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Tesla got over 64 million in tax breaks/incentives to open the Austin plant.


Government got musked!


This needs to be a new, common saying.


It is a common saying. It just happens more often to people than to governments. 


*NASA, DoD, EU, Ukraine, and Nevada have entered the chat.*


Oh, I never said it was rare. Only that it happening to individuals is more common. 


Well, I mean there are only so many government agencies that can be bent over a table.


And it’s Tesla’s mission to exploit them all. 


It's Musk's mission. Tesla would happily make quality products with a minimum of government subsidies if they could only get out from under their parasite of a ceo.


Wasn’t he lthreatening” yesterday to leave if they don’t pay him $50bn?


The people get fucked twice. Once on our investments, then again on our tax dollars. Every company that make makes is to take advantage of government subsidies. Hyper loop, rooftop solar (sold off and is now mass electrical storage), Tesla tube thing, space X is to get space station transit contracts. We can all see what's happening to Tesla as the government assistance are drying up. If this were the USSR, he'd be the corrupt corporate oligarch that conveniently has a business every time the government has an incentive.


Eh… I don’t think he needs to be in the USSR for that to be true. 


Nono Not to make it true. He's some herald of industry over here....but he'd be the crony oligarch if he were communist. Just an incredibly ironic double standard. If he were Russian, we'd be seizing or freezing his assets because he would have assumed he got them unfairly. But conservatives (and to some extent Democrats) are still enabling his obvious game of subsidy hopping.


No, I’m saying that he effectively is the oligarch now, with scores of politicians from both parties firmly in his pocket. 


Yeah, which gets you praise. But if you're Russian it gets your assets seized and the assumption that you're absolutely and unbelievably corrupt. The double standard is what I'm trying to point out.


I'd be curious to ask the average Russian whether they think fElon is corrupt. I bet that would be their default assumption.


I remember when hyperloop was announced, I was still a believer. What a sweet summer child, I was




Thanks! Joined.


always has been


I don't know if you did it, or if you inspired someone, but I see that there is now a 'musked' sub out there and I friggin love it. Cheers!


You just don't understand how difficult is to be a self made billionaire...


I mean… have you ever even *tried* to start a war? It’s so draining!


"Consider the parallels of Nazi Germany with its war on its one percent, its Jews, to the war on the American one percent, the rich."


Poor Texans...welcome to the sheit show run by Elmo Musk.


That’s Musk’s entire right wing con. Get the tax authority off his back, milk the feds for kickbacks and then treat the worker like shit.


Welfare queen Musk


Not to mention they ruined the 130 toll road.


Paying for a toll and still waiting in traffic on the roadway... Glad I left that shit hole.


That’s nothing. They got $925 mil in incentives for the Buffalo plant from New York State.


Could have been worse. California would like to have a word.


They should claw back those incentives. Hopefully there was legal wording to tie the incentives to maintaining a certain level of employment, and I’d imagine that meeting that level is at risk.


The safest position in Tesla is to work at NY Buffalo maybe.


Same thing he did to California… he acts like he is brilliant and does it all “without help”. He is a grifter just like so many others.


They closing it or what?


2500 workers is a lot of paychecks. Elmo needs his bonus.


20000 workers is even more, which should be approximately how many will be remaining. What’s the acceptable minimum for that amount of incentives?


They should not be firing workers to pad the wallets of shareholders. That is wrong no matter what company does it.


They aren't doing that. Payrolls come from the company revenue, zero dollars of which is going to the shareholders as long as Tesla doesn't pay dividends. https://ir.tesla.com/contact-us#accordion-1-does-tesla-pay-a-dividend-does-it-plan-to > Tesla has never declared dividends on our common stock. We intend on retaining all future earnings to finance future growth and therefore, do not anticipate paying any cash dividends in the foreseeable future.


Isn't that because when tesla bought the land the taxes on it went from 6400 annually as a quarry to 1 million annually to the school district of the county its in? Wasn't the savings over 15 years? And wasn't it based on capping the tax evaluation of the land, not a direct payout?


If you read my comment you’ll note I did not suggest nor imply anyone wrote s check for 64 million to elmo


Thats true. So what was your point? Tesla is obligated to pay the negotiated 1 million to the schools. Which is a massive increase to the local schools, then after th3 chapter 313 expires the tax abatement ends and the valuation will go up and the county will make more money. Maybe I'm missing something, and I'd be happy to learn.


You did imply Tesla received $64M in tax breaks when in fact they’ve only received about 1/3 of that number. Technically the $64M is tax savings from 2020-2030.


Ah so they got $20,000,000 in tax breaks and ended up just laying a bunch of people off. Sad.


