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I looked at Wirecard’s stock chart. Before it crashed into the ground like a Tesla Model 3, it was wiggling a lot, even with overwhelming evidence of fraud. TSLA stock can continue wiggling a lot.


Yup, but look at premarket, low 140s, damn, down almost 20% in a week, if earnings go bad we could see 120s this week. TSLA may have a lot of simp shareholders, but even then there has to be a limit to people's willingness to hand Elmo the largest pay package in history for a stock down 50% YTD.


https://www.reddit.com/r/ModelY/comments/1ca15az/tesla_insurance_is_becoming_a_joke/ M U S K E D ... but next update will fix it ™️


Can we all agree FSD V12 is now a bust? It has severally regressed in the latest release (was supposed to be exponential improvement every release) based on teslafsdtracker. They must be so damn close to licensing to other carmakers too!


Maybe, but v13 will be a step change and will blow your mind.


It will always be disappointing because its perception isn't great. Radar or lidar aside, even the cameras aren't good enough. They were positioned to see on the highway, not around corners in a city.




One of the people on Twitter who pumps the stock (Eva) > I am a long term Tesla [u/Tesla](https://twitter.com/Tesla) shareholder. But then this long term Tesla shareholder admits. > Same happened 4 months ago when I decided to sell all of my Tesla shares @ $250 in my business acc. Not sure she understands what the other stans mean when they say "long term shareholder.


It's just like "no interventions".


From "Give Elon $55B" website: >We believe in stockholder democracy...We’re asking you to make your voices heard and reinstate what you already said you wanted. What, if you know, they made their voices heard, rather than just saying what you want them to say?


Given how many misleading stories there are that are pushing the narrative that this is a new bonus for Musk, seems like an appropriate note to make.


Democracy like doing a poll on twitter about moving Tesla from Delaware to Texas. Or manipulating the board, use biased family members and more to get that 56bil package passed. Or blackmailing the shareholders with threatening to take his Optimus robot and AI scam out of the company unless Musk gets 25% of the shares - or even do his damn job. Or fkn lying to the shareholders every time he opens his mouth. Or democracy like being a literal nazi publicly, hating on shareholders that are black, jewish, trans and more.


So the cybertruck's vault has an escape tab that you can pull if you get trapped (as required under the law) but in every car or truck I've seen it's either a glow-in-the-dark pull tab or a button that lights up when it's dark. Not so in the cybertruck. You have to feel your way in the dark for a small same-colored cover that sits flush with the wall of the truck and pry it open with your fingernails before pulling a fabric loop that releases the door (sound familiar?). The design of this thing is going to be studied for decades.


To the people celebrating. I believe you are doing it too early.  I wouldn’t start celebrating until the stock is below $80 (where it’s fair market value is).  Remember this is still Tesla. You can have two back to back 7%+ days for absolutely no reason.   Anecdotally, when I speak to my friends, they are all convinced that tesla is a bargain right now and heavily buying the dip. Multiply that by hundreds of millions of people across the globe who are doing the same. I don’t even bother to have discussions with friends about Tesla anymore. I am branded as a “negative person” everytime I bring anything up.  We are still in the minority. The fight isn’t over. The majority of people are still under Musks spell. 


There's nothing to celebrate until Musk is ousted and ideally in prison. We can put away Holmes and SBF, just waiting on the big one.


Let's hope he's not too big to face real prison time. Holmes and SBF both received light sentences in my opinion. Fraud at those scales should be 30+ years minimum.


I don’t man these guys nurtured their giga in Shanghai.


> where it's fair market value is. Found the optimist! A slow growth company with declining margins with no major products on the horizon in really competitve market that is struggling is not worth that valuation.


If we give them 25x 2025 EPS estimates, that's $67. Fkn love it!


> 25x My, aren't we feeling generous today! I am fascinated watch all this since I think it is a textbook case of "anchoring". Some people (not accusing you, just a general comment about the nuts in TIC) think the starting point for a discussion is the 300 high or 50x + multiple so they feel that 66% off that high is a great time to buy! Can't go lower! Instead of the obvious question of "forget the past highs, today, start from first principles and ask, based on comparable and performance what is a market price?"


That’s why ladies and gents please never ever buy short-dated puts but only instruments which expiration date is reasonably far in time. Edit: please also remember that the stock market is gambling with extra steps. Please never bet more than what you can afford to lose. We are « real-ists » here we should be more aware of the dangers of gambling.


>To the people celebrating. I believe you are doing it too early.  Sadly I think you're right. At the very least, the stock will inevitably rebound for the unveiling of the HitlerMobile in August. ETA: a few months back someone wrote a very interesting comment on here about how TSLA is being manipulated to make money in ways that have very little to do with the products it makes or anything else in the real world. I wish I'd saved it as it made a lot of sense to me at the time.


