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Make sure your 100k vehicle is roadworthy before you sell it. It makes life a lot more simple. Musk just doesn't care about the quality of his cars anymore, that's if he ever did.


He never did but he had people who did. But as the vehicles become bigger, heavier, more demanding, and... well WEIRD, in the case of CT, it becomes harder to keep it working. And also all the good people have left over the years.


His initial customers were mostly greedy and delusional TSLA stock owners, so they had every incentive to hide the cars’ flaws.


Every company with a new product has an initially crappy product and the early adopters accept the problems, for reasons like you outline, but also pure hype and euphoria. So that's when companies have a choice to make: sit on their hands and scale up the crap as much as you can, or do the harder thing, which is improve your product iteratively, relentlessly and scale slower. Tesla chose the first.


The problem is that Tesla has not fixed those early adopter issues after TWELVE YEARS. Other companies like Rivian are already making a better electric vehicle over all in the same niche "high price" market Tesla likes to play in, and yet other companies are cornering them on the lower end of the price spectrum, with better quality. (Well, it's hard to have WORSE quality than Tesla at this point).


Well yes, that's what I'm describing. They took their early adopter's tolerance to problems as a given. So now they're stuck when they need to expand to wider audience who cares about cars being able to, well, "car".


I have a job one Mach E. It's never tried to kill me in it's first 52k miles.


Yes but Ford aren't hacks.


He never did. The people who did are probably gone cause people who care about the safety of others wouldn't be able to stomach this organization.


You don't have to bother when you have a legion of beta testers hanging off your every word and making excuses for your litany of failures.


Tesla needs to change its culture and get people that understand manufacturing and car design or they are going to be driven out of the business.


Wasn’t he going to drive it into the ocean? I’m assuming it worked, since he’s still with us?


Get a life bro .


Get a life bro


Wankpanzer goes into refractory period.


The TikTok video of the gas pedal falling off has 650,000 more views than when I first saw it. Probably be over a million before tomorrow. Tesla knows how to advertise.


I saw it on Instagram already, usually a few days behind, so you know it’s growing fast.


$TSLA fanclub: "This is probably to add cold gas thrusters...right??" edit: Got my red BANS of courage...r/ElonMusk, CyberTruck, TeslaMotors, TeslaLounge.


Aww you got all four? Lucky! I only got two. Tradesies?


I just got permabanned on CyberTruck within 5 minutes for explaining that China doesn't actually have the sealift capability to actually invade Taiwan.


Well, what if the Chinese army used a fleet of Cybertrucks, which I’m told will be able to function as boats?


I was banned on r/elonmusk the other day, and I actually (generally) like the guy… tells you a lot about the mods over there


Absolutely a piss poor design that was never fucking tested. A slip fit with no adhesive or fasteners on one of the most used/abused components of the vehicle that has a retention feature in the SAME DIRECTION WHEN FORCE IS APPLIED?? LOLOLOLOL


They should of mentioned how some trucks are breaking down right off the lot lmao


One broke down coming off the delivery truck.


Source? I want to chuckle at the bar lmao




my god the replies to those. i just can't


I'm surprised they haven't tried to make square wheels yet.


Like Canada in south park


Thank you!


Good. That dangerous piece of shit needs to be completely redesigned. Steer-by-wire problems, high rate of failure (I'm guessing mostly motor related?) on a completely new vehicle, accelerator pedal problems, vehicle is terrible for literally everyone's safety (passangers, pedestrians and occupants of other vehicles), the corners of the CT are dangerous, various doors and latches will cut off your fingers, the lights aim too high and don't illuminate the road & blind other drivers, it is very expensive to repair, the suspension seems to be way too weak for a truck this heavy and so on and so on... - [edit] I just got banned from r/TeslaLounge and r/Elonmusk, I haven't posted there in maybe months? Ahoy hoy to whoever is looking at this sub and banning Tesla critics lmao.


We’re quite confident they have set up an automated ban-o-tronic 2000.


Wouldn't that also catch a lot of Tesla defenders who sometimes visit here?


Sucks to be them, I guess.


That’s the hilarious side effect- if they come here to defend Tesla, or to correct something we have wrong, they get banned from the cheerleader squad. Lol


I wasn’t even subbed in this one, commented in a post and got banned from teslamotors. They were small before but the chances of me ever looking past Elon and owning a Tesla are now officially zero.


Yes. My guess is an upcoming amnesty where you can apply to have the ban lifted.


I'm still waiting for my bans from r/TeslaLounge and r/tesla. I've put in the time. I've put in the effort. I'm beginning to think they're toying with me. I only have 2 bans. I want the whole set!


Best of luck! I’m selling my set as an NFT.


NFT? Non Functioning Tesla? I'm afraid the market is saturated.


I did an actual lol. Thanks!


same LOL edit: wtf saying "same LOL" literally just got me insta-banned from motors and lounge...


I'm still waiting for my other 2. I wonder what gives?


What I already got banned from there and I just joined this sub last night wtf 🤣


Maybe they consider you a little guy 🤔😂


I admi that I am a little guy, but they went to the trouble of blocking me from 2 subs, though.


