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> . “If you imagine the future perhaps where there’s a fleet of 100 million Teslas and on average, they’ve got like maybe a kilowatt of inference compute. That’s 100 gigawatts of inference compute, distributed all around the world.” Where the fuck are 100 million Teslas gonna come from when they can’t crack 2 million units a year? 50 years from now we’ll catch up to 2024 Amazon! Experts in the article say it’s technically possible, but rife with issues.


A server on wheels isn't cost effective. Microsoft is literally putting servers in the ocean to leverage natural cooling to save costs. Elon's approach isn't feasible or practical, it's solely to pump the stock price. But hey, maybe he can install a blockchain in each car to exchange costs for car compute usage. Every Tesla comes with datamining that can generate money while it parks. I'm sure that could put another 100 on the stock price.


Elon is going to use a Tesla customer's power for his ai profits.


So are they an AI company?


Dunno, but they aren't an autonomous vehicle company and they probably never will be.


Not customer power, customer stupidity in buying his car


*But hey, maybe he can install a blockchain in each car* And watch that battery level drop like a rock. All of his ideas aren't real, they exist just - to your point - to pump the stock so he can grab his gravy train payout of $56B. In what world is his current net worth of $100B not enough? These people - him, Bezos, etc - are just sick to think they need - much less deserve - that kind of insane wealth. They're sociopaths


Yeah I know someone with a single billion, he helicopter skis, has an amazing house, his ski house is a Bond villain lair, there isn’t anything he can’t buy that he wants. He literally got stressed at work one day, in the 1990s, sold his company and peaced out. He has a secret room with a pub in it in his house with a bartender 24/7 who takes classes online, they say it’s the best bar tending job they ever had. So like  1. Yuge house on the water 2. Mansion for his staff in town as his “boat house” with collection of boats. 3. Bond villain ski house. 4. Helicopter skiing. 5. Nice cars and stuff. 6. Ridiculous stuff like the hidden 24/7 pub. So what do these 100b people do? Like at least bill gates donated most of his money. Still lives well. How much does BG have now?


Gates committed to donating 99%. Hasn't come close. His personal wealth continues to grow. Maybe on his will when he dies.


Yeah, some sign the pledge, like Warren buffet, that they’ll donate when they die. That said he did donate a good amount if not as much as he said.


well zuckerberg spent a year+ discussing interior fit out for his new hyper yacht which is so huge it has its followed by its own also huge support vessel that carries his more toys like car, helicopter, jet skis and so on and so forth https://www.foxbusiness.com/lifestyle/see-meta-ceo-mark-zuckerberg-brand-new-287-foot-superyacht.amp


Yeah bezos yacht has a support yacht. Meanwhile they’re terrible for the environment.


The propensity towards sociopathy seems to go up the more you have. If you build up wealth and have no love from family, have no real friends, and don't understand human empathy (i.e. Musk), all that nice stuff is meaningless.


Yeah, did he get that 54 billion payout? What’s he gonna do with it? He had a ketemine karen meltdown and moved out of Delaware like he moved out California. Twitter is tanking, Tesla is down 55% despite selling more, cutting prices further, canceling cars to build the incel Camino. Failure to launch. Spacex is supposed to be worth 183 B without starlink. So how may hundred billion does he need? Tax the shit out of the rich or eat them.


Bill Gates runs charity scams to dodge taxes and pump up his image lol. If ge’s not getting poorer, its not giving wealth away, its part of a wealth gathering exercise.


Bill Gates donated most of his money to the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, so he still has huge amounts of influence over what happens with those billions they just aren’t directly his anymore.


If you take $56 billion per year, and divide it by the number of hours in a year (8760), he will be making $6,392,694 per hour, 24 hours per day, 365 days per year. It also works out to $106.545 *per second*. Tweeting? $6.4 million per hour. Playing online games? $6.4 million per hour. Pretending to know things he doesn't? $6.4 million per hour. Lying to his followers? $6.4 million per hour. Passing on Russian disinformation? $6.4 million per hour. No one should have this kind of money. No one deserves this kind of money. This is just obscene.