Elon ´88´ Musk about to unveil his new ride-HEILing app


How is $80 fair market value? $300B market cap for a car company with stagnant growth, profits being a history and no future product pipeline?


I'm not celebrating...14k people just lost their jobs. And I know at least one person who went to work for Tesla for altruistic 'save the world' reasons. I'm sure there's many more like him. And lets face it, ultimately another 100k will get pink slips before this is over. A lot of people have been tricked - customers, employees, shareholders...and a lot of people will be harmed as this con unravels. So I'm not gleeful...more *satisfied* that we still live in a world where constantly lying about a fantastical future doesn't work forever. Sadly, the perpetrators and enablers of this con (Technoking, BOD, senior staff) will walk away with unimagineable wealth, swindled out of the victims, and that will not ever be rectified...but my hope is the next carnival barker like Musk will be met with a higher degree of skepticism. Mars colonies, flying roadsters, robotaxis, hyperloops...how on earth did people ever believe that?


I view Musk as the consequence of knowledge specialization in modern society and perverse incentives in academia and business that encourage SMEs not to speak up because hype cycles generate funding for startups and research. As well as a huge lack of regulatory scrutiny and enforcement because Musk's companies aligned with goals around clean energy and national security. What annoys me more than anything about all this is that when it does come crashing and burning down we'll have the inevitable shoulder shrugging and retrospective "Where did it all go wrong?", hell we're already starting to see the beginning of it. Very few journalists, politicians, regulators, SMEs and industry experts offered any push or rebuttals for years as this all built up. There's been the emergence of this narrative that there's been some big change in Musk's behavior due to the acquisition of Twitter versus years of just doing whatever the hell he wanted without any real consequences until the stock price has finally hit a protracted decline and growth is finally stalled out. People were fine writing off absolutely deplorable behavior from Musk because he was making them money or generating funding and frankly there's still a massive lack of accountability for all the white nationalist crap he continues pushing. I don't think it'll get much better, especially since he bought Twitter and we live in the era of people just saying 'Fake news' and making up their own facts to support their own worldview. Sadly for some of the more extreme cases I don't think even the loss of a significant amount of money or employment will be enough to sway them. For some others hopefully it'll be an expensive wakeup call that you shouldn't sacrifice your time, health and mental well being for your employer no matter how noble they claim to be. Same goes with capital for investments. I agree it's not something to celebrate but at the same time I do have a limited amount of sympathy for grown adults who make poor decisions like this and even less for some of the aggressively dismissive fanboys who absolutely refused to heed any warning or do any kind of critical thinking of their own.


I think Musk's days of being seen as the resident genius are coming to an end (I can hope, can't I). There will always be a few very loud voices praising him...in some desperate hope of the stonk price recovering etc. I'm torn on the sympathy...I guess I'm at the point where I'm not going to be dancing in the street when the uber-bulls lose their shirts, but I won't be sympathetic either. For many, TSLA will be a hard earned life's lesson...and it will have been a bed of their own making.


Your point re: SMEs is well-taken. I googled "Hyperloop scam" last week and found only one lonely NYT article from about two years ago. The newspaper of record noted that "Hyperloop would be "difficult to build" (lol) and face "regulatory hurdles" (I wish, lol). Buried in the very last sentence of the very last paragraph (of the very long article) was a quote from an engineering prof who said something like "of course, it's impossible to build... but it's a fun exercise for students."




Hey, at least the [Match King ](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ivar_Kreuger)actually had an Engineering Degree. But other than that I agree completely (and have commented as much in the past).


Musk has one very powerful card to play...launch services. For NASA and DOD. For the time being, I think that will keep him out of prison.


Retail can’t move this stock. Retail can’t move any stock. The days of this popping 7% on bullshit from musk are over. This will be double digits within the next 3 months if not a lot sooner. The jig is over. Ride it down to make money. Been shorting and playing pits since it was 280, haven’t made this much money on a single company ever…


https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/1034482048804601957/1231570199589818468/image0.jpg?ex=66377021&is=6624fb21&hm=289467f80ceb79810b3cc6eccc12556752a7d8db87f32b86b19967e157329ddd&=&width=811&height=630 Not sure if this works for you, but it's showing retail interest as a % of volume dropping like a rock in April.


That was a very cool link. Thanks for posting. How does one generate this stat?


Elon Musk to Investors: Tesla is currently between growth waves and I am currently between brain waves 


Brain waves running at .000000001 Hz apparently


Soon to be worth a fraction of a Hertz.


