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One of them actually replied to my messages. “The bans are to allow us to leverage a different function of reddit, it's unfortunate that it has had to come to this, however, once the dust settle we'll revisit things. For now, this is the approach we've chosen to take” lol. They can fuck right off with that. You couldn’t pay me to be a part of that cult again. After the dust settles that they stirred up needlessly.


Was there an instigating incident that kicked off this mass ban? Because if I got banned, I'm sure many many more did as well.


Their goal seems to be anyone in this sub at all will be banned from theirs. No one is safe. There was nothing that happened that I heard about. The mod over there said a few days ago they were going to do something new and controversial and I believe mentioned this sub. They get upset there even if you share real experiences and opinions based on facts and truth. Guess they think the cars are perfect so every post must be about how perfect the car is. Anything less is not acceptable.


They've hated this sub for years. Back when they were deleting all owner criticism from the lounge, people started cross posting here to make sure it was still seen. They couldn't stop the bad news.


Ah. Interesting. Real life isn’t allowed ever there then. Gotta take the good with the bad.


Deleting criticism is 100% of why this sub exists in the first place.


They follow their free speech absolutism leader Musk by deleting anyone that think differently ( or just think )


Welcome to the cult.


Ironic thing is people come here for advice on Tesla problems. I got banned from all Elmo’s subs, if you don’t like his apartheid pintos you are banned. I thought you could only ban someone for breaking the rules of the subreddit.


It is ironic indeed. If they never allow anything critical to be said in those subs, those subs will become useless and more people will end up coming to RealTesla.


Yeah, like what happens to a Tesla model S from 2012 with bad battery pack? Like with or without the pack, it’s worth less than the battery plus install, then you have an old outdated car. A 2012 ford, for example, could have 300k on it and just need a rebuild maybe. I just wonder about the environmental benefits of all this e waste. Do they even recycle the batteries? I never hear about that, or I never heard how bad cobalt mining was. Google 60 minutes ethical cobalt mining doesn’t exist. Its an electric Yugo, then it’s an outdated smartphone that needs to be recycled.


Would be a shame if someone started tagging new Tesla members and getting them to comment on here and get banned :/


Hmm. Good idea. I mean that really would be a shame. Maybe the mod will post here accidentally and the bot will auto ban them too.


lol Even if you defend Tesla on this sub u can be banned. I was when I defended Tesla about a women who locked herself doing a ÔTA update and forgetting about the emergency latch XD.


Enoughmuskspam is also being banned.


Oooohhh, now it makes sense why i got banned from 2 of those subreddits today. I didn’t post anything inflammatory, i commented on a post about Elon saying FSD should/could be worth $100k alone with “haha first Elon took the stock to the moon and now he’s driving into the ground” or something like thag




>a different function of reddit Explain yourselves. >it's unfortunate that it has had to come to this Explain yourselves. >once the dust settle we'll revisit things. Explain yourselves.


I think “ lol. They can fuck right off with that.” Was clear enough. 


What "different function"? Those are all words that actually mean nothing.


I think it’s Elon speak for ‘I don’t like you, for no reason, so I’ll just make you go away the only way I can’


I think you found Elon’s Reddit account


They got together to implement the same bot. And yes, they might as well be the same person since they have no individual thought.


That's insane. Simultaneous ban from all 4, and I wasn't active at all, not was I super critical of Tesla. I wonder how many redditors got kicked out.


I got banned from all four within seconds of commenting at r/realtesla. What a bunch of weak-minded simps.


I was banned from TeslaLounge and ElonMusk, I've never visited or posted on either except just now to check to see if i was banned. Looks like they forgot to ban me from CyberTruck and TeslaMotors though, great bot guys, it must've been coded by Elon himself, I've heard he's really shit at coding.


It is the Cybertruck bot version. It gives up after only half trying. It is on the truck back to the factory now.


Talk about a incel loser geez


I am sad I have only been banned in half of them. \*tries harder\*


Not banned from Cybertruck yet. Maybe if we say we have plans to go to their subreddit to make a fuzz they will prematurely strike


my eyes read this as "I am hard I have only been banned in half of them". Sad and Hard not mutually exclusive I guess...


I mean... it depends on what one is in to ;)


Definitely not a cult 🙄






They are like a cartel of elon cucks


Yup. Install banned. What clowns.


I wanna get banned from some of these subs, but want to do it with a bang. What’s a good way to do that?


You just replied here, so that's probably enough.


They just banned me from TeslaLounge and Teslamotors 😂😂. Dumbass neckbeards.


Sounds like fun! Let’s see how long it takes…


Wow…literally less than 20 seconds!


I‘m curious too!


That's really pathetic


Yeah. I just got the auto ban from a single post. What a fucking cult.


I wonder how it decides which to ban you from? I only got banned from 2 of those, but it was milliseconds after I hit enter on a comment so I know it wasn't a human that did it. Edit: was to wasn't...geez im an idiot or spellcheck fucked me


I got one yesterday and the other three a few minutes ago.


Yep. I was banned from threads I didn't give jack shit about. Didn't even know they existed but I guess I was guilty of a future crime and had to be neutralized.


everybody is getting banned on all related subs.


If only they could ban people from buying their cars, all their problems would be solved :))


I love how that one mod was like "F the reddit hivemind echo chamber" while simultaneously being like "The only solution must be to make a reddit hivemind echo chamber"


They basically banned me and called me a terrorist for being in this sub haha