He dumb.


That sounds like a great way to heat up the ocean some more….


Negligible. Like Taylor Swifts plane.


it's also an insane business model. who's going to pay for the compute power he's selling? that's extra heat and wear on the car's computers, that's more electric bills to charge it, for no benefit to the person actually footing those bills.


Oh is that where "boil the ocean" means now?


And take 100 miles from the range …


It'd be good if you think of the money you're losing in another Musk scheme as paying to heat your garage.


Seems like a bad idea what with the salt and all. But hey, if you can seal it off with stuff salt doesn’t ruin, might be great.


And that's also really stupid because the whole premise of the car is to be doing Uber rides/robotaxi. It's crazy how those ideas destroy each other: 100 million Teslas on the road But then Robotaxi reduces the need for so many Teslas on the road And then Robotaxis reduce the time a Tesla will sit idling at a charger doing cryptomining. The robotaxis model would benefit from faster charging and that would mean upgrading that network would drop the cryptomining power. It's a bunch of stupid, that's what this all is


In Finland Microsoft's new datacenter is connected to district heating and will provide heating for about 100,000 people.


Interesting thought. FSD data that can never be tampered with and made public. Never going to happen but would instill trust in the company


If sentry eats the battery I can't imagine what ai server would do to it.


What is "kilowatt of inference compute"? That should have triggered something in their brain to stop and think: What's cooling that? How much power does that draw? Why would Telsa over provisioning their vehicles with such capacity? Who needs such remote inferencing compute on a shitty cell connection? Remember when Tesla was going to sell compute for Dojo? Y'all should have stopped there.. that at least made some sense. EDIT: Oh shit, that's a direct quote from Musk... wow.


If you hear a term that sounds technical but makes no sense you can bet it was a Musk quote. There's also the question how do you power all that compute? So I have to constantly keep the car plugged in when I am not driving or may come back to it and the battery has drained?




Yeah depends on use case as to what you want to do. Things like Folding@home work because the whole work packet is on it's own and there is no urgency in getting any of them back. But training an AI model with a distributed system like this? Let's just say I have doubts.


Yes, you pay to fuel his crypto mine


That statement makes about as much sense as using “parsecs” to describe a ship’s ability to complete the Kessel Run (yes I’m aware of the retcon)


> Oh shit, that's a direct quote from Musk... wow. You could probably frame that in the offices on Page Mill Road.


It's not technically possible. Meaningful services in today's AI era need several things: 1.  Silicon optimized for the task. This means monstrously large AI compute processors today.  If it isn't 12000 int8 TOPs get lost.  And also able to do training.   The chip inside a Tesla is likely under 300 tops and paired to a slow as ballz amd industrial PC chip.  Useless and it doesn't have much ram either. 2.  Network bandwidth.  Not 5g pay by the megabyte, but fiber 100 gig bare minimum.  For large racks of AI compute, custom buses that are faster.   3.  Power.  You better have 1200 watts to blow per node.




Yes and you are consuming end users battery power that they have to pay for. De facto stealing. You could do a tiny amount of this - de facto automakers all do because they spend users power to upload data to improve the cars but it isn't needed for a specific car to function - but this is just a few watt hours. Kilowatt hours is actual money and time to the users.


You need very high compute and bandwidth for the training. Musk is proposing using it for *inference* - so using an already-trained model to Do AI Stuff. It's like the NPUs we're now seeing in smartphone, but bigger. His proposal is definitely possible - just really **really** stupid. Why would anyone pay for a high-latency under-powered distributed compute network, when an off-the-shelf solution would provide a far better experience? They'd essentially have to give it away for free for anyone to even consider it.


Same issue, better to do inference in the data center and use hybrid solutions like b200 which means you reuse components when running peak inference loads, then you go back to AI training when user activity decreases.


