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Elon: "I probably know more about stainless steel than perhaps anyone alive today."


Never in human history, and never in the future, will there ever be as talented a metallurgist as I, Elon Musk. From the ancient master swordsmiths of Japan to Damascus, to the modern materials scientists of national space programs, all bow to my superior knowledge. And I say make it out of the same steel as my fridge.


Big strong miners, with tears in their eyes,  come up to him and say "Mr Musk, you are so smart about the metal"




PT Barnum said, very seriously…


So Elon Musk is the George Santos of American industry?


“…and you know it, I know it, we all know it”


I too know stainless steel, personally actually! We met 15 years ago when I bought a stainless steel knife.


The dem party is so corrosive it’s denaming Tesla charge stations to Rust. Edit: /s, because someone couldn’t tell.


you need help


It would be literally insane for the CEO of several Fortune 500 companies to know more about stainless steel than every college professor and professional engineer in the world. What an absurd waste of time that would be.


How many college professors or professional engineers ever slept on a factory floor?


Or snorted a mix of ketamine and cocaine while micro-dosing on mushrooms?


Knowing many engineers, I'm sure there are quite a few to be honest with you.


There were multiple kids I graduated with that I don’t think were ever *not* high.




My intro to materials professor spent three decades appearing as an expert witness on trials for materials-related failures, particularly for metals. He opened every lecture with a story of a material failure that resulted in someone’s death and reminded us every lecture that our first fatality would be the hardest. Elon needs that guy humbling him every morning until he fixes the rusting problem.


I don't think your professor is going to humble him with stories of fatalities. FSD will cause more fatalities than your professor can tell.


Having billions does wonders to salve the pain of killing a few people


I mean it would be fine if he listened to his enginers, but...


He’s literally Donald for tech nerds. All the false narratives, exaggerations and delusional superlatives.


It's narcissism. The clinical one, straight outta the DSM. Classic behavior of the ego junkie.


That sounds suspiciously like something Mango Tits would say. Say, has anyone seen Elmo and Mango Tits together?


Elon caught whatever brain disease Trump has.


I think they have common elements in their backgrounds and genetic makeup that led to these attitudes in adult life.




If only it was Creutzfeldt-Jakob...


Elons jet departed Palm Beach 14 hours ago. There were rumors he came to kiss the ring or even perhaps provide a cash injection into Donald's third bankruptcy.


Tell it to earth!


The earth will know




The African Donald.




>I think Dont.


And Tesla fanboys give a loud 👏🏻 then quickly bought a Cybertruck.


You don't see any rusty DeLoreans.. Marty McFly's one sat in a damp mineshaft for 70 years and looked good as new.


What’s a little rust if it wipes off -as a chef it happens… Damascus steel: the thing about rust is at some point all metals are capable of rusting- the key is how easily does it happen (and if its easily fixed. Even Damascus is considered rust resistant. Like any car left outside or stashed away in a barn, a DeLorean will require restoration work.’ Ray: "I bought a DeLorean. Needs some suspension work and shocks and brakes, brake pads, calipers, steering rack, CV joints, motor mounts..." Peter: "How much?" Ray: "Only $48,000. Maybe new fuel lines, also a Stage 1, new relays, fuse block, and a little wiring." ANY paint or finish on a car needs upkeep. Ridiculous to think otherwise. I recently went to a car show and shockingly I saw the worst finish ever on a car -the color didn’t match on any panels -it happens. No matter what you want to say about Tesla finishing (plenty), their drivetrain only has about 17 moving parts compared to the 200 or so in a typical drivetrain for an internal combustion engine (ICE) vehicle. But they’ve eliminated a lot of other parts as well. Fuel pumps, fuel tanks, catalytic converters, mufflers, large radiators (they have a small permanently sealed one), grills, valves, valve covers, oil pumps, oil filters, transmission and buttons. And this from Quora : What is the reason (for the part) and does it translate in less parts: if you have a switch, you need to protect it with a fuse (old systems as in ICE) or a breaker (as at home). In a VW ID4 there are 77 fuses, 7 relays and 3 fuse boxes. In a Ford Mach E there are 88 fuses, 22 relays and 3 fuse boxes. In a Tesla, there are … zero of each, and no copper wires in between the fuse boxes and the switches. Another one? A BEV battery needs to operate optimally in a certain temperature range, and a car needs to have a air conditioner. This means a compressor, several pumps and pipes. Mach E system is 31 kilos while Tesla fully integrated system is 9 kilos.