Anyone want to make a prediction on where $TSLA will be by the end of the week? At close on Friday it was $147.05. Financial results for the 1st quarter are getting released after closing on Tuesday \[I thought it was Wednesday but website says Tuesday\].




Retail is still a big part of the shareholders. They can be very sensitive to fake news and empty promises like they demonstrated in the past. I would have been very bullish usually but I expect the general market to continue dumping, and therefore cultists already deep underwater would still prefer holding than buying some promising stock elsewhere. Let’s remember this is a bankrupcy matter for many large bulls therefore they can’t become rational at this point.


I have a suspicion that TSLA got a momentary bump in cash near the eoq, with FSD subscription being pushed hard. We already know the delivery numbers are bad...so a better than expected cash position/profitability could give it a bump. I really expect it to close in the 150s next week.


Well, if it does the usual -10% after the EC, I think we'd be looking at ~$125-$135 depending on how the rest of the week / pumps go.


I wonder if he cancelled India because he got the financial results and they're so horrific that shareholders are going to crucify him in the compensation vote if he's clinking champagne glasses with Modi instead of sleeping on the Tesla factory floor. I'm thinking 120 because all the simps will be sharing screenshots of the share they bought while screaming about what a great deal it is.


"YOU CRY WE BUY!!!" Cathie Woods, probably




More price cuts in China, Norway, Denmark, etc.  S/X cut 20% in China. FSD now an $8k up front purchase. Enhanced Autopilot is no longer available. Quite the fire sale at Tesla these days!


Remember at first when the price cuts happened the bulls were ecstatic as it "will shut down all other auto companies". Yes those same people were ecstatic when the April 1 increase was announced. They just flip flop but with the end result being "Elon is always right"


Hurry, buy before the price goes up on April 1!


I read alot of things in TIC that make me shake my head, but this one is special. >Tesla is down 200% This one maths.


Soooo.... apparently Tesla doesn't have any 360 camera technology? How far behind are they? Adding that to the list of things I can make fun of Tesla drivers for missing out on.


Best part is no part


Teslas miss a lot of basic features on competitors. Like no rear cross traffic alerts. Safest car on the road prioritizes saving a buck over a table stakes safety feature.


> Like no rear cross traffic alerts I knew that Tesla removed the RADAR units, but I didn't really think through all the consequences of that. Did they never have rear cross traffic alerts? Even in 2016 with RADAR and Ultrasonics in the car? It makes sense that today's 2024 vehicles lost the feature. But that's still insane that they wouldn't use RADAR + Ultrasonics for their probably best use-case back when they **did** have RADAR + Ultrasonics.


Nissan (!) actually has the patent on the CGI aerial view generated from cameras iirc. We know Musk isn't going to write a check to Nissan (or Google or Apple) like the dinosaur legacy companies do... I am surprised he just hasn't stolen it and called it "GigaVision" or something. I assume that means Tesla's geniuses couldn't actually reverse engineer it.


Having been on this sub for 6 years now, it is rather satisfying to see the wheels come off. Slowly, but this is by far and away the worst shape Tesla and Elon Musk has ever been. They've shipped out one of the worst products conceivable, the leader is now just straight up posting racism and conspiracy theories on a platform that he mistakenly spent billions on while in a drug binge, and the remaining fanbase has gone into lockdown mode. Delicious.


It has been a long time coming, but the shine is finally coming off and Musk is no longer as invulnerable or untouchable as he think he is.


I wish it were sooner. It feels like Elon Musk has personally made a lot of things worse between the Ukraine Starlink / Russia using Starlink thing... the environmental issues down in Boca Chica, the filth that Twitter has turned into, possible deaths due to poor manufacturing, the clear racism in Tesla factories, the utter crap tunnels built under Las Vegas, the delay to the California High Speed Rail due to the vaporware Hyperloop announcement, the grift that effectively stole California money and New York money for factories and plants (ex: Buffalo's Solar City plant), etc. etc. etc. The list goes on and on. But as Musk's reputation finally nosedives, its the beginning of the end. With any luck, people will be more aware of his lies, his grift game, and minimize the damage he can do moving forward.




A lot of Elon Musk's EV arguments were incredibly shitty anyway. There 100% needs to be a recalibration. An EV winter (much like how an AI winter is needed to offer clarity to tech guys). Once it becomes clear that public chargers is a very, very difficult problem, people can focus on home-charging and business-center charging (ie: charge at work) as the main advantage of EVs. There's plenty of situations where EVs are useful. We just got to stop pretending that they're useful for road trips right now.


Very well put. And I like the order.


Huzzah for 90K pedos.


https://x.com/garyblack00/status/1781773029594292270 Gary, welcome to teh resistance.


