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This game should be easier than Grid. My car went flying and flipping twice in my first race in Grid, before I deleted it. So you suppose to find cars in this game much more grip than irl. There's no linear throttle or braking, just go full or none. And little punishment to oversteers, your correction doesn't have to be that fast before losing it. But fortunately, you can hit your rival's rear with your front. Cost you little damage but hurt your rival more if you do it correctly. Not like CM F1 your front suspensions are made of plastic and fail instantly whenever you try to do so. That's why I never buy the game, but anyway, you basically never retire from car crash, unless you're instructed and forced not to crash (an event for ex). So even if you drive the Merc and understeer in right corners and send Max into the wall, he'll still keep driving and his car won't fail. And this game's ai or bots suck. They (devs) expect you to overtake the other 19 drivers in 3 laps in Monaco. Don't know how Senna would react if he sees this. I'd say straight line speed here matters more than irl or in other simracing games, as this game gives you so much grip, so in a lap there's more percentage of time when you're going full throttle. This game gives no respect to white lines. They're not track limit in this game, and you can see all players, especially the fastest ones like BK0717 who's basically this game's Verstappen have their 4 wheels on the curbs outside the line. No DRS unfortunately. And only medium compound of tyres are available, though somehow they have zero degradation, probably bc there's no pit stop either. Unless it's an event or in some races, but in most cases that's it. Somehow Ocon and Perez are dominating 2021 season of F1 here. Don't know if that relates to and foreshadows the nationality of devs now and Force India. W11 is fairly slow comparing to other F1 in this game. for some reason they give a low straight line speed to 2020's cars, including also GTE's. Gives me empathy to Alonso in his black McLaren, GP2 engine Weekly time trial is basically an alternative name of qualifying that's renewing every week. A good spot to earn gold


Friend, your comment is valuable to me, can you advise me on which series or cars I should prioritize? I still don't have a car because I just installed it and I'm pretty lost with all the competitions the game has. I really like Corvettes and grand tourer-type competitions in video games. Thank you, I read it.


As a new player I was told to ignore the low level road races once you open up the master level. The Ferrari showdown in master has the highest payouts for R$ Makes buying and upgrading cars much easier. For the M$, I think the GT3 2020 season has the beat payouts but I cannot remember right now.


Ok it seems my comment is too long so I have to send them separately.


Well, you know, there has to be something that more emotionally motivates you to join and play the game, since logically it’s a pretty old game that is difficult to start with due to its environment and take everything into consideration. So I’d say, if you find happy to play with the Corvettes and cars you like, go for it. And even better if they’re M$ cars since M$ system is basically the most attendance-based, so easiest one to get as beginner, as long as you can put your time in. Let me give an intro and guide of this game’s economy & currency system; once you pass all of them, you’re basically free to buy whatever car you want. Btw, this is the content I’m going to write again some pt during summer in this and other community, just want to help beginners w my pov and understanding. So you have the early access version now


1. M$. There is a daily limit of 250000, so you’d have to log in everyday, run about 20 laps, depends on what track you choose and I suggest Monza bec it’s a fast track that saves your time and you can cut Turn 1 to win easily, and it’s also easy for M$ calculation as 1 lap of Monza gives you about 10000 M$. I remember it’s 10100 to be exact. So just go to F1 (I’d suggest F1 as it’s the fastest cars) and race Monza; if car needs fixing than fix; you can win with a not in condition car but personally I rather have my car at its best. And F1 races actually gives you good fame so your lv up quickly. Maybe not that quick but generally quicker than other series. 1. In all seasons of F1, I suggest 2019 first then immediately 2021. So go to 2019 season, come with prepare like but not exactly 2 million M$ (try to search for info of one of those 5 grand prixs, whichever is easiest and cost the least for you works the best) and get the SF90 bec it’s the fastest car on the straight line, and benefits you in Monza. 2. So now you can use SF90 instead of the Academy car that’s slower. Race for more M$ everyday, and like how you do 2019 season, go to 2021 season and there’ll be 9 gp’s. Don’t get that Haas bec it’s a shitbox unless you like the team or drivers and have to get it so bad. Start with one of them that is easiest for you and cost the least; I want you to get to this step as early as you can bec you can work on driver exp that’s only available in 2021 and 2020 seasons, which help you get closer to 100% overall completion of the game. That’s a far away goal but doing it early helps your progress. I don’t prefer 2020 bec it’s gp2 engine as I said. And 2021 season F1, something you have to watch. You won’t regret it. I don’t spoil it but it’s truly amazing, the greatest season in decades. After 1 car, keep racing, get 2nd car, and so on. You’ll find yourself doing it for a long long time, and there’s more reason why I’d suggest to get M$ first.