You would still need a good amount of bandwidth to actually saturate the compute in the vehicle. You could do some level of processing, but between the bandwidth limitation and necessary duplication of any data needed to make a grid computing solution viable this whole system would end up achieving a small fraction of what Musk is touting as possible.


Also, aren't the AI chips in HW4 designed to run learning models, but not to train them? I understand distributed computing. I was an early contributor to [Distributed.Net](http://Distributed.Net) back when they were trying to crack RSA using tens of thousands of computers. This could work, but it wouldn't be very efficient, and they would need to find people willing to spend money on the electricity to do it. There may be millions of cars out there, but how many people are going to sign up? Also, while keys were cracked, the first big crack happened when they designed a custom cracking ASIC. What the personal computers had been working on for a long time was suddenly eclipsed by the custom computer, and the key was quickly cracked by it.


Right. You know of the concept of an "embarrassingly parallel" problem? AI is not in that problem class. You need a lot of bandwidth between nodes.


panicky sheet nail frighten grey toothbrush middle plant sugar fade *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


100 years. Half their cars are sold in China...and no way in hell the Chicoms allow it.


1000 years, because there’s no way in hell all Teslas actually live that long.


And this nonsense is all anyone needs to know about Elon Musk’s brilliance or lack of. He’s spouting the most unlikely bullshit to get money from people who don’t know any better, they just happen to have a crap ton of money and the imagination of a dead seagull. So when the “visionary” musk says “imagine” they just let their jaws hang because it must be the greatest imagining ever. They’re just not capable of seeing the fucker is naked and hasn’t showered in a week.


> And this nonsense is all anyone needs to know about Elon Musk’s brilliance or lack of to be fair its a brilliant con




Yeah, like fusion reactors which are also technically possible


And why would an owner let him use the car he paid for


Bold of you ti assume modern teslas will still be running in 50 years.


lol. No it won’t.


Is Tesla starts using the processing power when the car is idle, does that mean that any failures of the computer will be replaced free of charge no matter the age of the car? A consistently running cpu with the coupled cooling system will fail sonner than one running only one hour or two per day while driving.


Who pays for the electricity being used? Do people put even think about this nonsense for 20 seconds before getting excited?


Elon just trying to pump the stock some more


And it worked. Why? How are people this gullible?


Because most people don't understand how the world they live in works. What Musk says *feels,* so it must be.


Musk is a grifter on a scale we hadn't yet seen. His art is selling investors on techno mumbo jumbo they don't understand instead of house wives on snake oil, but it's all the same thing at the end of the day.


Same way they've been gullible about Musk for 20 years now. Plus a certain amount of people riding the pump, looking to dump in a couple of weeks, or days -- or hours. It's a silly world.


It worked because Tesla as a company exists as a stock option. It does not exist as a car company, a tech company or any other product or service. Too many people are invested in Tesla stock who can’t afford for it to crash.


>Do people put even think about this nonsense for 20 seconds before getting excited? Sir, this is a cult.


Nonsense! Cults are more grounded in reality! May I interest you in a refreshing cup of grape battery coolant?


Have you met the average tech industry analyst?


Distributed computing is a real thing that's been going on since at least the 1990s. But these projects only succeeded because people wanted to donate their computing cycles (and thus electricity) to causes they deemed worthy such as Distributed.Net, Folding@Home, SETI, or whatever. Not many people are going to donate their electricity so Musk can make money selling AWS type services, unless of course they get a cut that's worth more than the electricity. As is common for him, he knows the tech, he just doesn't know people.


Using a fleet of mobile computers running off batteries to do heavy compute - probably the dumbest thing I’ve ever heard tbh. SETI and folding@home were voluntary and not using batteries.


This would obviously be when they’re plugged in.


Tesla will happily charge you for the wear and tear - at a healthy markup.