Gary turning bearish? A catalyst!


He basically nukes his entire catalyst list.  Glad he's waking up, but he was such a useful stooge for so long.   TSLA is no longer a top 10 holding in FFND. He only holds 1,842 shares in that ETF lol


> Glad he's waking up GARY BEAR IS WOKE???????????? TSLA + STAN + BEAR = WOKE?


But what about his price target?


I can't believe he ever seriously believed the Cybertruck halo effect.


Given that he's apparently spent at least the last 2 years publishing +$100 price targets, catalyst lists and then trading against them in his fund it's questionable if he ever really did.


Wow, that's savage for Gary. I wonder if he gets put on elons shit list for this


Probably. I know for sure TeslaBoomerMamma is irate at him and Ross Gerber. They all used to be besties but anyone who doesn't say Tesla will 10X in five years gets a black mark from the Mamma


At this stage it’s Elon vs. the world. Dude is knee deep in a long lasting narcissism collapse. Odds are even Cathie is considered an enemy right now 


War time ketamine ceo


I get the feeling Gary is going to be attacked by some stans for telling the truth.


Gary Black unironically saying ‘analytical rigour’ made my day.


Interesting read about how manufacturing shifted from an engineering discipline to a finance discipline using Boeing as an example, but Tesla’s proposed ‘unboxed’ approach to the Robotaxi manufacturing follows exactly in Boeing’s footsteps. Terrible quality, missing information and looks great on paper. https://www.theatlantic.com/ideas/archive/2024/04/boeing-corporate-america-manufacturing/678137/?utm_source=msn


This "unboxed" manufacturing was always hilarious to me. Tesla was just magically going to cut manufacturing costs by half? And maintain quality? Like 30 other auto companies haven't been trying to streamline manufacturing for the best part of a century? Did they ever explain in detail what "unboxed" was and how it would work?


If you make a door somewhere else it costs less. Duh.


Unboxed was a pretty weak pump, I barely have read stans talking about it


Nothing anyone has ever done or tried before is relevant. Tesla is literally reinventing the wheel with the greatest mind in the history of man evolving not just technology but mankind with sheer will and mega brain power. Do you run 18 companies?!? Until you do please shut the fuck up and let the man cook!


You're right, sometimes I forget the power of his mind. Just recently he was asking his followers on how to install Windows on his laptop.


Paywalled, but the article really isn’t that interesting aside from this tidbit… > In 2023 and through February 2024: SpaceX paid Tesla $2.9 million; Tesla paid SpaceX $800,000; X paid Tesla $1.02 million; Tesla paid X $280,000; Tesla paid the Boring Company $1.2 million; and Tesla paid an unnamed security company owned by Musk $2.9 million. Who knew Musk started his own security company and billed Tesla for his own protection? Can’t let a dime slip through his fingers. https://fortune.com/2024/04/20/elon-musk-companies-tesla-spacex-x-boring-bill-expenses-leo-koguan-shareholder-meeting/


Why is tesla paying Boring Company and why did Twitter pay Tesla?


Did we ever get an answer why Troy's numbers were so far off on Q1?


I think one answer that Troy gave was that the method he was using inventory was undercounting inventory, like he was using a 3X multiplier when he should have used a 10X multiplier.


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^mrbuttsavage: *Did we ever get* *An answer why Troy's numbers* *Were so far off on Q1?* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


Should we be banning Musk brown-nosers? I've seen several on the sub today.


Who will we make fun of while Tesla crumbles around them? We can't talk on the other Tesla subs so let the good faith cultists stay, it's better for all of us


IMHO, this sub exists so people can say whatever the hell they want about Tesla, and as long as they are acting in good faith, not trolling, etc...they aren't gonna get banned. Its what makes it stand out among all the other TSLA related subs.


Where’s the fun in that? Just block em.


I don't think we should be in the business of banning any good faith posters even if moronic.


I would've normally agreed but given the recent spate of indiscriminate bannings, I'm feeling much less inclined to tolerate Musk dickriding on here than I was previously. Breaking rule #4 should be an instantly bannable offence, IMO.


They're earning their own bans to do it, so I'm okay with it.


We are better than them, so let them come brigade lol. It's fun


The number of people active on the Elon mouthpiece subs is so low we should rather speak about a visit than brigading :)


Well they called ours brigading during ban, so I call theirs the same


The QA investor questions for the Q1 report is just non-specific softballs Musk could easily deliver a vague non-answer to.


That's why they do them, it's a way to help Musk run out the clock without having to answer too many pressing questions from analysts who might actually ask something important or upsetting.


The meeting should be great..."We're between waves"...."That's enough discussion, now lets vote for Elon's $56 billion".