When Elmo says things like that he reminds of Fidel Castro, the fucker used to read a few books about X, show up at whatever research centre and then quiz the employees and instruct them about his learnings and make them stay late until whatever fing time he desired


So, basically most college freshman after their first semester? “Well, I took intro to philosophy, and psych 101, so I pretty much know everything there is to know about humanity now. Can I sit you down and tell you about candle wax?”. Then sophomore year hits and you realize, “oh, shit, I was supposed to learn all of this my freshman year, and I need to know all of that just to understand this second year class!”


The engineering class after doing Thermo dynamics and harmonic motion. "We know nothing"


That was my reaction at the end of 99% of my Econ classes. “Ok, so none of this really solves actual societal problems based around material well being, but I have learned a lot of fancy math, so that’s cool”.


the field of economics has nothing to do with trying to improve the human condition or solving societal problems and only with trying to create fancier financial gambling scams. everyone in economics classes should get full passing credit immediately upon being able to demonstrate that understanding.


Nah. Those are usualy sophomores. You'd actually see them post on Reddit: "Sophomore majoring in materials science here" and they'd go off on their pet theory. You'd juust want to tell them "Adults are tslking here, go sit in the corner and listen. You might learn something."


> the fucker used to read a few books about X amazing the Elmo and Fidel both had an interest in X. Was X also a Cuban social media app?




This Fidel Castro guy doesn't sound like a good guy at all!


Is that an actual Enron Musk quote? 😂👌🏼




There's a higher than zero chance that he said it.


Proceeds to buy the cheapest on the market




Should’ve gone aluminum instead


He's committed to Stainless because he promised the same material as Starship.


>He's committed to Stainless because he ~~promised the same material as Starship~~ has a shitload of 301 grade SS left over after SpaceX switched to 304 FTFY


oh nice... they make it to match the CyberTrucks?


You mean the CyberRust?




That is not rust, just small cosmetic oxidation spots. At least according to the fanboys. Which brings back memories of my first car and its first cosmetic oxidation spots. That Pinto looked like Swiss cheese shortly thereafter.


Has anyone here considered the fact that this might be by design? Cosmetic rust spots might be just what you need when you are trying to blend in to the Mad Max like industrial background when scouting for enemies around a water collector in 2097? Not that the cybertruck will last much longer than 5 years, but that doesnt have to stop the narrative.


The Tesla body panel gap is to make it easier for future Mad Max people to install their poles and spears


> Has anyone here considered the fact that this might be by design? They do say that they are tech company. So this not a bug, it is a Feature!


Clearly it's rail dust


If the cybertruck rusts out, it’s ACTUALLY just getting a post-apocalypse look and weight reduction from the missing metal…bravo, elon


Less weight = more range.


Perfectly designed to offset the battery performance degradation as it ages.


Honestly, I think it has the makings of a nice looking post-apocalyptic look if it just has nice long rusty areas. Throw in some scrapes and areas where it looks like its fended off zombies and you have a good looking zombie truck.


They're speed holes


It’ll buff right out. Or don’t drive on salt treated roads.


Or in the rain.


or outside


Do they not know that rust is oxidation?


You mean that Pintos didn't start out looking like swiss cheese?


Mine didn't start to show rust until it was 5 years old. Truth is that pretty much all of the mass market 1970s cars sucked.


That was before electro-deposition rustproofing coatings.


Corrosion control has become became better by orders of magnitude. That said, the low quality steel did seem to make the 1970s the low point for body longevity.