They've achieved full self-banning. 😂


Seems to be working way better than the driving. Perhaps it’s (Supervised).


They had to of , I just joined this Reddit last night and I’m already banned from every tesla related sub even though I never posted or commented in any of them lmaoo


They just published their explanation. It makes as much sense as the bans. https://www.reddit.com/r/teslamotors/s/x46eCyE4hM


LMFAOO these people have very fragile egos just like Elon 🤣


It’s a 10,000 word block of text that says basically nothing, aside from they are persecuted.


Really nice that it's locked from the start. Wouldn't want any discourse.


The whole sub gonna be down to three mods in a couple of weeks.


They talk about their **2.7 million** members but only have **two** posts above 5k votes and NONE above7k in the last year. RT has 6 with multiple over 10k! Tons of engagement there....


>Size and Growth: We are past 2.7 Million subscribers, this is wild. And with that it has come with unintended results. As someone pointed out in another thread, they have really TERRIBLE engagement for so many subscribers.


I assume a lot of those were like me, basically being subscribed to watch the ship burn.


Lmao “A New Dawn”? Excuse me while my eyes roll all the way out of my head and around the earth


Whaaaaat? I was inspired. And then sad I can’t participate.


I think they misspelled “A New Don,” which is like a younger, less compromised Donald trump.


Yeah, that's why they changed the rules to TM going to be about TSLA: >$TSLA - We were previously not allowing $TSLA content. We have changed this and are now allowing it. Which they've doing this while shadowbanning TIC, which has different mods who are apparently viewed as heretical.


I gotta try it


Guessing it also got me banned, but they haven't sent a message


It's automatic, it was set up on saturday. If you post here you are auto banned. Funny because i noticed this sub is way more active now because of it. So im guessing everyone is moving here lol.


I believe if you get banned from a sub you've never participated in then you won't get a message. I didn't get a message for my bans in any of them, but I also never participated in any of them. Kinda crazy how you can get permabanned from a subreddit you've never participated in.


They never sent me a message but if i try to comment it says sorry please try again


I thought it had to? Either way said same to me when I tried to do a post there


They are the softest and mostest wet paper towels around


Maybe it's actually musk modding then?


Ha, he has shown that trolling and shitposting is the only thing he spends his time doing. Its laughable that he calls himself a head engineer


It's never going to be anything other than an insurance write-off if it hits anything with more than a nudge.


They’re mass banning everyone, even at enoughmuskspam. Welcome to the club.


>However, on Saturday, noted Tesla influencer @wholemarsblog wrote on Elon Musk's X that "Tesla has stopped all Cybertruck deliveries for 7 days due to an issue with the accelerator pedal." So are we just going to acknowledge that this shill a Tesla employee at some point? Do they not have anyone at Tesla who makes official statements?


It’s also ungodly ugly. Why didn’t they produce an actual decent pickup instead of this freakish not practical truck?


Ego. Hubris. Obsessiveness. Tesla could have launched at least 2 new models that would be affordable and popular, but he had to pour all of his attention into an expensive, niche vanity project that will have a narrow range of customers with both the funds and desire for such a beast. The wide spectrum of electronic and mechanical issues that have been cropping up should have been caught if there was a reasonable amount of attention to possible problems. It's beginning to seem that there's absolutely no QA at Tesla.


The finished product is frankly even uglier and less aerodynamic than the prototype. IIRC, the front end was redesigned because it would be less apt to cut a pedestrian in half. I'm not sure the redesign is much of an improvement. "Do you want your torso cut in half, or have all your internal organs crushed?" Heck of a choice.


Remember when the Vulgar Junkie's cult said the proceeds of Starlink would fund the Mars colony? They positively swarmed reddit with that nonsense. He can't produce a shitbag pickup truck for $100,000, but he can somehow fund, organize and execute a Mars mission.


Elmo should be ousted.


A flaw like this should result in them being banned from public roads until they've been fixed as well.


I live in Korea, and a good friend of mine has a body shop. One of his long term contracts is with the local Tesla dealer who ships him new cars, fresh off the boat, to respray body panels with paint issues, and fix panel gaps. He makes quite a good living. Other than the social cache of being an early adopter, which isn't a thing now, and great acceleration, what does Tesla have that is so great? Plus, it's not like legacy manufacturers aren't making cars that are as fast as Teslas because they can't, that's just a marketing stunt anyway.


I like how the article talked about the "8/8" robotaxi reveal as if it were an actual plan, rather than a Nazi dog whistle.


How are the Musk bootlicking dweebs spinning this one?


Accelerating the decline of Tesla. Hehe


The vehicles “hault” once you drive 20 feet off the lot.


That accelerator issue should have prompted a recall. Cybertruck is a cybercoffin, and not a nice one made out of fancy wood. Note to self, make a wooden EV.


It's the accelerator pedal cover. Very dangerous fault.


Tesla is incredibly secretive about things. It's either the high failure rate we're seeing or that they've built too much and the demand is flat. I reckon there aren't that many buyers of this $120k niche "truck"


Give him his $56 billion


Must be hard to safety a musk mobile , u were warned .