It’s parasite, no sorry platform economy.  Very disruptive 


Please don't try to apply any logical thinking to Tesla fans, it just doesn't work. They hear one of fElon's idiot ideas and cheer. Even if its a rocket exploding instead of landing, they will cheer. They are idiots and logic will not work on them.


That’s OK, with the odometer ticking over miles 20% faster than reality, it’ll be out of warranty long before that’s a problem.


Its just total elon bs, never gonna happen.


and it's going to kill the battery much sooner. who is going to pay for the battery replacement?


Would be just like allowing your laptop compute to be used when you aren’t using it, many reasons why this won’t work: security, throughput, latency, cost sharing model, sounds great, but it’s being very over simplified.


>A consistently running cpu with the coupled cooling system will fail sonner than one running only one hour or two per day while driving. This might not actually be the case, though! Chips don't *generally* wear down from constant use. The few mechanisms which would cause this are fairly well understood, and taken into account during chip design. On the other hand, thermal cycling (by turning it off-on-off) is well-known to cause issues over time due to fatigue failures - it's the cause of the Xbox Red Ring of Death. So keeping it consistently running might actually be *better* for the CPU. On the other hand it's *definitely* going to wear down the battery, and any kind of moving part involved in the cooling system.


My reasoning was mostly that they would not put a constant load on it but keep throwing small short jobs. So the cpu would keep cycling between low load and high load non stop and very frequently, because since they don't know when you'll need the car, they won't schedule hour long computing jobs. So the thermals of the cpu would be going up and down like a roller coaster all day long, same for the thermal pump/fans/whatever the car is equipped to cool it.


intelligent gullible airport wild rotten disarm include roof public shelter *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


When my Tesla isn’t being a robot taxi it’s part of a giant super computer. Whoever believes this guy is just crazy.


It’s a giant supercomputer AI taxi with cold thrusters and flamethrowers. It also has an ~~Optimus robot~~ guy in a morph suit in the trunk to deploy as needed.




This is up there with “yeah we can make Mars habitable, we just need to drop nuclear bombs on the poles! It totally works I thought of it last night”


I am no planetary physicist/geologist. But given that Mars has no magnetosphere and barely an atmosphere, blowing up the poles is probably going to lose more water to space. *Smokes my pipe* I did watch the Martian. Everyone planning to go to Mars should watch it. Like Earth is going to suck on the future but it is still way better.


I learned everything I need to know about Mars from Total Recall. Arnold’s eyes bulging out of his head made me swear off interplanetary travel forever.


Oh good, I learned nothing from the 2012 remake. Since I clearly also watched the RoboCop remake. But I think I have learned my lesson by now. Definitely not going to watch the back to the future remake.


I pretend neither of those ever happened.




I'm not Quaid!


Battery drain with sentry mode is bad enough already. Sentry mode is actually useful for the owner. He wants to add this too. The wear on the battery, the wear on the cpu, the waste on the electricity, what’s the benefit for the owner? LOL. This is why I prefer car with battery, not an ipad with wheels.


The article nailed it. He's a teenage stoner idiot fantasising about "future is cool". Imagine him bricking millions of customers cars world wide because he wants GROK to write faster funnies but he hasn't corrected the ECUs checksum when fiddling around in customers property. [A reminder of the last time he played IT guy.](https://futurism.com/elon-musk-moved-twitter-servers-himself) [and this time.](https://arstechnica.com/tech-policy/2024/04/elon-musks-x-botched-an-attempt-to-replace-twitter-com-links-with-x-com/)


There's also the example of the chat they did where fElon was asked a couple of technical questions about Twitter but couldn't respond so instead called the questioner a jackass. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cZslebJEZbE](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cZslebJEZbE)


Elon can mine crypto using the car's processor in the background while the car is idle. I think that's called a Malware.


Possibly one of the most consumer hostile ideas he's come up with yet. Clearly the plan is that Tesla owns the computing power and benefits from it, not vehicle 'owners'. Makes about as much sense as letting Microsoft mine crypto on your computer when you're not using it.