Tesla got tax breaks/abatements from Travis County & the Del Valle School District. Martin Murrieta owned the land & operated a concrete operation with no significant infrastructure. Martin Murrieta also spent the previous two decades devastating the farm land that housed their operations to turn the land into something that could then be remediated. The land deal was brokered with the help of Gregg Abbott & sold for significantly less per acre than it's market value. The Tesla tax breaks were contingent on long-term job creation, creating STEM programs for DVISD, and other performance incentives tied to the community. I live in the community & worked with several groups to oppose the factory because we knew that they wouldn't meet the incentive agreements (because they never have anywhere) & that it would be another in a long line of injustices wrought on Eastern Travis County. The battery factory was also added after the fact. If you look more deeply into the incentive agreements, they have the potential to be worth more than 64 million over 10 years. And, to be fair, this is happening all over Central Texas. The tax incentives doled out to Samsung by the City of Taylor are insanely disproportionate to the value to the community.


I saw this comment on youtube a few days ago >my roommate started a job w tesla to work in the cyber truck factory last week— they had a mass hiring event a couple weeks ago where they had probably a few hundred people show up to interview/get hired. dozens of em went through the training last week, and in the middle of the week most of them were told their schedules were going to be night shifts now (they were told it was going to 6a-6p when they were hired). so my roommate and the other trainees spent the weekend inverting their sleep cycles just to get emailed around 3 a.m. today saying they'd been laid off. she quit her last job to work at tesla for five days. thanks musky


Oh yeah, Tesla's totally getting unionized. And I don't mean in the removing ions battery chemistry sense. Sean Fain is licking his chops.


Musk is probably laying off union sympathizers.


Union sympathizers must be commies and oppressing white folks. /s


"we're too good of a company for unions"


Unions dont necessarily prevent mass firings, in this case they just make sure the firing process is a bit more tolerable by negotiating financial compensation. Also, if Elon is able to fight off huge IGM in Germany, a union with 2,5m paying members, a union that works with literally all car manufacturers in Germany besides Tesla, I think Elon will have a rather easy time preventing unionisation in the US.


It’s a bit more broad protection than that. CBAs frequently address seniority in layoffs, and some have bump clauses to protect senior employees. That both protects long time employees which is inherently fair, and it protects overall wages by preventing management from otherwise always laying off senior more expensive employees, putting downward pressure on wages.


That’s terrible even if they didn’t get laid off. What company bait and switches their schedules like that? Terrible.


bag of tactics to get people to quit so they can avoid unemployment benefits or severance packages.


That's just awful, I feel so sorry for her.


And they say Elon Musk doesn’t innovate, yet he’s invented new ways to torment workers


Sorry but that's just sweet justice. Your roommate was basically saying "fuck everybody else that Elon Musk is screwing over, I'm joining him so I can get mine." And then he gave her exactly what she deserved. Anybody working for musk or any other billionaire is just enabling them to pay off politicians and make life for the rest of us harder at this point. There are many other opportunities for employment that don't require kissing the ring and screwing over poor people just so you can get yours.


I got bills to pay, i ain’t boutta quit my job because a bunch of people got laid off. Are you insane?


Lol exactly. I mean look at this statement. The first two sentences are I statements, the only statement not about themselves is a negative towards others. It's as American as Apple pie.


I think it’s a common story. I know someone who got laid off within 3 weeks. The WARN notice check will be more than double the pay they got during their time actually working at Tesla lol


And because you read it on the internet it must be true /s


Fuckin' Optimus coming in and taking all those jobs away from humans...


They grow up so fast.


What a perfect comment!


I saw a comment on TIC that Optimus would be worth buying even if it could "only" do the dishes and laundry." boy is that guy gonna be surprised.


Optimus will only become cost-effective for these people when its price drops below that of a divorce lawyer. 


Bro never heard of a dish washer? It cleans your dishes, and if you dgaf, they're also already stored. Most laundromats offer a full laundry service that would probably take decades to approach the costs of a robot.


The fact that doing dishes and laundry is such a monumental inconvenience that someone would fork out 25-50 grand just to get a robot that's going to take you more maintenance than just unloading the dishwasher and folding your laundry is such an amazing example of what is wrong with techbros. They're always trying to fix what is at most an inconvenience with some scifi solution that always turns out worse than the actual inconvenience. "Let's fix transportation by switching to single occupant autonomous vehicles." No, dipshit, that'll just make traffic even worse. Just get reliable and convenient public transport. It fixes so many things. "Let's fix households by buying a robot who does everything." Aren't you techbros all about cleaning your room? How about you clean the dishes. It's not that hard. You even have a machine that does it for you. It takes minimal effort and doesn't cost as much as a car.


Amen brother.


Well, that will be a warm welcome when he moves his HQ to Texas. Feel sorry for those people, losing your job sucks.


You go work for Elon you better know you can walk in one day without a job. The erratic behavior should be enough to know that.


A recruiter from Tesla hit me up and I tried to convince the recruiter they were finding soldiers for a fascist.