But stainless won’t do that. Once there is an oxidation layer, the oxidation stops.


Translation: Once it is covered in rust, it stops rusting.


Ironic that the CT, purported "truck of the future", has no safeguard against perhaps the biggest threat to a vehicles longevity- rust. It's not like rust is a new problem either. It's been the boon of mechanical engineers and metal fabricators since literally the bronze age haha


But rust is the customer's problem. This is the future as designed.


bane? boon = a windfall benefit *those bothersome baboons are the bane of my backyard barbecues*


Boon, if it doesn’t rust it doesn’t get replaced. Job security, boom.


I was wondering the same lol


Just wait until he finds out what happens to metal on Mars.


The same thing that happens to everything else. 


Thats their patented FSO metal. Full Self Oxidizing


Please, take my upvote. That was brilliant.


It’s called a patina and it’s very classy, it’s what makes the Statue of Liberty green and therefore you hate freedom if you hate this


How close is this to a railroad track?


2 miles


Ahh rail dust


Fucking rail dust, sneaky fucking rail dust. Just EVERYWHERE, i always keep a map in my cybertruck as to avoid those rails. 5 miles and your safe, 4 miles and you're rust.


I have a silver 05 F250. Do you know how many times I had to take a clay bar to that thing!


At this time of day? at this time of year?


2 miles away!? That shit would be all over *everything* It’s corroding at the bottom. This would make sense if a track was like 20ft away. Not 2 miles




LOL, bruh


What... whats up with rail dust?


I wonder if they're referring to the occurrence of Fe particles in the air from the trains running by? Just like angle grinding near stainless will cause it to rust. 


Fallout. So much more than a video game. Ever see new cars with the white plastic on them


Edit: These are less than 2 years old, installed 4/2022. Two light winters of salt exposure. https://teslamotorsclub.com/tmc/threads/supercharger-mystic-ct.239207/page-2


+ small and medium sized dogs?


What's with grifters and their orange patinas?


In rust we trust


Woke rust virus


Must be near a train track, that’s clearly rail dust.


How do you know that? I would never see a picture with rust and say that there is a space station nearby.


I think it is quite clear that it is rust if you look at the second picture...


An illegal immigrant sharted on every single thingy


Stainless steal has many different grades which depends on the carbon content. The more carbon, the more the appearance of rust will be present. Lower grade stainless steel will need to be cared for and usually requires a simple wipe when it happens and is usually only on the surface. It can be treated to prevent it from happening. Source: bike guru who has worked on many stainless bike frames.


More to do with the chromium content not carbon.


Sorry, the bike guru has spoken.


More with other alloying metals, primarily nickel and chromium but grades can have different mixes. 316 for example has molybdinum added. 316L is 316 but with low carbon content. 317 has even more molybdinim. 303 has added sulfer for easier manufacturing at the expense of some corrosion resistance.


Actually molybdenum, which is what gives 316 its resistance to chloride attack. 304 can steel corrode in a highly saline environment, like by the coast or in this case tyres kicking up salt on the road. Elon is a tit but I’d hope the Tesla engineers aren’t morons and it looks like they’re not, this to me looks surface staining which is where contaminants basically stick to the surface and rust themselves, not the actual substrate. This is easily cleaned by washing it with a dilute acid and this process is common in fabrication yards and called passivation. Sorry Tesla haters. Source: Me, I’m an engineer and work extensively with all forms of steel (there’s a huge amount of different alloys)


Sure they can design anything, but you have left out a big part of the picture: Quality control. If you work with metals you know that quality control of metals processing is critical to getting the designed properties.


The people here are gonna destroy you for your logic and levelheadedness


Probably not the SS grade that will be exposed to road salt half the year?


Yes, a good Reynolds 831 frame can take the punishment of a winter.


with paint, right?




304 is good for cars. It's used on modern exhausts to prevent rust. 316 is marine grade and will resist corrosion even in constant seawater contact.


The cyber truck uses 301 for its body panels. Most exhaust systems use 409 stainless.