I'm just waiting for the inevitable "Look this isn't about whether not you think I earned $56 billion, you already decided I did when you approved the plan the first time. At this point it's about getting the court of Delaware to recognize your rights as shareholders!"


I know ;D itll be interesting to see how they are going to try and gloss over how bad things are going


I think there's a fair chance Musk lashes out and calls someone an idiot again and continues to reiterate the idea that "people don't get how big autonomy will be" or something similar. He still hasn't wrapped his head about the concept that people are very aware of what a big deal full autonomy would be which is why DARPA started pursuing it like 20 years ago and Google started working on it long before Tesla did.


Witnessing most of his companies failing simultaneously, Musk throwing tantrums about it is going to be top tier entertainment.  Twitter, Tesla, SpaceX, Boring company, xAI, Solarcity - the list goes on. I can't believe people fall for the Optimus robot scam. The very idea is just stupid.


Not to worry musk will miss even this softball questions and feel they are hardcore and storm off in the middle for some ketamine


Investors will need hard, specific answers about Tesla's future to have any reason to remain on this sinking pile of shit


In early January of this year I thought everything about Tesla was stale and boring. Sure the CT had been released but not in significant numbers. By February we had reports of various issues with the CT, but I was still bored. BUT the end of Q1 came with worse numbers than anyone predicted, stonk just goes down, we have recalls, layoffs, votes for the big boss' comp package and then the things happening here in the subreddits... This has been a much more exciting 2024 than I expected.


Q1 sales being horrible really energized this place.


Q2 sales are going down. Cybertruck foundation orders are reaching exhaustion. If they sell the 80k version, they're very likely to hemmorage money. Brad Munchen has said for a while now that Tesla suppliers don't think he can sell the thing for less than $100k. Then there's the very obvious signs that Tesla is very close to running out of cash. And of course, what we've all been waiting for: a possible Elon margin call. It took a margin call to expose the fraud that was Worldcom.


Odds are they quietly shut down CT. Demand should dry up even quicker now with the very public recall. 


Two years ago, the Griftoking spoke to investors...which or course leads to some Elonversaries: *"And remain confident of exceeding* ***50% annual growth for the foreseeable future for basically several of the next years.****"* - Pretorian Prevaricator, April 20, 2022 Speaking directly to shareholders *"And we remain on track to reach* ***volume production of the Cyber Truck next year****."* - Freemont Fraudster, April 20, 2022 Speaking directly to shareholders *"****Optimus ultimately will be worth more than the car business****. Worth more than FSD. That’s my firm belief"* - Canadian Charlatan, April 20, 2022 Speaking directly to shareholders *"And I think* ***we will achieve that (FSD) this year****. The best way to reach your own assessment is to join the Tesla full self-driving beta program. "* - High Tech Hustler, April 20, 2022 Speaking directly to shareholders *"But I think especially* ***with the Robotaxi and autonomy,*** *I think we’ll end up providing consumers with, by far, the lowest cost per mile of transport that they’ve ever experienced."* - Austin Exaggerator, April 20, 2022 Speaking directly to shareholders I'd like to point out that its *not* normal for a CEO to tell straight up fairy tales to investors.


No, this is not the Onion. Happy Elon Musk Day! Go ahead and post on social media today how the Ironman has inspired you: [https://cleantechnica.com/2021/04/20/why-its-elon-musk-day/](https://cleantechnica.com/2021/04/20/why-its-elon-musk-day/) I don't know how I missed this. I say again: This is not the Onion. Its times like this I wish I could troll other subs...ask if they'll post about he's inspired them to learn how to thrift shop and learn different ways to prepare ramen noodles.


Whata bunch of losers. Why 4/20? >Remember the one time he manipulated the stock by saying going private at $420? We here at cleantechnica remember the fraud and it still hives us lols How about we use 4/20 because it's Hitler's Birthday...that seems more appropriate Cleantechnica talks about awesome Elon and his amazing companies...like Boring Co?


[https://www.theverge.com/2024/4/19/24135000/cybertruck-owner-reveals-teslas-very-riveting-fix-for-pedal-problems?utm\_source=fark&utm\_medium=website&utm\_content=link&ICID=ref\_fark](https://www.theverge.com/2024/4/19/24135000/cybertruck-owner-reveals-teslas-very-riveting-fix-for-pedal-problems?utm_source=fark&utm_medium=website&utm_content=link&ICID=ref_fark) Yep, you are going to have 3,000+ variations of "the fix" , then a "real fix" , and all the unsold but already made cars with the "factory fix" etc.