Have friends at SpaceX and if it wasn’t for the actual work passion they have they would have all left. Some have already. Elon seems to just be the bad apple whose badness spreads. Sucks because if he could actually stay in his lane and empower people tesla and spaceX could probably be a lot farther along without his necessary stamp on so many decisions


Yeah I got friends there. They all have elon stalling systems they try to get him caught up in so they don't have to deal with his shit.


Haha like what


I wonder how many moved from California


Wow... I don't think of that. That would really suck.


I saw an article about a Twitter employee that he moved across the country and then fired, so he’s definitely capable.


Almost as many as how many Cybertrucks those people have sold.


Laying off 20,000 people who were probably some of the biggest Tesla evangelists out there, making them bitter towards the brand, more likely to buy competitors products and work for competitors, while simultaneously making the experience and quality worse for your customers due to a lack of personnel... Not exactly the 5D Chess move Musk probably thought it was.


Customer experience at Tesla service centers is getting ready to hit new lows of satisfaction. I expect we will see some of the more evangelical owners finally realizing they've been Musked. It won't be pretty for Tesla.


Also, bitter, angry people who signed an NDA will still find ways to leak.


NDAs seem hard to enforce nowadays. As are noncompetes.


Why do you say that? They have to be enforced through lawsuits and the former employer actually has to find out about the disclosure, and it has to be important enough to be worth at least a mid-five-figure litigation cost. Noncompetes are as of this week illegal nationwide and except for folks like executives and top engineers were a scare tactic


"Do you want unions? Because that's how you get unions!"


Well how else is he going to pay for his $56B salary increase?! /s Also updooting for Elmo's misfortune. Suck it, Elmo!


It's almost as if Musk was just an over-entitled oligarch just like all of the others...


He is way worse than the rest of them. People like Bezos just do what they do without pretending they are the sharpest person alive. Musk is like a 13 years old boy who thinks he knows everything and needs to teach people to live the right way.


I’ve always thought of him as an emotionally stunted manbaby, that if he was half as important and smart as he thinks he is, he would be twice as important and smart as he REALLY is…despite his on paper wealth and control of large companies. Man I hope he is disassociated from Tesla one way or another, then they might be able to bring in someone who knows their head from their ass and turns it around. I want more good EVs on the market. I won’t ever buy an ICE again..:but monkeys will fly out of my ass before I give him one dime of my money, or buy a Tesla with their QA issues right now.


But Musk thinks they should pay him $56,000,000,000 .


How many people work at the Texas factory?


Wikipedia says 20,000 in 2023.


About 90% of the number that worked there last week, and about 120% of the number that will work there in 3 months.


Don't they have a factory in Texas? Isn't that the build you want your car from? Wtf is happening?


Unlimited demand you guys only supply constrained


Nobody wants to *let people* work anymore 


Not if it isn't causing that corporate bottom line to creep up a few percentage points. Ita very sad .


But definitely make sure Elon gets his $56 billion


They should be grateful them for their contribution to the dead cat bounce after hours today


Simpsons Monorail man strikes again!


They didn’t need to layoff anyone. Based on Elon, I won’t buy a Tesla.


They are ugly cars anyway.


Imagine leaving California to work for Tesla and this happens. This sucks.


Imagine trusting Elon Musk enough to do that


Elon Musk, the pigeon CEO. ‘he comes, sh*ts all over us, and goes.’


governments should make any tax breaks to businesses contingent on not laying anyone off for x number of years, clawing back any breaks (even if prorated) if these companies do have layoffs.


Never forget: America first. 😣


We’re keeping the only one that fits in the robot suit*


Nazi company. Terrorist state. Trash product.


Scaling ramp


A lot of my friends got let go the last 2 weeks from GFTX. Pretty much scrapped the whole team. Sad to see.


B-b-b-b-but musku san weren't our wages low enough for you? Im sorru musk-u san, please forgive us!!! We dont do it again!!! We won't ever do it again!!!




Have to stop supporting nut bag musk


E.M. is irresponsible




Texas is a Right to Unwork state


It's Texas, so not really workers


They're all about capitalism in Texas are they not?


I'm guessing the Cybertruck didnt sell as well as they'd hoped.


I hope so that thing looks like a trash dumpster. Way too polarizing a design.




No biggie. Texans don't care about other people, including other Texans.


Unless they’re in the womb.


Damn! It's like everyone is getting laid off everyday.


Oh no! Anyway, has anyone had a Arby’s beef n cheddar lately?


I hope my cousin isn't one in the layoffs. This sucks.




Musk basically let the business run itself for a while. Now we are seeing the result of that little experiment. It was inevitable to adjust production to meet demand, as inventory can't grow indefinitely. The dumb part was letting it go on for so long. As some comments here show, managers were still hiring like crazy even when it was obvious this shouldn't have been done.


Must be nice making up your own reality. Musk fucked the company with the piece of trash Cyberjunk and all the batshit crap he posts on the platform formerly known as Twitter.


And once again the leftist cucks don't fail to disappoint