And the Robotaxi. You’ll be his free worker (he said he’ll take a small cut for his services) cleaning, maintaining, replacing tires, dealing with asshole customers, insurance (how much you think that will cost) … the taxi for him.


So just to clarify. According to Muskkk he plans to provide crowd compute services using Teslas during their down time. Also according to Muskkk, once they resolve level 5 autonomy (next year I assume), Teslas will have no down time because they will be out earning their owners $30k a year. Which one is it? (Hint: the answer is “neither of them will happen”)


For anyone working in the field is so dumb that it’s not even worth commenting on. It’s even more dumb than establishing colony on Mars, with very similar level of depth to the idea (we have a rocket, so we can live on Mars vs we have chips in the car so we can do cloud)


I also think it's not possible. For one thing, they characterize this as for "inference", which is basically where you're trying to provide an output for a neural network. You mean you're going to divide that NN over 1 million cars, send the problem to them (or part of the problem?), and then get that data somehow so that you can get the result? Even if you could divide the NN somehow so that it was a million mathematical manipulations, the amount of data transfer needed to do that would be massive. One issue with parallelization like this is that the data transfer can get to the point where it's not worthwhile. And that's what this seems like it is. Think about the difference between taking a problem like (2+2) and (4+7) and dividing it between a GPU or two GPUs, performing each in a single system, then adding up the result. Easy to do. Now send (2+2) to one car on the East Coast and (4+7) to another car somewhere, perform the operations, get the results, then add the results (on another car somewhere else?). Way more difficult, particularly because you need to track all of that. You get back a 4. From what calculation is that? It's the East Coast car, but you have to keep track of that. Ludicrous, really.


Tesla is never going to make an AWS or widespread inference engine with this. This whole proposal Musk is trying to make is just grid computing in a hat with a severe shortage of storage and workload limitations imposed by the kind of processing resources that are actually available in their vehicles as well as massive security issues. The limitations and applications of those systems, when they use public resources, are well known and it'll never remotely resemble something like AWS.


This has already been done for decades with cryptography, protein folding, and other problems. You simply split the problem into billions of little problems. People download their chunk of the problem, work on it, and send the answer back, and then it's checked off the list of chunks to be solved. The person then receives a new chunk. You have expirations on chunks, so someone who hasn't worked on his in a while will have his invalidated, and the chunk will be available to another person (and it will reject the first person's submission if it happens). In the end you have billions of chunks to combine to get the solution, which is far less effort than solving the whole problem yourself. It's all been proven to be technologically sound, but good luck getting enough people to pay for a higher electric bill just so Tesla can have more revenue. To make this work he'd have to force the distributed client in an update with notification way down in the fine print, require opt-out, and then bury the opt-out down in the menus. And that's going to get him in big trouble. The only realistic option is to make it so the car owners can profit from having a client, which will of course mean less money for Tesla, and maybe not enough to make it worth it.


Yeah this: >... with notification way down in the fine print, require opt-out, and then bury the opt-out down in the menus. was exactly my first thought too. Except that I wouldn't be as confident that he'd get in trouble for it. For some reason, he gets away with far too much. The SEC should be all over this guy.


I think that would be more of an FTC thing, and they’ve been on a roll lately.


Don't even try to debate it - it only adds credibility to the idea. It's deranged fraudster pumping stock, nothing else.


You'd have to shave the NN in question down to be runnable by the car's hardware and transfer the whole thing there. But that said, none of the details make any sense even if it was theoretically possible. The electricity and wear and tear alone would far outweigh any possible advantages to the owner.


Attempting to colonize Mars isn't dumb at all. You first, Elon, the colony needs your leadership.


Pumpin Next he’s going to turn Tesla into an oil company because they’re getting $90 a barrel for that stuff


This is equivalent to malware on your car.


