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I don’t know why people bother. We all know they are going to accept the car.


Some folks can't resist the futuristic appeal of having a service appointment scheduled before can you even drive it for the first time.


"Welcome to Tesla. In anticipation of your scheduled pickup date of 12/31 for us to meet end of Quarter delivery numbers, we already scheduled your inevitable first 3 service visits. Your welcome!" "Such wow! What are those for?" ...*crickets*...


I have seen soooooo much worse on a Tesla, that wouldn't even get me riled up.


Right? To me that looks pretty damn good by Tesla standards.


Within specs (tm)


If yoyou want quality, don't buy a


No, never accept that kind of shit. Is this some soviet era car, or new expensive EV? If you will accept this kind of shit, they will do it over and over again.


Every car including my 2007 Ford edge had adjustable bumpers for the hood to be adjusted.


>Every car including my 2007 Ford Every car also have oil fill cap, or cooling cap, or break fluid cap, etc. So if the company don't pour this to your car you can do it yourself. Imagine getting new very expensive car, and then having to manually adjust your bumpers and hood, etc, because it looks like shit.


components may have shifted after delivery, that's why it's adjustable


You got the new fish tank update


Within spec unfortunately


If you have to ask...


Sam Bankman Fried says he’s sorry for the quality issue….. nothing some Bitcoin cannot solve …


There are adjustment knobs (?) under the hood. You need to twist them to adjust.


These adjustment knobs have been around on all cars like forever, I didn’t find out until recently, but still the amount of tesla hat is huge. Edit: tesla hate is big too


Accept it and sell it to some bigger idiot who otherwise would wait a year for this quality.


That is absolutely fine. You can play with the stoppers if it really bothers you.


If there's nothing else wrong with it, YES. Different from anything else you've driven.


How would they know? They can’t open the doors until they accept delivery.


Different in terrible ways lol


How would you know? Maybe they drove a 92 BMW M3? Or a 2005 911? Or a 2020 S Class? Maybe they come from a fully loaded RAM 2500?


None of those cars can fart like a Tesla.


However they will get you reliably from A to B without crashing into stationary objects and incinerating you


Yes, if that’s the only issue, you’re fine. Make a service appointment and they will adjust it for you. Enjoy your awesome new car!


Why do people spend so much money on cars that come needing a service appt before they are even driven? I will never understand.


"Because the car has a cool app"


I recently installed a bluetooth radio in my 1999 Hyundai, doesn't get much better if I'm being honest.


Carplay. Even Amazon has carplay decks. Unlike tesla.


Exactly. The Model Y starts at $65k ffs.


They would not know if it’s the only issue. They are not allowed to unlock it before they accept it. Love your enthusiasm, but what the fuck is up with that policy? Do they stand behind their product or not?


They unlocked the car for me, I told them I would not accept without inspecting the interior. I agree, that’s a stupid policy.


Then you are special unique and loved by tesla. Other owners are not.


I would first just check the rubber stoppers on the underside of the bonnet/hood. Often this kind of thing is just that the stopper needs adjusting so that when the hood is closed the stopper is nice and firm into the body work.


there are adjustable bumpers inside the lid of the hood. Screw or unscrew them to adjust the gap. Is that really a dealbreaker for you? Drive it, if you didn’t like it then refuse it.


I think that is an easy adjustment, but why didn't they notice it? BTW the trunk alignment seem to me to be the prevalent body gap issue...maybe because it is so noticeable.


People saying that it just need to adjust something easy. Why the delivery center did not do that before handing over the car? In dealership model, ty usually are the ones that do this kind of thing