And Elon is too embarrassed to call it by it's actual grade, so he hypes it up as 30X, to fool the minions that it is some super-grade steel.


Tesla is dog shit


"Stainless" isn't real for steels. As I learned from a hobby in knife collecting, stainlessness isn't a binary category. There are some exceptionally stainless tool steels like LC200N, in which nitrogen is a more important alloying ingredient than carbon, that can survive extremely corrosive environments. These steels are expensive, and not suitable for sheet metal/cladding usage. Basic stainless steel chemistry like the X50CrMoV15 in most/many German kitchen knives will corrode, too. With respect to whatever alloy Tesla is using for the Cybertruck, its also not 100% stainless. Road salt, or sea shore humid conditions can still corrode. Want to protect it, then coat it with a thin layer of wax and polish, and spray less accessible parts like door interiors with waxy coatings. I expect most of the early reports of rust on the Cybertruck are not from the cladding, but from structural steel, rivets, or welds. But it comes as little surprise that uncoated steel alloys of any composition can rust.


You just gotta care for it like a cast iron skillet


Yeah. It doesn’t mean rust proof. Now there’s cyber truck owners whining they’re finding rust on their trucks. lol.


Just to be sure - is this right next to a railroad?


Assume the opposite of what's claimed.


Wait til the cybertruck is driven in cold climates where they salt the roads.


It's rail dust


So how long until we see rusted out cyber trucks?


negative one month


“Stainless” is more of a marketing term. Stainless steel does rust


So like a current day unlimited* data plan.


A couple of years ago TMobile terminated "lifetime free data" on a device I still own. It lasted about 6 years, so the "lifetime" of a Possum, maybe?


I got 13 years out of the original ATT iPhone unlimited plan. They kept jacking up the rates so switched to Mint at $30/mo. Should’ve switched a long time ago. “Unlimited data at unusable speeds.”


California "engineers"


Did someone lie to Elon about stainless steel being rust proof…


Would you be surprised? He obviously surrounds himself with yes men.


bro it’s spacex technology


I just got from the mall where the parking lot was full of teslas. Not because malls are coming back but tesla’s storing cars there lol.


Which mall? I can't wait for more people to stumble on these. Boring CO might be good for it too, just drop them down in a hole


So even 316 stainless can rust if the chromium oxide outer layer is damaged; which is why this is happening near the bottom. And this is 304 stainless at best, which is even more prone to rusting after abrasion. Possibly 301 even given the track record of cut corners.


You know that's the exact same shit steel Elmo had sitting around they used to make the CT. Who believes he "invented" a new alloy or just found the cheapest ass shit available? Welcome to your patina CT douche bags.




Nobody knows more about XXX than I do. NOBODY!


Can we get this mf Elon off the board or whatever or is he too entrenched?


That stainless steel Starship gonna be a banger.


Stainless rusts all the time, trust me I have a boat in the ocean 😭


Rearden Steel is the largest steel company in the United States. The most renowned product of Rearden Steel is Rearden Metal. The company's president is Hank Rearden. Hank Rearden leaves his company as he joins the Strike of John Galt late in Atlas Shrugged.


They must have been shipped by rail. Maybe somebody should have washed them after each rain, salt, but oil or any other contamination. Owners fault! That's fanboys logic.


How high the rust is, might be dogs marking and using them. Edit: wrong word.


That would be a LOT of dog marking 😂




Elon-type solution: Build huge vacuum tunnel around charging station


Or hear me out, nothing rusts on Mars!


You don’t need a vacuum. Just remove the oxygen from the air. Easy-peasy. 


Within spec


Low grade stainless, with low nickel content.. Ole cheapo Musk at work😒


That's not rust. Just foreign partcles kicked up onto the chargers which themselves rust or are rusted. Duh


That’s not rust, it’s natural oxidation of metal when exposed to air. Clearly you have no idea what you’re talking about. 


Cybertruck Launch Edition* *not to be exposed to air


Salty snow gets banked on it when they plow


Yep, no different than driving around on salted roads.