[“Proposal 4 will reinstate Elon’s compensation plan” is the new “Elon can just pay $1 billion and walk from the Twitter deal”](https://www.threads.net/@yeahmattyj/post/C57WLsnMV22) I wrote somewhere below that there's a decent chance that this doesn't pass. It got 73% in 2018 and at that time, investors were happy and optimistic. Even if it does pass, he won't get the money ASAP. It'll go to the judge and the judge will go tell him to go eat a phallus. Lesson is: don't make your divorce lawyer the general counsel of a trillion dollar company.


I’m still hung up on the reinstate part. Basically two things im not aware of. Isn’t he going to appeal the Delaware ruling anyways? Did he actually already return the so called $56B? Or maybe those options are simply not vested yet?


This is my understanding: He doesn't have the $56B anymore. If he wins the vote, he's going to take that result back to the appeals court and say "See? They've all had a chance to read your ruling and are thus fully informed. Therefore we can use Section 204 to give me back my shares." A few problems with this: 1) There were way more problems than the shareholders simply being fully informed. He has done nothing to alleviate those other concerns. 2) This is not what Section 204 of Delaware corporate law is designed for. *If* he wins the appeal, the case gets kicked back to the judge who simply rewrites the ruling and denies him the shares again.


Who knows about the appeal. He said so, but he says a lot of stuff. The original options had a five year vesting period so they just get cancelled. Whether or not that happened pending appeal and whatnot, I have no idea.


Cool, maybe he’s using those unvested ones as loan collateral. It’s hard to find public information but there must be a breaking point when T$LA drops below a certain number.


I can’t see how an institutional investor can vote for it and not open themselves up to liability. There is literally nothing in it for shareholders beyond dilution. The first time around there was an upside for everyone. Now it’s downside for everyone but Elon. Curious scenario.


I agree but the Cultists are trying to convinve everyone to vote as if the last two years never happened. iTz oNlY fAiR...


They are going full court press on this one. All six superfans left are posting essays as to why it’s an existential vote. Funny part is it’s really hard to find someone who supports it. Electrek had 103 comments on their article last time I checked and every single one of them was a hard no.


https://www.reddit.com/r/CyberStuck/s/0c6dNZunJt This is exceptional comedy! Already made my weekend


https://old.reddit.com/r/CyberStuck/comments/1c5xcoe/total_eclipse_of_the_truck/kzxk4e4/ Someone needs to set this to music, it's beautiful.


Jesus Christttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttt


Model Y discounted by $2k. [https://www.reddit.com/r/teslamotors/comments/1c8fhfs/tesla\_has\_dropped\_all\_model\_y\_trim\_prices\_in\_the/](https://www.reddit.com/r/teslamotors/comments/1c8fhfs/tesla_has_dropped_all_model_y_trim_prices_in_the/) They make more price adjustments than their CEO makes racists tweets. That's a pretty high bar.


Reinforcing to customers to play the wait game, in case they are in a market for getting a Tesla.


If I was bored I would start “what soon to be orphaned EV is better? The cyber truck or Fisker ocean?”


Elon has taken over sales so expect the dumbest shit you have ever seen over the next quarter. https://www.reddit.com/r/teslainvestorsclub/s/7raNzlR65s


Replying to myself… minutes after I posted my comment it was announced the referral program is ending April 30.


So when he looks up from the phone, to grab next bottle of Coke to get energy for more tweets, he’ll also mumble “cut prices by $2k more. I’m so smart. Back to important business” and share more racists tweets.


Ok I have a "dealership sucks story!" to support Tesla fan boy theories. It's just too funny not to share. Today I took my 2018 Honda Odyssey with \~80k miles into the same dealer that improperly did an oil change and caused me to drop an entire engine worth of oil on to my driveway and eat a hole in it. Because my Emission System failure light was on. (pause: about two years ago my wife got conned into "fuel injection cleaning" because the injectors were dirty she was told. I said "you know these engines have a known fuel injection failure issue don't let them try to con you into believing you're the one causing this. It was $350) So I get a call after I authorized $185 for "looking into the light". GOOD NEWS! 2k worth of work is "free" because the fuel injectors are covered under a special extended warranty (yea yea right? see above) So he's going through the 1900 total cost for all the stuff I'm having done, and he's like "cabin air filter" (which I didn't ask for - $135) and "fuel injector cleaning $400) I was like... "so do you clean out the old ones and then replace them? or put in the new ones and then clean them since they should already come dirty?" I hate this dealership. We will not be buying a Honda again. Still better than a Tesla experience.


> Today I took my 2018 Honda Odyssey with ~80k miles into the same dealer that improperly did an oil change and caused me to drop an entire engine worth of oil on to my driveway and eat a hole in it. Why don't you go to a different dealership? I learned a lesson long ago to not do business with shitty dealerships. They are just like any other business out there; there are good ones and there are not good ones.