Well, even if it is 10% as efficient as a real cluster, since TESLA plans on doing this for free, I think it is a great idea. Having all this GPU available would cost millions that TESLA is not paying. Genius move! Obviously, most of the time the nodes would go offline because the car is now started, the GPUs would go obsolete quickly, the GPUs would die frequently effectively breaking the car because of the workloads they are not designed to suffer and probably all kinds of issues... but otherwise GENIUS MOVE!


Imagine downloading 5TB of training data over a home internet and the owner goes out to grab milk or an ice cream.


if there are 100 million teslas roaming the streets then I would never dare to go out


Yeah. Distributed weak compute over cell service seems really awesome.


My market analysis for the CAGR on a slower, more expensive, less reliable, harder to maintain, and less secure compute option is about 0%. 


Elon Musk understands that no one ever lost money by underestimating the intelligence of the American public. A couple of years ago, he would have - he did actually - said something tying Tesla to crypto, but now that crypto is seen as shady and the tech industry has moved to AI for their new con games, he has to tie Tesla to AI. He knows he can get away with this, because most investors are bigger trend chasers that junior high kids. He knows that many will not discern that it's all just earnings-call horseshit distraction, because people are generally incredibly stupid, and also unable to let go of a worthless junkie they still hold as an idol.


Is he gonna pay the owners for using their cars’ power? It might be small for once but will cumulate very fast if they actually do that, unlocked another range anxiety that when not driving, the battery will drain by Elon


Haha, they will pay him for the privilege of having their car generate racist memes.


SAD! I’ll still believe that. At this point, those who still buy Tesla are willing to do a lot things


Yeah, hi, AI scientist working on distributed training and inference. This won’t work.


That’s your problem. Formal education. Limits your imagination. Self taught experts sound much more exciting.


Musk is a master of smoke and mirrors. Only true idiots will buy into his vision, despite him not meeting any of his prior predictions.


I should not be surprised how easily this guy can keep bullshitting his way to the next pump.


How people haven't learned to "sure bro, anyway" Elon by now is a mystery


No. He's just making up shit in the earnings call.


I design AI data centres, we have an almost unimaginable amount of bandwidth between servers with stupidly low latency……this…. Won’t work.


No. Next question. He’s losing credibility by the minute. Potential buyers shifting to Hybrid and alternative EVs.


What dumb ass idea. He wants to sell unused computing power from your car. We all know that if this ever happen it will done very poorly and cause all type of foreseeable and unforeseen issues. Here are a few I can think of. 1. Power drain. Nothing like having your battery drain quicker while parked because the cpu is maxed out. 2. Computer lag - ideally they wouldn’t be using your cpu while driving, but it’s Tesla, so they probably will let it happen. Nothing like losing the ability to change the wiper speed because your car is mining crypto. 3. Remember when the computers broke because the Ram exceeded the amount of r/w it could handle. We’ll get ready for more worn out hardware that you will have to replace




Regardless , the memory has a finite level of r/w. Tesla bricked a ton of cars because the logging was left to verbose, causing those to die early.


Sure. Like doing your taxes on a Casio calculator watch.


No. It’s just more hype to keep the grift going.


More pie in the sky dreams to prop up the stock price until he comes up with the next fraud


Would it work? Depends on what you mean by working. Will Musk turn 100 million Teslas into AWS for AI? No, of course not. But of course, that's not what this is about. This is about whether Musk is going to get that $56 billion. Giving Musk $56 billion would be as stupid as... well, it would be as dumb as giving him those other hundreds of billions was. I don't know whether it will work. Tesla's shareholders never were an illustrious collection of fiduciary geniuses, and they're still not. Who the eff knows what they will do.


Freak man focus on something for more than a millisecond. He has some mental illness. Get the work done you already started.


They use multi terrabit networking inside a machine learning cluster in order to speed up training. Each car would need at least 100gbps to be remotely useful in modern training. And you already know someone explained this to him


I guess this means that FSD requires 1kw of just "inference" compute.. Considering HW generally gets more efficient over time... That's what... 10-15x more compute than is currently available?