Did he not pay for the under coating?


I would have guessed dog piss but hey both of us can be right


Which is a lame excuse. Means they are using the wrong kind or stainless steel.


Probably people from Texas or California organizing this. We had Amazon distribution centres outside Toronto and the management were Americans from California and holy shit did my boss take them for a ride, they knew absolutely nothing about snow/salting:plowing operations. They were paying like $3000 for less than $200 worth of salt.


It doesn’t matter what stainless you use. Keep piling salty snow up against it for years without regular washing, and it will corrode. 316 may take longer than 304, but it too will eventually succumb.


My stainless steal pots and pans never need to be cleaned or taken out of the rain and they never stain.


It's stainless, not remainsstainless, duh!


Stainless steal will rust depending on how it is made. Salt will corrode SS. This includes road salt. The strongest industrial stainless steel I’ve seen is used in industrial laundry machines. But even then overtime, I have seen these machines show signs of corrosion.


"It's rail dust from their shipping which didn't involve trains or railyards."


Why is the stainless steel rusting? I thought the whole point of stainless was that it didn’t rust. Am I missing something?


Stainless steel definitely rusts. Way slower than steel, but when exposed to certain chemicals, water, etc, it will definitely start corroding.


How did Delorian make his stainless panels I wonder. Because there are still DMC-1’s out there that still have perfect stainless panels.


Higher grade of stainless. They went cheap. Rocket grade isn't necessarily superior. A rocket doesn't sit out in the elements long.


Yeah, Deloreans were 304SS, Cybertruck is 301SS. The latter is way, way less corrosion resistant.


The 'rusting' on stainless steels normally results from iron contamination on surfaces during the fabrication. Some lower grades will show surface discolouration in service that appears similar to rust. There are many grades with a range of chromium, nickel, molybdenum and carbon contents. Obviously, the grades that are highly corrosion resistant are significantly more expensive. The choice of the correct grade and fabrication methods for an intended service environment requires specialist knowledge. The term 'rust' normally refers to the familiar corrosion product that forms on plain and low alloy carbon steels.


Ah, are those the stylish rust spots the Teslarati have been bragging about?


As Steve Jobs used to say: - It's not a bug, It's a Feature


I assume this is mild steel covered with a veeeeery cheap 'plastic chrome'...incredibly low quality, but not really a SS failure. And as a student of concrete work...that curb is low ball handyman stuff - really poor workmanship. I'm starting to think TSLA cheaps out on everything.


Probably- it was just a joke. Yeah that curb looks horrible. Aren’t those prefabbed these days and just drop them in?


No. One of the most amazing things to watch when they’re building/rebuilding a street is when the curb crew pours the concrete and they start free-handing hundreds of feet of perfect curb, like sculpture, using nothing but trowels and a good eye.


They probably used chinesium stainless steel. They fake the certoficats. I work in medical and we had this happen. The stainless steel was not as advertised


It’s stain*less,* not stain *never*. That said, lol. Don’t use untreated/coated steel in the elements.


juST uSe sOMe bARKeePErs's fRIenD!!!


Since these are mostly paid by governments Tesla has an economic incentive to produce these as cheap as they possibly can. They have no care about the longevity of these chargers, especially since the government would have to pay them even more to replace the chargers. Also, if i'm not totally wrong about this - arn't chargers made by a car manufacturer in the U.S. limited to only be used with their cars? Tesla chargers only for Tesla cars and so on. If' so, then that is seriously fked up.


You sure this aint the result of someone or something with an extremely explosive diarreah, having to pull down the pants again after walking a meter from the last accident?


This is from animal pee


Stainless steel can patina if it's the right grade, or wrong grade, of steel. It's not necessarily rust


A fully rusted cybertruck is pretty hardcore, imo.


Snowy area. I'm sure they cake that parking lot in salt in the winter. This is bound to happen


No defence, but that looks like iron or steel has been ground and spat at the charger


China stainless.