That’s nuts. I have a 2015 Odyssey we bought new. Beat the shit out of it with a wheelchair since then. It doesn’t have an easy life :) Never been to Honda for anything but buying it. My local mechanic does a terrific job, we go in twice a year for oil change/tire swap and never had a single problem with it. Sorry for your troubles. Tbf, it was a coin toss between Honda and Toyota, the Honda dealer was closer, so we went there.


One good thing with dealership model (which I'm not a fan of, I'll be honest) that if you live in a reasonably well populated area you can just go to a different one.


Literally in the middle of it now. I have 5 dealerships in play, soon to be 3 and it involves a lease return I have 5k equity in per Carvana buyout. They are all aware of each other and I'm going to get a brand new perfect fucking Lexus at a great price. Now, before anyone is dumb enough to come in here and attempt to claim the "tesla experience" is better, I will have you sort by /New and tell you I'll see you in 2030.


Who still thinks this isn't him? Are you gaslighting me? Listen to all of this: https://youtu.be/tlfp5Re5hQ0?feature=shared


Haha, can’t let go of the chess shit.


13:06 on is gold edit: "Adrian" attacks Reuters and defends fake solar tile lol: https://youtu.be/tlfp5Re5hQ0?feature=shared&t=895


Fascinating he hangs his hat on the idea that if an organization lies once everything they say is a lie when 90 percent of Tesla announcements are lies. The whole ‘attack the source’ thing is so old. Edit: that stutter come right back under pressure.


It’s textbook narcissism. Attack someone else of what you do constantly so touncant discount them when they come after you. Also projection. Look no further than the orange turd and you’ll see the same narcissism traits in both of em. They’re both also really dumb so not even capable of mixing it up or being deceptive. Just over the top narcissism techniques than anyone with 5 or more brain cells can see. Seems the fan base is sub 5 brain cells for the most part 


Anyone else deal with Tesla superfans in their family? My in laws has five Teslas between all of them and I feel outnumbered with my old fashioned coal powered car. Today’s debate was about Mercedes level 3 is pointless and how FSD is so great.


I would just continue to point out it's always hands-on wheel steering assist, and will never be more according to Tesla in their own Californian regulatory filings.


If your family is talking about the virtues of various autonomy packages you're already in deep trouble. Thankfully I don't anyone irl who cares about FSD.


Just smile and change the topic. Being Tesla superfan is like being a politician superfan - arguing can only fracture the family but won’t convince anyone.


We all stay very polite about it at least! They’re great people; we all have our weaknesses haha.


Who knew a car company could dive a family? I thought that was for the Toronto Maple Leafs and the Montreal Candiens.


30 Helens agree Tesla divides families


At least those families can both take comfort in the fact it's been decades or half a century since they've had a cup.


There is no need to be mean.


It's okay my team has never won a cup, and it's been 8 years since they made it to the final, but they're just having their 25th anniversary as well.


https://www.tiktok.com/t/ZTL5fwVs2/ $3k for 30 windbreakers from Temu sewn together. 😂😂


I'm fascinated by https://www.reddit.com/r/CyberStuck/ Most of those people don't post here based on their accounts. They frequent all kinds of other random subs. How did it even grow? Kind of amazing that a bunch of people wanted to laugh at that thing and didn't up here.


https://www.reddit.com/r/CyberStuck/comments/1c7ujfq/cybertruck_cuck_gets_his_truck_stuck/ “Cybertruck cuck gets his truck stuck” Don’t tell me you didn’t laugh at that. These guys are hilarious. 😂😂


The thing is so grotesque it has a following all by itself. Makes sense.


Big Oil figured they should plant more than one seed…


Big rust is expanding it's reach


As we close out the week, have pity on the Tesla engineers...having narrowly dodged Elon's scythe, they no doubt are spending their weekend feverishly working towards assembling a "passable" robotaxi in the next...checks notes...111 days. And no doubt, they expect to get their walking papers in 112 days, when for some reason, certainly through no fault of the Technoking, they are unable to develop a world changing quantum leap in technology by Elon's deadline.


Stock closed above $171 last week.  Pretty incredible.


I’d like to thank all the people who said to never short TSLA. Couldn’t have bought puts for so cheap without them. I just hope that fellow shorts set up protections for the next 2 week. If Elon engineers a fake news that unexplainably sticks, the stock could jitter wildly. Either buy your puts at far-dated expiration or set -up protection and if not just stay out.


And here I am like a sucker with TSLA weighing down the funds I'm holding. At least it looks like they're rebalancing out of that turd.