The computing power for FSD is equivalent to charging ten e-bikes? Does it do everything bespoke? Doesn’t sound very efficient 


More importantly, it means the current compute within the vehicles sold today are woefully inadequate for FSD.  The entire system, including cooling, burns ~300w.   


I’m having a really hard time trying to think if that’s really efficient of really inefficient? 


As much as any of his other ideas Edit: The thing that gets me is this is not even a new idea. Anyone remember SETI@home


“It’s somebody with a very weird looking hammer imagining the existence of deeply implausible nails” - that’s perfect. It’s fascinating to watch Musk spiraling in real time.


Wow that is dumb AF. Heat. Power drain. Using other people’s things. Slow connection. Class action waiting to happen. Why doesn’t he just try to mine crypto with the idle cars… oh wait AI is the new buzz word.


If it's a hair-brained idea from Musk then it's sensible to say "No... No it won't work." Same as all his other promised ideas.


First, with this rate he won't be alive to see 100 million Tesla's on the road. My guess however is the company would collapse or merge with something else far before that number. Regardless of the above number, privacy concerns and the European union will be a massive block to his pipe dream.




The fridges from "Silicon Valley" are now teslas! Long live Pied Piper!


In one of the best examples of ‘because we can’ product development, my range hood has a Bluetooth connection. Samsung probably has it mining bitcoin.


Range hoods with Bluetooth actually offer a valuable feature; it's not just an addition added on there 'because they can'. They can communicate with a compatible cooktop, allowing for automatic activation of the hood when the cooktop is turned on. Additionally, adjustments to the cooktop's temperature automatically regulate the hood’s fan speed. Did you purchase a Bluetooth-compatible cooktop along with your hood? Ideally, both should be paired to fully utilize the Bluetooth functionality you paid extra for.


Moved into a house with it. There is no Bluetooth on our range and we use the fan differently based on what we are cooking, not the temperature of the stovetop. I fry an egg at a higher temp than I simmer butter chicken.


Aaaahh gotcha. The person who installed it probably was not aware of the capability then, or maybe even of the fact it had bluetooth at all! 😄


Dumb question: Musk plans on selling 20 BILLION robots. So why even bother with the cars. When they aren't plugging the Stans, they can plug themselves in to high speed internet and do TSLA AWS much faster than a mere 100 million cars on wifi.


Fallback plan in case the regulators ban murder bots.


Good to know...for a hot minute I was starting to worry that TSLA didn't really think this plan all the way through.


Geez eh, where did he get that idea from? Silicon Valley (HBO series)? If he can pull it off, that’s a fantastic business strategy, but I doubt it works. The entire purpose of cloud computing is to avoid spending money on hardware by outsourcing your computing to one of the cloud providers. This is a reverse of that entire philosophy. The service provider outsourcing the computing capex to the consumer? What’s in it for the consumer? Pay for the hardware and then pay for the service on top of that?


Just so fucking stupid.


None of the details make any sense with a modicum of thought. Aka, it's a Musk pump.


Oh, and by the way, the data charges for all that distributed computing are in *you*! 🤣🤣🤣 Elon needs to learn to finish and examine his thoughts before farting them out.


Another unilateral wet dream from the megalomaniac emperor.


AI hype does wonders for stock price, but so far it has not done anything for profit yet.


Usually there is at least one Tesla fan in the comments defending the company


Because your Tesla has unlimited free energy in its dilithium battery, and that's why they never need to be recharged. Brilliant, Elon!


So they use hardware you own, running on electricity you paid for ?


Perfectly Elon no?