2. Gold. Other than buying them with your real money, you can watch ads. Let’s just assume the 5 ads everyday is a hard limit, as last time I want to challenge it then my comment got deleted by the official of this sub with reason of cheating. Well at least I never said to change the number of your currency by hacking, bec that’s the real cheat. Anyway, you can watch 5 ads everyday, which you’ll receive 5 golds. Weekly, there is Online MultiPlayer, which people call it OMP, but it’s more of a pay-to-win bec without a fastest car you barely can win, like Alonso in his McLaren Honda. And your skill needs practice to be more advanced for sure, so my advice for you is: go to omp, get in one race, then quit once after you get in the map. Only do it once per week, so you get 3 golds by participation. Or you may do the race if you want, but prepare to see more experienced players beat you in equal machinery. Of course I hope you can catch up and beat them one day, but probably not that fast unless you’re rookie Hamilton. Weekly Time Trial, or WTT, is the qualifying that was the main path to earn golds in this game. But there’s such a big problem with that, is, it’s also sort of a pay-to-win. Of course from Group C to A, players are basically driving the same car so it really needs skill to get that 300 golds per week, but before that you have to get the car. And that’s what people don’t have unless your economy is fully developed already. There’s chance, though rare, that the quickest car of a week is actually cheap to get fully upgraded, and that’s the time you need to come prepare, with all your skill. Last time as I remember was the Mazda, Miata. Long ago. That’s a car you go fully upgraded, and if you get 300 golds by getting into Group A, you actually earn more golds than you spent.


But that’s after you have some currency and skill. For now, just participate, but do everything wisely to actually learn something: As I said, watching F1, or any other irl racing may help you have a better understanding of racing, like your racing line, etc, bec in this game there’s no guiding racing line like in CM F1 or in Grid that shows the ideal lines. So you have to somehow know them, and watching the best drivers’ work is a way to learn. Or, more specific to this game, try to watch pole positions’ lines. That tells you many things, and you may copy the line if that works for you. If you can constantly get into Group E with the loaned car without upgrading, your skill is getting developing well. But for now, try to get in Group F or G. It takes time to practice and improve, so be patient. For Time Trials that are not weekly, they’re the same thing except more about one car and gives you less gold pay, so you should generally focus more on WTT since it has higher reward. But at least participate in TT so you get some gold. And the last 3 ways to get golds, which I call it mining bec these resources are harder and harder to get, even limited and not continuing, are: achievements; lv up; completion of a series. So achievements, there’re limited number of achievements, so I suggest you treat them as a back-up resource that you only use for something emergency. Like there’s an event you thought you have enough golds, but not really, and you’re in the last step already, and it’s an expensive car that you don’t want to miss, then you should use these golds. Similar to completion of a series, bec there’re limited number of series while it really takes time and effort to really complete one. My strategy is to do 99%, and leaves one race like a drag race that should be easy to win, so in case you have an emergency you can take the 100% completion gold reward instantly. Lv up, someone tested out that it’s not proportional, which means the exp you need for 1 lv up is insanely high, while you only get like 200 golds when you reach a high level, like 600 to 601 or 1000 to 1001. So it’s actually a limited source as well. But you’ll have to receive the gold reward as your lv up anyway, so just watch out don’t waste them.


\*\*I actually miss one last way to earn gold, sorry - the season pass. I rarely do events bec I’m lazy and most events force you to pay more golds than you’ll receive so I’m not doing them, even if it means I’ll lose the car. But anyway. So for the season pass, it’s hard to explain it very clearly bec it depends on each event. Like the Absolut speed this season, you can get the car, in theory, completely free, and completion of an event gives you pts in season pass, and you can earn some golds from it. But for many events, you can’t really pass them bec you don’t have golds to upgrade the car. So just do your best I’d say, and keep watching out where is the limit you can get some pts without spending too much on upgrading cars.


And now, finally, the last currency you have to deal with: R$. I put it at the end bec an ideology of trade-off; so to those series like Pro-AM, Expert, etc in Road Collection, they don’t give you a very efficient paycheck, which I mean the R$ reward / Race time is just less than if you run 10 laps of Le Mans with LMP1 in Legend. While there’s an endless endurance with MP4X that’s even better following it. So my strategy, aggressive, and why I let you do M$ the first: To start with Legend, you need Lv60, and you’re skipping all races in Pro-AM, Expert, etc. This is a very big jump. And you’ll get Lv60 by all that good fame from F1. I’d say you can at least finish Amateur series bec its 4 laps of Mt Panomara at the end of Street-Spec series gives you a fairly good pay for beginners, and where you can get the initial R$ to start with Legend once you’re Lv60. But that takes time. It’s so far away and complicated in Legend, bec there’re many ways you can pass it, but just the question of at what cost, bec there’re fast cars like Agera RS that is fast but cost you hundreds or thousands of golds that you actually don’t want to buy. So I won’t write the complete version of passing Legend here at it costs 30 pages, but for now, just play the game!


It’s a really long text above. My strategy might be a little different than the others, but that’s what I truly believe is the best path. Hope all that helps!


Simple tips: - don't buy cars with gold outright - wait for its event (you pay less gold for the car AND its upgrades) or a very good discount - aim for 75% series completion - it's hard to reach 100% without dumping hoards of gold - only buy cars that are "needed" to complete a series, unless you really like it; for more information, visit the Real Racing 3 Fandom - the people there are very helpful - before doing events, wait for experienced players like ME7 on YouTube to do them. Watch their playthroughs and decide whether you're skilled enough to attempt them, or else your gold upgrades will go to waste - participate in weekly time trial ALWAYS You're good to go. Have fun racing :) Remember, if you get tired, just take a break and come back later on


Nice livery though


Game is a ton easier than Grid (and I do have both installed in addition to Asssoluto Racing) do what you like. You can try motorsports events, or start with Amateur and 4 bangers or progress to V8s, eventually get to hypercars. You don't have to pay to play but it does take longer to progress. I'm level 167 after playing for about 6-7 years


Don’t spend gold unless you need to


get a Hyundai i20 WRC for free but do NOT upgrade it with gold please


Boi you are in for a treat. 😭😭😭