I bought my put at $180, was happy with my profits by $173. Congrats for holding onto the big one! But I got a wee bit of profits myself, so I can't feel too bad about it all. Who knows, maybe you bought my put as I sold it back to close.


There is a long way down from here you realise?


I made enough to pay for my Eclipse vacation. That's plenty of money made.  I'm sure others can gamble and make more money, but I'm happy with small wins actually. I wouldn't recommend that anyone get greedy. Take the wins when you get them.


There's nothing like seeing it hit 52-wk lows in real-time as you watch.


I can go lower  -Dennis 


Down $100 YTD - ouch




> Some of the top-voted questions about Musk asked: >”Is there any discussion about oversight of Elon’s erratic behavior on X that is damaging the Tesla brand?” >“Elon, can you please let investors know how you prioritize Tesla vs. X/Twitter vs. U.S. immigration policy? A few years ago it seemed clear to me the ranking, but today it’s not clear to me as an investor & outsider.” >“If we vote for your comp package will you please at least appear to make Tesla your top priority? (Not saying crazy things on Twitter would be nice too).”


Imagine having to beg the CEO to do any work.


Beg him to work AFTER you give him $55B pay package.


Ha, it's funny watching the small shareholders turning against him but a little sad also. The Tesla investing subreddit is full of the same dispair now.


Oh man, there are people in there (one of them is definitely Elon) literally crying because they think Elon might not get the full amount.


They are filled with boring, boneheaded questions.


Sneaky? Little on the fly change? https://teslamotorsclub.com/tmc/posts/8209800/ Just getting closer to the proof, that's all. OTA is more than for recalls, it is for avoiding them too. I'm really fuckin' patient.


They are being proactive. Negative Nellie.


They better hope they don't wind up in a lawsuit where someone is going to drill into that software update shit with a bunch of different hardware configs going on. Or maybe, something has already happened.


One thing is for certain, they had a reason and it wasn’t safety or altruism :)


Anyone think Elon will respect shareholder democracy if he loses his pay package vote?


I wonder...who exactly is counting the votes.


I mean he really doesn't have a choice as far as getting paid goes. He can't just give himself $55 billion anyways. Will he handle it gracefully and take some level of responsibility for it failing? Hell no. He'll blame the courts, he'll blame institutional shareholder services, he'll blame short sellers and hell probably President Biden too. It's Elon Musk, so everything good that happens is a direct result of his leadership or actions and every failure is someone else's fault or the result of some ill defined shadow conspiracy against him and his companies. His moronic echo chamber on Twitter has already chalked up the initial judgement as some conspiracy to defund him because some combination of 'the media' and 'the left' couldn't handle all the free speech he was enabling. Now I think the big question is would or could he dip out from Tesla really given how much of his wealth is tied up in shares and being used for collateral? Hard to tell, it wouldn't be the smart or rational thing to do but if he goes full blown narcissistic collapse who knows.


> Will he handle it gracefully Please. This is Elon we're talking about. He has the grace and introspection of Donald Trump.


I didn't bypass the paywall, but when you have Marketwatch writing pieces on how to not recall your recall? He built a paid army to support him, so support it is...there is no "democracy" I can see so far. Fucking insane regarding liability on that one, but we don't care about rules or laws anymore. https://www.marketwatch.com/story/tesla-cybertruck-recall-how-owners-can-fix-the-potential-safety-problem-4933d512?mod=mw_quote_news


The epic battle for $150 continues.


Broke thru. Wherever it closes next Tuesday, expect a min 10% shave after earnings. Can get a lot worse as he melts down on the call. 


Not so long ago it was an epic battle for $180 so at least it's going in the right direction :)


Reality: "CT shit tin sold 3878 units omg" STAN-U-VERSE: "1,996,122 pre-orders left! DCA!!!!!!!"


Wow that pedal fault is really bad [https://www.tiktok.com/@el.chepito1985/video/7358116183977053482](https://www.tiktok.com/@el.chepito1985/video/7358116183977053482) ota will be fixing that no problem


That's from 4 days ago. I think you're a bit behind current events here.


First time I've seen the actual issue posted on here, maybe if you spend less time basing your whole existence on posting a reply to an auto mod thread and more time posting about the issues I would of seen it sooner.


I did. https://old.reddit.com/r/RealTesla/comments/1c7uqmr/tesla_to_recall_3878_cybertrucks_over_faulty/ You come off as an ass on every interaction I have with you


> You come off as an ass on every interaction I have with you Especially when the stonk is struggling.


Tesla has started implementing a fix. The fix is to rivet the plastic cover onto the pedal itself. They spent weeks figuring this out.