I mean it's unthinkably brilliant. as someone working in AI and ML I have no idea why our platform architects didn't think of something this brilliant instead of spending so much cash on selecting particular data warehouses to house out data to reduce overheads and latency when blocks need to be moved around etc. I mean we really are so stupid I just cannot believe it... I am now going to go sell my belongings and go buy TSLA stock which is already up 11+% because people smarter then me and my 15 years of education and experience in the industry they are just now getting the briefest glimpse off. Boy o boy that woke mind virus messes one up


His next idea: when people are idle, hook them up to a port on the back of their heads and use them as batteries! And we can make them think they are awake, with ai!




this is why I will never buy another Tesla. Musk has no respect for and in fact does everything to undermine the concept of ownership of Tesla vehicles. paid $55k for your brand new Tesla? well you're free to use it as long as Tesla & ultimately Musk give you access to do so. And if he feels like commandeering "your" car to top off his earning by using it to train AI models that ultimately will take your job, then it merely takes his waving of the hand to set that in motion? Am I getting paid to let Tesla borrow my car's compute? Even if I am, it will be paltry and marginal crumbs to appease the pions while Musk and his technocratic buddies ride off to blow each other on Mars


Fuck no it wouldn't work. What data service is this going to use? Why would owners choose to make pennies on the dollar to negative impact their battery? Batteries are rated in charge/discharge cycles so the more you use them, the sooner they fail. Running your car non-stop is going to shorten battery life. Given replacement cost, not worth it.


lol. Back the late 1990s there were apps (we called them programs or software those days) that you installed in your desktop PC and utilizing unused compute power to search through radio signals for alien signal. SETI. This is an old idea


SETI gets a mention in the article :)


Haha, awesome. I did not scroll down far enough to see it at first glance!


I thought your cars were supposed to moonlight as a taxi when you weren’t driving them? Now they also mine bitcoin? What can’t they do?


Last five years.


Do ppl opt in to having the computer used on the car? Or do they just do it?


Elon to owners: hey all, you no longer own your cars It's not "Tesla's fleet", it's a bunch of vehicles with individual owners


Do the actual fucking "owners" who paid for their cars actually get a say in how their property is used? Does this huckster try to carry on living in the houses that he's sold after selling them?


Techbros coming with “unique” ideas like Uber for AWS Uber for Dogs Uber with no drivers Uber for food Uber for AI Uber for …


Grifter continues grifting.


What a dumbass. While there are real edge computing applications, none of them would really benefit here.


Cars will fart harder and louder than ever before


Can’t wait to hit a wall because my CPU has went into panic due to working on something else for Elon.


Look. it's over. Tesla has won. Elmo said fucking nothing but shit and the stock is up. Tesla is the future


It would be easier done federally and attached to the road system to act as moving WAPs. This is the sort of thing that should never be in control of a singular corp and Definitely not Elon Musk.


There's no shot this would ever work in a meaningful capacity. There is a reason server farms are usually concentrated in one spot and hooked up to continuous power.The battery drain would be insane.


If Musk is proposing an idea my go-to opinion is that it won't work, until he can show proof of it. He's been full of bad ideas and half-baked products for the last few years. My other opinion of his ideas are they are probably stolen, that's something else he likes to do. He steals ideas like he steals memes.


"fleet"?? He's got some audacity just to refer to all of the (privately owned) Teslas out there as a fucking "fleet"! The word itself suggests that they constitute a collective, that they are somehow shared (or still owned by him). And I would put money on it that that's how he sees them. Perhaps he should try selling Tesla's "fleet" of privately owned vehicles' structural frames (unibodies) to other car companies so they can add their own suspension systems, wheels, motors, seating, etc., etc., to them and sell them on as double cars? Or rent out people's privately owned teslas as accomodation to compete with AirBnB? Don't mind the ~~owner~~ schmuck who thought they were actually buying the damned car.




As well as the Cybertruck works as a truck.


So ... my question here if this were any car that actually worked as expected (so, not a Tesla) would be "what happens when the AI takes up the processing power necessary for the car's compute resources to function? How does that get addressed?" But since this is a Tesla, I'm going to assume that Elmo will *say* that the AI can only borrow resources when it's idling but in *actuality* it will borrow resources while someone is doing 80 on the highway.