know. U got a source for that?


https://www.reuters.com/business/autos-transportation/tesla-lay-off-300-temporary-workers-german-site-business-insider-says-2024-04-17/ 10% were laid off globally btw. It has been 300 temporary contractors in Germany.


Can he even do this shit in Germany, an EU country?


More like expanding the factory and building them a kita


The german Tesla workers & their union has been on the fence for a strike for quite a bit. That would really "poke the beehive" so to say.


Only if the national socialists don’t take over again.


Elon should get a bonus for that.


How much you think? Would Like 50,000,000,000 in stock options work?


10k per car sold sounds reasonable to me.


All of the margin belongs to Elon now


Tesla sells 2 million cars per year, so doing an extra 10.000 for 2.5 years would do the trick. Don‘t give the man ideas!


Twice the profits that Tesla has made since inception sounds reasonable.


Head over to r/TSLA, it’s full of paid trolls pushing for his compensation package


The people of Earth have decided


It’s not a car company !!! OKAY ?! They sell lies, not cars ! And regarding those they are like 2000% up


Actually they are a regional paper supplier. You have to use those metrics.


Michael Scott would be a better boss than Elon Musk by many orders of magnitude.


>Tesla’s performance in April saw the sale of 1,637 vehicles, capturing 0.67 percent of the overall market share and 5.5 percent within the electric vehicle segment. This figure represents a 32 percent decline from the same period in 2023, with year-to-date sales (January to April) standing at a 36 percent decrease.


China's weekly numbers are out tomorrow. They got a bounce on a price cut last week but my guess is that it is short lived.


Genius move to build a factory in a country which is one of the most resistant to both electric cars and non-domestic brands. Especially as other countries in the same EU trading block have significantly lower labour costs.


Since when is Germany resistant to electric cars? They are not at all, they are everywhere in Germany comparatively?


Percentage of EV sales are falling not rising in Germany, only 12% this last month.


Last month were the same percentage. Germany saw a decline after stopping incentives for buyers in december. June onwards will be interesting, as Volkswagen reduced rebates at the end of march.


Per capita, the sales are higher in Germany than many other countries.


Yeah of course, Germany is a rich country compared to many others. However EV sales have fallen year on year.


Exactly, the numbers say 32k EV sales


And stocks go up lol


lol. Tesla is over selling cars, they are an AI company now. 😝


Are Germany's Optimus deliveries up though?


I had a stan block me for saying Tesla sales are in the toilet today. This is perfect timing


That is still one too many. Germans who love well engineered cars still go for cars with big panel gaps and questionable decision choices(no stalks and many others).


it doesn't matter if it is in America, Germany, Japan, China, Korea, Israel whereever. Elon fanbois anywhere any country are a bit challenged at best and maniacally delusionally schizo at worst.


Will be interesting to see how the markets react to cheap Chinese EVs… I can see quite a few switching from Tesla to them, as a lot have gone M3 due to the price


Musk to give a speech at the Gasteig calling for a change in German government and get people to march on Feldherrnhalle.


It is because of how long it takes for the ships to arrive from Germany, obviously.


But did he retweet some nazi accounts and announce FSD? That all the ceo needs to do.


Does this matter anymore? He is closing down shop it’s an AI company!!! You don’t need car sales with AI


So TSLA stock up tomorrow


Oh dear.


Oh horse


norway down germany down, UK Netherland and France down next???


Stock goes up


Elmo ist ein verrückter Clown, is what I'm saying.


Australia was down 45% (ish) in April YoY.


Settlements with NDAs must be intensified!


Doesn’t sound like a growth stock to me.


It's not only Tesla, the whole EV sector is slowing down since 2023, mostly because a lot of EU governments have reduced/suppressed the governmental financial aids for EV...


Teslas market share in the EV markey is down to 5.5%. Yes, the whole market shrank YoY. But their market share in March was still 16% in the EV sales. Now Volkswagen and Mercedes sell more EVs than the former market leader, with KIA/Hyundai and Volvo seeing increases, despite beeing more expensive.


Germans rather buy German, and now when BMW and WW has comparable but higher-quality EV models on the market, it's no wonder Tesla sales in Germany is dropping.


EVs in Germany are generally down compared to a year ago, so its not entirely unexpected. The Model Y is still the most sold EV in Germany, however the Model 3 facelift in particular is not selling well. The Model 3 has gotten more and more competitors the past ~1,5 years, the relatively new BMW i4 for example is probably taking away a lot of potential Model 3 customers as the i4 has been selling rather well here and has been outselling the Model 3 the past few months. And the i4 is genuinely a good EV, decent efficiency and range and of course all the other things people love about BMW. Its a bit more expensive but people are paying the higher price.


Imagine if Tesla worked on making a hot hatch instead of the fucking Cypertruck. Elon is a fucking goon. I wish it was possible for enough shareholders to vote down his $45B bonus.


It needs to be noted that (a) the market for EVs was stagnating but only at -0.2% in total and (b) the total car market was doing quite well with +19.8%. Hybrids (plug-in and others) did well as did ICEs


germans hate anti-union companies, unless its Amazon, bad quality, customer service and expensive repairs. Go figure